Author Topic: Know Your Stepcultists---A public service announcement from  (Read 1537 times)

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Offline Rabbi Dopeman

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Know Your Stepcultists---A public service announcement from
« on: September 14, 2005, 04:02:00 PM »
The following is a list of the various kinds of Stepcultists so far identified to the Red Temple Cult Bureau of Information.  Note that many sub-types and hybrids abound, and as distinct new types are identified, they will be added to the list.  Feel free to add your own observations to this list, but remember, the Red Temple Cult hierarchy shall be the final authority as to the validity of all submissions.


This is the basic type of Stepcultists, all other types are thought to be derived from (not EVOLVED FROM--Stepcultists are rarely known to evolve into higher forms, when/if they do, they generally cease to be Stepcultists).  "My sponsor said it, I believe it, that settles it" is a good summary of the mindset of the True Believer.  Whether swallowing Stepcraft dogma such as "Powerlessness" or doing "12th Step" work to indoctrinate others, the True Believer typically thinks that he has found the Truth at last--within the pages of Cult literature.  Ironically, a True Believer is often the person at the meeting with the highest blood alcohol level---they believe they are "powerless", and it turns into a self-fulfilling prophecy.  See that junkie nodding out at the NA meeting?  He's actually a Stepcult True Believer.  After he wakes up, he'll cry to his sponsor about the horrors of his addiction, and then humbly wait for the word from on high.  


Usually become 'sponsors' or leaders in their groups.  May or may not actually believe the dogma, but really likes being an authority figure or cult leader.  A very dangerous type, particularly to those already enmired in the tepcult, but also to the public at large through their work with drug courts and treatment centers.


Often the most duped type of Stepster, the Cafeteria Cultist takes a littl bit of this doctrine, a little bit of that dogma, often holding inherently contradictory viewpoints simultaneously.  "Take what you need and leave what you don't" is the favorite slogan of this type, which is how they often whitewash or sweep under the rug the more blatantly disgusting of Stepcult practices.


Combining the worst aspects of the True BEliever and the Power Crazed types, the 12 Step Nazi, like the Power Crazed type, is dangerous, but not only to those already within the cult.  If a True Believer were to be at your house, and you were to light up a joint, they may or may not leave, whereas the 12 Step Nazi will not only leave, but will call the police, hoping that you get arrested and sentenced to treatment.  They're the Stepsters that will give someone the little nudge they believe it will take for the person to "hit bottom", after which they expect the person to humbly crawl to a meeting, where the Stepcult can educate them on the error of their ways.  This type is NO DAMN GOOD.  Report any sightings of 12 Step Nazis to the Red Temple Cult IMMEDIATELY!!!!


This type has glaringly obvious mental or psychological problems, yet they blame their insanity on 'alcoholism' or 'addiction', whether they have used drugs/alcohol or not.  They tend to use the Stepcult as a social club, where even other Stepsters avoid them.  Often cited as examples of those who "waited too long" to practice Stepcraft, these poor bastards are pretty much harmless, and just "along for the ride".  The fact that the "ride" is to some vaguely defined state of "serenity" that is actually anathema to healthy mental functioning serves to illustrate how crazy this type really is.

As more types become identified, this list will be expanded, subject to the review of the Red Temple Cult Bureau of Information, your best source for the truth regarding other, and hence lesser, cults.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Know Your Stepcultists---A public service announcement from
« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2005, 07:59:00 PM »
First, Bill Wilson declared that Alcoholics Anonymous was only one of many ways to achieve sobriety, then he declared that it was The Only Way.

First, A.A. is just a nice neighborhood quit-drinking self-help group, and then it's a hard-core religion.

First, it's only a "spiritual" alcoholism recovery program, and then it's a fundamentalist religion (that they won't admit is a religion).
Shifting objectives: First the goal is to quit drinking, and then the goal is to "acquire faith" and "come to believe" in Bill Wilson's religion.

First, they will tell you that you can "Take what you want, and leave the rest." Then they will tell you that you can't ever leave.

First, they will tell you that you can do it your way. Then they will tell you that you must do it their way.

First, they will tell you that the Twelve Steps are only suggested as a program of recovery, but then you hear the slogan "Work The Steps Or Die".
First, God loves you, and then He doesn't.

First, they tell you that Alcoholics Anonymous is a program of "rigorous honesty", and then it's gross dishonesty: "Fake It Until You Make It" and "Act As If" and "Don't tell the newcomers..."
First, it's just a quiet, confidential program of attraction, then it's a tough-love program of steel-fisted coercion and promotion.

First, you get easy-going tolerance, and then, death threats.

First, the story is that the Twelve Steps will work and make you quit drinking, and then they won't.

Redefine Words: First a word means one thing, and then it means something else.

First, the insanity referred to in Step Two means that you have been insanely drinking enough alcohol to kill you, but then "insanity" means that you have not been living according to God's will.

First, Alcoholics Anonymous is a community of equals, just a nice neighborhood self-help group, and then it's a hierarchical dictatorship with Bill Wilson at the top.

First, you are an adult, and then you are a child.

First, the alcoholics who are still drinking are our brothers, our "fellow travelers" -- people who should be granted sympathy, understanding, unconditional love, and complete acceptance -- and then the alcoholics who won't conform to the A.A. program are just worthless bums.

First, a cure, and then, no cure. First, hope of recovery, and then hopelessness.

The medical-to-moral morph.

First you aren't supposed to feel guilty, and then you are.
First they will tell you that alcoholism is not a moral stigma, and then they will tell you that it is.

First they will tell you that an alcoholic is just an good person who can't control his drinking, but later they will tell you that an alcoholic is a disgusting selfish evil creature who has a "spiritual disease".
First they tell you that "There are no 'MUSTS' in Alcoholics Anonymous, only suggestions", but then they will tell you that there are many necessities and musts.

First it isn't political, and then it is.
First, they tell you to do an honest, complete, "moral inventory", and then they tell you to only talk about your "wrongs" and "character defects" and "moral shortcomings".
First, ego-mania, and then abject humility.

First, happiness, and then sadness.

First, ego-destruction, and then bombastic delusions of grandeur.

First, expect a great religious or spiritual experience, and then expect nothing.

First, "unconditional love" and then hateful contempt.

First, A.A. tells you to "Think, Think, Think", but later it's "Stop Your Stinkin' Thinkin'."

First, A.A. tells you that "A.A. requires no beliefs," but then you have to believe everything they tell you, and have blind faith in the proclamations of Bill Wilson.
First, prospective new members are offered a tolerant, open-minded "spiritual" program, but then they get narrow-minded demands for belief in Bill Wilson's teachings.

First, you can keep your own religion, and then you can't.

First it's "Surrender to God" and then it's "surrender to some A.A. members".

First, it's "any God as you understand Him", and then it's "You don't understand God."

First, declarations of Religious Freedom, and then demands for Religious Conformity.

First, a loosely-defined "Higher Power", and then an explicitly-defined "God".

Redefine God. First you get one God, then you get a different God.

Hide from newcomers what membership entails. First show them one image, then show them another image.

Offer them medical treatment for alcoholism, but give them the twelve-step religion.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Know Your Stepcultists---A public service announcement from
« Reply #2 on: September 24, 2005, 01:07:00 PM »

A Big Bump for the Big Book........

"Your sponsor says it's OK to drink......"
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Know Your Stepcultists---A public service announcement from
« Reply #3 on: September 24, 2005, 01:40:00 PM »
My favorate part of AA was "The moment of silence."
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Know Your Stepcultists---A public service announcement from
« Reply #4 on: September 24, 2005, 01:41:00 PM »
I liked the Lord's prayer.  When they had their eyes closed, you could steal money from the donation basket......
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Know Your Stepcultists---A public service announcement from
« Reply #5 on: September 24, 2005, 02:19:00 PM »
Give cheap beers to people coming out of AA meetings.

Take and throw away pamphlets promoting or giving meeting times or phone numbers for AA or NA.

Go to meetings and laugh at people, say "How ridiculous" after they read each step.

Look for newcomers, tell them they are in the wrong place. Plant seeds of doubt in their minds.

Talk about good times you had on drugs to people in the parking lots of NA or AA meetings. Tell them it is possible to use drugs and escape a horrible fate.

Put LSD in the coffee at NA or AA meetings.

Put Kahlua or Scotch in the coffee at AA meetings.

Make pot brownies and put them out next to the coffee at an NA meeting.

Tell people at meetings that they can exchange their chips for free drinks at a local bar (better still, find a bartender that will agree to do this).

At the part of the meeting where they ask if anyone has any announcements "for the good of NA", tell them "Yeah--scientific research has recently proven that no one is powerless over drugs and that NA has been shown to be harmful, so leave and don't come back"

Tell people that Satan (or the Flying Spaghetti Monster) is your higher power, and that he told you "it's OK to get high or drink".

Bring hot looking sluts to the meetings. Have them offer sexual favors to any Stepcultist that will do a shot of tequila (if AA) or bong hit/line of coke (if NA).

Always mention the names of specific drugs as many times as possible, describe them as "great", bitch about being court-ordered, offer to sign attendance slips in advance so they won't have to attend to get them signed, ridicule the Stepcult and it's adherents frequently.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Rabbi Dopeman

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Know Your Stepcultists---A public service announcement from
« Reply #6 on: September 25, 2005, 08:39:00 PM »
Red Temple Labs, the research arm of the Red Temple Cult, has tentatively identified a new type of Stepcultist.  Known as the "12 Step 'Enabler'", this insidious type of Stepcultist is unique in that they are True Believers in Stepcult dogma---for you!!!!

Often this type drinks or takes drugs shamelessly while still endorsing Stepcraft---after all, they reason, they don't have a drug problem--BUT YOU DO!!!

From probation officers and judges to no-good busybody neighbors and annoying do-gooder relatives, this Stepcultist wants you to attend AA/NA/Stepcraft-of-other-types meetings, where you can get "the help you need".  Willfully ignorant of the realities of drug use, abuse and addiction, these fuckheads support the insidious cult often knowing full well the farce that it is---they either like to tell themselves that they are "doing good" by "helping people", or they simply like to tell others what to do, or feel superior to the "poor addict/alcoholic" who needs a Stepcraft spellbook and a sponsor to function in his daily life.  The 12-Step Enabler is though t to descend from the True Believer type, crossed with a strain of Power Crazed type, with some characteristics of the 12Step Nazi.  This type is known to be both dangerous and annoying as all hell.


Smoke WEED and be Free........
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Know Your Stepcultists---A public service announcement from
« Reply #7 on: September 25, 2005, 09:29:00 PM »
bumpity bump!!!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline starry-eyed pirate

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Know Your Stepcultists---A public service announcement from
« Reply #8 on: September 26, 2005, 12:06:00 PM »
On 2005-09-25 17:39:00, Rabbi Dopeman wrote:

Smoke WEED and be Free........"

Shalom, Rabbi. Smoke WEED and be Free........"
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
If you would have justice in this world, then begin to see that a human being is not a means to some end.  People are not commodities.  When human beings are just to one another government becomes obsolete and real freedom is born; SPIRITUAL ANARCHY.

Offline Anonymous

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Know Your Stepcultists---A public service announcement from
« Reply #9 on: October 04, 2005, 09:18:00 AM »
On 2005-09-14 13:02:00, Rabbi Dopeman wrote:

"The following is a list of the various kinds of Stepcultists so far identified to the Red Temple Cult Bureau of Information.  Note that many sub-types and hybrids abound, and as distinct new types are identified, they will be added to the list.  Feel free to add your own observations to this list, but remember, the Red Temple Cult hierarchy shall be the final authority as to the validity of all submissions.


This is the basic type of Stepcultists, all other types are thought to be derived from (not EVOLVED FROM--Stepcultists are rarely known to evolve into higher forms, when/if they do, they generally cease to be Stepcultists).  "My sponsor said it, I believe it, that settles it" is a good summary of the mindset of the True Believer.  Whether swallowing Stepcraft dogma such as "Powerlessness" or doing "12th Step" work to indoctrinate others, the True Believer typically thinks that he has found the Truth at last--within the pages of Cult literature.  Ironically, a True Believer is often the person at the meeting with the highest blood alcohol level---they believe they are "powerless", and it turns into a self-fulfilling prophecy.  See that junkie nodding out at the NA meeting?  He's actually a Stepcult True Believer.  After he wakes up, he'll cry to his sponsor about the horrors of his addiction, and then humbly wait for the word from on high.  


Usually become 'sponsors' or leaders in their groups.  May or may not actually believe the dogma, but really likes being an authority figure or cult leader.  A very dangerous type, particularly to those already enmired in the tepcult, but also to the public at large through their work with drug courts and treatment centers.


Often the most duped type of Stepster, the Cafeteria Cultist takes a littl bit of this doctrine, a little bit of that dogma, often holding inherently contradictory viewpoints simultaneously.  "Take what you need and leave what you don't" is the favorite slogan of this type, which is how they often whitewash or sweep under the rug the more blatantly disgusting of Stepcult practices.


Combining the worst aspects of the True BEliever and the Power Crazed types, the 12 Step Nazi, like the Power Crazed type, is dangerous, but not only to those already within the cult.  If a True Believer were to be at your house, and you were to light up a joint, they may or may not leave, whereas the 12 Step Nazi will not only leave, but will call the police, hoping that you get arrested and sentenced to treatment.  They're the Stepsters that will give someone the little nudge they believe it will take for the person to "hit bottom", after which they expect the person to humbly crawl to a meeting, where the Stepcult can educate them on the error of their ways.  This type is NO DAMN GOOD.  Report any sightings of 12 Step Nazis to the Red Temple Cult IMMEDIATELY!!!!


This type has glaringly obvious mental or psychological problems, yet they blame their insanity on 'alcoholism' or 'addiction', whether they have used drugs/alcohol or not.  They tend to use the Stepcult as a social club, where even other Stepsters avoid them.  Often cited as examples of those who "waited too long" to practice Stepcraft, these poor bastards are pretty much harmless, and just "along for the ride".  The fact that the "ride" is to some vaguely defined state of "serenity" that is actually anathema to healthy mental functioning serves to illustrate how crazy this type really is.

As more types become identified, this list will be expanded, subject to the review of the Red Temple Cult Bureau of Information, your best source for the truth regarding other, and hence lesser, cults.

:nworthy:  :nworthy:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Know Your Stepcultists---A public service announcement from
« Reply #10 on: October 04, 2005, 11:24:00 AM »
On 2005-09-24 11:19:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Give cheap beers to people coming out of AA meetings.

Take and throw away pamphlets promoting or giving meeting times or phone numbers for AA or NA.

Go to meetings and laugh at people, say "How ridiculous" after they read each step.

Look for newcomers, tell them they are in the wrong place. Plant seeds of doubt in their minds.

Talk about good times you had on drugs to people in the parking lots of NA or AA meetings. Tell them it is possible to use drugs and escape a horrible fate.

Put LSD in the coffee at NA or AA meetings.

Put Kahlua or Scotch in the coffee at AA meetings.

Make pot brownies and put them out next to the coffee at an NA meeting.

Tell people at meetings that they can exchange their chips for free drinks at a local bar (better still, find a bartender that will agree to do this).

At the part of the meeting where they ask if anyone has any announcements "for the good of NA", tell them "Yeah--scientific research has recently proven that no one is powerless over drugs and that NA has been shown to be harmful, so leave and don't come back"

Tell people that Satan (or the Flying Spaghetti Monster) is your higher power, and that he told you "it's OK to get high or drink".

Bring hot looking sluts to the meetings. Have them offer sexual favors to any Stepcultist that will do a shot of tequila (if AA) or bong hit/line of coke (if NA).

Always mention the names of specific drugs as many times as possible, describe them as "great", bitch about being court-ordered, offer to sign attendance slips in advance so they won't have to attend to get them signed, ridicule the Stepcult and it's adherents frequently.


« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Botched Programming

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Know Your Stepcultists---A public service announcement from
« Reply #11 on: October 04, 2005, 11:50:00 AM »
On 2005-09-24 11:19:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Tell people that Satan (or the Flying Spaghetti Monster) is your higher power,"

 :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:

If we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them but to inform their discretion by education

--Thomas Jefferson

[ This Message was edited by: DOC SLOW on 2005-10-04 08:52 ]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Rabbi Dopeman

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Know Your Stepcultists---A public service announcement from
« Reply #12 on: October 04, 2005, 09:07:00 PM »
On 2005-10-04 06:18:00, Anonymous wrote:


On 2005-09-14 13:02:00, Rabbi Dopeman wrote:

"The following is a list of the various kinds of Stepcultists so far identified to the Red Temple Cult Bureau of Information.  Note that many sub-types and hybrids abound, and as distinct new types are identified, they will be added to the list.  Feel free to add your own observations to this list, but remember, the Red Temple Cult hierarchy shall be the final authority as to the validity of all submissions.


This is the basic type of Stepcultists, all other types are thought to be derived from (not EVOLVED FROM--Stepcultists are rarely known to evolve into higher forms, when/if they do, they generally cease to be Stepcultists).  "My sponsor said it, I believe it, that settles it" is a good summary of the mindset of the True Believer.  Whether swallowing Stepcraft dogma such as "Powerlessness" or doing "12th Step" work to indoctrinate others, the True Believer typically thinks that he has found the Truth at last--within the pages of Cult literature.  Ironically, a True Believer is often the person at the meeting with the highest blood alcohol level---they believe they are "powerless", and it turns into a self-fulfilling prophecy.  See that junkie nodding out at the NA meeting?  He's actually a Stepcult True Believer.  After he wakes up, he'll cry to his sponsor about the horrors of his addiction, and then humbly wait for the word from on high.  


Usually become 'sponsors' or leaders in their groups.  May or may not actually believe the dogma, but really likes being an authority figure or cult leader.  A very dangerous type, particularly to those already enmired in the tepcult, but also to the public at large through their work with drug courts and treatment centers.


Often the most duped type of Stepster, the Cafeteria Cultist takes a littl bit of this doctrine, a little bit of that dogma, often holding inherently contradictory viewpoints simultaneously.  "Take what you need and leave what you don't" is the favorite slogan of this type, which is how they often whitewash or sweep under the rug the more blatantly disgusting of Stepcult practices.


Combining the worst aspects of the True BEliever and the Power Crazed types, the 12 Step Nazi, like the Power Crazed type, is dangerous, but not only to those already within the cult.  If a True Believer were to be at your house, and you were to light up a joint, they may or may not leave, whereas the 12 Step Nazi will not only leave, but will call the police, hoping that you get arrested and sentenced to treatment.  They're the Stepsters that will give someone the little nudge they believe it will take for the person to "hit bottom", after which they expect the person to humbly crawl to a meeting, where the Stepcult can educate them on the error of their ways.  This type is NO DAMN GOOD.  Report any sightings of 12 Step Nazis to the Red Temple Cult IMMEDIATELY!!!!


This type has glaringly obvious mental or psychological problems, yet they blame their insanity on 'alcoholism' or 'addiction', whether they have used drugs/alcohol or not.  They tend to use the Stepcult as a social club, where even other Stepsters avoid them.  Often cited as examples of those who "waited too long" to practice Stepcraft, these poor bastards are pretty much harmless, and just "along for the ride".  The fact that the "ride" is to some vaguely defined state of "serenity" that is actually anathema to healthy mental functioning serves to illustrate how crazy this type really is.

As more types become identified, this list will be expanded, subject to the review of the Red Temple Cult Bureau of Information, your best source for the truth regarding other, and hence lesser, cults.


:nworthy:  :nworthy: "

Thank you, thank you very much.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »