Author Topic: FIFA World Cup(it's goin' on right now in Germany!!)  (Read 4247 times)

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Offline starry-eyed pirate

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FIFA World Cup(it's goin' on right now in Germany!!)
« Reply #30 on: July 09, 2006, 06:30:00 PM »
... :roll:... :lol:  Congratulations to Italy!!!

I'm very dissapointed in Zidane for losing his cool near the end of the game.  I understand though.  That Italian cat must 'a' said something that really pissed Zidane off, still he should 'a' known better than to allow himself to get drawn into that shit.  

I ended my soccer career with a red card too for flippin the ref the bird when I was frustrated because we were in a tight game for the championship and I got into it with the opposin' keeper, me bein a center forward 'n' all, and the ref called me for whatever, I can't remember now, in either case I was bein' too physical, but in reality that keeper was throwin elbows at me as I came in to try to get a head on the ball, so it was really goin' both ways but I'm the one he blew the whistle at.  I walked right over to the ref an' stuck my middle finger right up in his face and got the instant red card for that.  I deserved it. I was wrong.  I regret endin' my career on that note to this day.  Poor Zidane.  Maybe you better not retire just yet.

Anyway congratulations to Italy and to everyone who played.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
If you would have justice in this world, then begin to see that a human being is not a means to some end.  People are not commodities.  When human beings are just to one another government becomes obsolete and real freedom is born; SPIRITUAL ANARCHY.

Offline starry-eyed pirate

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FIFA World Cup(it's goin' on right now in Germany!!)
« Reply #31 on: July 10, 2006, 07:12:00 PM »

Would love to hear about your victory celebration with the Italians up in the North End and any final comments or reflections you have on the cup.  Otherwise I want to thank you for your particpation in this thread.  It would've been most inane without you.  :smile:  :wave:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
If you would have justice in this world, then begin to see that a human being is not a means to some end.  People are not commodities.  When human beings are just to one another government becomes obsolete and real freedom is born; SPIRITUAL ANARCHY.

Offline dniceo7

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FIFA World Cup(it's goin' on right now in Germany!!)
« Reply #32 on: July 11, 2006, 12:30:00 PM »
Hell yea man, thank you too, good to know there are a few of us diehards around in the states. But all I gotta say is...


I've been waiting since Baggio lifted his PK about 6 feet over the crossbar back in '94 to see the Azzurri get back to the finals. What an awesome game. 3 of us went back down to the North End with our Italia jerseys and it was just a zoo down there. Italians everywhere, walking in the middle of the streets, waving massive flags and singing their chants, and it was still 30 minutes before the game. We managed to find ourselves some room at a bar right off Hanover again, and it was absolutely packed. No better way to watch that game.

Then Zidane knocked home that PK in the 7th minute...I thought some of those guys were gonna rip the flatscreen right off the wall. Not a single French fan around, though...probably a wise move by them. At one point I really needed to take a piss, I had been holding it since the Italian national anthem, so I decided to book it to the bathroom real quick, but my buddy goes "Italy corner kick!!!" So I stayed. And then Materazzi put one in off his head. I think I would've lost sleep for the rest of the week if I had missed that goal. It was beautiful. I think the decibels in that place were on par with a low flying jet right over your head at that point.

I was really surprised at the Italian fans' reactions to Henry getting all but knocked out in the first couple minutes. I figured they would've been jeering him, as drunk as most of them were, but they were pretty classy about it. As the trainers were dousing him with ice water I heard a lot of comments like "It won't be as sweet a victory if Henry's not playing against us." Gotta give it up for soccer fans.

Italy had me worried towards the end, especially in overtime. They looked a bit flat-footed, and France was really taking it to them. Thankfully they were all visibly exhausted, and no one could really manage to get any solid shots on net. Except for Zidane's late header, which had to be one of the most beautiful saves of the cup, by Buffon or anybody for that matter. But Zidane, come on Zidane. I was heartbroken when he headbutted Materazzi. Zidane has long been up there with Maradonna, Keane, Figo, Maldini, and Klinsmann as my favorite players of all time. But the second he took Materazzi out, I had nothing for disgust for him. And man, if he had walked by that bar after the game, he would've been lynched. I don't know about all that "dirty terrorist" shit, all I know is that Zidane fucked up. To me, it'd be like Albert Pujols testing positive for HGH. Just really sad for the game. I guess the French papers really lit into him, especially when it came to all the kids watching the cup.

Anyways, the rest is history, the North End looked a bit like City Plaza (which they kept showing on the Boston telecast), which looked a bit like Rome. People were celebrating for hours. We went down to the south shore to hit the beach after the game and play a little beach soccer, and it just so happened there was a big group of Italians there celebrating, so we got a big game going. The Sox lost 6-5 in 19 innings that night, and we could've cared less. Man, I'm still excited about that win.

So maybe in 4 years the rumors will play out and Klinsmann (who I just discovered is my neighbor out in Malibu) will take over for Arena and march us back to the Quarterfinals. Peace! ::cheers::
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
I don\'t look at myself in the mirror because I\'m a narcissist, I simply like to watch myself exist...

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FIFA World Cup(it's goin' on right now in Germany!!)
« Reply #33 on: July 11, 2006, 02:00:00 PM »
Unreported was this account I read on South Africas Weekly Mail:

Under a haze of French flags and firecracker smoke, the crowd of several thousand people filling Place de la Concorde on Monday afternoon chanted "Zizou! Zizou!" in a hero's welcome for Zinédine Zidane, the French football captain sent off for headbutting an Italian player as France lost the World Cup final.

I was also told that while Italian TV has shown the incident over and over, it was only shown once in France.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Insulted his mother and sister ... still controversy!
« Reply #35 on: July 13, 2006, 10:51:37 PM »
World Cup Mystery:
What Did 'Animal'
Say to Anger 'God'?
Even Lip Readers Don't Agree
On Spark for Head Butt;
Affront to Motherhood?
July 13, 2006 5:38 a.m.; Page A1

PARIS -- The World Cup is over and Italy won. But the most gripping global sporting drama of the moment rumbled on in Paris last night:

A Frenchman known to his fans as "God" went on television to explain why he rammed his shaved head into the chest of an Italian nicknamed "the animal."

Watched by spellbound fans across France and then flashed around the world, the television appearance of Zinédine Zidane was the latest episode in a fiercely fought international competition: trying to figure out why France's star soccer player blew his top during Sunday's World Cup final.
Zinedine Zidane head-butts Marco Materazzi during Sunday's World Cup final.

The contest has featured lip readers, sociologists, philosophers and novelists -- and millions of anguished soccer fans eager to know why one of the game's greatest and most graceful players went wild and, in the process, hurt France's chance of winning its second World Cup in eight years.

Mr. Zidane, appearing on France's Canal Plus pay-TV, said his quarrel with Italian defender Marco Materazzi began when the Italian tugged his shirt 10 minutes from the end of the 30-minute overtime. Mr. Materazzi, according to Mr. Zidane, then insulted his mother and sister.

"These were words that touched the deepest part of me," said the 34-year-old Frenchman, seeking to explain why he had head-butted the Italian and got himself thrown out of the game, the last of his long and brilliant career. "I would rather have taken a punch in the jaw than have heard that."

France ended up finishing the overtime with only 10 players, and then lost in the subsequent penalty shootout. Mr. Zidane is France's star penalty kicker and had scored from the penalty spot early in the match.

"I reacted badly, and I would like to apologize for it," added Mr. Zidane, who has occasionally erupted in the past. But he said he didn't regret the head butt. "The guilty one is the one who provokes," he said.

Mr. Zidane's explanation is unlikely to quiet a frenzy of speculation that France's l'Equipe newspaper yesterday called "L'Enquête Planétaire," or "The Planetary Inquest." Parisian café goers watching the interview on TV last night groaned at Mr. Zidane's lack of specifics. He later also spoke to French channel TF1.

What exactly happened on the field of Berlin's Olympic Stadium Sunday has become a global obsession. Outside Italy, where fans have savored their triumph, Mr. Zidane's now world-famous head butt has attracted more media attention than Italy's success. Even Italian papers have put it on the front page.

Lip Readers Get the Call

Eager to work out what prompted Mr. Zidane's fury, media from Britain to Brazil have turned to lip readers to scrutinize video footage of the game and decipher what was said by Mr. Materazzi, a notoriously aggressive defender. The lip readers all agreed that insults were traded but have given very different versions of what was said.
[slideshow promo Italy]1

The Times of London's lip reader said the Italian called Mr. Zidane, whose parents came to France from North Africa, a "son of a terrorist whore." According to the BBC's expert, Mr. Materazzi said, "I hope your family all die ugly deaths." Experts enlisted by a Brazilian TV show said the Italian called Mr. Zidane's sister a prostitute. The men are believed to have spoken in Italian, which Mr. Zidane speaks because he played in Italy for many years.

Mr. Materazzi, in various media interviews, has denied calling the Frenchman a "terrorist" or insulting his mother, saying "the mother is sacred."

"I didn't say anything to him about racism, religion or politics," Mr. Materazzi told Italian sports newspaper Gazzetta dello Sport in an interview, excerpts of which were released last night shortly before Mr. Zidane's TV appearance. "I didn't talk about his mother, either. I lost my mother when I was 15 and even now I still get emotional talking about her."

Mr. Materazzi added that the French soccer star "has always been my hero. I admire him a lot."

It isn't the first time Mr. Zidane has lost his cool. In 1998, he stamped on a Saudi player during a World Cup game and was ordered off the field by the referee. France eventually won the tournament. Two years later, he head-butted a German player and was again expelled.

Though widely condemned for unsportsmanlike conduct after Sunday's head butt, Mr. Zidane has, if anything, become an even bigger star than before. Instead of slipping into retirement, the intensely private player has remained in the spotlight. Mr. Zidane was awarded the Golden Ball for best player at the World Cup -- an award given by journalists covering the event.

An announcement yesterday by Canal Plus that Mr. Zidane would be speaking in the evening was treated as a major piece of breaking news. His comments were the top item on France's evening news broadcasts.

To try to capitalize on this, a French record label has released a reggae-style song titled "Coup de Boule," French slang for head butt. Its chorus: "Zidane has hit [him]." The song plays on the words of a pre-World Cup song with the chorus "Zidane has scored."

On YouTube, the Web site used by people to share videos, the two most watched offerings in past days feature Mr. Zidane's head butt. They've been seen nearly half a million times. Another popular video is a compilation of fouls by the head-butted Italian, Mr. Materazzi.

While most French fans say Mr. Zidane's action probably lost France the game, nearly two-thirds say they've forgiven him, according to an opinion poll in Le Parisien newspaper. President Jacques Chirac, at a meeting with the team Monday at the Elysée Palace, embraced Mr. Zidane and told him: "You are a virtuoso....You are also a man of heart, commitment and conviction. That's why France admires and loves you."

Court Action

A member of parliament for France's ruling party has demanded that Mr. Zidane be given a Legion d'honneur, France's highest decoration. A French lawyer announced yesterday that he will go to court to try to get the World Cup final invalidated on the grounds that Mr. Zidane's expulsion was illegal. He wants the match with Italy replayed.

Corporate sponsors have reveled in the frenzy of interest in a man who graces advertisements for telephones, insurance policies, dairy goods and other products.

French telecom brand Orange, which renewed its contract with Mr. Zidane before the World Cup, said yesterday that the company regretted the head butt, "but it's not up to us to judge or condemn it. He's proven many times before that he was a straight and moral human being." Since Sunday's final, the company has run full-page newspaper ads featuring a close-up of Mr. Zidane, smiling on a soccer field.

Adidas AG, a sponsor of the World Cup and of Mr. Zidane, is launching a new website to allow fans to leave written or video messages for the "one who made us dream so much." The site,, starts up on Saturday. A temporary site has a picture of Mr. Zidane with the message: "Thank You for all the happiness you have given us."

Writers and philosophers have read great moral drama into Mr. Zidane's tantrum. "The God of football has become a literary hero," declared Zoé Valdes, an exiled Cuban writer in an article published in Spain. Bernard Henri-Lévy, a French philosopher writing in this newspaper, termed it the suicide of a "planetary icon."

Others see simpler lessons. "What a fabulous head butt," said Al Breach, head of research at UBS in Moscow and devoted fan of the French national team. "The Italian deserved something -- a bad dude -- and so, a good oak loses his cool and socks him one. Wonderful!"

-- Gabriel Kahn in Rome, Leila Abboud in Paris and Amir Efrati in New York contributed to this article.

Write to Andrew Higgins at [email protected]

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« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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