Yeah, I'm the admin@tbfight ... I pay about 20 bucks a month in advertising with google... It seems to be very helpful... Although it does cost money everytime someone clicks that link instead of just finding it through the search engines... The important part is that it is shown, that's why I continue to do it... TB BBS also does this... This usually means 1 out of 5-6 ads will be about the Real WWASP instead of the propaganda that they throw out... This is good...
And as far as how easy it is to find wwasp sites in search engines... well it is easy, they are everywhere... But with the emergence of all of the ex-students sites and other anti-abuse sites, a search tends to show a nice cross-section... I know for a couple weeks (before I re-designed my site) tbfight was showing #1 on yahoo/msn/google for the search term "wwasps"... #2 was *&* lol, I beat them with their own name...
Fornits shows up real well, as does Rich's BBS and definently I.S.A.C... I think we are doing good... especially when you compare today to a few years back