Author Topic: What was the worst GM you ever saw?  (Read 16501 times)

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What was the worst GM you ever saw?
« Reply #15 on: July 11, 2007, 02:03:02 PM »
Quote from: ""artman11111""
You are kinda thick. I dont think you have realized how little I care about what you think. Your opinion is the same to me as your gay lover Dave.
I dont really care if you want to make an ass out of yourself.Or spew the hate that fornits is known for. I am not interested

a secret world where abused kids became abusers to survive.
''It was probably the most horrible experience of my life,'' Warshawsky said. _____________________________________________________

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Botched Programming

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What was the worst GM you ever saw?
« Reply #16 on: July 11, 2007, 02:13:00 PM »
Quote from: ""artman11111""
You are kinda thick. I dont think you have realized how little I care about what you think. Your opinion is the same to me as your gay lover Dave.I dont really care if you want to make an ass out of yourself.Or spew the hate that fornits is known for. I am not interested

Oh by the way.... If I was Gay, I would be gay and proud.... Unlike you being a liar and an abuser and hide it in shame and lies.

a secret world where abused kids became abusers to survive.
''It was probably the most horrible experience of my life,'' Warshawsky said. _____________________________________________________

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Captain Spalding

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What was the worst GM you ever saw?
« Reply #17 on: July 11, 2007, 07:15:38 PM »
You suck at being a liar Fartman11111

You are so busted :exclaim:  Mine as well stick your left foot in your mouth along with the right one. That is if there is any room amongst the cocks in your mouth.

What I can't figure out is: You cry foul about Fornits at other sites. yet come here and post at least a dozen times a day.

I really pegged you when I asked if you are a cocaine user. You show signs of major paranoid behavior You think everyone else is one person and everyone is out to get you.

I see a brown noser, cocaine addicted, Gin drinking , liar drunk, who enjoys harrassing people who despise elan. You Fartman11111
 have some serious metal issues along with chemical dependence issues.

You have all this free time to post garbage and I betcha your ass is unemployed and Unemployable..
You're a 2 faced peice of trash who infiltrates web boards only to gain what :question:

Your ugly mug is parked at plentyoffish and you still can't find a suitable date because you are LOONEY
If you were a staff member at elan when I was there, I would've enjoyed spitting in your face. I can only imagine how abusive you were back then and how much you got off on it.

You have nothing but enimies here Fartman11111 and I even think your toe licking buddy has abandoned you.

I know you are not capable of answering questions, so I'll leave you with this.

When you wake up in the morning and look in the mirror, you should ask yourself why you are such a LOSER :question:

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
lan Staff = Child abusers that have no life and can\'t find a real job.
Scum fucker losers who can\'t interact with their own peers and have to take their frustrations out on teenagers.
Nice fuckin life guys, keep up the great work!

Offline java.gurl

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What was the worst GM you ever saw?
« Reply #18 on: July 14, 2007, 02:01:48 PM »
Warshawsky, who now owns a small business in Portland, Ore., said the Skakel trial has triggered memories of what he says was a secret world where abused kids became abusers to survive. [/color]

I do not care who said the above statement. All I do know is that it is 110% true.
It does not matter if you were considered an Elan-lite or one of the old school hard core residents.
Being an Elan grad does not make the statement any less true.

Nothing makes the statement any less true.

Just because YOU slid through Elan like a hot knife through a stick of butter does NOT mean everyone else was in the same boat as you.

You were luckier than the obviously mental student(s) who needed medicine and therapy more than a GM. There were PLENTY of those kids in Elan.

I try not to challenge peoples memories of Elan and their personal experience(s) there. Who am I after all to tell a person that they are full of shit for thinking their experience was the worst and rotten and that they were abused verbally and mentally?
What seemed like childs play to me was most likely traumatizing and humiliating to another.
And vice versa.

It's hard to say what was really abuse, brainwashing, humiliation tactics, Etc.

You have so many people that think Elan sucked and was hell on earth and you have others that think it sucked but was OK for the most part.

All these different opinions cause ruffled feathers when people get heated on the message boards. The posts start off as a "friendly" debate and eventually turn into a war when discussions of Elan and its treatment of us students/residents pops up.

No matter the trips offered for being in a "strength" posistion or the little jobs Re-Entery gets or the house trips white water rafting it still does NOT make up for all of the bullshit BEFORE and AFTER the trip(s).

Fact is we were encouraged to "snitch" and book people and get our feelings off for people.

No matter how wrong you thought it was personally, it truly did NO good to rebel against it or bring it to peoples attention in Elan. They would blabber on and on about the way Elan works and why it is a success.

They need a better screening process. Kids with certain disabilities and mucho mental issues are not good canidates for Elan and what you are put through there. It can make a fragile person snap in a major way. Hell, I've seen dudes with hudge ego's and that were certified major bad asses cry like babies in their GM's or encounter groups. Go figure.

Thats just this humble persons take on the situation.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Froderik

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What was the worst GM you ever saw?
« Reply #19 on: July 14, 2007, 04:42:34 PM »
This was very true at the hell pit that I was in, too...

There were some who really seemed to get off on being pricks, though.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline WTF2

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What was the worst GM you ever saw?
« Reply #20 on: July 14, 2007, 05:17:43 PM »
Hey Java I dont think I have ever seem such a great post on here ever!
What you wrote was just so true.
AS FOR THIS ----(No matter the trips offered for being in a "strength" posistion )
Some of the trips they sent me on as strenght you know the home visit yup they were a trip. Ever meet someones mom on Thanksgiving and she just happens to bring her (John-trick) with? Yeah that was a real treat for me and the poor girl I was with. We were a whole 14 years old.... Elan was really looking out for us ,,, what a joke!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline java.gurl

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What was the worst GM you ever saw?
« Reply #21 on: July 15, 2007, 01:59:22 PM »
I need to remember that the darker colored fonts I like to use don't always show up on your screens. I keep doing this to you all. Sorry guys and gals  :oops:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Botched Programming

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What was the worst GM you ever saw?
« Reply #22 on: July 16, 2007, 10:19:33 AM »
Quote from: ""java.gurl""
Warshawsky, who now owns a small business in Portland, Ore., said the Skakel trial has triggered memories of what he says was a secret world where abused kids became abusers to survive. [/color]

I do not care who said the above statement. All I do know is that it is 110% true.

I am all with your honesty on the forementioned. I too was responsible dishing out abuse while I was held prisoner at the place of hell in which I am from. I freely admit that I was wrong and done wrong.

Today I am "Anti-Program" as I know what the truth of my own experiences were and I would not want any child put through the same punishment. The "Geneva Convention" declares this type of abuse as cruel and unusual and raises many red flags towards humanitarian concerns which are addressed in the treaties.

The "Geneva Convention" is typically mentioned during times of war and well... I was a POW in a war ( The War Against Drugs ). I am empathetic towards others who were in the same situation. However when a person can not or will not acknowledge their part or just plain out lie about it. what is there left to do??? Empathy / sympathy must end at this point and the reality must be exposed.

As far as who wrote the formentioned words at the very top, it does matter as this person is only here for chaos. You would think that that the person that says the stuff above would come here and say the same thing... Telling the truth no matter what is known as integrity. Where is the integrity????
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline java.gurl

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What was the worst GM you ever saw?
« Reply #23 on: July 16, 2007, 01:28:27 PM »
It IS a very insightful statement. If the poster has a bad rep for being a liar and/or a hypocrite and still puts that statement out on "front street" knowing how people would react to it and him, then I gotta pat that person on the back for doing it despite the consequences and the potential backlash.

However, it does not vindicate a person that has wreaked havoc non stop for a long time.

 I try to remain 100% posotive about people in general. I have seen so much ugliness in such a short life that I am saddened for my 8 year old daughter to grow up in this world.

 Thus far her/our loving family has "shielded" her and are letting her fully enjoy the beauty of childhood before puberty hits and she is boy crazy and experimental and before the wistfull innocence slowly fades away into adulthood and all of it's trial and tribulations are thrust upon her and her friends.
Everyone dealt with Elan and the aftermath of it in their own way. After Elan nearly all of us were a little shell shocked and it was very understandable.

I don't put a person down that got fucked up by the place nor do I try to force a person to feel bad about their role in Elan if they feel there is no need to feel bad. So be it.
It is up to the individual.

I HAD a hard time admitting the role(s) I played in Elan, at first.
I was SO against the joint and the methods used in it. But I too joined in on occasion and did to people what I had done to me, the things I truly hated just to get off of a shotdown or get out of the corner or to move up a position or to get people off my back.

 All I wanted after awhile was peace and quiet and to get to bed before midnight on a weekday.To stop the obnoxious resident pulling on the post from shining a flashlight in my eyes and saying "Is she asleep yet?"  I got into a lot of trouble for snatching the light and chuckin it on the floor off of a top bunk!

 A young person can only take so much horse shit and abuse in general before they snap.

For crying outloud we were barely out of puberty (most of us anyways) and were thrown into roles in Elan that were hard on the mind and the heart and the conscience.

Game playing was the daily norm, liking changing your underware. Students and staff alike played all the games and made up a few as they went along. We were so young and naive for the most part.

 We had seen ugliness before Elan and one time I talked to a few of the hard core, bad ass dudes that came into Elan and they told me that this was like nothing they have ever seen or experienced before.

 A lot of us lost a vital growth period in life. How can one "grow" in Elan? They can't. In a healthy way, anyways. I was taught how to be petty and underhanded and passive agressive. This is my opinion and mine alone.

 Maybe someone else was taught something they consider to be more posotive and usefull. Unless you work for Corporate America then the Elan experience will serve you well.

I was sick of being a shotdown and scrubbing the garbage can area on my hands and knees only to have a power trippin ram-rod run their fingers along the floor and say "Look at this dirt and filth, did you even clean it? You need to do it over again and do it right this time!"

I wanted to smack them people with a shit stained mop! POW! Right in the smacker!

I got my feelings off to "look good", I booked people, I dropped slips, I got my feelings off in a few GM's, I did the "pull up" thing, Etc.

 I can count on one hand all the times I got my feelings of for a person for a legit reason. One of those times was for my BFF who split and got caught. Then it was not anger it was sadness and hurt for leaving me all alone in this place.

 My legit times were not anger related really, mostly being hurt by a friend. I saw so many people that were just screaming machines in every group/GM. How can one person be so angry in every group? I guess some used it as a release. Can't blame em.

Some people were able to withstand the screaming and the "tear them down to build them up" method. Some were not. Those who could not deal with it were not "bad" people or "less than" those who could.

After Elan we have all seen the graduates do well and the non graduates fuck up and vice versa. Who's to say how our life would of ended up if we were non graduates or graduates? Marc or Jeffrey or Tania or Claire or Petey or Missy or Terry?

No, they were NOT the all knowing guru's they made themselves out to be. They predicted grim fates for us fuckups/non graduates and the really funny thing is that I have seen more fuckups do better after Elan than the so called superstars of Elan. Life is not that predictable. They did not have the power of the 3rd eye.

The therapy Elan passes off is not therapy at all. Come on now, what sane therapist condones verbal abuse to put someone in check or to help a person get over an issue? Not those that want to retain their license to practice anyways.

Yes, Elan sucked. Yes, Elan was all kinds of fucked up. Yes, Elan was abusive to it's residents. Yes, the residents abused one another.

Whether you were released 2 days ago or 20 years ago the fact that you are here posting about it means it is on your mind in some way shape or form. To find old pals or to reminisce. By looking up old pals I knowingly brought Elan back into my world again along with the happiness of finding an old friend I had to deal with Elan and all the rotten things it stood for in my life.

I tried to forget all about my experience in Elan. You can't forget them. Maybe that's the point.

Lets face it, some of us think that people need to get over it and move on, then there are some of us that think those  people are insensitive assholes and that Elan needs to be exposed in all it's glory.

 Whether you were there 2 days ago or 40 years ago it does not lessen the trauma and pain you feel when thinking about Elan and it's abusive ways. We all saw fucked up shit, we all said to ourselves at one point that what was going down was dead wrong and did NOT want to participate in it. The consequences were to severe for NOT participating.

 The fact that we all gather here with our different ages, colors, backgrounds, experiences, Etc. and share about Elan or life in general is great. It has led to many people hooking up again, old beefs get squashed, shit gets worked out and talked about, we laugh our ass's off at the other people here, argue like cats and dogs, meet new people online, reminisce, catch up on gossip about other residents, share happy and sad stories we hear about ex residents, Etc.

If only we showed such solidarity while in Elan then maybe places like Fornits would not be needed so much.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline java.gurl

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What was the worst GM you ever saw?
« Reply #24 on: July 16, 2007, 02:41:17 PM »
Like anywhere else there will be uber drama and issues to contend with.

Don't take yourself so serious on this board. Just keep it all easy and breezy...

I like to read other people posts when they are sharing about their Elan experience.

I like to hear the goods about old staff and residents I had long forgotten about. Hopefully it is good news though.

Elan people dieing is sad. Especially if it was from their own hand and not an accident.

Every few weeks in Elan a peer group was formed and they were introduced to one another and they went through the program together in good and bad times. Some became friends, some did not.

 They all have their take on Elan. Some say it was bad, some say good, some say nothing.

Years later they get into contact with their long lost pals and it is (hopefully) a nice reunion.

The place was intense at times and you can hardly forget such things and those who helped you through it all.

As for the arguing and other shit here on Fornits one must wonder, will there ever be an end?

Maybe not. Maybe so.

Regardless people will talk. Be it good or bad or both.

What can one do? Leave and never return or stick it out and weed through the shit you want your name associated with and avoid what you look at as negative. That's how I see it others may have differing opinions.

Have a great day everyone :)
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Short Bus

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What was the worst GM you ever saw?
« Reply #25 on: August 01, 2007, 10:36:38 AM »
Arthur!!!!!!!!! You silly fucking fruit fly!! Hows your little nut sack ya nigger loving spic sympatizer!!  :cry2:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:    Long time no chat....Get Julio's cock out of your cake hole and gimme a shout, NIGGER JEW!!!  ::nails::  ::nails::  ::nails::  ::bwahaha2::  ::bwahaha::  :wave:  :wave:  :wave:  :scared:  :scared:  :wave:  ::nails::  :rofl:  :wave:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Short Bus

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What was the worst GM you ever saw?
« Reply #26 on: August 01, 2007, 10:36:53 AM »
Arthur!!!!!!!!! You silly fucking fruit fly!! Hows your little nut sack ya nigger loving spic sympatizer!!  :cry2:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:    Long time no chat....Get Julio's cock out of your cake hole and gimme a shout, NIGGER JEW!!!  ::nails::  ::nails::  ::nails::  ::bwahaha2::  ::bwahaha::  :wave:  :wave:  :wave:  :scared:  :scared:  :wave:  ::nails::  :rofl:  :wave:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Botched Programming

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What was the worst GM you ever saw?
« Reply #27 on: August 01, 2007, 12:07:23 PM »
Quote from: ""artman11111""
So, let me understand. Your ole purpose her is/was to expose me for the liar I am[/color][/b][/i].
Good good are you done yet?

Hey Artie.... Not even close to being done.... The question I pose to you is..... Are you done lying????

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline The Elan Reporter

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What was the worst GM you ever saw?
« Reply #28 on: August 02, 2007, 07:28:06 AM »
Quote from: ""Short Bus""
Arthur!!!!!!!!! You silly fucking fruit fly!! Hows your little nut sack ya nigger loving spic sympatizer!!  :cry2:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:    Long time no chat....Get Julio's cock out of your cake hole and gimme a shout, NIGGER JEW!!!  ::nails::  ::nails::  ::nails::  ::bwahaha2::  ::bwahaha::  :wave:  :wave:  :wave:  :scared:  :scared:  :wave:  ::nails::  :rofl:  :wave:

More friends of yours scartie?  They're just coming in groves huh Scartie? Talk about a man without a counrty. You in the wrong place with the wrong cause Scartie.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
fArt Warshitsky sucks dicks!!!

Offline Botched Programming

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What was the worst GM you ever saw?
« Reply #29 on: August 02, 2007, 09:03:27 AM »
Quote from: ""scartman11111""
You (for once ) are right ! There is noone here.Why do you think that is Dave?

Why don't you takea loo at youself dumbass and you might have the real answer.

Quote from: ""scartman11111""
You have run off anyone who disagree's with you or points out the obvious mental disorder(s) that seem to plague you.

No... You just run out of money to pay them to try to defend your dumb ass.

Quote from: ""scartman11111""
Where is Jonny? Amanda? Jimmy? Pete? Maria ? Jackie? and many others whom you have assaulted.

Obviously somewhere spending your hard earned money from the grope hole that you call a job.

Quote from: ""scartman11111""

Personally,i dont care what you post. I think its a freak show that I enjoy.

Damn... I have never seen a dumb ass like you. You are correct about it being a "Freak Show", it has become the Warshawsky show where you are the freak that is on display.... Dumbass

Quote from: ""scartman11111""
You pretend like you have teammates by using "how many" anon monikers to agree with yourself.

Hey dumbass.... This is what you do, why can't you get it through your thick ass skull to that little peanut brain that you are a disease to this forum. It almost like having herpes you have flare ups, however you can never get rid of it..... Dumbass

Quote from: ""scartman11111""
oh and call your P.O. He is gonna get a copy of some of your rants.
Its all public record Dave

Now here is a real example of you being a dumbass.... How is the PO going to be able to pin the rants on anybody??? We all have screen names and you are the onlyone throwing a real name out there.... Dumbass

Dumbass is the word of the day when referring to you

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »