in 200 years there will be a new name for timothy mcVeigh,patriot. same as leonard peltier.......fuckin government is too big for its fucking britches. In his day ,Christ himself was a CRIMINAL. as were our founding fathers (smugglers, tax cheats) What is called criminal today is legal tommorrow.200 years ago slavery was common practice ,try owning a person today. twenty years ago you could smoke damn near anywhere,now if you light up people look at you like you just strangled and ate a baby. Read the unibombers manifesto...seriously....its fairly truthfull and acurate about a world gone mad after the industrial revolution. The passion of christ when read thru less faithfull eyes is a story of a fucking lynching.Crime is at the bottom of many,many things.But then again criminality is based on social norms which are constantly in flux. The biggest downsizing needs to take place in D.C. Would I eliminate government entirely? of course not, but the government needs to learn its place. This is a democacy,my government is SUPPOSED to be me,or at very least representitve of me ,and its not.I ask myself if I would be better off with less or more government.not a hard answer.