Jena's sure been "traveling" a long time, hasn't she?
Fucking LOL.
Where are these cocksuckers hanging out now, I wonder?
Let's find them and humiliate them. Again.
I know for a fact Jena was online during her "vacation". Her being "gone" is an excuse by Lon to explain why Karen's blatant attacks weren't moderated. This went on for weeks. How do I know Jena was online? Becuase Even though they banned me, since I never logged out, I could still refresh the browser and see who was online. It seems to be a bug / security flaw in UBB classic. I used Safari to actually read the site and archive pages. When Karen announced she and exhausted were acting up on purpose to test whether Lon would enforce his "rules" on parents... BOOM.. the site went down damn near instantly. I didn't get a chance to see it but i've heard what it said. Lon was probably pretty pissed to find out he got played by his own (former) cheerleaders. Now all the parents are on my site, still posting, and not surprisingly expressing different opinions now that they feel they can speak freely. A lot of them are publicly expressing their complaints about their kids' programs... Without communications control, program implodes. Censorship generally only works if people realize they are seeing censored information. The parents didn't realize until lon banned me repeatedly without cause, that they weren't being permitted to see every side of the story. As GoldenGuru (think it was her.. have to check my archives at home) noted, it's an insult to her intelligence. Most of them are starting to talk about how they were lied to openly, program names are getting named, people's opinions are shifting as the truth comes out, and being able to talk to survivors in a safe enviornment will hopefully help heal the relationships with their kids.
Programs only exist with parents willing to send their kids to a TBS, and they are much more likely to listen to the experiences of other parents. Fornits is great for uncensored dialogue and free speech, but without protection from attacks, it is less appealing to parents (and some survivors actually... take the KIDS forum for example).
I cannot emphasize how much of an important purpose fornits plays, however. My site (for the moment.. working on it) is hosted on a free board which has much less legal protection against people like Izzy an Sue than Ginger has. Personally, I am worried about counter-attacks from Izzy (in lieu of my online postings... nothing illegal), so I am increasing the priority on my todo list of moving SP to a dedicated hosting solution. It will also allow me to customize and secure the forum.