Yep. Shopped proposal. Yep. Got agent. Same guy responsible for some of the "For Dummies" books by IDG.
Now, the bad news... There are two books that I am writing. The one that I got the almost, kinda, sorta, hopefully okay on is the one about about conumer credit, mortgages, homebuying, investing, saving and the accumulation of wealth for the average, unknowledgeable person who wants to learn about how to move on to their financial future. That is almost wrapped up and will be under contract sometime in Q1 of 2003 (if all goes well, which it usually does not...). Currently in negotiations... To be continued...
The second book, (the one that I WANT to write) about RUSH lyrics, philospohy, enlightenment & inspiration I have not made that much headway on. Proposal is under construction and it will be discussed upon my meeting with the same agent. As much as I want to put this one first, I must put the one that people would actually buy, and possibly even read as priority if I ever expect to have anyone take me seriously on the second one.
Anyhow, I have a strong outline, breakdown and most of the sample chapter completed. I will keep you informed...
As far as RUSH & "Losing It," what an awesome song. The type that just makes me feel alive and grateful for the opportunity to explore my dreams, hopes and ambitions. It lets me truly try to take advantage of what passions and desires that I have now, knowing that someday too, I may face "Sadder still to watch it die, then never to have known it. For you -- The blind who once could see... The bells tolls for thee.."
Option One, I grow old and slowly suffer the gradual loss of a talent. Option two, I die suddenly and never see that type of pain & suffering in realizing myself pass through the wheels of time.
Rock on!