Author Topic: Musing from the Fornit Idiot; DANNY BENNISON  (Read 366476 times)

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Re: Musing from the Fornit Idiot; DANNY BENNISON
« Reply #60 on: January 03, 2012, 08:54:12 AM »
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Musing from the Fornit Idiot; DANNY BENNISON
« Reply #61 on: January 03, 2012, 09:04:02 AM »
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Musing from the Fornit Idiot; DANNY BENNISON
« Reply #62 on: January 03, 2012, 09:21:14 AM »
Quote from: "Danny Bennison ,the words of the Idiot Supreme"
by DannyB II » 10 Oct 2011, 20:30

There will be no courts, lawyers or judges at this time. Why??? Because I enjoy not being made to look like a idiot. The Attorney General of Maine is not interested in Wayne Kernochan (or whoever it is) and his felonious accusations unless I am inclined to prosecute. To publicly slander some one with the allegations Wayne has done is beyond reckless. It is unbelievable.
All anyone has to do is follow Waynes comments concerning me the last few weeks and you will see the unstable and disorientated remarks. He first attacked my family, then my friends (saying he was going to tell all my facebook friends that I raped Yvette), then Wayne moved on to a full fledged assault of convincing everyone I raped Yvette. He said that I had alluded to this in a email because I said, "I have a Thing for Yvette. He then went on to say I molested Willie and another young man. He saved himself for last and told us that I had sodomized him.
I have had legal experts read this site and just about every other site Wayne is on (including your secret sites, not everyone is your friend). A prosecuting attorney has read all of this garbage. All I can say Wayne (or whoever it is) is take your next best move.
Perjury is a felony.

No one has lost any sleep over this bullshit.

I will have nothing more to say about courts and lawyers because I see no need at this time for either.
Remember this is the internet anyone can say anything.
I am not impressed.

Take care and thanks.

Last edited by DannyB II on 13 Oct 2011, 21:19, edited 1 time in total.

We are at a loss for words, because we are laughing so hard.

The man Danny Bennison is talking about wrote a book about elan. It will have been out a year in March of this year.Why you have no fondness for the Man who made you famous is beyond us.

what is very telling Danny Bennison is that you seem to think that defending yourself against heinous deviant child abuse charges will cause you to look like WHAT an idiot.  the sentence I refer to comes after your emphatic WHY???. As you ask the reason why you will not defend yourself from these very serious child abuse allegation.

Are you subconciously saying that you are afraid of being found guilty? sorry thats not really a fair question for Danny Bennison because he is so very much in driven that he is not aware of the subconcious nature of being human. ah a better question Danny Bennison are you guilty? And you are really afraid of being found guilty in a court of law of these most heinous charges.

Too funny if not for the most sick and disgusting nature of those charges , that  you instead  decided to debate ,as in your rebutting of these charges. This was a profound leap in your proving that indeed you are the fornit idiot. how has that worked out for you Danny Bennison.

Danny would you say the book ,that prior to being published ,you had stated that you and your team of lawyers were going castigate  Wayne Kernochan and you ,yourself would be throughly vindicated, while Wayne Kernochan was going to be exposed as the scurrilous, unscruppled bastard ,that you exclaimed him to be.

Danny Bennison would you say that the book is a very accurate portraly of you and elan ?  You accepted it as truth at one point , why the flip/flop. Yes  we are still waiting for your grand rebuttal to this book , Danny Bennison,with  baited breath.

What say you fornit idiot?

We have been watching and wondering the samething . We thank you for have the intestinal fortitude  to ask the hard and challenging qestions that many  people have for  this Danny Bennison , character. Its the elephant in the room syndrome, every one sees it but no one wants to say anything about it.

Only in this , its the sickness  in the room, that  has been condoned by people to afraid to question it. It is the  most  vile and disgusting aspect of rubbernecking .  

The allegations against Danny Bennison are very sick and very  serious, everyone looks and then goes back to buttering their bread. We thank you again for asking the questions.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Musing from the Fornit Idiot; DANNY BENNISON
« Reply #63 on: January 03, 2012, 09:32:54 AM »
Who is Danny Bennison? He sent me a message on Face Book and he sounds like a whacko
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Musing from the Fornit Idiot; DANNY BENNISON
« Reply #64 on: January 03, 2012, 09:37:25 AM »
He's a sack of shit dear. I should know, I gave birth to the little bastard
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Musing from the Fornit Idiot; DANNY BENNISON
« Reply #65 on: January 03, 2012, 09:38:31 AM »
Is it true that he is a survivor?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Musing from the Fornit Idiot; DANNY BENNISON
« Reply #66 on: January 03, 2012, 09:41:46 AM »
He created survivors darling. For whatever reason.

Maybe it was the beatings his father gave him, which were bad. In hindsight, they're nothing compared to what he's done to others.

From a private message

No!!!!! I won't apologize for anything I've done to anyone. There was enough shit from 75-78 for me to have given a lifetime of nightmares to others

Thanks for reading if you did
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Musing from the Fornit Idiot; DANNY BENNISON
« Reply #67 on: January 03, 2012, 09:45:52 AM »
This is all sock puppets to discredit Danny. Good work Felice  :roflmao:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Musing from the Fornit Idiot; DANNY BENNISON
« Reply #68 on: January 03, 2012, 09:51:50 AM »
Quote from: "Felice Navidad"
This is all sock puppets to discredit Danny. Good work Felice  :roflmao:

Do you remember the primal meeting when you screamed about your father hating you, and beating you, and you said you thought he hated you because he wasn't really your father, and he and your mother fought about that all the time?

Danny Fucking Bennison, you say I'm a sock puppet, but you and me know different. I remember you, and you're the same angry sack of shit you were in 76-77

I also believe the sexual abuse accusations because that was the dig on you when you were gone.

Joe didn't fire any one for abuse

Except sexual abuse

He knew that shit would get Elan investigated
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Musing from the Fornit Idiot; DANNY BENNISON
« Reply #69 on: January 03, 2012, 12:48:11 PM »
You know it, Joe Ricci was no idiot, he knew how far he could take it. After that brilliant maneuver that he pulled on Mary Leahy and the State of Illinois, man it was beautiful, a masterpiece of a con. Those state people actually thought they were going to win, lol, they had no clue how or why the tables turned like they did. What was to have been a slam dunk by the State of Illinois turned into the biggest embarrassment for Leahy and her team.

It makes me laugh when I think about it, Joe out there telling the Portland newspapers that he was thinking about taking Leahy and the State of Illinois to court for libel and slander. I tell you Joe knew what he was doing; he pushed that con thru like a pro. Well that’s what he was in hindsight a professional confidence man.

Joe was just posturing when he said that he was gonna get a lawsuit against Leahy, it was a bluff. He would never have done it cause then it would have really opened up Elan to some scrutiny, Scrutiny that Joe felt he couldn't control. He had some things going on in Elan that he did not want to have come out. Lets just say some incidents that had happened, might have been a little too much for him to handle, in the scrutiny of the whole Elan deal. He knew when to bluff and when to push and parry. He was the most masterful confidence man I ever knew.

Yeah if Joe had lost that case, it would have been the end of Elan ,and shoot we would have more than likely all gone to prison. Yeah Joe Ricci had balls, sure he was also a sick mother fucker, though  he told us that it was gonna work out and that it was going to work out  to the point that we would be making money doing nothing except having fun doing what we liked doing , which was working those bratty kids, and state kids  over like as I said to Kenny Rustle  when he picked me up ,  in ways Hollywood couldn't even begin to imagine. Joe Ricci was a freakin visionary, hell he had some convinced that he was a god. No Shit I'm not kidding. He was that good.

Joe told us that if this thing of his worked against the State of Illinois that nobody would ever be able to touch us ever and that we would be able to make some major bank doing the most fun stuff in the world. He was right, that posturing at the end of the trial where he said he was thinking about suing Leahy and the state, was just the most brilliant and beautiful thing .He had such confidence in his scam ,that he knew when he  said this to the papers that no state would ever come unannounced and no state would ever think of challenging him. Beautiful I tell you just freaking beautiful.

Honestly I wish I could have seen Leahy's face when her world imploded. It a wonder she didn't go mental. She had the goods just not the kids, lol, Joe had them and really truly it was not about saving kids it was always about making bank. Money ,money ,money .

Yes sir Joe new when to cut his losses. I remember one time Lloyd Nulan, he had split, and man we had fun with him before he split, We made him wear a diaper,  stacked his bed  on a dining room table, we fucked up his stuff sideways to sundown , this was quite entertaining . Anyway Lloyd had split after he got off his shotdown and one day I'm in the office , The phone rings and the secretary  answered it , she said to Joe there is a Lloyd Nulan on the phone and man he was lighting quick ,  he told the secretary  to hand him the phone  in a voice loud enough so that Lloyd knew Joe was there and then ,as quick he was given the phone he grinned and  he simply just hung it up. Lol, and we never heard from Lloyd Nulan ever again.

Yeah Joe knew when to cut his losses. That con of his, man it protected us for almost 40 years until some of the residents, were rudely woken up from their brainwashing by that Skakel fiasco. Yeah that was a fiasco if there ever was fiasco. It opened up former residents’ minds and then they started talking to the press and started talking to these internet boards. It was wild to watch. It was actually funny to watch cause no body, the press or law or anyone took what they were saying   seriously. Yeah it was amazing to read the stuff that the former residents wrote.

Hell we had to scale back in the early 2000's the way we did things and that sucked it made it boring as all hell.

Terry finally was convinced by that lawyer to shut it down, we didn't want law or any investigators nosing around, shit, that resident that got beat to death man , yeah it was time to go.

You know what though, the statue of limitations protects my fat ass. And you kids will never touch me or any of us directors because we fucken got away with it because Joe pulled off that one con that was freaking genius. It made us rich, by doing nothing at all except directing children to abuse the living shit out of each other, man it was fun.

Now it is time for me to shake my fat ass as I dance to Hammer's "you can't touch this”
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Musing from the Fornit Idiot; DANNY BENNISON
« Reply #70 on: January 03, 2012, 01:49:47 PM »
Yep, it would be nice if this was a CIA experiment, or something, but, in the end, it was just a run of the mill half a billion dollar scam on the taxpaerys

Nope, nothing to see here  :nods:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Musing from the Fornit Idiot; DANNY BENNISON
« Reply #71 on: January 03, 2012, 02:37:26 PM »
Quote from: "Voice of Reason"
Yep, it would be nice if this was a CIA experiment, or something, but, in the end, it was just a run of the mill half a billion dollar scam on the taxpaerys

Nope, nothing to see here  :nods:

in a matter of speaking  taxpayers and the parents made us rich. until that fiasco ,the Michael Skakel trial.

That was the fiasco.

The fornit idiot Danny Bennison seems to think that Joe Ricci's greatest con of Mary Leahy and the state of illinois was a fiasco ,

it was  infact  the coupe de' grace .

It set the stage for Joe and greenlighted Elan for close to 30  years of uncontested making  of money on the tears and blood  of children .

Until like I said the fiasco happened.

The fiasco was that Kennedy cousins trial, that Micheal Skakel. Joe had  always wanted to get his name next to the Kennedy name and he didn't care how or why he was just infatuated with the Kennedys,  

Joes  obscession had far more consequences than we could have imagined. It took ten years and Elan hemmorhaged money like berries going thru a goose, before that bitch Terry called it quits.

As for half a billion ,well I didn't make that much. Yes if the FBI ever got off their asses and followed the money trail from every state that  paid to Elan and then followed the monies that went into the racetrack and out of the racetrack ,well then maybe just maybe they could lock  a couple of people up.

Lol you know thats not gonna happen ,cause Bill Diamond is gonna make sure that doesn't happen ,and besides dum da da  dum da dum you can't touch this . da dum . Lol, the statue of limitations  dum da da dum da dum  you can't touch this . LOL

The  fornit idiot Danny Bennison really thinks the State of Illinois was the fiasco, shit it was the greatest thing for Elan. We lied thru our fucken teeth in court and got the fuck away with it, we got children to lie for us , it was a blast .  

You can't touch this.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Musing from the Fornit Idiot; DANNY BENNISON
« Reply #72 on: January 03, 2012, 02:44:58 PM »
Quote from: "Jeffery Gottlieb,Director of Elan"
You know it, Joe Ricci was no idiot, he knew how far he could take it. After that brilliant maneuver that he pulled on Mary Leahy and the State of Illinois, man it was beautiful, a masterpiece of a con. Those state people actually thought they were going to win, lol, they had no clue how or why the tables turned like they did. What was to have been a slam dunk by the State of Illinois turned into the biggest embarrassment for Leahy and her team.

It makes me laugh when I think about it, Joe out there telling the Portland newspapers that he was thinking about taking Leahy and the State of Illinois to court for libel and slander. I tell you Joe knew what he was doing; he pushed that con thru like a pro. Well that’s what he was in hindsight a professional confidence man.

Joe was just posturing when he said that he was gonna get a lawsuit against Leahy, it was a bluff. He would never have done it cause then it would have really opened up Elan to some scrutiny, Scrutiny that Joe felt he couldn't control. He had some things going on in Elan that he did not want to have come out. Lets just say some incidents that had happened, might have been a little too much for him to handle, in the scrutiny of the whole Elan deal. He knew when to bluff and when to push and parry. He was the most masterful confidence man I ever knew.

Yeah if Joe had lost that case, it would have been the end of Elan ,and shoot we would have more than likely all gone to prison. Yeah Joe Ricci had balls, sure he was also a sick mother fucker, though  he told us that it was gonna work out and that it was going to work out  to the point that we would be making money doing nothing except having fun doing what we liked doing , which was working those bratty kids, and state kids  over like as I said to Kenny Rustle  when he picked me up ,  in ways Hollywood couldn't even begin to imagine. Joe Ricci was a freakin visionary, hell he had some convinced that he was a god. No Shit I'm not kidding. He was that good.

Joe told us that if this thing of his worked against the State of Illinois that nobody would ever be able to touch us ever and that we would be able to make some major bank doing the most fun stuff in the world. He was right, that posturing at the end of the trial where he said he was thinking about suing Leahy and the state, was just the most brilliant and beautiful thing .He had such confidence in his scam ,that he knew when he  said this to the papers that no state would ever come unannounced and no state would ever think of challenging him. Beautiful I tell you just freaking beautiful.

Honestly I wish I could have seen Leahy's face when her world imploded. It a wonder she didn't go mental. She had the goods just not the kids, lol, Joe had them and really truly it was not about saving kids it was always about making bank. Money ,money ,money .

Yes sir Joe new when to cut his losses. I remember one time Lloyd Nulan, he had split, and man we had fun with him before he split, We made him wear a diaper,  stacked his bed  on a dining room table, we fucked up his stuff sideways to sundown , this was quite entertaining . Anyway Lloyd had split after he got off his shotdown and one day I'm in the office , The phone rings and the secretary  answered it , she said to Joe there is a Lloyd Nulan on the phone and man he was lighting quick ,  he told the secretary  to hand him the phone  in a voice loud enough so that Lloyd knew Joe was there and then ,as quick he was given the phone he grinned and  he simply just hung it up. Lol, and we never heard from Lloyd Nulan ever again.

Yeah Joe knew when to cut his losses. That con of his, man it protected us for almost 40 years until some of the residents, were rudely woken up from their brainwashing by that Skakel fiasco. Yeah that was a fiasco if there ever was fiasco. It opened up former residents’ minds and then they started talking to the press and started talking to these internet boards. It was wild to watch. It was actually funny to watch cause no body, the press or law or anyone took what they were saying   seriously. Yeah it was amazing to read the stuff that the former residents wrote.

Hell we had to scale back in the early 2000's the way we did things and that sucked it made it boring as all hell.

Terry finally was convinced by that lawyer to shut it down, we didn't want law or any investigators nosing around, shit, that resident that got beat to death man , yeah it was time to go.

You know what though, the statue of limitations protects my fat ass. And you kids will never touch me or any of us directors because we fucken got away with it because Joe pulled off that one con that was freaking genius. It made us rich, by doing nothing at all except directing children to abuse the living shit out of each other, man it was fun.

Now it is time for me to shake my fat ass as I dance to Hammer's "you can't touch this”

and thats the way it is.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Musing from the Fornit Idiot; DANNY BENNISON
« Reply #73 on: January 03, 2012, 02:49:29 PM »
Hey Walter don't you mean to say thats the way it was?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Musing from the Fornit Idiot; DANNY BENNISON
« Reply #74 on: January 03, 2012, 03:02:42 PM »
Quote from: "Jeffery Gottlieb,Director of Elan"
Quote from: "Voice of Reason"
Yep, it would be nice if this was a CIA experiment, or something, but, in the end, it was just a run of the mill half a billion dollar scam on the taxpaerys

Nope, nothing to see here  :nods:

in a matter of speaking  taxpayers and the parents made us rich. until that fiasco ,the Michael Skakel trial.

That was the fiasco.

The fornit idiot Danny Bennison seems to think that Joe Ricci's greatest con of Mary Leahy and the state of illinois was a fiasco ,

it was  infact  the coupe de' grace .

It set the stage for Joe and greenlighted Elan for close to 30  years of uncontested making  of money on the tears and blood  of children .

Until like I said the fiasco happened.

The fiasco was that Kennedy cousins trial, that Micheal Skakel. Joe had  always wanted to get his name next to the Kennedy name and he didn't care how or why he was just infatuated with the Kennedys,  

Joes  obscession had far more consequences than we could have imagined. It took ten years and Elan hemmorhaged money like berries going thru a goose, before that bitch Terry called it quits.

As for half a billion ,well I didn't make that much. Yes if the FBI ever got off their asses and followed the money trail from every state that  paid to Elan and then followed the monies that went into the racetrack and out of the racetrack ,well then maybe just maybe they could lock  a couple of people up.

Lol you know thats not gonna happen ,cause Bill Diamond is gonna make sure that doesn't happen ,and besides dum da da  dum da dum you can't touch this . da dum . Lol, the statue of limitations  dum da da dum da dum  you can't touch this . LOL

The  fornit idiot Danny Bennison really thinks the State of Illinois was the fiasco, shit it was the greatest thing for Elan. We lied thru our fucken teeth in court and got the fuck away with it, we got children to lie for us , it was a blast .  

You can't touch this.

do ya fucken understand now programmie Danny Bennison , the con pulled on Mary Leahy and the state of Illinois and how the con allowed elan to destroy lives for over 30 plus years until the fucken  fiasco that was the Kennedys cousin trial Michael Sakel , exposed Elan and eventually lead to the closing of your devine Elan ? Or are you just that fucken dense and truly are the fornit idiot!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »