If you believe that you have credible information regarding sexual or physical abuse of a child or even psychological abuse - you can report this to the appropriate agency. Green Chimneys is a licensed, regulated and inspected facility so they are clearly under state and federal guidelines for the proper treatment of children there. If you honestly believe that you have direct first hand knowledge of abuse you can report that abuse to the state authorities. Child abuse and maltreatment hotline (1-800-342-3720).
The process of investigation of a child abuse case involves the civil rights and constitutional protections of opposing parties thus it is very complex and difficult and should be done by those knowledgeable about child abuse issues who are fully authorized to do a complete and thorough investigation.
False allegations are very damaging to reputations and professional careers and yet we do need to err on the side of protecting the child.
It is a horrible truth that children are abused, reports are given, mandated reporters not protected by the system and they often suffer retaliation. When this happens the investigation gets so muddied that it goes nowhere and often children are not properly protected.
Abusive families often manipulate their abused children to obtain welfare benefits and to hide their own indiscretions. In addition it is common for an abused child to be so fearful of the person who originally abused them that they, when confronted with the child abuse investigator, will lie and refuse to tell the truth about the "real" abuser. This is because the person who really abused the child has huge psychological coercive control over the victim. Child victims often are torn between love of the parent or caregiver that abused them and fear of the abuse they suffered. It is not uncommon for the child victim to want to go back to the home where they were abused - because what little love they had in their lives was there and they want a family to belong to. Institutions are not a true replacement for a loving and caring family. Children who come into the system after multiple investigations into previous child abuse - are very emotionally damaged, have difficulty trusting and many behavioral issues.
I have not been active in this field for decades so I may not be current in my understanding but to the best of my recollection this is the reporting requirements for child abuse in New York State.
New York Mandatory Reporting Requirements Regarding Children
Who Must Report? Any of the following, when acting in their professional or official
??Registered physician assistants;
??Medical examiners;
??Dental hygienists;
??Registered nurses;
??Social workers;
??Emergency medical technicians;
??Licensed creative arts therapists;
??Licensed marriage and family therapists;
??Licensed mental health counselors;
??Licensed psychoanalysts;
??Hospital personnel engaged in the admission, examination,
care, or treatment of persons;
??Christian Science practitioners;
??School officials (which includes but is not limited to school
teacher, school guidance counselor, school psychologist,
school social worker, school nurse, school administrator or
other school personnel required to hold a teaching or
administrative license or certificate);
??Social services workers;
??Day care center workers;
??School-age child care workers;
??Providers of family or group family day care;
??Employees or volunteers in a residential care facility;
??Child care or foster care workers;
??Mental health professionals;
??Substance abuse counselors;
??Alcoholism counselors;
??All persons credentialed by the office of alcoholism and
substance abuse services;
??Peace officers;
??Police officers;
??District attorneys or assistant district attorneys;
??Investigators employed in the office of a district attorney; and
??Other law enforcement officials.
Standard of Knowledge ??Reasonable cause to suspect that a child coming before them
in their professional or official capacity is an abused or maltreated child, or reasonable cause to suspect that a child is an abused or maltreated child where the parent, guardian, custodian, or other person legally responsible for such child comes before them in their professional or official capacity and states from personal knowledge facts, conditions, or circumstances which, if correct, would render the child an abused or maltreated child.
??Social services workers are required to report or cause a report to be made when they have reasonable cause to suspect that a child is an abused or maltreated child where a person comes before them in their professional or official capacity and states from personal knowledge facts, conditions or circumstances which, if correct, would render the child an abused or maltreated child.
Definition of Applicable Victim
A person under the age of 18 who is abused or maltreated. “Abused child” means a child less than eighteen years of age whose parent or other person legally responsible for his care inflicts or allows to be inflicted serious bodily harm, causes a substantial risk of serious bodily harm, or sexually abuses a child. A “maltreated child” includes a child who has been neglected as defined by family court act or has suffered serious physical injury by other than accidental means. [Special definitions apply to abused or neglected children in residential care (see N.Y. Soc. Serv. Law § 412-a)]
Reports Made To ??Oral reports must be made to the statewide central register of child abuse and maltreatment hotline (1-800-342-3720). The reporter should request the address for submitting the written report when making the oral report.
??Written reports must be made to the local child protective service (except that written reports involving children in residential care or children being cared for in a home operated or supervised by an authorized agency, office of children and family services, or an office of the department of mental hygiene, must be made to the statewide central register of child abuse and maltreatment).
Whenever such person is required to report under this title in his or her capacity as a member of the staff of a medical or other public or private institution, school, facility or agency, he or she shall make the report as required by this title and immediately notify the person in charge of such institution, school, facility or agency, or his or her designated agent. Such person in charge, or the designated agent of such person, shall be responsible for all subsequent administration necessitated by the report. Any report shall include the name, title and contact information for every staff person of the institution who is believed to have direct knowledge of the allegations in the report.
Contents of Report Written reports shall include:
??The names and addresses of the child and his or her parents or other person responsible for his or her care (if known);
??The name and address of the residential care facility or program in which the child resides or is receiving care (if
??The child’s age, sex, and race;
??The nature and extent of the child’s injuries, abuse, or maltreatment (including any evidence of prior injuries, abuse,
or maltreatment to the child or his or her siblings);
??The name of the person or persons alleged to be responsible for causing the injury, abuse, or maltreatment (if known);
??Family composition (where appropriate);
??The source of the report;
??The identity of the person making the report and where he or she can be reached;
??The actions taken by the reporting source; and
??Any other information required by regulation or which the
person making the report believes might be helpful