Author Topic: Function Junction - Answer the Question:  (Read 7763 times)

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Function Junction - Answer the Question:
« Reply #15 on: June 10, 2007, 07:41:34 AM »
First, your attempts to ascertain my identity have been futile.  I am not now nor have I ever been Function Junction.  To assume that I would entertain the incoherent, illogical ramblings of Robert Bruce is insulting.  Robert's need to breakdown an argument point by point must simply be for his own understanding since he continually misses the point.

Second, I have managed to finally obtain court documents related to Deborah's divorce hearing and will gladly post them here as soon as they arrive.  I will respect privacy by omitting the names but will make it clear what was said in court about her.  What is said in court must always be fact and is never subject to change, right Robert?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Function Junction - Answer the Question:
« Reply #16 on: June 10, 2007, 10:08:02 AM »
Quote from: ""Johnny Ringo""
First, your attempts to ascertain my identity have been futile.  I am not now nor have I ever been Function Junction.  To assume that I would entertain the incoherent, illogical ramblings of Robert Bruce is insulting.  Robert's need to breakdown an argument point by point must simply be for his own understanding since he continually misses the point.

Second, I have managed to finally obtain court documents related to Deborah's divorce hearing and will gladly post them here as soon as they arrive.  I will respect privacy by omitting the names but will make it clear what was said in court about her.  What is said in court must always be fact and is never subject to change, right Robert?

Careful, is this a threat of blackmail?

Highalnder, how is it these days?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline RobertBruce

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Function Junction - Answer the Question:
« Reply #17 on: June 10, 2007, 12:02:01 PM »
First, your attempts to ascertain my identity have been futile. I am not now nor have I ever been Function Junction

If you say so, yet for some reason you and all your other numerous personalities post from the same ip address.

To assume that I would entertain the incoherent, illogical ramblings of Robert Bruce is insulting. Robert's need to breakdown an argument point by point must simply be for his own understanding since he continually misses the point.

Yet somehow I can manage to shoot down every one of your tired arguments no matter what username youre posting under. You however with at least a dozen voices in your head to help cannot manage the same thing. Why is this Mac?

Second, I have managed to finally obtain court documents related to Deborah's divorce hearing and will gladly post them here as soon as they arrive. I will respect privacy by omitting the names but will make it clear what was said in court about her. What is said in court must always be fact and is never subject to change, right Robert?

No, Meredith actually lied a great deal in court. I wonder where she got the motivation to do such a thing?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline psy

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Function Junction - Answer the Question:
« Reply #18 on: June 10, 2007, 07:22:40 PM »
Quote from: ""RobertBruce""
If you say so, yet for some reason you and all your other numerous personalities post from the same ip address.

It could be NAT (network address translation).  In other words, they could all be behind the same "HLA" router.  For example, my mom, my dad, and I, all would appear to post from the same computer since we are going through the same router > cable modem > ISP.  The router sorts out the details of what to send where.  There is  no question, however, that if the IP address is the same, they MUST be posting from, at the very least, the same property.  He could be another member of the staff...  or not.  Cookies would be more telling...  Kelly could perhaps help you with that.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline Function Junction

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Function Junction - Answer the Question:
« Reply #19 on: June 16, 2007, 01:30:17 AM »
Thanks Psy!  I'm appointing you resident IT guy.  I ask you to please look into the IP addresses being the same for me and the other anti-anti-HLA people that leave posts.  Obviously, Robert either doesn't know how to check IP addresses, or lied about it.

Now back to RB.  I'm going to try this cutting and pasting thing.  I'm assuming it must be either pretty fun, or a good way to make a post look longer than it really is.

Good thing you work at hla then huh? Youve got access to a program that used to offer to treat homosexuality. Im sure someone could dig up the old manual for you, that is of course unless it was lost in the fire.

You're such a little naughty housewife Robert!

Sure you can Mac, just ask him. I mean you see the guy at least a couple of times a week, just ask him and get back to us. When you finally do try and keep in mind that we already know what the financial situation is there. Again theres no reason for you to keep lying about that issue or avoiding the point.

What a good way to avoid an answer.  You're putting all your eggs in one basket assuming I'm John MacMilon.  Just admit you, I, and others don't have a definitive answer as to whether he lied because we don't have access to HLA's financial records.  You keep saying you "know what the financial situation is."  Does that mean you have had access to the financial records?  Yes or no?  I know the financial situation is dire, but I nor you can make a determination as to whether he lied.  The only way to find out is if I conducted court ordered discovery.  As it stands right now, I don't know whether he had the financial resources to go beyond what he said in the affidavit, or if the situation was true and he was able to gather resources between the 2-month period between the affidavit and the letter to parents.

So thats why you used to tell all those black and gay jokes then?

WAAAA???  I have no idea what you meant by this, but it's a good example of how you tend to grasp at straws.

Mac did you miss my comments about that unnamed school in Georgia that abuses kids? That unnamed school is really an awful place.

Princess (since we're calling each other pet names), I didn't miss the comment.  Even though we know you're talking about HLA based on the over 3,042 posts, it still falls within my guidelines.  Thanks for trying it out!  It's fun to learn something new isn't it?

As opposed to breaking out your other numerous personalities? While youre pondering on that why dont you see if you cant answer this for me; If my comments to you were merely "grasping at straws" why cant you respond to them? Specifcally my question about your motivaton in posting personal information or dispariging comments about posters. You let me know Mac.

Once again a brilliant response!  Please let me know about your other questions I'm apparently avoiding so I can give you the answer you desperately seek.  As far as the motivation for posting personal information, I am simply doing what you do to others on a constant basis.  The only personal information I posted was on Deborah.  By the way, I thought the information was false.  How can it be personal information if it isn't true (kind of showed your hand a little huh)?  As far as disparaging comments, you need to enlighten me on what disparaging comments I've said.  I wasn't including our little jabs here and there since it tends to be part of our discussions .  However, it seems as though you've been hurt by these comments.  Sorry, I won't tease you anymore.  I need you to not shy away and be on these posts.  I really enjoy them!  By the way, I'm waiting for you to show me where I called you a "homophobe".  Please paste this on your next post.  With under 20 posts, it's easy to verify whether I said it or not, so don't paste a false quote! :D

There's a movie you might want to Netflix Mac, it's called "Identity". It's about a guy who has multiple personalities like you and forces them to confront each other in his mind. I think it would be a big help to you as apparently the voices in your head arent communicating very well. Maybe they arent three seats away from each other.

Another brilliant response!  See what I mean by resorting to personal insults when you feel threatened?

Actually I know for a fact they were untrue, and very easy to prove as such. I truly hope she sues the shit out of you Mac.

If they're easy to prove, please show me and the world the proof.  Once again, you sound a little defensive for something that "isn't true."

As in the comments you made about DJ, Ginger, Deborah, and myself? Let me know about that motivation Mac.

Amazing how morality becomes an issue when you are given just a quarter of the treatment you give others.  Please cut and paste the comments I have made towards these other people.  Since I've only had under twenty posts, it's easy to check, so don't try to create false quotes.

We have nothing to apologize for. If you disagree by all means offer up the specfic post and we can discuss it.

You have an incredible amount to apologize for!  Your discussions wind up devolving from the topic into merely personal insults without addressing any part of the topic.

Except our statements about you and your child abusing friends were all on the money, you just made up a bunch of nonsense.

You are so far off being "on the money", your head would spin if you found out the facts.  As far as having child-abusing friends, I don't have anyone who abuses children.  Of course, you'll say I'm somehow being paid to say this rather than facing the truth.  Please let me know whatever "nonsense" I've stated.  I think I've only focused on bringing a little more balance to the skewed posts you and other anti-HLA people post.

Please check the same link for the reply to your postings. Apparently you were too nervoud to ever respond.

I'm not "nervoud" or nervous.  Please let me know the questions you have.

Hugs to all!  Be strong my peeps!

 ::kiss::  ::dove::  ::peace::
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
arl The Baptist = Devin The Unemployed

Offline RobertBruce

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Function Junction - Answer the Question:
« Reply #20 on: June 16, 2007, 11:48:24 AM »
Thanks Psy! I'm appointing you resident IT guy. I ask you to please look into the IP addresses being the same for me and the other anti-anti-HLA people that leave posts. Obviously, Robert either doesn't know how to check IP addresses, or lied about it.

Not at all, it's just you arent very good at covering your tracks and our people are smarter then all of yours.

You're such a little naughty housewife Robert!

Like I said Mac, you work at a place that used to claim to treat homosexuality. Perhaps you should make use of those treatments, I'm sure they're very effective.

What a good way to avoid an answer. You're putting all your eggs in one basket assuming I'm John MacMilon.

At what point did I claim you were John McMillion?

Just admit you, I, and others don't have a definitive answer as to whether he lied because we don't have access to HLA's financial records. You keep saying you "know what the financial situation is." Does that mean you have had access to the financial records? Yes or no? I know the financial situation is dire, but I nor you can make a determination as to whether he lied. The only way to find out is if I conducted court ordered discovery. As it stands right now, I don't know whether he had the financial resources to go beyond what he said in the affidavit, or if the situation was true and he was able to gather resources between the 2-month period between the affidavit and the letter to parents

I never claimed to have a definitive answer Mac, hence why I asked the question. Did Len lie to parents or was he merely playing to the judges sympathy? You claimed earlier not to know at which point I directed that you should ask Len, considering you see him several times a week. Apparently you werent able to work up the courage to do that so we'll leave it alone for the time being. Instead let me put this to you: Let's pretend that youre correct and the finacial situation at HLA did change drastically for the better. If that's true why hasn't Len informed the judge? Shouldn't he be told of any major changes that occur? Shouldn't he have all the information needed in order to make a fair decsion? You get back to me on that Mac.

WAAAA??? I have no idea what you meant by this, but it's a good example of how you tend to grasp at straws.

There's no grasping at straws Mac, I remember you and how close minded and bigoted you came across.

Princess (since we're calling each other pet names), I didn't miss the comment. Even though we know you're talking about HLA based on the over 3,042 posts, it still falls within my guidelines. Thanks for trying it out! It's fun to learn something new isn't it?

It sure is! Really though I don't know where you got the idea that I was talking about HLA. I mentioned nothing specific, just like you. I merely made reference to an unnamed school in Georgia that abuses kids and circumvents the law. There are probably thousands of schools in Georgia, you have no clue which on I'm refering to. Don't pretend otherwise.

Once again a brilliant response! Please let me know about your other questions I'm apparently avoiding so I can give you the answer you desperately seek

Sure, here you are.

have kids on restriction ever been made to move large rocks or railroad ties around for no reason?

What did the restriction diet consist of?

What was the longest any kid was ever on restriction?

Describe what the calistentics is like while on restrictions.

Are kids ever kept out in the elements for extended periods of time while on restriction?

Do the kids ever do work that personally benefits the staff at HLA?

Is withholding contact between the student and his/her family theraputic?

Questions you refused to answer, I'm also still waiting on you to provide those reports from CPS proving that no abuse was ever found at HLA. Honestly Mac, it's been like a month. What's the hold up?

As far as the motivation for posting personal information, I am simply doing what you do to others on a constant basis.

Really? Please provide an example. You've got over 3000 post to pull from, it shouldn't be too hard even for you.

The only personal information I posted was on Deborah. By the way, I thought the information was false. How can it be personal information if it isn't true (kind of showed your hand a little huh)?

Not really. Just because the information is incorrect doesnt change the fact that you believe it to be true and posted it in an effort to damage her reputation. Almost sounds like libel doesnt it?

As far as disparaging comments, you need to enlighten me on what disparaging comments I've said. I wasn't including our little jabs here and there since it tends to be part of our discussions . However, it seems as though you've been hurt by these comments. Sorry, I won't tease you anymore. I need you to not shy away and be on these posts. I really enjoy them! By the way, I'm waiting for you to show me where I called you a "homophobe". Please paste this on your next post. With under 20 posts, it's easy to verify whether I said it or not, so don't paste a false quote!

Oh Mac, you so crazy! Please rest assured you couldnt hurt me or anyone else for that matter even if you were armed to the teeth. You just don't have it in you. Your attempts are laughable at best, but we all know youve been ordered to post here, and given a script as well. It's okay really. To answer you here is the post in question. ... le&start=0

Just scroll all the way to the bottom of the page, there's you when one of your other personalities was at the wheel. Again Mac you aren't very good at covering your tracks and our people are smarter then yours.

Another brilliant response! See what I mean by resorting to personal insults when you feel threatened?

Threatened by what Mac? You've apparently misconstrued my comments, I was reaching out to you in friendship and concern. The fact that none of the voices in your head are communicating is a real concern. If you aren't willing to watch "Identity" maybe you could try "Fight Club"?

If they're easy to prove, please show me and the world the proof. Once again, you sound a little defensive for something that "isn't true."

No Mac, they're your claims, you back them up. You claimed I knew your claims to be true, when in fact I know them to be false. Now here's your opportunity to back up your statement. Let's see if you can.

Amazing how morality becomes an issue when you are given just a quarter of the treatment you give others. Please cut and paste the comments I have made towards these other people. Since I've only had under twenty posts, it's easy to check, so don't try to create false quotes.

See the above link. Also keep in mind the difference between my dispariging comments towards people and yours is that I don't have to make things up, you do.

You have an incredible amount to apologize for! Your discussions wind up devolving from the topic into merely personal insults without addressing any part of the topic.

Then by all means provide specific examples of what you believe I should apologize for. Don't resort to generalizations just because you don't have anything, and don't get upset and start fabricating things because you've made yourself look stupid again.

You are so far off being "on the money", your head would spin if you found out the facts. As far as having child-abusing friends, I don't have anyone who abuses children. Of course, you'll say I'm somehow being paid to say this rather than facing the truth. Please let me know whatever "nonsense" I've stated. I think I've only focused on bringing a little more balance to the skewed posts you and other anti-HLA people post.

So then it's just some vast left wing conspiracy that's out to get you? We can't all be lying Mac. As far as what you've brought to the conversation, balance isn't needed when we're the ones in the right. Let me ask you the same thing I asked Cindy (since you seem to want to emmulate him so much). Would you go to a Holocaust survivors forum and start posting claims that the Holocaust never happened just so you could "bring a little more balance"? Face it Mac, youre nothing more than the token lap dog whose been sent to try and disrupt the forum and prevent the truth from being discovered. The funniest part about it is you puppets try the same things over and over again and can't ever seem to get it right. Why is that Mac?

I'm not "nervoud" or nervous. Please let me know the questions you have.

Hugs to all! Be strong my peeps!

Just scroll up one more time Mac, ask for help if you need it.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Function Junction - Answer the Question:
« Reply #21 on: June 16, 2007, 02:08:14 PM »
Many of the financial records are public, however, some services
require payment for them.  The financials can be accessed many ways.
All real estate properties both owned and sold,  all tax documents, funneling of monies , compensations, etc. Anyone can bring up an entire spread sheet, that is not part of  any discovery.  It is the IRS'S problem.  According to sources, the IRS has tried several times, once close, but missed it. See prior posts. Placing it on Fornits, would interfere with the rules governing the Class Action Case.

  A Forensic Accountant, used in many other cases such as divorce,
corporate theft, etc. could easily connect the dots.  A lay person, looking at the spread sheets, would detect certain areas of interest.  Pin-pointing it, is another story. Unless, one is told, where to look. Separate from the
Class Case, there is a definitive place ot look.

  To FJ, perhaps all your alias's,your colleagues, obviously you all did
not wish to know the truth, a long time ago, or the truth would have been sought out.
   If HLA was operated with ethics, it would still be flourishing. Period.
There are some that believe there is a need for these schools, others are vehemently against them.  The oppositon is vehemently against them
because of the flagrant disregard for anything that is good, by their owners.  As in all corporations, the "bottom-line" takes over.  Were there good people at HLA, absolutely.  Could they make a difference?  Only in small increments, as they were not allowed to flourish.
  According to  public financial records that are floating out there, the school
has been financially raped for years and years, not by it's expendable employees.  Even at their worst, they were and still are the little guys,
as in Holloway's adventures.  The cuts were coming, even before
the Class Case was filed, taxes were not paid, vendors were not paid, etc.
Your hero 'played' with honest people, people that had no choice but to look to our constitutional law for help.  It is their right, or have you forgotten that?
  The Class Case did not decimate the school...One has choices in life,
one must lives with their choices.

   Do your homework, if you want the truth.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Function Junction

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Function Junction - Answer the Question:
« Reply #22 on: June 17, 2007, 01:35:13 AM »
Hey friends!  I'm inviting others to get involved in these discussions.  This is starting to become the FJ/RB variety show which gets really b-o-r-i-n-g after a while.

Now, back to my buddy Robert.

Not at all, it's just you arent very good at covering your tracks and our people are smarter then all of yours.

Yeah!  And my dad can beat up your dad!  Whoops, sorry, that "our people are smarter" comment brought me back to Kindergarten.  I'm not here to represent other people.  They can post for themselves.  Once again, have someone other than your "people" check the IP address to find out I'm just one person.  It's not a conspiracy, Princess.

Like I said Mac, you work at a place that used to claim to treat homosexuality. Perhaps you should make use of those treatments, I'm sure they're very effective.

Wow!  What a come back!  Sounding a little irritable today.  Aww, come on Robert, I thought you said this banter was going to be fun.  Here's a trip down memory lane.  Ah, memories...

Quote: April 3, 2007 from Function Junction
This is too important and too much fun!

Robert Bruce: You got that right.

I think I know a cranky little fella that needs a summertime icy treat!

At what point did I claim you were John McMillion?

You're right.  Since you're calling me "Mac" and your compatriots keep thinking I'm John, I took a giant, enormous leap and assumed you still think I'm John "Mac"Milon.  "Mac"?  I'm actually a Windows guy myself.

I never claimed to have a definitive answer Mac, hence why I asked the question. Did Len lie to parents or was he merely playing to the judges sympathy? You claimed earlier not to know at which point I directed that you should ask Len, considering you see him several times a week. Apparently you werent able to work up the courage to do that so we'll leave it alone for the time being. Instead let me put this to you: Let's pretend that youre correct and the finacial situation at HLA did change drastically for the better. If that's true why hasn't Len informed the judge? Shouldn't he be told of any major changes that occur? Shouldn't he have all the information needed in order to make a fair decsion? You get back to me on that Mac.

So after having to post and explain myself several times, we find out you agree with me??  Since we don't have a definitive answer, yours and my answer to this question is We Don't Know.  Once again, if we had the financial records from that time, we could make a definitive judgement.  If he lied, he needs to get the just punishment.  
As far as informing the judge, if HLA may be constantly in imminent danger of closing, but they are able to get the funds secured to take them through a period of time.  In that case, it would still meet the definition of "imminent".  I really don't know.  I don't know what the judge has and hasn't been told.  Maybe he's been informed of this, maybe not.  The judge is obviously able to ask any question he wants and sees important to his judgement.  I expect HLA to tell the truth and not commit perjury.  He didn't do this in secret, so I'm sure between the multiple attorneys and a judge, proper procedure will be followed.  Of course you can call them and tell them you're the infamous Robert-The-Bruce, and have a vast knowledge of court procedure.  Hazaaa!!

There's no grasping at straws Mac, I remember you and how aclose minded and bigoted you came across.

Whaaa?  I honestly don't know what you mean.  I don't think I've ever posted anything bigoted or close-minded.  Please point to where I've said things like this.

It sure is! Really though I don't know where you got the idea that I was talking about HLA. I mentioned nothing specific, just like you. I merely made reference to an unnamed school in Georgia that abuses kids and circumvents the law. There are probably thousands of schools in Georgia, you have no clue which on I'm refering to. Don't pretend otherwise.

You're absolutely right.  I was jumping to conclusions.  How could I think of such a thing after your over 3,000 posts?  Silly me.  It's just that damn deductive reasoning that always gets me in trouble!  Thanks for clarifying.

Have kids on restriction ever been made to move large rocks or railroad ties around for no reason?

I don't know.

What did the restriction diet consist of?

I don't know.  I've read from you it was one peanut butter sandwich, milk, and some other stuff.  My point has always been I'm willing to find the truth, but you and this site aren't trustworthy.  I apologize to those who may have legitimate experiences.  I just don't know who to believe.

What was the longest any kid was ever on restriction?

I don't know.  If someone were doing something borderline illegal, I hope they'd be on restriction for a while just to keep an eye on them.  However, I have no idea how long this period of time was.

Describe what the calistentics is like while on restrictions.

Pushups, lunges, jumping jacks, & sit-ups in dorms, on the field, in the gym.  That's the extent to which I know.

Are kids ever kept out in the elements for extended periods of time while on restriction?

I'm sure this is true, but I'm not really sure what an extended period of time is.  I have been outside for extended periods of time in intense cold (Colorado) and blistering heat (Nevada).  It would really depend on the specifics.  The kid would have to have proper clothing to do it.  If it were intense cold without at least a jacket, gloves, and pants (that's what I wear), it would be wrong.  I'd have a huge problem with that.

Do the kids ever do work that personally benefits the staff at HLA?

I'm really not sure on this.  Legally, staff can't force a kid to do this.  If a student volunteers to do this without any compensation, it's different.  Are you talking about raking leaves for the campus, or picking up a staff member's dry cleaning?  There's a difference between doing chores that benefit the campus, and solicited work to benefit a staff member.

Is withholding contact between the student and his/her family theraputic?

Yes, if a kid or a parent is verbally abusing the other, they need to have some time apart.  I assume it would also help a kid work on accommodating to the new environment.  Once again, you need to be specific with what you mean.  Check this out with other facilities.  From what I understand, limiting phone calls is pretty standard practice at treatment facilities.

I'm also still waiting on you to provide those reports from CPS proving that no abuse was ever found at HLA. Honestly Mac, it's been like a month. What's the hold up?

Memory problems Princess?  I've told you people don't need to prove innocence, just guilt.  Many people on this site have claimed abuse, yet there haven't been any findings of this by the state.  I opened this up to others to show the documentation of abuse.  I haven't seen anything yet.  My thinking is, if the abuse was happening, at least one or two "victims" would have filed a report with CPS.  I'm sure by now, documentation of a positive finding of abuse would have been posted on this site several times.  It should be easy for these people to come forward and point to a time when they reported this to CPS and the school was found to have committed abuse.  It's very easy to accuse on an anonymous site.  Ask your compatriots to get on finding these reports to satisfy your inquisitiveness.

Really? Please provide an example. You've got over 3000 post to pull from, it shouldn't be too hard even for you.

I did just a brief search and found these three links.  i was surprised at how little time it really took.  I encourage everyone to click on them to read.

http://  People accusing you of being someone else.  Is that where your thinking I'm multiple people comes from?  You reacting from past scary memories?  Calling someone a retard and a child abuser?  Not the most uplifting.

http://  You are calling people names.  In fact, you must have been afflicted with a little Tourette’s based on the level of name-calling and disrespect you used toward Cindy.  Most of this whole thread is filled with mean-spirited comments by you.  What's your deal with Cindy?

RB calling someone a child abuse apologist.  I didn’t see any posts showing this person endorsed child abuse, just that they disagreed with you.

Unfortunately, you're right about it being easy to find among your 3000 posts.  If I had that easy of a time finding 3 links, how many other posts like this do you have?

Not really. Just because the information is incorrect doesnt change the fact that you believe it to be true and posted it in an effort to damage her reputation. Almost sounds like libel doesnt it?

Her reputation outside of Fornits isn't exactly stellar.  She's done plenty of damage to herself.  The regular anti-HLA people regularly make a habit of seeking to damage the reputations of posters that disagree with your point of view.  Once again, it's interesting how morality and courtesy seem to be a focus with you guys when the tables are turned.  Those in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

Oh Mac, you so crazy! Please rest assured you couldnt hurt me or anyone else for that matter even if you were armed to the teeth. You just don't have it in you. Your attempts are laughable at best, but we all know youve been ordered to post here, and given a script as well. It's okay really. To answer you here is the post in question.

Great news Princess!  I'm glad you're not hurt.  You just threw me when you were getting cranky over a couple of names.  I don't want my little sensitive guy to dish it out, but not be able to take it.  The link you provided didn't show comments I made towards you.

Special orders and a script?  Damn, ya got me!  I'm Special Ops.  I'm part of an elite mercenary posting force sent by The Man to undermine your efforts to restore truth, justice, and the American Way to the ignorant masses.  Damn you freedom fighters!

Just scroll all the way to the bottom of the page, there's you when one of your other personalities was at the wheel. Again Mac you aren't very good at covering your tracks and our people are smarter then yours.

Once again you're putting all your eggs in one basket.  If you want to believe I'm every anti-anti-HLA person, I can't stop you.  You can speculate.  And once again, MY DAD CAN BEAT UP YOUR DAD!!!  Whoops, that flashback to Kindergarten again.  Damn your witty responses!

Threatened by what Mac? You've apparently misconstrued my comments, I was reaching out to you in friendship and concern. The fact that none of the voices in your head are communicating is a real concern. If you aren't willing to watch "Identity" maybe you could try "Fight Club"?

You sure watch a lot of movies don't you, Princess?  Thanks for your friendship, BFF.  

No Mac, they're your claims, you back them up. You claimed I knew your claims to be true, when in fact I know them to be false. Now here's your opportunity to back up your statement. Let's see if you can.

See your above posts.
Also keep in mind the difference between my dispariging comments towards people and yours is that I don't have to make things up, you do.

  Reference the links I posted from your past disparaging posts towards others.

Then by all means provide specific examples of what you believe I should apologize for. Don't resort to generalizations just because you don't have anything, and don't get upset and start fabricating things because you've made yourself look stupid again.

See links to your comments above.  Feel free to start your apologies to these people.

So then it's just some vast left wing conspiracy that's out to get you? We can't all be lying Mac. As far as what you've brought to the conversation, balance isn't needed when we're the ones in the right. Let me ask you the same thing I asked Cindy (since you seem to want to emmulate him so much). Would you go to a Holocaust survivors forum and start posting claims that the Holocaust never happened just so you could "bring a little more balance"? Face it Mac, youre nothing more than the token lap dog whose been sent to try and disrupt the forum and prevent the truth from being discovered. The funniest part about it is you puppets try the same things over and over again and can't ever seem to get it right. Why is that Mac?

Not sure how I'm "preventing the truth" from being discovered.  I'm just one person.  I appreciate the comment that somehow my few comments can disrupt the fabric of this noble forum.  I disagree with that, but you are open to that opinion of me.  Let's leave the Illuminati-like theories to others.

Your bizarre comparison of my questioning your claims to refuting the existence of the Holocaust has to be the most ignorant & childish things I've ever seen you write.  You are honestly saying my comments on the Fornits website are equivalent to casting doubt on a Holocaust forum that discusses one of the most documented events in history where approximately 6 million Jews were gased & incinerated?  You're right, this is JUST like a Holocaust survivors forum.  You got me. I'm speechless.
Beyond this, I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and believe you and others are not comparing yourselves to Holocaust survivors. But please, by all means, correct me if that is the wrong assumption.

All right, we made some progress.  We agree we don't know if Dr. Buccelatto lied & you have my answers to your questions.  We've had some fun jabbing each other here and there, but I think you'll agree it detracts from a discussion on the issues.  Are there any other further issues you need to discuss?

Good night,
FJ   ::dove::  ::rainbow::  ::peace::
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
arl The Baptist = Devin The Unemployed

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Function Junction - Answer the Question:
« Reply #23 on: June 17, 2007, 11:34:30 AM »
Yeah! And my dad can beat up your dad! Whoops, sorry, that "our people are smarter" comment brought me back to Kindergarten. I'm not here to represent other people. They can post for themselves. Once again, have someone other than your "people" check the IP address to find out I'm just one person. It's not a conspiracy, Princess.

You're not here to represent other people? Then why do you post under so many user names? Why do you often post from work? The princess thing is fine so long as you remember that despite your affections I'm not gay. Maybe if you told your boss you could get a little extra attention though. As to the IP search pretend all you like, it doesnt affect the truth of the matter at all.

Wow! What a come back! Sounding a little irritable today. Aww, come on Robert, I thought you said this banter was going to be fun. Here's a trip down memory lane. Ah, memories...

Quote: April 3, 2007 from Function Junction
This is too important and too much fun!

Robert Bruce: You got that right.

I think I know a cranky little fella that needs a summertime icy treat!

I wouldnt say no to an icy treat but no I'm not cranky. I was merely pointing out that you have resources right at hand to help you deal with your homosexuality. Apparently you arent quite ready to take that step though.

You're right. Since you're calling me "Mac" and your compatriots keep thinking I'm John, I took a giant, enormous leap and assumed you still think I'm John "Mac"Milon. "Mac"? I'm actually a Windows guy myself.

You know what happens when you assume things Mac.

So after having to post and explain myself several times, we find out you agree with me??

No not at all. Apparently in your haste you missed the phrase

Let's pretend that youre correct

Pretend being the key term. You aren't correct, as I stated we're all well informed on the financial situation over there, I was merely humoring you.

Since we don't have a definitive answer, yours and my answer to this question is We Don't Know. Once again, if we had the financial records from that time, we could make a definitive judgement. If he lied, he needs to get the just punishment.
As far as informing the judge, if HLA may be constantly in imminent danger of closing, but they are able to get the funds secured to take them through a period of time. In that case, it would still meet the definition of "imminent". I really don't know. I don't know what the judge has and hasn't been told. Maybe he's been informed of this, maybe not. The judge is obviously able to ask any question he wants and sees important to his judgement. I expect HLA to tell the truth and not commit perjury. He didn't do this in secret, so I'm sure between the multiple attorneys and a judge, proper procedure will be followed. Of course you can call them and tell them you're the infamous Robert-The-Bruce, and have a vast knowledge of court procedure. Hazaaa!!

Again Mac you keep avoiding the obvious solution. Just ask Len, I'm sure he'll be glad to tell you.

Whaaa? I honestly don't know what you mean. I don't think I've ever posted anything bigoted or close-minded. Please point to where I've said things like this.

Oh no you misunderstood me, I was refering to our interactions at HLA. As I recall you routinely made comments and jokes that were obviously from a hateful and prejudiced mind.

You're absolutely right. I was jumping to conclusions. How could I think of such a thing after your over 3,000 posts? Silly me. It's just that damn deductive reasoning that always gets me in trouble! Thanks for clarifying.

Yeah, you'd probably get alot further in life if you didnt rely on your own deductive reasoning. It seems to let you down more often then not.

Have kids on restriction ever been made to move large rocks or railroad ties around for no reason?

I don't know.

What did the restriction diet consist of?

I don't know. I've read from you it was one peanut butter sandwich, milk, and some other stuff. My point has always been I'm willing to find the truth, but you and this site aren't trustworthy. I apologize to those who may have legitimate experiences. I just don't know who to believe.

What was the longest any kid was ever on restriction?

I don't know. If someone were doing something borderline illegal, I hope they'd be on restriction for a while just to keep an eye on them. However, I have no idea how long this period of time was.

Describe what the calistentics is like while on restrictions.

Pushups, lunges, jumping jacks, & sit-ups in dorms, on the field, in the gym. That's the extent to which I know.

Are kids ever kept out in the elements for extended periods of time while on restriction?

I'm sure this is true, but I'm not really sure what an extended period of time is. I have been outside for extended periods of time in intense cold (Colorado) and blistering heat (Nevada). It would really depend on the specifics. The kid would have to have proper clothing to do it. If it were intense cold without at least a jacket, gloves, and pants (that's what I wear), it would be wrong. I'd have a huge problem with that.

Do the kids ever do work that personally benefits the staff at HLA?

I'm really not sure on this. Legally, staff can't force a kid to do this. If a student volunteers to do this without any compensation, it's different. Are you talking about raking leaves for the campus, or picking up a staff member's dry cleaning? There's a difference between doing chores that benefit the campus, and solicited work to benefit a staff member.

Is withholding contact between the student and his/her family theraputic?

Yes, if a kid or a parent is verbally abusing the other, they need to have some time apart. I assume it would also help a kid work on accommodating to the new environment. Once again, you need to be specific with what you mean. Check this out with other facilities. From what I understand, limiting phone calls is pretty standard practice at treatment facilities.

Anyone who has spent more then ten mins on restriction can see your comments are gross misrepresentations and sugar coated nonsense. You're a liar Mac, plain and simple. Tell me again, how long have you worked at HLA?

Memory problems Princess? I've told you people don't need to prove innocence, just guilt. Many people on this site have claimed abuse, yet there haven't been any findings of this by the state. I opened this up to others to show the documentation of abuse. I haven't seen anything yet. My thinking is, if the abuse was happening, at least one or two "victims" would have filed a report with CPS. I'm sure by now, documentation of a positive finding of abuse would have been posted on this site several times. It should be easy for these people to come forward and point to a time when they reported this to CPS and the school was found to have committed abuse. It's very easy to accuse on an anonymous site. Ask your compatriots to get on finding these reports to satisfy your inquisitiveness.

Oh but again youre confused Mac. You see youre the only one who's claiming these reports exist. Again as far as I know CPS has only been to HLA once, and I only know that from Cates' letter. I have no idea why they came or what the findings of their investigation were. You on the other hand claimed several times that CPS had been to HLA several times, and had never found any form of abuse. Since it is apparently only you who has made such a claim it is yours to back up. See if you can't get on it.

I did just a brief search and found these three links. i was surprised at how little time it really took. I encourage everyone to click on them to read. People accusing you of being someone else. Is that where your thinking I'm multiple people comes from? You reacting from past scary memories? Calling someone a retard and a child abuser? Not the most uplifting. ... c&start=30 You are calling people names. In fact, you must have been afflicted with a little Tourette’s based on the level of name-calling and disrespect you used toward Cindy. Most of this whole thread is filled with mean-spirited comments by you. What's your deal with Cindy? ... h&start=60
RB calling someone a child abuse apologist. I didn’t see any posts showing this person endorsed child abuse, just that they disagreed with you.

Unfortunately, you're right about it being easy to find among your 3000 posts. If I had that easy of a time finding 3 links, how many other posts like this do you have?

The best you could do was arguments with Shortbus, Bullfrog, and Cindy? Really? Honestly I thought you might really find something useful, but this is all you could do? I'm disappointed with you Mac, you gotta put a little more effort into this.

My position since day one on here has been to treat people (even those who I disagree with) with the same respect and courtesy they show to others.

Shortbus came on here with the sole intention of disrupting the forum.He carried on long conversations with himself and insulted people as a matter of habit. Eventually DJ found some way to relate to him and he chilled out.

Bullfrog came on here believing she was an expert on HLA and claimed we were all liars and probably drug users. She attempted to play games by posting under various other guises and became quiet only when she realized shed backed the wrong horse.

Cindy had never even heard of HLA but he believed he was an industry expert. He dismissed all claims of abuse from every program and spent time looking for referals for Aspen.

All three of them came on here being both disrespectful and agressive. They deserved what they got, there are  examples of people who took the pro hla stance who I was able to have civil conversations with because they chose to remain civil and courteous. You my want to try it some time Mac.

Her reputation outside of Fornits isn't exactly stellar. She's done plenty of damage to herself. The regular anti-HLA people regularly make a habit of seeking to damage the reputations of posters that disagree with your point of view. Once again, it's interesting how morality and courtesy seem to be a focus with you guys when the tables are turned. Those in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

The tables arent turned Mac, you keep forgetting you people have to lie about us all the time. We simply tell the truth about you. Incidentally it seems you all have been complaining about the shoe being on the other foot.

Unfortunately, throughout this ordeal a few people have been ruthless and persistent in their attacks, with their sole intent to negatively impact HLA, damaging our referral network. Their allegations have spurred a vicious ongoing attack over the internet behind a veil of anonymity. Their assertions have been personal in nature and made with the sole intention of hurting the school financially and emotionally. Sadly, it appears this has been the intention of the onset. Due to privacy issues we have been unable to defend ourselves, making the damage irreparable in many ways.

Apparently its okay to say things about people that might hurt them or their reputation so long as its good for business. When someone does it to you however its just not fair.  :cry2:

Great news Princess! I'm glad you're not hurt. You just threw me when you were getting cranky over a couple of names. I don't want my little sensitive guy to dish it out, but not be able to take it. The link you provided didn't show comments I made towards you.

Again Mac, I don't think you could dish out so much as a casserolle. You just dont have it in you, if Ive hurt you....well no I'm not sorry.

Special orders and a script? Damn, ya got me! I'm Special Ops. I'm part of an elite mercenary posting force sent by The Man to undermine your efforts to restore truth, justice, and the American Way to the ignorant masses. Damn you freedom fighters!

It's okay Mac, you forget we still have people on the inside releasing us information. There's no need for you to pretend otherwise.

Once again you're putting all your eggs in one basket. If you want to believe I'm every anti-anti-HLA person, I can't stop you. You can speculate. And once again, MY DAD CAN BEAT UP YOUR DAD!!! Whoops, that flashback to Kindergarten again. Damn your witty responses!

Mac who said anything about believing you were every anti HLA person?

You sure watch a lot of movies don't you, Princess? Thanks for your friendship, BFF.

No problem Mac.

See your above posts.

So you cant back up your claims about Deborah then?

Reference the links I posted from your past disparaging posts towards others.

I still havent made up anything Mac, you all have.

See links to your comments above. Feel free to start your apologies to these people.

You havent shown me anyone who deserves an apology.

Not sure how I'm "preventing the truth" from being discovered. I'm just one person. I appreciate the comment that somehow my few comments can disrupt the fabric of this noble forum. I disagree with that, but you are open to that opinion of me. Let's leave the Illuminati-like theories to others.

Again Mac, youve got to learn to pay closer attention.

Face it Mac, youre nothing more than the token lap dog whose been sent to try and disrupt the forum and prevent the truth from being discovered.

Try being the operative term, I didnt say you were accomplishing anything.

Your bizarre comparison of my questioning your claims to refuting the existence of the Holocaust has to be the most ignorant & childish things I've ever seen you write. You are honestly saying my comments on the Fornits website are equivalent to casting doubt on a Holocaust forum that discusses one of the most documented events in history where approximately 6 million Jews were gased & incinerated?

Sure am.

You're right, this is JUST like a Holocaust survivors forum. You got me. I'm speechless.
Beyond this, I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and believe you and others are not comparing yourselves to Holocaust survivors. But please, by all means, correct me if that is the wrong assumption.

For once I dont have to. No Mac you arent wrong, I wasnt comparing us to Holocaust survivors. I was making an analogy, I figured since the word analogy contains your favorite word you'd be all about it.

All right, we made some progress. We agree we don't know if Dr. Buccelatto lied & you have my answers to your questions. We've had some fun jabbing each other here and there, but I think you'll agree it detracts from a discussion on the issues. Are there any other further issues you need to discuss?

Good night,

Just let me know when we can expect those CPS reports, your proof regarding your claims against Deborah, and what Len says about our question.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Function Junction - Answer the Question:
« Reply #24 on: June 17, 2007, 12:09:21 PM »
RB-  Are you saying FJ is John McMillon or not?  I have to tell you, based on his writing, it does not sound like him.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Function Junction - Answer the Question:
« Reply #25 on: June 17, 2007, 07:53:22 PM »
John does not live on Higlander...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Function Junction - Answer the Question:
« Reply #26 on: June 17, 2007, 08:38:05 PM »
Function Junction is a pathetic sycophant who has no real facts or answers.  It's a shame that someone wants to live his life as Len's lackey, but so be it.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Function Junction - Answer the Question:
« Reply #27 on: June 17, 2007, 10:29:00 PM »
This is getting very tiring repeating the same things, so I’m just going to make this short.

On the topic of thinking I post under other aliases:
Now I see why you are getting so hung up on me being another person.  You put up links that refer to another poster, not me.  If you have a problem with someone else like Johnny Ringo, please address that poster.  Basically, take the advice Deborah gave when others were accusing you of having other personalities.  It’s one of the few things on which I agree with her.

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Location: Texas    Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2006 4:20 pm    Post subject:


***Juniper 2 is Robert Bruce (Devin Reyner)

Greetings Anon, Molly, MCP, abc123, or whatever alias you're going by today. Getting bored? Needing to stir the pot? Rather than trying to guess people's identities, why not respond to Juniper2's comments?

RobertBruce is 'accountable' for his comments, which is more than can be said for you, and a few others posting here. Model what you profess to teach.

You’re saying I was there when you were.  I wasn’t there when Devin was.  If you are someone else, I don’t know who you are so I can’t tell you if that’s true or not.  Since you seem pretty vague, do you think I’m John or not?  If you aren’t calling me “Mac” for John MacMilon, who do you think I am?

The “analogy” between a Holocaust forum and the Fornits forum
Robert, look up the word "analogy" in any garden variety dictionary or dictionary related website.  Here is an example of a definition of analogy from  When you draw an analogy, you are comparing something to another thing of equivalence.  I personally don’t see the Holocaust and time at HLA being anywhere near equivalent.  I leave that up to other individuals to analyze.  I just hope there aren’t any survivors of the Holocaust or other ethnic cleansing acts of evil since they would likely be very offended at the comparison.

On whether or not we agree there isn’t enough specific information to know whether Dr. B. lied or not:
I’ve mentioned my reasoning several times.  I don’t know if he lied or not.  I’d direct people to look at my past posts on my reasoning on this.  On a prior post you said, “I never claimed to have a definitive answer Mac, hence why I asked the question.”  In my book, if you don’t have a definitive answer, you don’t know, but can hypothesize.  I think that’s probably pretty similar to what most others think.

On answering your questions about treatment at HLA:
If you think my comments of honestly not knowing the answers to most of these questions is “sugar coated nonsense”, I’m not sure what else I can say.  You obviously think I’m someone I’m not.  I’m not going to be able to change your mind on this.
All I can say is I’m not lying about my responses.

On the CPS reports:
Since you don’t seem to understand this; I’m going to have to depend on others to try to explain it a different way:  People on this site haven’t mentioned filing any reports with CPS which would have been done a long time ago.  Innocence doesn’t have to be proven, only guilt.  That’s what our court system is based on, and something I believe.  Do you think someone is guilty until proven innocent?  That would explain a lot of your posts.

On the links to your past posts where you were saying disparaging comments to others:
You asked me to find specific examples.  I did.  When you question whether this is the best I can do, you make it sound as though there are worse examples available.  Is this true?  I welcome others who have been derided by RB and his compatriots to come forward with their stories.  For people who are so against abuse, they don’t seem to have any problem dishing it out to others.  As far as giving background on these individuals, others can draw their own conclusions by reading these past posts of yours when they click on the links.

This is becoming a never-ending carousel.  Your repeated questions can be answered by my past posts.  Please refer to these rather than becoming a broken record.

::rainbow::  ::dove::  ::peace::
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Function Junction - Answer the Question:
« Reply #28 on: June 17, 2007, 11:08:00 PM »
John does not live on Highlander.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Function Junction - Answer the Question:
« Reply #29 on: June 17, 2007, 11:20:53 PM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
John does not live on Highlander.

Okay.  I'll bite.  What the hell does that mean?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »