Author Topic: Hotmail Hack  (Read 2101 times)

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Offline Anonymous

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Hotmail Hack
« on: May 25, 2003, 09:54:00 PM »
Step 1.

First, you must already own a Hotmail account. To get one go to
Then login to your account and create a new message with the Subject as
"chng_psswrd" (without the inverted commas).

Step 2.

In the body of the message type the following code, as it appears below, making
all necessary changes:


Newpass+!=<*Your* Password for *your* hotmail address>


Include all the above <>'s and only make changes to the things in italic.
You must use YOUR password to change it, otherwise it won't work (see below).
It will only change the password if your hotmail address and the password given
in the message tally.

Step 3.

Now send the above to automatically forwards the full message to If they realise what's going on they'll probably delete
your account immediately. So don't make *any* mistakes! There you have it!
You've hacked into Hotmail, and cracked someone's password! Now you can login
to their account!

And finally, please *read the legal disclaimer*:

Legal Disclaimer:
If you haven't already realised, the above is a complete hoax and the author
accepts no responsibility for anything that happens due to the above. Sorry for
getting your hopes up, but it's very immoral to try and hack into Hotmail and I
think you should stop trying immediately. Anyone who *is* gullible enough to
send a mail to the above address will have their password changed by me, to give
them a taste of their own medicine! Heh-heh, I'm so evil!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »