Author Topic: Lester Roloffs Rebekah Home for Girls Survivors-Cult-mindcon  (Read 318125 times)

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Lester Roloffs Rebekah Home for Girls Survivors-Cult-mindcon
« Reply #225 on: May 15, 2005, 06:49:00 PM »
First of all I would like to get our facts straight. So there is no confussion.
What Anonymous person would you 82-83
Are you speaking to? I do not know your story.
Nor do I know you. You have also posted anonymous. I have assumed nothing,Nor questioned
That you where in any home? I don't recall ever
talking to you personally. Refresh me please. So we may clear up any miss-understanding.
You have done nothing to me, so I have no problem with you. I share what ever heart break
the home has caused you. And am sorry for your pain. It has been a hard road for all of us. Inclueding me. I do not feel sorry for myself,
Nor do I dwell on what happen to me. Which I again do not recall telling any one about on these posts. I only voiced that I belived that
every one coming togather and promoting awareness
was key. That togather we could be heard. I am sorry if you distrust me because I choose not to use my name. I do not distrust you. You have a right to your private imfomaton and I respect that,It is your privilege.I have no desire to question- Who you are, or cause you harm in any shape or form. And hope those feelings are returned. I will tell you I was in Rebekah Home
For almost 4 years. And I was there way before the 80's. I very much know what each and every one feels to a certain degree me having first hand experance and knowledge. My heart down to my very soul dose share your feelings. All of them. You are right we should be good to each other and not lash out, That we should stand beside each other. I agree with you totally
But will not stand by idle or tolerate him
talking that way to any fellow survivor
I never said Eric wasn't right about filing a lawsuit wouldn't work. I never said Eric wasn't right about dwelling on it. What I did say to Eric was that he has a right to his own feelings
But he is wrong to cuss out someone else for expressing them. He was being very insensative
and rude to someone who just wanted to express those feelings. And That my fellow  survivor Is just wrong. It is rude and painful for someone who has done nothing to encounter a brow beating
such as that. Instead of useing the f word and said  Get over it! How hard would it have been to say "I am sorry you are hurting but I have tried to get past it and put it behind me and It is working for me." His tactics achieve nothing.
I for one know it is hard enough what you have been through- but to be talked to like he talked to them- by some one who basicly been through what you have is even more hurtful. You expect it from the home , but not from the people within it. I am very sorry if I upset you by letting him have it right back. But this is not his first rodeo And he has talked to other girls this way who didn't even know him. There is no excuse for it. Why do you defend him? I was hurt to by the home but I don't use it to hurt those or judge those that never caused me harm. He has gotten by with this abuse far to long. And if by me saying something about it offends you or hurts you in any way- that was not my intension- and for that I am very sorry. I mean really mean that. If you know him as your friend maybe you could convince him, that, before he speaks
to try to take others feelings in to account.
That by useing that tone and the cuss words dose not promote his cause what ever that being.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Lester Roloffs Rebekah Home for Girls Survivors-Cult-mindcon
« Reply #226 on: May 15, 2005, 06:59:00 PM »
Healing is the very best 'revenge' available...

when we become whole, we take away the impact of what was done.

AND we STOP the harm from the Roloffs from going any further saying , "The Lies and Abuse adn Falseness stop here with me!! I choose to deal with it not pretend it aint there"

work on for wholeness and the ability to make sure we dont pass the abuses on to the next generation.

its not the past that is need of healing, it is the present in need of healing.

if you had been in an accident 10 years ago and your bones got broken, but you never healed properly, you would not be able to function at the same ability had you of not ever been broken. But say, 10 years down the road you find in front of you a chance to redo that and heal properly. why would you rather go on in the distorted healing and not seek for the correct healing? why go thru life a cripple leaning on things to get on thru, when one can redo it all?

its not the past that needs healing, it is the present that is in need of help.

to sit and say, well that happened 10 years ago, and i dont let teh past affect me, well, howdy doody aint you so brave! lookie are hobbling round like a cripple and refusing to acknowlege that someone hurt you. why? why is it that so many survivors dont want to so called "blame" those who hurt them? i always scatch my head and wonder why?

ok, they accept that the broken bones is thier own doing, well, i disagree with that, there are reasons, always reasons, and it is not a blame game at all, but it is a reality situation of what is broken adn needs repair and healing. period, it aint about retribution, it aint about looking in the past,


if your car got broken down, say because the guy at the auto place did you wrong, cause he was out to get more money out of the deal he cut with you on doing your engine job....say, you are now stuck on the road and your engine aint doing what the guy said it find out the coming week that he lied to you, and did you wrong...

now well, dont blame the turd, k? just gloss over it and smile and say, "It was my own fault, i chose that automachanic, cant blame him for what i chose to do"

see how idiotic that is? it is idiotic to not lay the wrong at the right door,

you see? he promised something, HE PROMISED you a new and fixed engine that would do its job,

same with Roloff, Roloff PROMISED things, and he did it dirty, he robbed, and he sold us girls to make his own pockets fat. And his disciples carry on his tradition.

but, according to some survivors, the bad things happened but it aint the fault of none but ourself...



sorry...go think about it, why were you put there in roloffs? why?

for me it was because i was severely depressed and had cut my arm. the reason? there is a real reason behind my depression and suicide attempt....
the REASON that is REAL and true is that i was reacting to a real situation of sexual abuses on my person.

THAT is the truth, now ....did i deserve to be locked up and behind locked doors, cemented windows, alarms, a gaurd tower, chain link fenceing with barbed wires? beaten till i bled for trying to talk or call out for help? lockedinot solitary confinement for day cause i had tried in vain to do someting to gain me real help?

there is a justice in calling what is black, black adn what is grey grey....what is white white, adn what is blue blue,

but dont dangit call a blue a red!!! or red a blue!!!

heal in the presetn,you will know if you need it by the amount of pain you have in your life..the pain taht you swallow pills for, the pain that keeps you bound into prisons of self harm, the pain that keeps you swallowing down the liquour and or addictied to pornogrpahy...


there is a difference
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline mitzy

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Lester Roloffs Rebekah Home for Girls Survivors-Cult-mindcon
« Reply #227 on: May 15, 2005, 07:09:00 PM »
people that cuss and have violent tempers towards the homes is proof that they havent healed and gotten past it, the obscenities are out of fear and hurt, that lies very deep within  those kinds of people. we can all have decent manners and repect for each other regardless of our opinions that we are entitled to. being rude to someone who hasnt gotten over it is simply inhumane. in my opinion whenever there is rudeness from a post i will simply not respond. it helps me cope better, and it is one way to shut the rude ones up. Dont respond. Dont give them the satisfaction. :em:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Lester Roloffs Rebekah Home for Girls Survivors-Cult-mindcon
« Reply #228 on: May 15, 2005, 07:13:00 PM »
another case scenerio is

say, like you had to go to a dentist,, all because you had broken a tooth and it now was getting infected.

you broke the tooth simply because you had been in the way of a flying fist from someone you had trusted. you open the yellow pages and flip thru a few names, there are about 100 names of dentists to choose from.

you decide on one that looks very promising and safe to you.

you call it and set the appointment, you go on the day of hte appointment, knowing this dentist would do something to help you and yoru poor tooth out.

he smiles and promises it wont be nothing but  thing and tells you to lay back an relax.
you do,
then he says you will need anesthesia, so you comply, trusting. he puts you out, then rapes you...
you found out later that you had been used.

but even then, its too late, the damage had been done to your spirit and psyche. too late,

you decide not to sue or you decide not to blame the guy. after all it was all your fault (according to someones logic here on this board) it was in your minds eye your fault, for you chose that dentist, therefore your reasonnig and logic are telling you that it is not the fault of anyones that you now are saddled with nightmares and ptsd and social paranoia....why? because your logic dear is telling you thta it was your fault.

that is some faulty thinking and logic filled with holes nad keeps you hiding your pain, and not dealing with your pain.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline mitzy

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Lester Roloffs Rebekah Home for Girls Survivors-Cult-mindcon
« Reply #229 on: May 15, 2005, 09:36:00 PM »
some people feel that whom ever yells the loudest wins. or whoever bites the hardest wins.
This kind of logic gets you no where.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Lester Roloffs Rebekah Home for Girls Survivors-Cult-mindcon
« Reply #230 on: May 15, 2005, 11:03:00 PM »
Nobody should have to scream or bite and nobody should ever have to be afraid to express thier feelings ever again. and all should be free to leason,to read to wright and live for a better tommrow. Especially after today because it really sucked. But today is over and I hope all of this.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline GentleStormi

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Lester Roloffs Rebekah Home for Girls Survivors-Cult-mindcon
« Reply #231 on: May 15, 2005, 11:33:00 PM »
(((((((((((((((Rebekah Sisters Survivors))))))))))))))

holdin you in my heart, here and caring...

it matters , it simply matters, YOU matter....
they matter, we all matter.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline wrathfulhoof1

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Lester Roloffs Rebekah Home for Girls Survivors-Cult-mindcon
« Reply #232 on: May 16, 2005, 12:08:00 AM »
being in the homes were shitty,but for me better then being home.we all have the strength. some find it quicker then others.we were taught to love another, all i learned was hatred.this primal emotion, boiled in all of us while attending the, lets says "schools"( only to be polite).the thing to learn is how to direct it.i have met up with many now adults from the homes, anchor, lighthouse,city of refuge and some rebekah.i talk to many still to this day. they all went threw the same stuff. dont sit there, do something.courts will be in their favor.why, because they sent us, and our parents sent us to these homes.what about the kids that had to be raised on that farm? think of them and how bad they had it.what about the adult homes? being in anchor for 2 1/2 yrs, i knew many. the light house would hospitalize their runners. grant it, it is ALL wrong. all i say is stand, dont sit. we are better then them
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
too am alive and kickin after anchortraz

Offline wrathfulhoof1

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Lester Roloffs Rebekah Home for Girls Survivors-Cult-mindcon
« Reply #233 on: May 16, 2005, 12:10:00 AM »
actaully there are crack addicts that will do anykind of dirty work for 20 bucks
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
too am alive and kickin after anchortraz

Offline Anonymous

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Lester Roloffs Rebekah Home for Girls Survivors-Cult-mindcon
« Reply #234 on: May 16, 2005, 02:07:00 AM »
Now this is the person that gets things done.
This is the person deep down that got lost through it all. The one who has the abilaty to get the possitive attention to do grate things and make a change in peoples lifes with your voice without rage. I can't understand you because you have the right things inside you to acomplish grate things. This is the man without the mask. You should take it off more often,Because it belongs to them. You don't need it anymore,what is underneath shines so much brighter. Without it people will not only open thier minds and hear you clearly,they will open thier hearts,Then you will be the richest Man of all.With a new best friend- yourself.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Lester Roloffs Rebekah Home for Girls Survivors-Cult-mindcon
« Reply #235 on: May 16, 2005, 02:11:00 AM »
For 10 bucks I bet they would stick thier own head up thier crack.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Lester Roloffs Rebekah Home for Girls Survivors-Cult-mindcon
« Reply #236 on: May 16, 2005, 02:15:00 AM »
Sweet Trish.God love you.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Lester Roloffs Rebekah Home for Girls Survivors-Cult-mindcon
« Reply #237 on: May 16, 2005, 07:27:00 AM »
[ This Message was edited by: = on 2005-06-15 01:41 ]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Lester Roloffs Rebekah Home for Girls Survivors-Cult-mindcon
« Reply #238 on: May 16, 2005, 10:08:00 AM »
eric what years were you in anchor?i was in rebekah in 85.i remember the talk about how lucky you anchor guys were cause you had nicer dorm parents, you didnt have the evil bitch mrs. barrett. yes we were all brainwashed. i am not saying you didnt suffer abuse BUT where in the hell did you get your counseling degree? to sit and say that you understand our experience the only common bond that you and i shared was church. i read in yahoo when i first came in that you stated to let me in the group , that maybe i had issues to deal with cause i was only 13 in rebekah. Please go back and read your postings issues, i think you are a little angry.

how old are you? do you have a life? or anything else to do? if you are not on fornits you are in yahoo.  Plus you lied about the msn groups existence. you acted like it didnt exist but yet you were a member. And now joining the bethesda group????? and also a fornits member??

in my opinion,you keep the b.s. alive in your head. and by reading your posts you are passing on no useful info. in fact you sound like my 15 year old son.i know as an adult things have happened in my life that i still have burdened on my shoulders. rebekah was hell and the camerons were evil.BUT I AM NOT ANGRY ANYMORE!!
to find the ones that hurt you and seek them out and to hurt them back? how high school is that?

i have better things to do than to pay a bailbondsman for assault and battery. Yes i am very pissed but to put myself in the place of being arrested? i am way beyond going to jail.
not to be a bitch, sorry if i sound that way.......GROW THE FUCK UP AND GET A LIFE!

just my opinion i mean no disrespect
signed, Amy Pemberton 85-86
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline wrathfulhoof1

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Lester Roloffs Rebekah Home for Girls Survivors-Cult-mindcon
« Reply #239 on: May 16, 2005, 10:13:00 AM » ... ........... heres the web address. and fuck u cunt dont get all high and mighty on me.didnt u leave that group?so now u come here for yer sympathy and pity party.what a laugh.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
too am alive and kickin after anchortraz