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Messages - valorie

Pages: [1]
Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / ,
« on: February 06, 2004, 12:45:00 PM »
No ill will here kelly!! I don't have your e-mail I will get it from Timmy. I will get a hold of you real soon. Take Care and tell your mom I said HELLO!!

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / ,
« on: February 05, 2004, 05:49:00 PM »
Gina and Sheila both commited suicide, I tried to contact their parents but was never able to. I have gotten in touch w/ a lot of people from straight and felt privilaged to call them my friend. (not you mr. kemp)
Anyway, I went on my 4th phase w/ Shannon A. and she flirted w/ my cute brother the whole time.
I went w/ Kim on her 4th phase vacation and will never forget it. I love her dearly!!
Hey, Shannon, do you remember reporting me for hugging my counselor at PDAP when I came home? He was so hot, still is.
Just so you all know, I was in the program for 19 months and I was never confronted in Fri. OMR and never confronted by anyone like most of you all did. Guess I was very lucky.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / ,
« on: February 05, 2004, 01:52:00 PM »
Just for clarification purposes. The dark haired girl I was very!!! close to was not BECCA Parum, it was Kimberly Dawn Gent. She was from Bryan, and she was court ordered.
Hey, Jennifer!! Been talking to Timmy about you. I will attempt to drive his crazy butt to dallas this weekend. Are you planning on being there? Hope to see a bunch of you there.
Oh, and Kelly, if you are reading along. How the hell are you!!! You copped?? how do you spell that... ran away from me when I was at the YORK host home. Todd and I are still married and he is fighting like hell to keep me. He is very handsome and a little to confident, but I know of one certainty in my life and that is that he loves me dearly!!!
Some people I would like to catch up with.... hmmmmmmmm,,, BOB SHREVE!!! Please ladies tell me I wasn't the only one drooling over him. He was tall dark and something. I knew that Gina Golden was dead. Also that Sheila Condon was dead. I spoke w/ Michelle Karr after straight. She said that she had no desire to keep in touch w/ anyone from there.
Kim was my bestest good friend in straight and afterwards she went right back to the drugs. She was in an awful car accident that confined her to a wheel chair for a good many years. She got out of the chair and went back to prison w/ her mom and dad. She will always hold a large part of my heart and I will love her always!!! Thanks to straight...

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