Author Topic: Musing from the Fornit Idiot; DANNY BENNISON  (Read 366685 times)

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Re: Musing from the Fornit Idiot; DANNY BENNISON
« Reply #45 on: January 02, 2012, 01:15:49 PM »
Go away Danny. That's all anyone here wants

Go away, we don't like you. We hate your fucking guts

Some of us wish you would die

How does that make you feeeeeeeel?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Musing from the Fornit Idiot; DANNY BENNISON
« Reply #46 on: January 02, 2012, 02:39:17 PM »
Quote from: "Jeffery Gottlieb,Director of Elan"
Ah Doctor Newton , lol seems like we both have issues with spelling , never mind I knew that you meant insightful and not the word inciteful .

I would think that if you were incited from what I had written  you would be fairly angry .  Lol I realize this is not the case .

Yes the word scrapegoat lol does not exist. I meant to write the word scapegoat ,you know blaming a person for the sins of others , like a false conviction . In elan we used kids as scapegoats to focus the on going hatred caused by the very nature of being in  our program. A child would or person who was annoying or loud or just a little obnoxious  would be brought up on minor charges for some serious confrontation  by the house ,all the other residents . We would incite the house unbeknowst to them to really get in touch with their hatred and ,since the elan program  functioned by  creating  fear and pain it was very easy to get the residents riled up into a shark like feeding frenzy of anger and hatred that we would then have focused on the individual that we were using as a scapegoat at that particular time.

It was generally children and some adults that were not really liked by the  house as a whole ,the whole group of residents of  a given  house. We did this because first and formost , because it was fun for us as directors, you have no idea how powerful it made us feel ,we were gods in their eyes.  And like I said we could let the residents as a group blow off steam from simply just being in the pressure cooker atmosphere that we directors maintained. We did this in sometyhing called the general meeting s and the cowboy kickass and also sometimes the violence or hatered that we strove to create would escalate to the ring.

It also made the ones thinking about running away that if they did and god forbid got caught ,lol, they would know what would be heading down the pike. It was like a deterent to keep children from running away and the ones thast did ,and we caught most man o man did they pay. And usually we would use them as our new scapegoats.

The ring was the highest form of entertainment for us directors. Heck old Joe , hes dead so I can say this would want to be called when it was a big kid or adult being put in the ring. He liked to see the fights and lets say friendly wagers were made. Peter McCann went in the ring with a kid once a very big kid  , he was a director , the kid didn't even have a chance though  Peter just slammed that kid before he cold put up his arms ,got him off balance and then proceeded to work him like a 5 armed paper hanger.

Yeah those were the days, now don't get me wrong ,some kids like Burt Tookywitz ,lol he was the one that set fire to the house in Sebago late late 73 and man when Joe got him finally to Poland Springs and asked him "Burt  you burned my house down ?" and then Joe said Burt why you'd burn my house down and Burt said you all are crazy sick fuckers , now Newton that kid got worked over .  He was no scapegoat . He was guilty. He got crushed ,wonder we didn't get him killed, like that other kid Phil.

Scapegoats were used to give the houses someone to vent the anger on for simply being in elan . They scapegoats were usually weaker in spirit and usually dimunitive in size. Like for instasnce Chris HoneyBadger. Now he was a tiny kid. So many of them were ,a few were women like Jennifer Stamler who I spoke to you about in an earlier post. I hope I have cleared this up for you.

Marty has a great story about a kid and the word scapegoat, though I doubt he will ever tell it cause he is more worried about prison ,lol, I keep telling him they can't touch us ,don't worry about it . but any way Marty Kruglik has a great story about how he abused a kid over that word and man it backfired in his face.

We would use anything to make these childrens lives a pure living hell. It was fun Doctor Newton. We went home at night. We got paid for it which was truly amazing. The sicker the stuff we thought up for these kids the better it was for us. Sleep deprivation ,man we co uld make these kids hallucinate from lack of sleep. The residents  had a word for it they called it getting "twisted".

Hope this answers your question Doctor Newton.


Hmm seems like we get more from this character about Elan than we could ever or ever have for that matter from that  Danny Bennison.  I knew this was going to be an informative and interesting thread, from  a topic that is very much true  Danny Bennison has been the fornit  elan  idiot for over what two years now.

Its funny how he has a book written about him ,just like Joe Ricci. Except Ricci pulled off the biggest con in the USA that lasted almost 40 years. The book written about Danny Bennison just showed the world what type of person Joe Ricci employed in his program ,and bless Danny Bennison's little golden heart , yes its yellow and heavy, he proved to the whole wide world of survivors that he has not changed one bit from when he worked there.

Still it is sad that because of Joe Ricci and the masters of hell that ran elan , they  caused such  irreparable harm to so many people  and families ,all because of simple deciet  and greed. This deciet is exactly what we have seen over the years from Danny Bennison, trying Keep the myth alive that elan was not a brutal place, any way possible.

Danny Bennison has done one thing positive by being who he is, unwittingly albeit ,he has shown parents just what type of sick ,deviant, inhuman freak could be working over their child. Danny Bennison  you have done this all by yourself. Parents every where I know thank you.

The survivors of these horrible programs  that have been working to expose these programs and what type of sick, violent  deviant crazy  inhuman people that  work in these places for over 15 years  also  thank you. Honestly you have made the effort worth it and it that much easier.

I know I have been watching.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Musing from the Fornit Idiot; DANNY BENNISON
« Reply #47 on: January 02, 2012, 02:47:10 PM »
Danny has done a lot of advocacy for program survivors. He is a beacon of light for the child being abused in programs today

He is there last hope, and God could not have left a more compassionate and capable man to lead the charge against abuse

That offsets his abuse of naysayers like you people
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Musing from the Fornit Idiot; DANNY BENNISON
« Reply #48 on: January 02, 2012, 02:57:42 PM »
Quote from: "Martin The Russian Jew Indian"
Danny has done a lot of advocacy for program survivors. He is a beacon of light for the child being abused in programs today

He is there last hope, and God could not have left a more compassionate and capable man to lead the charge against abuse

That offsets his abuse of naysayers like you people

I laughed so hard that I am still laughing and I think I  just sharted myself  and pissed myself seriously I think I just shit in my pants...this is some funny shit ,no pun intended,  hell you all know  I can't make puns anyway what ever they are.....god dam that shit stinks ,dam I am laughing  still and  I am just pooping away in my pants , Aww what the hell thats some really funny shit ,just had to share.

thyanks for reading if ya did :shamrock:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Musing from the Fornit Idiot; DANNY BENNISON
« Reply #49 on: January 02, 2012, 03:15:54 PM »
...............When you laugh so hard that you loose all bladder and bowel control


It is called a peesharte.

The e at the end of the word is silent .

It is french for pissing and shitting uncontrollably due to bouts of extreme laughter.............
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Musing from the Fornit Idiot; DANNY BENNISON
« Reply #50 on: January 02, 2012, 03:19:28 PM »
Quote from: "Uhm Banny Bennison for your info"
...............When you laugh so hard that you loose all bladder and bowel control


It is called a peesharte.

The e at the end of the word is silent .

It is french for pissing and shitting uncontrollably due to bouts of extreme laughter.............

sorry Danny Bennison  didn't mean to misspell your name.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Musing from the Fornit Idiot; DANNY BENNISON
« Reply #51 on: January 02, 2012, 06:00:00 PM »
Quote from: "Danny Bennison Abusing Straight Inc Survivors"

by DannyB II » 25 Sep 2011, 20:46
This is a perfect example of Straight Inc survivors showing fornits and really the rest of us just how biased, hypercritical and abusive they can be towards someone they don't like. I have had to endure this abuse from many who belong to this forum. If you were to follow Froderik on his travels around the TTI circuit this guy is way out in front screaming the loudest about justice for survivors.
I am a survivor who has been defamed and maliciously slandered and you would think Forederik at the very least would way the evidence and let it sift to see where it is going but No!! he has to ridicule.
Guys I am sick and tired of the immaturity from seasoned members that say the are advocates for survivors. Well if you are then show it. You have no idea who Wayne is, if what he said is true, and if the
content of the book is accurate. Your only relationship with Wayne is on the internet. No one has come forward to state this book is factual, no one.
Now you can say the same for me no one has come forward to authenticate what I am saying. But here is one tidbit that Wayne doesn't have, many folks here besides Wayne know I went to Elan and they are not saying things like he is saying nor are they endorsing or agreeing with him. They know for a damn fact I never committed any of these atrocities Wayne has alleged.
This book has taken me a while to get right with and decide what it was I needed to do. Well I am committed to clearing my name and I am asking for fairness, Froderik just think if someone was doing this to you. I am asking Straight Survivors to just consider a truce and allow me to straighten this out.
I am not asking you to get behind me but why can't you just stand beside me and see where this goes. That is all I am asking. My facts will be put forth as I know them. I think you will find what I have to say is credible and with substance.
Thanks Danny

 Froderik this is what I am referring to.

Re: It is the gay Indian in my cupboard

New postby Froderik » Today, 11:17 am

 Dethgurl wrote:

 elanasshole wrote:Danny Bennison theme song - It is the gay Indian in my cupboard

I am the author of this book, and want to clear something up. This is not Danny's book. This is a dream a Elan survivor had. It's a memoir of that dream, and will sell under non fiction

Thanks for reading if you did
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Musing from the Fornit Idiot; DANNY BENNISON
« Reply #52 on: January 02, 2012, 06:06:02 PM »
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Musing from the Fornit Idiot; DANNY BENNISON
« Reply #53 on: January 02, 2012, 06:07:35 PM »
You people is trippin
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Musing from the Fornit Idiot; DANNY BENNISON
« Reply #54 on: January 02, 2012, 09:34:07 PM »
Quote from: "Pants in a ball on the front seat. Underwear down to your knees"
You people is trippin


........Danny Bennison wishes he was trippin

....................and when we say break down ,Danny Bennison wishes to God almighty that he was only trippin.

...............fuck that white boy nigga assisant director Danny Bennison fool. will pray that you were trippin Danny Bennison. that be  the color of blood on your hands sucka fool.

.....It is reality Danny Bennison , how many residents you know killt  themselves because of  the mindfucken house o' pain.

.....How many were your charges nigga. Feel me nigga. Danny Bennison you were a sick fucken bastard.

...Elan out

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Musing from the Fornit Idiot; DANNY BENNISON
« Reply #55 on: January 02, 2012, 10:14:22 PM »
Elan sounds like it wasn't as effective as other residential treatment programs
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Musing from the Fornit Idiot; DANNY BENNISON
« Reply #56 on: January 02, 2012, 10:43:45 PM »
Quote from: "Danny Bennison wishes he was"
Quote from: "Pants in a ball on the front seat. Underwear down to your knees"
You people is trippin


........Danny Bennison wishes he was trippin

....................and when we say break down ,Danny Bennison wishes to God almighty that he was only trippin.

...............fuck that white boy nigga assisant director Danny Bennison fool. will pray that you were trippin Danny Bennison. that be  the color of blood on your hands sucka fool.

.....It is reality Danny Bennison , how many residents you know killt  themselves because of  the mindfucken house o' pain.

.....How many were your charges nigga. Feel me nigga. Danny Bennison you were a sick fucken bastard.

...Elan out


look Marty and I have more blood on our hands than  Marc Rosenberg and you  combined ,fuck that idiot Kenmy  Zaretzky , he's dead ,notice how we didn't sign his death book , keepin it on the down low,  and because we have Bill Diamond in our pockets ,we are fucking protected , fucking protected you see, Danny Bennison they can't touch us ,  they just can't touch us.They can try ,Marty thinks they will but thats because he is a punk bitch , by the way he apologizes for bitch slappin you that day , all those years ago.

Well actually they might be able to touch us thru  you, Danny Bennison ,cause you have become a bit of an embarressment to us former  Directors of elan ,why couldn't you have taken the fake high road like your buddy and old fart Marc Rosenberg did and just plead the I was just brainwashed   thats why I worked there ,peace and love to every one and please forgive me for being as child abuser, you know, the I couldn't help it act. God damit Danny Bennison , it worked for him  You know it worked for him ,shit.

But nooooo you have to go off half cocked like a idiot, that brought a stick to a gunfight. Why you gotta go and spoils it for all of us. Jeez us christ you are a freaking idiot.

You know Sharon Terry and Bill are getting pissed at your bullshit ,you were told exactly as to what to do. Marty is freaking climbing the walls. I gotta reasure him on a constant basis , and you know how needy that bitch can be, he is convinced that he is going to prison when the shit finally hits the fan,he is really scared that there's gonna be a knock at the door. And that the cops are gonna arrest him for being a serial child abuser.

Blood mother fucken Danny Bennison don't you realize how much  fucken blood  we have on our hands. There are people dead because of us , don't you fucken get it. Marty is freakin along with Sharon and Bill , and you know you are just as guilty.

Personally for me I don't care ,I'm gonna be dead soon , shit maybe dying in prison  won't be a hard way to go. I'm dying anyway and you know that. Really Danny Bennison why you got to be such a wide open asshole. We have talked with you about this before , are you really the fornit idiot.

jeez we had it so freakin good , it was fun  all those years and now look what you have done Danny Bennison.Its the money Gwad the money ,we made so much fucken money , and you know survivors can smell it. Like fucken zombies they are always after the money. Danny Bennison you are fucken wit our monies .  

And asshole, Whooters Ghost  we were a  very effective as cult center , hell we abused them , brainwashed them ,got them to believe  that the serial  abuse was good for them and then if they had any problems afterwards we just let them kill themselves ,problem solved, in a way that I am sure you wouldn't understasnd we kinda promoted  Problem was that some of these former residents were much more resilient than we thought and they actually woke up and realized what happened to them was fucken criminal and sick. and low and be hold they didn't commit suicide .

We didn't count for that .

And well we had to take actions, like do a little dance cause those former survivors of our elan hell can't fucken touch us. Of course we had to do other things beside dance , but now we do a little dance .

It maybe closed but we made mother fucken bank.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Musing from the Fornit Idiot; DANNY BENNISON
« Reply #57 on: January 03, 2012, 12:09:02 AM »
While it intrigues me that Gerald Davidson walked away from his half of 10 to 15 million dollars a year, I'm curious as to where the money went. 10 to 15 million here and 10 to 15 million there, and it adds up to real money.

Sharon Terry doesn't have a half billion dollars

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Musing from the Fornit Idiot; DANNY BENNISON
« Reply #58 on: January 03, 2012, 12:26:04 AM »
we had expenses....hell if REO Speedwagon can snort  up an airplane ,imagine what our expenses were. and thats all I am going to say about this.

 let me give a shout out to my boy Danny Bennison , hey if you make your words bigger and  darker , it doesn't make you any more fucken righter . That basterd really is the fornit idiot , isn't he. you know he is a lurking..

Speaking of lurking , we  had one assistant director that was a peeper, he also had a seriously underage girlfriend. uhhu  considering he was an adult by a few years  and she was 16, he had her come up to Poland while he was a resident. Thats a story for another time. Old  Sally raised hell about that. Like I said thats another story for another time.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Musing from the Fornit Idiot; DANNY BENNISON
« Reply #59 on: January 03, 2012, 08:42:38 AM »
by DannyB II » 10 Oct 2011, 20:30

There will be no courts, lawyers or judges at this time. Why??? Because I enjoy not being made to look like a idiot. The Attorney General of Maine is not interested in Wayne Kernochan (or whoever it is) and his felonious accusations unless I am inclined to prosecute. To publicly slander some one with the allegations Wayne has done is beyond reckless. It is unbelievable.
All anyone has to do is follow Waynes comments concerning me the last few weeks and you will see the unstable and disorientated remarks. He first attacked my family, then my friends (saying he was going to tell all my facebook friends that I raped Yvette), then Wayne moved on to a full fledged assault of convincing everyone I raped Yvette. He said that I had alluded to this in a email because I said, "I have a Thing for Yvette. He then went on to say I molested Willie and another young man. He saved himself for last and told us that I had sodomized him.
I have had legal experts read this site and just about every other site Wayne is on (including your secret sites, not everyone is your friend). A prosecuting attorney has read all of this garbage. All I can say Wayne (or whoever it is) is take your next best move.
Perjury is a felony.

No one has lost any sleep over this bullshit.

I will have nothing more to say about courts and lawyers because I see no need at this time for either.
Remember this is the internet anyone can say anything.
I am not impressed.

Take care and thanks.

Last edited by DannyB II on 13 Oct 2011, 21:19, edited 1 time in total.

We are at a loss for words, because we are laughing so hard.

The man Danny Bennison is talking about wrote a book about elan. It will have been out a year in March of this year.Why you have no fondness for the Man who made you famous is beyond us.

what is very telling Danny Bennison is that you seem to think that defending yourself against heinous deviant child abuse charges will cause you to look like WHAT an idiot.  the sentence I refer to comes after your emphatic WHY???. As you ask the reason why you will not defend yourself from these very serious child abuse allegation.

Are you subconciously saying that you are afraid of being found guilty? sorry thats not really a fair question for Danny Bennison because he is so very much in driven that he is not aware of the subconcious nature of being human. ah a better question Danny Bennison are you guilty? And you are really afraid of being found guilty in a court of law of these most heinous charges.

Too funny if not for the most sick and disgusting nature of those charges , that  you instead  decided to debate ,as in your rebutting of these charges. This was a profound leap in your proving that indeed you are the fornit idiot. how has that worked out for you Danny Bennison.

Danny would you say the book ,that prior to being published ,you had stated that you and your team of lawyers were going castigate  Wayne Kernochan and you ,yourself would be throughly vindicated, while Wayne Kernochan was going to be exposed as the scurrilous, unscruppled bastard ,that you exclaimed him to be.

Danny Bennison would you say that the book is a very accurate portraly of you and elan ?  You accepted it as truth at one point , why the flip/flop. Yes  we are still waiting for your grand rebuttal to this book , Danny Bennison,with  baited breath.

What say you fornit idiot?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »