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Offline Miss Antsy Pam

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Re: WWASP Experiences
« Reply #90 on: December 30, 2008, 08:20:36 AM »
Quote from: "psy"
Quote from: "Guest"
Yes. Listen to Oscar and his rotten toothed, sees his parents 2ce a year, doesn't mind when his parents and coworkers die, and wishes to die "deep inside" (just "like everyone" in his country) wisdom on interpersonal relations!

Cultures are different around the world.  I guarantee Italians or Greeks would be offering different advice than him, for instance (famous for extended families). It doesn't make any way of running a family better or worse, just different.  Generally, the more northern you go in Europe, the colder people are, and the more southern, the warmer...  Actually I think that's mostly worldwide. I think weather has a lot to do with both culture and the temperament of different peoples.

Psy makes an interesting point, that many people might miss, pertaining to cultural differences and how extended and clannish families that operate differently that regular old middle American families handle their business.  You could describe my family as a mix of Italian and Syrian cultures...with the Catholic ideology.  In simple terms, we act like a big Italian family and are ALL very close, as we were ALL raised together.  Do we have problems?  Yes, just like any other large extended families.  Do we all agree on everything...NO, but we support the decisions of the members of the family and offer assistance, even when we DON''T necessarily agree with an action or inaction.

Culturally we ARE different as Psy so eloquently described.  We were not raised to abandon our teenagers or young adults at 18 (through 4 generations).  We "step-up" and offer emotional and financial assistance to ALL family members, young and old.  We try to take care of our own and to come from a place of "love & understanding"...even when we DON'T understand!  We don't condemn just because we MIGHT NOT understand.  This is a life long process

I have always been the rogue in my family & chose to live life differently with my son since I don't always agree with the methods my family uses to resolve issues, but I always keep n mind that they are coming from a place of "love" they see it!  We are all tainted by our own belief systems.  I was under the impression that 18 was a magic number and that Dylan would need to be on his own and NOT living in the family home, which he was doing at that point in his life.  He left at 17 and went to live with his girlfriend...much to my dismay!  But, hey, we all need to do what we have to do to find our own path in the world.

 Periodically, I have let him come home to re-group, but he is OUT the minute OUR relationship becomes abusive.  I offered him a chance to come home for 2008, in order to give him an opportunity to learn the "life skills" he will need to go forward with his life once I am gone...hopefully, he will get it before I am gone.  Sure, we have times of unrest, but we try to work through them

I would also like to apologize for the incorrect posting of the link to my weblog. I had inadvertently added an extra "m" to my user apologies as this was not what I expected to be dealing with on Christmas Day.  Here is the correct link...  My blog is now secure and you will have to register in order to view my "public" blogs.  No to sound harsh, but my parenting skills, however lacking, are not there to be judged, but if you feel you must...go ahead.

What the others have said is true...there was ONLY 1 person who had the link to my blog and they know who they are.  I will not lower myself to a level to even confront that person...THEY know what they did and it was done out of sheer boredom and/or petty vindictiveness.  

Yes, there have been "guests" and "registered users" that have posted on my behalf and I thank them is their desire to defend me or to give an accurate picture of what my family has been through during 2007-2008.  The one guest that posted 2 complete blog entries..with dates and posted in their entirety, was my sister in law who was quite upset by reading this thread and other like it

Like many who have said this before...can't we just end this thread and keep the focus on the work that needs to be done?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline FemanonFatal2.0

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Re: WWASP Experiences
« Reply #91 on: December 31, 2008, 12:05:41 AM »
Quote from: "Miss Antsy Pam"
Like many who have said this before...can't we just end this thread and keep the focus on the work that needs to be done?

Well being that this thread is titled "WWASP experiences" I dont think it would be fair to "end the thread" on account of a few vindictive assholes, However I am in favor of encouraging new comers to feel free to use this thread as it was originally conceived to share their personal experiences within the WWASP system.

In fact if anyone would like to hear it Ill go ahead and share mine. Just give me a few days to write it out...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline Miss Antsy Pam

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Re: WWASP Experiences
« Reply #92 on: December 31, 2008, 09:19:57 AM »
Quote from: "FemanonFatal2.0"
Quote from: "Miss Antsy Pam"
Like many who have said this before...can't we just end this thread and keep the focus on the work that needs to be done?

Well being that this thread is titled "WWASP experiences" I dont think it would be fair to "end the thread" on account of a few vindictive assholes, However I am in favor of encouraging new comers to feel free to use this thread as it was originally conceived to share their personal experiences within the WWASP system.

In fact if anyone would like to hear it Ill go ahead and share mine. Just give me a few days to write it out...

I stand corrected by Femanon, this IS a thread for WWASP Experiences and I would love to hear about others with WWASP Expereinces.  I look forward to you posting your story Femanon!

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Re: WWASP Experiences
« Reply #93 on: December 31, 2008, 02:38:04 PM »
Gosh it was so long ago!!!! Let's see.......I was sent at the age of 12 to Heritage School in Provo, UT. on January 16th, 1986 (not a wwasp school). I was then transferred to Cross Creek in La Verkin, UT. sometime in May of 1989. I spent about 9 months there until I ran away on February 14th, 1990. How would I describe my stay there? Lovely, j/k lol!!! Let's see, I think they could have done things way better considering what our parents were spending. But, this was when the schools were just starting. They weren't very organized, and the program and the rules seemed to change daily making it hard to follow the rules.

The staff were not very nice. They were short tempered, and really seemed to enjoy the power of being able to punish us. We had a lot of differences. I think the fact that the majority of them were from local Mormon families, made things extremely difficult. The way they grew up was very different then how most of us grew up. I think they pretty much thought we were Satan's children, lol!!!

I liked the fact they offered therapy. I looked forward to that every week. It was my hour to be able to vent all my anger and frustration about my years away from home. Once I was 16 my therapist basically told me that I was never going home, and that I was going to be there until my 18 birthday. I think the reason he did this was because he ran out of excuses why my parents weren't allowing me to come home. I was always trying my best to work on things, and not get into trouble. I thought it was my fault that I was still there, and that it was because I was just not trying hard enough. I think the staff thought I deserved to be there. I could see why. Especially because there were times I would have incidents of hurting myself or others (usually staff). But, how the hell could you blame me??? I was put into these institutions, and basically forgotten about. For no real good reason I might add.

So, I took matters into my own hands. I took a vacuum cord and found the only window without an alarm, and flung it out the window. I almost broke my neck getting out of there, and the burns to my hands from the vacuum cord ripping through them was very painful. Did I tell you I landed right in front of a late night staff meeting in progress? Yep. Sure did! I guess they had waited until we were all in bed to have this meeting. Let me tell you how fun it was to feel the pain of the impact in the parking lot from the jump, then having to get up and run for my life!!!! It was funny seeing the look of shock, then them bolting out of their seats to get to the front door to come chasing after me!!!!!!!

They never did catch me. So, I lived a year on my own in St. George before my Aunt and Uncle found me. I then moved to California to live with them so I could graduate high school. I learned a lot from them. My 3 cousins became my brothers and sisters. I can't tell you how nice it was to finally be a part of a family who loved, and cared about me. From time to time I would make bad choices, but that is all a part of growing up. I take that back! Actually that's just a part of life!!!!!

So, Happy New Year to all of you! I'm really looking forward to being done with 2008, and getting on with 2009.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
f you were never in a program, or a parent of a child in a program, then you have no business posting here.

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Re: WWASP Experiences
« Reply #94 on: January 02, 2009, 01:58:32 PM »
I can honestly say WWASP saved my life. I was mad when I first was sent and even when I got out, but I learned over time after talking to my parents in depth about their choice why it really was their only option in dealing with me. I suppose I'm different from the few bitter alumni who post here because my parents really loved me, and weren't just using the program to abandon me. I did some bad things, and was not a helpful member of our family. I learned that if I wanted and deserved respect and love, I had to earn it. I feel bad for the people who's parents just left them in the program for no reason, but you can't blame WWASP for that, it sounds like a family problem. I know this isn't a popular opinion around here, but it's the God honest truth. I know for a fact if my parents had not intervened in my life, I would of ended up a  bad person, and who knows where I'd be today, probably in a gutter with a needle in my arm. I don't think I"m going to go into detail though- I've read this forum and see how you people love to tear each other apart. I think fornits is worse than any program really, having seen both.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: WWASP Experiences
« Reply #95 on: January 02, 2009, 02:34:31 PM »
Quote from: "james fallone"
I can honestly say WWASP saved my life. I was mad when I first was sent and even when I got out, but I learned over time after talking to my parents in depth about their choice why it really was their only option in dealing with me. I suppose I'm different from the few bitter alumni who post here because my parents really loved me, and weren't just using the program to abandon me. I did some bad things, and was not a helpful member of our family. I learned that if I wanted and deserved respect and love, I had to earn it. I feel bad for the people who's parents just left them in the program for no reason, but you can't blame WWASP for that, it sounds like a family problem. I know this isn't a popular opinion around here, but it's the God honest truth. I know for a fact if my parents had not intervened in my life, I would of ended up a  bad person, and who knows where I'd be today, probably in a gutter with a needle in my arm. I don't think I"m going to go into detail though- I've read this forum and see how you people love to tear each other apart. I think fornits is worse than any program really, having seen both.

Learn to troll better, "James". You don't go into detail because you don't have any. I give you a 1/10.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: WWASP Experiences
« Reply #96 on: January 02, 2009, 02:40:03 PM »
Quote from: "james fallone"
I think fornits is worse than any program really, having seen both.


Right.... And we lock you up in the Hobbit here?  LOL.  Force you to lay in the ground for hours at a time?  Restrain you?  LOL.  Lie to and brainwash your parents (yes, LGAT seminars are brainwashing)?  Don't take it from me.  Listen to what a few parents have to say:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Benchmark Young Adult School - bad place [ link]
Sue Scheff Truth - Blog on Sue Scheff
"Our services are free; we do not make a profit. Parents of troubled teens ourselves, PURE strives to create a safe haven of truth and reality." - Sue Scheff - August 13th, 2007 (fukkin surreal)

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Re: WWASP Experiences
« Reply #97 on: January 03, 2009, 08:07:12 AM »
Quote from: "james fallone"
I can honestly say WWASP saved my life. I was mad when I first was sent and even when I got out, but I learned over time after talking to my parents in depth about their choice why it really was their only option in dealing with me. I suppose I'm different from the few bitter alumni who post here because my parents really loved me, and weren't just using the program to abandon me. I did some bad things, and was not a helpful member of our family. I learned that if I wanted and deserved respect and love, I had to earn it. I feel bad for the people who's parents just left them in the program for no reason, but you can't blame WWASP for that, it sounds like a family problem. I know this isn't a popular opinion around here, but it's the God honest truth. I know for a fact if my parents had not intervened in my life, I would of ended up a  bad person, and who knows where I'd be today, probably in a gutter with a needle in my arm. I don't think I"m going to go into detail though- I've read this forum and see how you people love to tear each other apart. I think fornits is worse than any program really, having seen both.

I take you at your word James & am genuinely glad to hear it went well for you in the end. One philosophy I just don't get though is that a parent's love has to be earned. As a teenager I was not always an angel & came to eventually regret some of the grey hairs I gave my parents, but it was my wider family & my parents unconditional love that was in the long run what prevented me from ever falling through the cracks. I would agree that when kids mess up they need to prove themselves in order to win back a parent's trust, this is part of growing up. I should add that this process cant take place from a lock down facility. But parental love should not be earned, it is unconditional.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Miss Antsy Pam

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Re: WWASP Experiences
« Reply #98 on: January 03, 2009, 09:58:01 AM »
Quote from: "psy"
Quote from: "james fallone"
I think fornits is worse than any program really, having seen both.


Right.... And we lock you up in the Hobbit here?  LOL.  Force you to lay in the ground for hours at a time?  Restrain you?  LOL.  Lie to and brainwash your parents (yes, LGAT seminars are brainwashing)?  Don't take it from me.  Listen to what a few parents have to say:

Hello James,

I have also seen both sides and have to agree with Psy.  Although I have been torn to shred on these forums, you can't compare Fornits to a program.  That statement in itself is ridiculous!  You can always walk away from your computer and internet connection. Fornits is the epitome of FREE SPEECH...if you don't like what you see, why come back?

If you think the program helped you, that is good for you.  Maybe you are one of the people that fall into the 98% success rate most of these programs claim.  I do not think it is a stretch to say that the bulk of survivors would NOT agree with you.  We don't see many of that 98%, but maybe YOU are the exception and fall into that success rate??

As a parent of a former WWASP detainee of 60 days, I DO NOT agree with you, but everyone is entitled to their opinion.  The amount of damage that can be done to an individual psyche in a short time can take YEARS to get over..if you ever DO get over it.  I believe that ANY time spent in these programs can do irreparable damage to one's sense of self.  

Which school were you in anyway and for how long???
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline FemanonFatal2.0

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Re: WWASP Experiences
« Reply #99 on: January 05, 2009, 04:10:12 AM »
I'm not going to tear you apart and I want give you a chance to prove the validity of your claims so please don't take this as an attack, but a healthy debate on this subject ok?...[/size]

Quote from: "james fallone"
I did some bad things, and was not a helpful member of our family.

I know for a fact if my parents had not intervened in my life, I would of ended up a  bad person, and who knows where I'd be today, probably in a gutter with a needle in my arm.

What exactly were your parents reasonings? Was it because you were "so out of control" and they tried EVERYTHING before they placed you in the program. Or was it because you cant exactly lock yourself up, and they assumed you wouldn't be willing to sign yourself into treatment. What exactly convinced them that the only way to save your life is to have you locked up?

I would really like to know what kinds of "bad things" you were doing that were signs (to your family and even to you) that would have inevitably landed you "in a gutter with a needle in your arm" were you as a teen anywhere close to abusing and addicted to drugs? Or were you simply "headed down that road"? Do you honestly believe that in the however many months or years you spent in a program you could have gotten yourself in enough trouble to significantly alter your path in life? DO you honestly believe that you would have NEVER matured out of the teenage phase without the strict guidance of a program? If you truly did attend the program and are not just a troll you should agree that a lot of ways the program operated was not only unnecessary but harmful. You cant tell me that the isolation and restraining techniques were in any way helpful to kids, even if it wasn't you who was being abused, you can't tell me that those kids deserved it and needed it in order to not end up a "bad person" and even if your program avoided any physical abuse, that doesn't mean that the mind games and human rights violations and separation from family and friends was "good" for any of us. Honestly I think people like you just get the fact that you were sent to a place that gave you time to think and mature as a reason to excuse the program of the CRIMES they commit. Which I dont really understand... so please explain your reason to do so.

I did bad things when I was young too, I fucked up and I was surely not a helpful member of my family (lol) but I am well aware that I was just being a rebellious teenager and I have ALWAYS been smart enough not to lead myself down a path of destruction, I didnt end up with a needle in my arm and I wouldn't have if I didnt go to the program either. I don't understand why you don't give YOURSELF the credit for maturing and becoming a successful adult, why is your strength somehow attributed to the oppression you received in the program, and furthermore why do you think its okay to just ignore the overwelming evidence that these programs are truly harmful just because you grew up?... we all grew up and we have ourselves and ourselves only to thank for that. Since the dawn of time teenagers have been growing up and none of them needed a private institution to teach them to do so, its life that teaches us these lessons and if you didn't learn them as a teen you will learn them as an adult, all the program did was hit the pause button on your life for a while and had you not gone to the program you would have ended up the same.

Your way of thinking is VERY similar to Stolkholm Syndrome, you just refuse to see the abuse as bad as long as you didnt end up more effd up in the end... maybe perhaps if you had been one of those kids who was often dragged into the OP and tortured for days on end you might sing a different song, but what surprises me is that you are willing to ignore the evidence that the program does these things to other kids just because it may not have happened to you. And if it has, and you still feel this way I can only hope you get help, that's like the girls who are molested as kids and say that they liked it because it made them into a woman. or the women who stay with abusive husbands because the fact that he hits her makes her feel like he cares about her. This is no different, and it also explains why MANY of the women who get released from these places quickly fall into abusive relationships with men. I really hope that you can take a minute to think all this over, please realize that there is a big difference between your individual success and the notion that the program is an acceptable system to be subjecting teenagers to.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline Ryinthesky

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Re: WWASP Experiences
« Reply #100 on: January 26, 2009, 10:48:28 AM »
As a former student of CSA, TB, and Cross Creek I can vouch espesially for Tranquility Bay CCFC that the school was made of some of peoples worst nightmares. Imagine the prisioners in the movie by Denzel Washington called The Seige. Well it is not quite that horrific BUT it is close. There are no lethal weapons but brutal hands. The thing that bothered me in the school was that it was not students verses the s taff for "survival" but more every man for themselves except on the occasions of two attempted riots. Had certain students not  gotten the cold feet I am fairly confident that somthing terrible or not so terrible depending on your outlook would have happened to Jay Kay. I have physical scars from "restraint", rusty nails in the planks over by the showers, and severe mosquito activity among other things across my arms  and legs. I cannot honestly say I suffer from PTSD or anything similar nor do I break down at the thought of the school (Tranquility Bay) but I will say that I certainly harbor hostilities toward at the minimum TB and CSA. My folks personally brought me to CSA when I went and it was immediate and clear that most of the staff had probably found these jobs while on line at unemployment. I will not 100% discredit some staff as some did care but had a job to do. Either way, this place was not a shall we say "top notch" academy. More like a minimum security federal prison with the farce that they called education. I lasted all of 6 months there and broke a kids  hand (it was an freak accident) and less than a week later I was in handcuffs at Atlanta boarding Air Jamaica flight 57 to Mo Bay. Needless to say this was probably one of the most frightning moments in my life to date but all in perspective.  To summerize this I spent the vast majority of my time there which lasted about a year getting my ass beat by staff, sweating my brains out in observation and not showering for days at a time thanks to glancing blows by hurricanes several times. Finally one day that Swiss Guy who worked as the doc on site from Salt Lake accidentally slipped the tounge and told me in meeting that I was going to Cross Creek in LaVerkin. Jackpot! I say that because compared to Tranquility Bay Cross Creek was like a rigid structure boarding school. Indoor warm showers, great food by comparisons, sports, protective shelter, and near by medical attention. If it were not for the restrictions against personal life placed upon students in terms of socializeing  with the girls the place would be a regular boarding school in most senses. If you can bring yourself above the mental game you can not be fazed Once you make it through TB any other school in the states is a joke. I still decided not to play along with structure and did not do much in terms of levels while I was there but when I was 17 I finally got pulled because my family realized that the program kind of was a dead end for me. My fami9ly is a bit old school Italian and their idea of out of control was out having sex with multiple girls. Long story shortened because this WILL go on for a day I had the chance about a year and a half ago to bid a trip on the equip. I fly at the carrier I am with that would give me 23 hours in Montego Bay starting in the early afternoon one day and ending an hour short of one full day. The reason I did it on a working trip was because I did not feel like shelling out $300 dollars just to go see that pothetic school in Treasure Beach. it was semi surreal to see it from the outside and I felt almost out of place and a touch panicked at momemnts  as if I was still a student of the school. And to think my freinds in school convinced me it could not have been that bad. it was though when faced with the establishment this time from the outdoors.  That night I went to  the bar on the beach and did alot of :cheers:  and put it past me for the most part. A big thank you and f#ck you for the loss of most of my teenage years to those responsible for my captivity. Pardon gramatic errors as I wrote this in a rush.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
It\'s not the exception, it\'s the rule!

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Re: WWASP Experiences
« Reply #101 on: April 24, 2009, 02:11:47 AM »
Mrs Pam i am a former student of AIR then TB my parents also pulled me eventually after 8mo i wanted to say i think you did the right thing by sticking it out with him after words he is your baby after all. i kno that i have a son now also,hes 2.and i dont blame my parents i kno they were doing what they kew at the time whast i dont uunderstand is how some parents that r completly brainwashed by this fukin program will leave their kids(who sometimes stay a level 1-2 for yrs).......Parents WAKE-UP!!
i hope more and more ppl realize what really goes on in thses "schools".
And dont worry bout the dumb ppl on here alot of them are just some really imature angry kids  :bs:
NEway much <3 :bs:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: WWASP Experiences
« Reply #102 on: April 24, 2009, 02:15:37 AM »
Quote from: "Ariana"
And dont worry bout the dumb ppl on here alot of them are just some really imature angry kids  :bs:
NEway much <3 :bs:

True... but at least they can spell. Those red squiggly lines that underline every other of your 'words' means perhaps it deserves another look. Seriously, a dictionary, you really, really need one. ::)
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: WWASP Experiences
« Reply #103 on: April 26, 2009, 12:45:25 AM »
LMAO..........Like i really give a fuck what my spellig is like on here.Obviously it was well written enough for you to understand you fucking dumbass
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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my experiences at Cross Creek and High Impact
« Reply #104 on: August 12, 2011, 10:15:28 PM »
When I was 15 years old I was sent to Cross Creek Manor by my parents. My father transported me there with  my sister. I just found out yesterday that he brought my sister just so I wouldn’t run. I was at Cross Creek for 3 months. They kept me in the isolation room most of the time, and when I was out of the isolation room they made me sleep in the hallway so they could monitor me at all times. Pretty much like suicide watch. I got restrained way more times than I can count. There were quite a few times that I was restrained in my own blood. One night I was talking to the lady watching me and I accidentally woke up one of the managers (tom). He came into the isolation room and restrained me and he jammed his elbow into my back and neck. I was maybe out of special needs for 3 weeks total out of the 3 month period.  I was in there for thanksgiving and Christmas.  I wasn’t allowed to open my Christmas presents until the morning I left for High Impact and I couldn’t take any of the stuff with me. . Ron Garrett kept threatening to send me to High Impact. One morning around 2am two people came to transport me to Mexico. I had no idea I was going until they woke me up and said lets go.
   I recently found my “hope buddy” that was assigned to me when I first got to Cross Creek. I didn’t remember much other than being in the isolation room. She told me that the day I left to go to High Impact the staff were laughing because the isolation room was quiet again. She was assigned to clean the room I was in the day I left. She described it as pretty much scary. My blood was all over the place and she had never even been to the isolation room before.
   When I got to High Impact I saw the cages and the fenced in area of land that we ran our laps in. the criteria to graduate were simple… or so I thought. We had to do 60 worksheets from listening to A.A tapes and 2,000 laps around the dirt track. Then I got introduced to the consequence sheets that take away laps. If you came to high impact from home, you needed 5 consequences to get 80 laps taken away. If  you came to High Impact from another facility, it only took 1 consequence to take away 80 laps. The reason for that is because if you come from another facility you are expected to know what to do and have experience on following the rules. I spent the majority of my time there in the dog cages. Laying in R&R position. R&R position is basically like laying down in the position you would be in on a cross but laying on your stomach. I wasn’t able to move at all. If I moved any part of my body, chin legs or anything, I was restrained and had my chin grinded into the dirt and their knees were jammed into my back, neck and arms. A lot of the times I was kept in that position for hours and sometimes the whole day.
   Papa Miguel (the manager) would come down to our campsite and basically torture us. While I was there I was raped by him 5 times. The first time was on my 16th birthday. When he was done he had a staff member escort me back down to the campsite. Before I left he said “happy sweet 16” then I got shoved into the shower with my clothes on. One night I asked for my sleeping bag because it was taken from me and it was a very cold night. The over night shift called Miguel down and he basically grabbed me, threw me down, put my head in the toilet, flushed, then he pushed me in the shower and he said I had to sleep in wet clothes and still no sleeping bag. We were made to do ridiculous amounts of exercises at night before we went to bed.
   I was made to do the program over after I was done. I was there for 4 months. The average stay for High Impact was about 2 months. But Miguel decided to take all my laps away and I was made to basically re-do the program for another 2 months. Every day I would wake up and wonder if I would be alive to go to sleep that night… always wondering If it was ever going to end. I was restrained pretty much every day there. Lots of times I would black out because I couldn’t breathe. I was in the cage all day one day and sun burnt all over. I lifted my leg because the sand was extremely hot and Miguel told me to put my leg back down and I said “no”. He came into the dog cage and stood with all of his weight on the back of my knee. My skin was so sun burnt and sensitive that it just ripped open. They did nothing for my open wound. Just told me to remain laying down and not to move. I have several scars from that place. Not to mention the permanent mental scars. The day I left, the staff let me take a longer than 5 min. shower to scrub all the caked on dirt all over my body. I didn’t know I was leaving until the minute I left. Since we weren’t allowed to use our hairbrushes my hair was so gross I had dreadlocks. It took 6 staff to try and comb it out and when they couldn’t do it, it took 4 staff to cut the dreadlocks out of my hair. They basically did everything they could to make me look decent when I saw my parents. So they would think everything as ok. Ugh…
   To this day I have nightmares so bad I wake up screaming, crying, shaking, and sweating. I have flashbacks so bad that I black out and don’t even know what I am doing. I just wish I never went there. Or Cross Creek.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »