Author Topic: Write to Dr. Phil!!  (Read 15371 times)

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Offline Nihilanthic

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Write to Dr. Phil!!
« Reply #105 on: January 24, 2005, 05:46:00 AM »
The only place I *KNOW* is good and safe, is mom's house.

Look into out-patient treatment, talk to therapists, etc. Try your DAMNEST to keep her HOME!

If for some reason she really does need to be locked up, not just because someone wants it - make sure you are in CONSTANT CONTACT with your child. DO NOT let them get between you and your kid. DO NOT let them censor mail or phone conversations. DO make sure she has the #s to advocatsy groups, YOU, and someone for advice. Make sure she has access to the outside world, period.

If anyone goes against that above - forgeddabout it. has some tips for how to seek treatment - but the biggest thing I can not stress enough is LOOK FOR OTHER WAYS FIRST.

You wont EVER 'cure' being bipolar. I dont see why shes in a RTC anyway! Drugs and 'mom-fu' do a good job of managing that. A RTC is just warehousing the kid until adulthood. PERIOD.

Also, dont let anyone pressure you into keeping your kid locked up behind their walls and in their hands. She belongs with YOU, PERIOD. I'm sure you've heard of by now. Maybe you should go read up. The only way to be sure shes ok is if shes with you.

Being cut off from school, social interaction, and  the REAL world, not just taking orders from others is going to make her very dependant when she gets out and make it hard for her to function normally. Shes also missing out on her teenage years. You dont get them back. She deserves some fun in her life. Go take her on a road trip or something.

And suffering is not a badge of honor. Experiencing tyranny does not deserve a bow or a kiss. The honor is in removing the stumbling stone. The honor is in the impolite destruction of tyranny through honest, powerful dialogue - not etiquette. Not political correctness.' target='_new'>Maximus

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

CCMGirl on program restraints: "DON\'T TAZ ME BRO!!!!!"

TheWho on program survivors: "From where I sit I see all the anit-program[sic] people doing all the complaining and crying."

Offline Anonymous

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Write to Dr. Phil!!
« Reply #106 on: January 24, 2005, 09:08:00 AM »
On 2005-01-24 00:52:00, Anonymous wrote:

"My daughter was turned down for Provo Canyon School because of her aggressiveness. She is 13 with bipolar disorder among other things and is currently in another rtc.

Does anyone know of any treatment facilities that are actually safe and GOOD?"

For bipolar disorder (which I have, and have a bunch of family members who also have it, including my 9 y.o. daughter), I would *NOT* choose the behavior modification facility model.  Period.

Your child *may* face a life situation on total disability drawing social security.  That's my cousin's situation.  When she starts to feel she's getting too unstable, she goes down and checks herself into the mental hospital so they can restabilize her on medication and they call her mother to tell her she's in the hospital again.

She sleeps on the couch with the television on to drown out the voices.

Her doctors know about the voices, it's just that with all the different medications that are out there, they can't get a combination that stabilizes her and stops them.

Then I'm at the other end of the spectrum of outcomes.  I'm a good medication responder (not due to any merit of my own, just "lucky" biology) and am very high function.  I'm a New York Times bestselling author.

I still have to take my meds and see my doc and periodically something changes and my doctor has to adjust my meds.

Bipolar disorder is a major, lifelong disability.

Don't expect your daughter to function like a person with no disabilities anymore than you'd expect a paraplegic kid to hit the top buttons on the elevator panel.

You're *more likely* to get a high-function outcome like mine if you try to keep your daughter stabilized to the point of not being actively dangerous and treat actual achievements as gravy.

That way she's not all knotted up and angsty inside feeling like she's expected to meet an impossible goal---being perfectly normal.

Not being angsty over impossible expectations *may* free her up to excel at the creative work that bipolars are so often *better* at than "normal" people.


I wouldn't have her in an RTC at all.

NIMH, the National Institutes of Mental Health, has openly stated that RTCs or bootcamps that place mentally ill kids (and they specifically mention bipolars) alongside juvenile delinquents DON'T WORK and are actually HARMFUL.

If you do have to put her in *short term* drug treatment for addiction problems, pick one with no boot camp characteristics that doesn't also accept juvenile delinquents.

If she's actively unstable, use a conventional mental hospital to get her restabilized as much as possible on medication.

If she's not a medication responder and is violent, she *may* have to stay involuntarily committed to a mental hospital until the drug companies develop a new drug or drugs that will work to stabilize her.

If you've run out of as much inpatient mental hospital care as your insurance allows, and you can manage her at night, see if you can find a day hospitalization program in your area.

If you listen to all this and still think you just really need to use an RTC, pick one that accepts as few juvenile delinquents (unless they're also mentally ill) and has as few bootcamp features as possible.  Also *insist* that you or a child advocate frequently visits your child to check on her welfare.

Do *NOT* use any facility that won't allow either you or a neutral representative appointed or hired or whatever to look out for the interests of your child to visit your child and make welfare checks.

And thank your lucky stars that PCS turned you down!  Far too many survivors have come out of that place with tales of permanent physical injuries from mistreatment.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Nihilanthic

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Write to Dr. Phil!!
« Reply #107 on: January 24, 2005, 04:24:00 PM »
As an 'austistic' (aspergers syndrome, look it up, its too complicated to explain in this post) I have to chime in here.

Nobody know what was wrong with me, why I felt so bad, or why I'd act out. I was EASY to manipulate and taken advantage of and used as the whipping boy a lot and the bottled up stress made me lash back verbally.

Aspergers and austism in general means you have difficulty with comprehending non-literal speech, both with understanding others and sending to them properly what you want to convey.

I can say right now the way that *I* am, I needed love and real emotional support - and for that matter physical affection. When the only time people touch you is to hurt you a hug goes a LONG way.

If I was put in an austere environment like a program, ANY program, it would destroy me. Any "advancement" would be me grinning and bearing it until I graduate or make a run for it.

I suppose being that kind of person, and because I have some difficulty understanding (but I do not have any difficulty with compassion or empathy, dont get the  wrong idea!) how an austere, strict, pleasureless environment 'helps' anyone unless its in the same way that you make a dog tough if you beat it and mistreat it a lot.

Maybe I will some day. I just dont see the point of ego-reduciton and beating people down, especially kids.

I do not find in orthodox Christianity one redeeming feature.
--Thomas Jefferson, U.S. President, author, scientist, architect, educator, and diplomat

[ This Message was edited by: Nihilanthic on 2005-01-24 13:25 ]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

CCMGirl on program restraints: "DON\'T TAZ ME BRO!!!!!"

TheWho on program survivors: "From where I sit I see all the anit-program[sic] people doing all the complaining and crying."

Offline Anonymous

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Write to Dr. Phil!!
« Reply #108 on: March 10, 2005, 10:14:00 PM »
this link is long, but i am very curios if dr phil actually refers and pays for programs? it just doesn't sound right.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline chi3

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Write to Dr. Phil!!
« Reply #109 on: March 11, 2005, 02:48:00 AM »
Dr. Phil has most definately sent kids to beh. mod. programs with parental blessing. I don't know all about the money issue, but he does endorse these programs. Also, you may have read another post where some people tried to post on his message board their experiences with these programs. Because it was against his ideas, he had them removed, or did not allow them to be posted. From what I understand, and I might be mixed-up, Dr. Phil was trained in the Lifespring program and affiliated with it at one time. Lifespring is now resource realizations, who do the program seminars(brainwashing) at the WWASPS "schools."
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Write to Dr. Phil!!
« Reply #110 on: March 12, 2005, 09:51:00 PM »
dr. phil had a show on friday about add/adhd. it was actually interesting without his yelling.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Write to Dr. Phil!!
« Reply #111 on: June 26, 2005, 12:04:00 AM »
The topic of residential treatment for attachment disorders frequently comes up in email to my site, as well as in the online support forum we run on Delphiforums.

The parent seeking long-term residential treatment, or boot camp type places, will usually phrase the argument in such a away as to suggest that it is a continuation of the child's treatment plan.

In reality, it's an admission of defeat.

There isn't necessarily anything wrong with that. If things had gone wrong, and our nephew had not been healed of reactive attachment disorder, but rather grew larger and stronger, angrier and more hostile as he grew older, there would quite likely come a point where we'd have had to admit that we couldn't handle it anymore.

But it's nevertheless a failure, as far as treatment and healing are concerned. Such places may be able to teach a child unhealed of RAD how to survive in society without going to prison, but they are not going to turn him into a well-adjusted person, able to have good, loving relationships with others.

And they could also make him worse. Especially the military-style camps. There's something about taking a kid who has already proven that he doesn't have a conscience, making him even angrier, and teaching him how to fight, that just seems wrong somehow.

Yeah, children with attachment disorder need loving parents who are going to be there for the long haul. They need therapeutic parenting and they need attachment therapy.

They don't need intimidation. Most of them have already seen enough abuse for one lifetime.

By the way, Dr. Phil also refers people here:

-- Ken
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Write to Dr. Phil!!
« Reply #112 on: February 13, 2006, 09:25:00 PM »
:cry2: dr phil,I am 27. I have 3 children.   I am married. My name is becky.''rebecca''.Davidson. Husband is Marlow.We have 3 beataful children.1,boy,Sebastian,Two girls. Pamela,Kathy.Age.boy to girls. boy 6,pam 5, kathy2.well Dr Phil,I would like time alone with Marlow for just one late after noon and night. This has been inposable seems like for a long time.Dr Phil, i use to have money when i could work. But i cant work because of marlows heath.We would like one afternoon say about 2.oopm until about 11.oo am. next day.To be alone.We have trouble with this because money and no one to watch the kids. We only get 599.00 a mounth now because i cant work.He gets a mounthly check. DR. Phil 599.00 just isnt an amont to live on and have extra for spesa. times.DR Phil. I got nothing for val, day. I only have two pr of pants i can wear and 3 tops. I dont even have a bra to wear. My kids have stuff to wear and food. but i my self have not got a new top sock to or pants in about 3 years. My mom dont buy me anything for cristmas. She gives me a little money and i spend it all on my kids.I got my husband one thing for cristmas a 17.85 doller top. He got me a pack of shower gel for 8.something. DR PHIL CAN U OR SOMEONE U KNOW HELP US OUT. We just want one night to injoy each other. Dr Phil write me back at 1314 Irndell Rd, lot 21 big   stone gap Va, 24219. Or you can call 1 276 523 0542. Leave mess, if no answer. box will say larry spears. He is a friend. You can leave a mess for me. He will give it to me.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »