Author Topic: This Stuff Happens at AARC All The Time  (Read 2224 times)

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Re: This Stuff Happens at AARC All The Time
« Reply #15 on: June 11, 2009, 07:11:55 PM »

I've seen a number of people expressing their willingness to "die on the hill" for AARC. This is great, and much appreciated I'm sure. There are a few things you should remember while you're "going to war" for the good guys:

-Rambling off 110% undying support for ANYthing is not a good idea. It makes you look very stupid and it makes you an easy target for anyone who believes AARC is a cult. You can do more harm than good.

-You're being observed by people with ZERO familiarity with the program, people who don't know anything about addiction, people who believe addiction doesn't exist and people who believe in harm reduction. Therefore, if you aren't qualified to speak on a subject, don't. If you do not possess the proper information to conclude a debate in a successful fashion, do not get into the debate.

-Just because you're passionate and emotional, doesn't mean you need to carry the burden of defending something in an emotional manner. This never and will never work. Clear and concise thinking will always reward a person if their beliefs and values are being held to ridicule.

-AARC is not perfect, they know that and have made revisions to the program that reflect their willingness to change and/or evolve.

^This means that you're probably the only one saying that the organization can do no wrong. If you claim to be representing the program, you've just made a good lot of people look like a bunch of over-emotional occult idiots who lack intellect and the proper tact to address questions coming from the general public.

Basically, if you cannot back up your statements with fact and examples, I might suggest sitting out of any debates regarding AARC altogether. You may just end up giving more ammunition to the camp who wants AARC to close.

I've yet to see any of those people make a valid arguement when they've been forced to reconcile with someone who knows the program inside and out.. they usually resort to threats, ad-hominem attacks and lies.

Let them lie. Each and every one of you who's lives have changed for the better as a result of AARC is it's success story and there is no denying it.

There are more of us that support AARC than not. Lets think a little bit before we declare our undying love in an open forum.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: This Stuff Happens at AARC All The Time
« Reply #16 on: June 11, 2009, 08:35:45 PM »
Quote from: "Guest"
I'm going to go out on a limb here and call this cultspeaking poster the troll.

I am afraid you are mistaken with my affiliation with AARC - I am sure if you knew my name and went and approached The Wiz, he'd start spoutin' about the liar that I am and that I ran from the center twice and I did this and I did that - etc...

Ask Vause about the damage he alone did to the relationship with my father and I - he's proud of that and would talk proudly of it in the Parent Rap.

Please remember one thing here folks - I was one of the first 25 and I failed to stay. Upon my exit I was confronted in Rap and basically told that I would never be anything.

Ask Tammy, Jen or any of the EARLY AARC grads how well respected I was you'll get the full story - so troll, no - someone who wants the story told in a civil constructive way, yes.

I guess that's what maturity does, it allows you to state an opinion without having to resort to swearing or insinuating sexual acts.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: This Stuff Happens at AARC All The Time
« Reply #17 on: June 12, 2009, 12:13:28 AM »
No question, Guest44431444 has really helped everyone who read his post.  The level of maturity he brings by referring to someone about whom he has absolutely no knowledge as a "basehead" launched him into the stratosphere of decorum and sophistication.  Likewise when he described the poster's life as useless.  If there's one thing readers need here, it's another person telling them what they ought to do.  
But this is the old AARColyte give-away:"If there are so called graduates of AARC and people who never really struggled with addiction but were forced to attend the center, then those people should be able to conduct themselves in such a way that there can be some insightful posts so that both sides are presented."

Funny AARColyte!  Can't wait to see you, old pal.  I'll have my cel phone.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: This Stuff Happens at AARC All The Time
« Reply #18 on: June 12, 2009, 02:12:14 AM »
I think it's really important that both sides of this issue are presented.  That's why I post on this forum dedicated to Straight Inc. and it's derivatives.  Straight Inc. was a criminal enterprise that used pseudoscientific quackery to defraud people and subjected the clients to an array of abuses and violations of both their basic human rights and their legal rights.  AARC is equally pseudoscientific and based entirely in the violation of both the human and legal rights of the clients.  AARC has, for various reasons, been favored with unquestioning portrayals in the media for many years.  Many newspaper articles lauding AARC have been written, from Calgary to Toronto to Vancouver.  In addition, numerous television programs have praised AARC.  None of these media productions have ever presented the fact that AARC is simply a renamed version of this same pseudoscientific criminal enterprise that began as the Seed.  But still, it's vitally important that I post here, in order that this forum does not unfairly present a negative image of a cult run by a lying fraud.  I want the story told in a civil, constructive way, unlike say the Fith Estate program.  So praise me everyone, for if not for me people might get the wrong idea about AARC.

Enjoy the day!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: This Stuff Happens at AARC All The Time
« Reply #19 on: June 12, 2009, 10:59:15 AM »
Boy - what I'd do to meet either of you face to face...

Good luck with all of your useless lives!

Enjoy the day!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: This Stuff Happens at AARC All The Time
« Reply #20 on: June 12, 2009, 12:53:58 PM »
Even though this forum contains the old AARCSurvivor posts, wherein people have been explaining for years that AARC takes in clients who are not suffering from the condition claimed by AARC, I thought I would demonstrate how clever I was by once again implying that there is some uncertainty as to whether this occurs.  I'm so smart, I decided that I could simply ignore the fact that intakes at AARC are done by amateurs using the old Kids checklist.  While ignoring that fact, I also thought that I would ignore the fact that Rachael presented  evidence, in the form of a physician's statement that she was not suffering from an underlying substance abuse disorder upon entry to AARC, and that this evidence was seen on national television.  I also thought I'd pretend that nobody was aware that falsely diagnosing clients has been a hallmark of all of these programs, making the possibility that it does not occurr at AARC so remote as to be inconceivable.
Not to mention the post, permanently affixed to the top of this section, in which Velvet describes her intake and her lack of addiction.  I'm the smartest one in the bunch.

Enjoy the day.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline TheWho

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Re: This Stuff Happens at AARC All The Time
« Reply #21 on: June 12, 2009, 02:33:30 PM »
Quote from: "Guest44431444(2)"
I think it's really important that both sides of this issue are presented.  That's why I post on this forum dedicated to Straight Inc. and it's derivatives.  Straight Inc. was a criminal enterprise that used pseudoscientific quackery to defraud people and subjected the clients to an array of abuses and violations of both their basic human rights and their legal rights.  AARC is equally pseudoscientific and based entirely in the violation of both the human and legal rights of the clients.  AARC has, for various reasons, been favored with unquestioning portrayals in the media for many years.  Many newspaper articles lauding AARC have been written, from Calgary to Toronto to Vancouver.  In addition, numerous television programs have praised AARC.  None of these media productions have ever presented the fact that AARC is simply a renamed version of this same pseudoscientific criminal enterprise that began as the Seed.  But still, it's vitally important that I post here, in order that this forum does not unfairly present a negative image of a cult run by a lying fraud.  I want the story told in a civil, constructive way, unlike say the Fith Estate program.  So praise me everyone, for if not for me people might get the wrong idea about AARC.

Enjoy the day!

I dont agree with your entire post but you bring up some good points.... just because AARC is praised by local televison and media doesnt mean that they are flawless. This is not a good measurement.  I think that since so many local businesses support them that they do deserve or earns them some level of credibility and one more......  I do agree that both side of the issue need to be reviewed and stated, but I dont see too much of that here unfortunately. There also seems to be a lot of focus on the employees of AARC and not the people who benifit (or not) from their time there.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: This Stuff Happens at AARC All The Time
« Reply #22 on: June 12, 2009, 03:19:48 PM »
It is vitally important that both sides of the issue need to be stated.  Thankfully, I'm here to present the AARC side.  This is true in any situation wherein all criminal acts.   On one side, you have people who were falsely diagnosed as addicts by amateurs, and then subjected to a pseudoscientific program dreamed up forty years ago by a quack.  On the other side, you have a cult leader syphoning hundreds of thousands of dollars from charities, the government and client families.  As with any crime, it is vital that the perpetrators be able to continually cover up their actions.  AARC just has open group, Calgary print and television media, and a group of corrupt politicians to perpetuate their version of the facts.  That's why it is so important for me to ensure that this tiny voice is not drowned out by the powerful cabal of disgruntled clients posting in this web forum.  Enjoy the day, and do what I tell you.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Guest44431444

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Re: This Stuff Happens at AARC All The Time
« Reply #23 on: June 12, 2009, 03:51:49 PM »
Quote from: "Guest44431444(2)"
It is vitally important that both sides of the issue need to be stated.  Thankfully, I'm here to present the AARC side.  This is true in any situation wherein all criminal acts.   On one side, you have people who were falsely diagnosed as addicts by amateurs, and then subjected to a pseudoscientific program dreamed up forty years ago by a quack.  On the other side, you have a cult leader syphoning hundreds of thousands of dollars from charities, the government and client families.  As with any crime, it is vital that the perpetrators be able to continually cover up their actions.  AARC just has open group, Calgary print and television media, and a group of corrupt politicians to perpetuate their version of the facts.  That's why it is so important for me to ensure that this tiny voice is not drowned out by the powerful cabal of disgruntled clients posting in this web forum.  Enjoy the day, and do what I tell you.

I just love that took up a name after me - almost a way to honor me and I am flattered.

i guess why I have a differing opinion than most of you is that I chose to stay clean after I left AARC although my father stayed a corporate contributor and had his life royally screwed up and used to "cult-speak" me as well.

I love how people assume that I am just spouting "cult-speak" considering I never lasted more than 30 days either time.

Anyhow, enough with this bantering back and forth with a bunch of 16 year old's...

Enjoy the day!

« Last Edit: July 08, 2009, 04:58:55 PM by Guest44431444 »

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Re: This Stuff Happens at AARC All The Time
« Reply #24 on: June 12, 2009, 06:25:22 PM »
Although I was only in AARC less than 60 days, I felt that it was important for me to assert that there was some uncertainty about the unlawful nature of AARC in a forum dedicated to Straight and it's derivative programs like AARC.   I'm so clever, i thought I'd use my special AARColyte mind trick by implying that the reason people are critical of me and AARC is because they chose not to stay clean.  It's not my fault if you people can't appreciate my maturity.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: This Stuff Happens at AARC All The Time
« Reply #25 on: June 12, 2009, 11:10:22 PM »
Mr # 32 and Mr # 34..

Remember.. You are a newcommer here, just like you were there. There are consequences to that. You do not yet understand what happened to you, in time - you may come to understand this... and if you never do, you will pass on the cult gene to everyone you communicate with. You are but a lamb in a field of sheep. I plan to stay outside that fence, the world is a much bigger place out here. You are welcome to join us after you are able.

Enjoy your day. ( within the fence)
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »