Author Topic: anyone remember martin weins?  (Read 11156 times)

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Offline alia23

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anyone remember martin weins?
« on: January 23, 2008, 01:39:41 AM »


he is the one i suspected was sleeping with the guys in my peer group.  but it could have all been in my head.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline alia23

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Re: anyone remember martin weins?
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2008, 02:40:59 AM »
ooo i just can't seem to help myself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I see that, according to your website, you employ Martin Wiens. He was also employed by CEDU school, where I attended for almost two and a half years.  I am currently undergoing extensive therapy to try and reclaim my mind after the torture that endured at this program, a program that while being endorsed by the Reagan administration, had no qualified staff, no staff that were educated with even a BA in psychology, let alone PHDs, and the methods used there were developed as part of a rogue religious organization and next as an experimental heroine rehabilitation.

Countless teens were subjected to the also experimental techniques of CEDU and no one has been held accountable for the abuse that took place there even though many of the top staff, such as Rudy Bentz, were accused of rape and battery.  Recently Russ Decker, another former CEDU staff at the same time as Martin Wiens and Rudy Bentz, was arrested for putting his 14 year old step son in the hospital when Russ attacked the boy on Christmas morning with a baseball bat when he could not find his gun.

I don't know if Martin Wiens has disclosed the nature of the 'treatment' that took place at CEDU, or even if your organization uses similar techniques.  I am very interested to know the answer to both those questions.

Thank you,
Alia Weiner
Los Angeles, CA

sent to Martin's current employer, on the other side of the US:

[email protected]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Re: anyone remember martin weins?
« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2008, 11:16:52 AM »
I think this follows under "Your silence will not protect you" clause.

Martin DEFINTELY pushed the boundries of what was acceptable to touch boys at Cedu.

Even though he never grabbed my balls, he touched just about everything else masked as "massages" and "smushing."

I have seen teachers fired from regular schools for much much less.

Whereas Martin was defintely not the worst of them, it would be good for him to get a little "reminder" of his past.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline dishdutyfugitive

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Re: anyone remember martin weins?
« Reply #3 on: January 23, 2008, 11:35:21 AM »

Great letter - keep us posted.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline alia23

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Re: anyone remember martin weins?
« Reply #4 on: January 23, 2008, 03:51:33 PM »
update!  she wrote me back, and then i wrote her back:



Is there anything specific that you would like me to know about Martin Wiens?


Christopher Dock Mennonite High School is a faith based Christian high school with theological roots in the Anabaptist tradition of pacifism and non-resistance to violence.  We work towards peace and justice locally and globally.


Martin Wiens has done a stellar job of relating compassionately to students here.  Reference checks were very affirmative of his positive professionalism.  However – a student view from that time was certainly not sought!


Mr. Wiens and I have talked about the CEDU schools 24/7 format.  I would not know of the deep pain that you indicate.


May the God of grace and healing give you hope for today.

Thank you for your prompt response.  I have just recently begun my journey of healing after that terrible experience when I was a 14 year old girl.  I have written briefly to Martin Wiens, and to Bill Valentine.  I have not attempted to contact any other staff at this time.

I personally do not recall any specific instances where I saw Martin do anything abusive outside of the accepted abusive techniques of the program itself.  I also do not know if Martin has 'seen the light' or 'repented' from his ignorant and cruel treatment of children, or even if he has realized that the treatment itself was cruel.

The tragic part about these programs (in my recent research I have found that many similar programs exist, though many of the original ones have been closed down or altered) is that they hire uneducated people who earnestly want to help children and then inject them into the same toxic, abusive process as the children, a process that when described to a liscenced therapist or PHD is easily identified as either brainwashing, torture, or both.

The philosophy the program Martin worked at was based on shame and humiliation, where young children where identified with their 'bad' behavior (such as taking drugs or having sex as minors) and then made to see themselves as the worst possible result of that behavior, i.e. a whore or a junikie or a slut or a liar or any other littany of cruel and hurtful identifications.  These children were trained to go through their memory and find anything they could attach shame to in regards to these bad behaviors and meditate on how shameful they were by nature while screaming at the floor and crying, as well as screaming at other students about how alike and disformed emotionally they are.

These techniques were entirely experimental.  These were also only the base of the program, I have not begun to discuss with you the nature of the all night 'emotional growth experiences' or 'propheets' which were much more clearly brainwashing techniques.  We were forced to stay up all night while doing not so subtle activities which were supposed to shape how we saw the world.  These included such techniques as envisioning our parents and our own faces on pillows while pounding them, or writing our own epitaphs, lying down in a dark room with nothing but candles and being read them outloud.

The greatest and most harmful betrayal about all of the aspects of the program is that they were then kept 100% secret from all the parents; not only the parents but from anyone who was not in the program.  I have lived all this time since I 'graduated' thinking that my parents intended for me to suffer like that in this program, only to find out this year that they in fact had no idea what went on there, and were told an entirely different story about the nature of the program.

The damage to my relationship to my family is now irreparable as my father now has a brain tumor and less than a year to live, along with an almost complete loss of coherency.  I have suffered immense damage from the program I attended, and now see a therapist twice a week to try and unravel my issues with rage and intimacy, having believed since my attendance there that I had no worth, and that unless I berated myself constantly and abandoned all of my own interests that I would endanger the ones I loved.  Many more people out there feel that the program saved their lives, and that without it they would truly be the emotionally dysfunctional monsters these programs systematically convinced us that we were.

I pray every day that they awaken and see who the true betrayers are, not themselves or their parents as we were all taught, but the people who designed and carried out this caustic program.  I continue to be deeply disappointed that while, for example, Bill Valentine claims to have seen the error of his ways and identifies the techniques he himself used as abusive and cruel, no one has stepped up in any kind of public forum to expose the techniques, tried to bring families back together, or tried to protect other teens from being subjected to this kind of abuse.

So maybe Martin has not told you all there was to tell you about his CEDU employment.  Perhaps he still feels that any girl who had sex at 14 is a whore and should be told so regularly and reflect on it with intense emotion for sustained periods of time.  Or perhaps he still likes to "smoosh" (a common practice at CEDU, forced physical contact and cuddling etc.) with various underage boys between his legs while he fondles their chests.  This I witnessed very often specifically with Mr. Wiens.

I am an angry 30 year old woman and these things all happened a long time ago, but they did happen.  Thank you for writing me back, this encourages me that at least there is a chance that you are not mimicking the techniques that took place at CEDU.  I am available to you for any further questions you may have, and can provide you with websites where other survivors of CEDU specifically and other similar programs have started post boards so they can talk about their horrific and often isolating experiences.

Thank you,
Alia Weiner
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Re: anyone remember martin weins?
« Reply #5 on: January 24, 2008, 08:24:29 PM »
alia, dont forget to tell them about his hot tub. that he would give out invites to all his favorite boys particullarly DP. poor kid. i got invited once and holy crap that was creeeeeeeeepy. i ended up leaving early because of all the smiling and how close he was sitting next to me in his little dolphin trunks.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: anyone remember martin weins?
« Reply #6 on: June 15, 2011, 08:48:52 PM »
Martin Wiens in the news in Pennsylvania. It is disgusting that the school knows of your stories and still invited to give the graduation speech. ... 981902.txt ... =fullstory
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Ursus

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Principal to Dock grads: 'Why wouldn't you' (video)
« Reply #7 on: June 16, 2011, 09:11:49 PM »
Here's that article, before it disappears into the pay-per-view archives...

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The Reporter
Principal to Dock grads: 'Why wouldn't you' (video)

Published: Sunday, June 12, 2011

VIDEO: Christopher Dock Mennonite High School Graduation
Jun.11.2011.07:53 PM EDT [1:33]

Christopher Dock Mennonite High School seniors Diana Gasiewski and Alex Moyer adjust their caps during the Processional for the 56th Commencement ceremony at the school on Saturday. Photo by Mark C. Psoras

"Why wouldn't you?"

This simple three-word question was brought to the forefront of 94 graduating seniors' minds from Christopher Dock Mennonite High School, as their assistant principal Martin Wiens gave the school's commencement address on Saturday evening during Dock's 56th Annual Commencement Ceremony.

"You don't have to graduate from Dock, you get to ... You don't have to thank your parents and churches for sacrificially providing you the opportunity of a Dock education, you get to ... So, my question to each of you is, if you have the opportunity to do all these things, why wouldn't you?"

With emotions sky high, the graduating seniors were already experiencing an euphoric moment, however, having Wiens at graduation was a special feature the class of 2011 was able to experience.

"He was deeply missed this year," said senior Kyle Groff from Harleysville.

Wiens returned back to the states in mid May after taking an eight-month sabbatical to Philipstown, South Africa, working with the Mennonite Mission Network.

"When he was away it really made us appreciate what he offers to this school," said senior Emilee Lavery of Telford.

Using his own life experiences, Wiens encouraged the class to try new paths and to not discount chances as they come.

"That one simple question has opened up my world view and allowed for opportunities that I might have otherwise declined," said Wiens. "And, that simple question has also allowed me to see those opportunities in a completely different light."

In front of several hundred faculty, staff, parents and families present within Clemens Auditorium, Wiens spoke highly about his experience in South Africa.

In particular, he highlighted six individuals who touched his heart while he was there learning from their lives and their ways of living.

While fear has overcome Wiens many times in his life, he encouraged the students to always remember the verse Josua 1:9, "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."

Also speaking to the graduates was class president Emily Lambright and class vice president Andrew Gordon.

Lambright welcomed all in attendance and thanked family, friends and teachers for all of their support stating "we couldn't have done it without you."

Gordon lead this year's invocation, thanking God for the many blessings he and his classmates have received.

The Christopher Dock touring choir performed a harmonious version of "Wipip!!!" which included both seniors and underclassmen.

Special awards in addition to a senior class gift were presented Saturday evening.

"Our time really flew by," said Groff. "It feels like we were just showing up here."

The high school's Baccalaureate was held Friday evening which was followed by a candle-lighting ceremony around Dock's Groff Pond.

"It was great to hear the stories and the reflections on the past four years," said senior Matt Hershey of Harleysville. "I really enjoyed sitting down in the cafeteria for one last meal together."

Several seniors spoke in front of their class giving words of encouragement for the future and to reflect on the memorable last four years.

© Copyright 2011 The Reporter, a Journal Register Property & part of Journal Register PA
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline silent

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Re: anyone remember martin weins?
« Reply #8 on: June 17, 2011, 09:07:32 AM »
Thank you, Ursus!
The reason this event is disgusting is because your posts were sent to the leaders of this school last summer  and they not only paid for this man to go on sabbatical for a year, they then showcased him in the graduation ceremony. They should be ashamed of themselves. Please continue to pursue this man.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Ursus

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Re: anyone remember martin weins?
« Reply #9 on: June 17, 2011, 12:14:58 PM »
Quote from: "silent"
Thank you, Ursus!
The reason this event is disgusting is because your posts were sent to the leaders of this school last summer  and they not only paid for this man to go on sabbatical for a year, they then showcased him in the graduation ceremony. They should be ashamed of themselves. Please continue to pursue this man.
Ah, but it's alia23, Johnny Propheet1, dishdutyfugitive, boohoo, Rugby Punk, and Son Of Serbia who did the honors and who should get the credit. I only just recently posted in this thread. :D

I have to say, Martin Weins ending up at a Mennonite High School strikes me as kinda similar to Rudy Bentz ending up at the Sante Fe Waldorf School. In fact, the above quotes taken from Weins' graduation ceremony speech sound more than a little akin to a similarly themed closer to the school year written by Rudy and published in one of SFWS's newsletters.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline silent

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Re: anyone remember martin weins?
« Reply #10 on: June 18, 2011, 06:28:00 PM »
Yes, you are right, they should get credit.
This man is still working around kids and I am interested in protecting them.
I am letting you (who have been abused by him)know that people on the east coast believe you.
I bet he was thumbing his nose at you if he is using language you recognize.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline mattster

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Re: anyone remember martin weins?
« Reply #12 on: September 07, 2011, 06:52:55 AM »
Yes, I distinctly remember martin.. He always had to be touching me.. i was passive for the first little while i was there, for fear of serious repercussions if i were to react. I finally told him to stop touching me and respect my space or i would take it to the next level. I told him i didnt want to be touched and that it was unnecessary and making me uncomfortable.. he was almost forceful. I had to shove him and i told him to never touch me again or it would get physical-- at that point i didnt care what happened to me.. I refused to be violated like that.. I was confronted in a rap about me threatening him with violence and i told him that it was really simple- if he kept up sneaking up behind me i would probably hit him.. i was the one being punished for standing up for myself.. there were many situations such as this that encountered which was probably why i got sent back to NWA because i wouldnt 'cooperate' ..i was there in the summer of 97... my name is matt.. just was trolling around google and found this site.. i will post more as i read. thanks.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »