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Messages - Joseph W. Gauld

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Hyde Schools / Re: Our highly trained staff is waiting to serve you.
« on: August 29, 2007, 09:25:21 AM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""Joseph W. Gau!d""
"My {103} years of working with teenagers have given me a sense of omniscience about life -- as though I'm standing on top of a high hill with a panoramic view, watching each of my students struggle with the obstacle course of adolescence and knowing in advance what the outcome will be, by the way each tackles the course."


Thanks for grounding us with your insight.  I own my life to you and only wish I was fit to be of some service to the Hyde community.  Please kick the ases of all the posters here with bad attitudes especially Ursus.   We all need to accept your vision for us so we can unlock and reach our unique potential.

Cy Cophant

Dear Cy,

I wish I had another daughter because you sound like such a fine, upstanding young man, I'd be more than honored to have you as a member of my family.  We could also use some more fresh familial bonds tying things together up here in Maine, since Laurie and Paul are dropping the ball and have decided to go selfish on me.

And that ugly old hairball Ursus ain't nothing but a loud-mouthed panty-waist to me, don't you worry about me.  If that gutless anal wonder of a bear carcass ever shows his fat, bad-breathed face on any of my ever-increasing number of campuses, I'll...

...go to Hawaii!!  Well, not willingly, but... you know how it is.  My people take care of me.  Nice to learn that you're one of them.

Joseph W. Gau!d, The Educator

Sorry about that Cy, an old man like me sometimes doesn't know what he's doing with this internet stuff.  The above post was from me.  I couldn't figure out how to log in.

BTW, what's a fine, upstanding young man like yourself doing on this fornicate site?  It's a cesspool, by God!

Still warmly,
Joseph W. Gau!d, The Educator

Hyde Schools / Just Another Boarding School
« on: August 28, 2007, 11:08:46 PM »
Quote from: ""Botched Programming""
As far as it goes Teen Torture and Child Abuse was a money making venture for Mel and Betty Sembler and they wanted as much of it as they could get. More kids = More money.

Hey... You in this business too?  I don't seem to remember you from the annual Milk Them Fuckin Suckers For All They've Got meetings, but hey, the industry is growing... Long as we keep ol Bush Bits at the podium, there should be enough room for all of us, Har-de-Har Har Har!

Hyde Schools / right or wrong
« on: August 28, 2007, 05:30:46 PM »
Quote from: ""larry61122""
i have just recently taken the anti hyde site off the web because as much as i hate the school its given me way to many chances and i abused them each time. simply put is that i need what the school has to offer.

to those who hate hyde, thats fine with me. to those who like hyde, there is nothing wrong with that but i cant crap on something that offered to help me.

Quote from: ""Guest""
How did they help you?

We gave Larry way too many chances and he abused them each time.  Simply put:  we convinced him that he needs what the school has to offer.

Since his parents had to take out a second mortgage to pay for his Hyde School education, we simply bought the mortgage from the bank and raised the rates.  We gave the family an option.  We always give families options.  "You want to keep your parents off the streets?  Stay in school."

Larry was placed on 2-4 and 5:30's for the remainder of the school year.  There was quite a lot of landscaping that still needed to be completed in the vicinity of the new gym.  Since he was not be able to fully participate in the academic program during this time, it is anticipated that he will require an additional year to obtain his certificate.

He also signed a five-year commitment to teach the summer Wilderness program starting now, along with an additional promised two years of academic instruction once he has completed two years of college.  For his efforts he will receive a yearly salary of $13,400 plus free room and board in one of our conveniently located housing units, surrounded by splendid woodland vistas and the sounds of happy children.  He will be strongly encouraged to participate in all of the cultural opportunities that we offer to all of our Hyde community.  

We are very happy that Larry has decided to take advantage of all that the Hyde community has to offer him.  Again, we always give students options.

Hyde Schools / Re: Our highly trained staff is waiting to serve you.
« on: August 28, 2007, 04:33:07 PM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
highly trained counselors

"My {103} years of working with teenagers have given me a sense of omniscience about life -- as though I'm standing on top of a high hill with a panoramic view, watching each of my students struggle with the obstacle course of adolescence and knowing in advance what the outcome will be, by the way each tackles the course."

Hyde Schools / Sexual assaults and inappropriate behavior by Hyde Staff
« on: August 28, 2007, 04:00:12 PM »
Quote from: ""Hydemom""
The fact that these misguided, ignoramus, mentally impaired  fools who run Hyde School would think it is normal or therapuetic to put a child (victim) through this says it all!!

"misguided"  - the important thing is that we CARE

"ignoramus" - I have always said, character over academics.  Let me tell you a story about two boys, one smart, one dumb...

"mentally impaired" - hey, don't hold the fact that Blanche and I were soused out of our gourds throughout most of my kids' childhoods against me!  Remember, I CARE!  Oh, and FAS?... its a myth!

Therapy is what you make it.  Maybe your daughter couldnt handle it.  We don't need any professionals.  We care about our Hyde kids.  Especially the ones we can convince into coming back and teaching for $15k/year...

Hyde Schools / Sexual assaults and inappropriate behavior by Hyde Staff
« on: August 28, 2007, 03:31:47 PM »
Quote from: ""Hydemom""
There were male and female staff in this meeting. My daughter told me it was the most humiliating thing she was ever forced to do.  She was having trouble being in the same room as the creep teacher, (LD) who fondled her, so was looking the other way. Judy Fortier, a former Hyde Mom and staffer told her, "xxxxx, you need to look at LD when you talk to him." Ken Grant also told her that she needed to confront LD and let him know how uncomfortable he made her feel.

The fact that these misguided, ignoramus, mentally impaired  fools who run Hyde School would think it is normal or therapuetic to put a child (victim) through this says it all!!

Humiliation is good for the soul.  Trust me, had you kept your parental meddling out of this, we could have made a man out of your daughter yet!

Hyde Schools / Sexual assaults and inappropriate behavior by Hyde Staff
« on: August 28, 2007, 03:28:18 PM »
Quote from: ""Ursus""
Quote from: ""Hydemom""
Quote from: ""JoeSoulBro""
It is part of the Hyde ethos.  You are responsible for your experience at Hyde.  If Hyde does not work for you it is because you did not commit to the process.  So if you are sexually harassed at Hyde it is because you allowed it to happen.

Very interesting that you say this.  When LD enjoyed himself rubbing his body all over my daughter she  complained to Ken Grant who then called her into a meeting with LD, (without my knowledge) along with other adult staff.  She was made to confront him in front of all. MY GOD, this was a sexual assault and they want a young teenage girl to be in the same room as the perpetrator to "confront" him??  Sorry, but this goes beyond sick!! Every single one of those staff who participated in this and knew it was wrong needs to look at themselves and ask why they were such cowards.  I am referring to the non family members who were upset yet kept silent.

This picture is achingly similar to the picture of Hyde School thinking there was nothing wrong with assembling the student body for butt naked fat measurements.

Point is, Hyde thinks there is nothing wrong with this.  

And it doesn't matter that the rest of the world thinks there is something wrong with this, cuz the rest of the world is in a piss-poor position to judge character.  Character being, of course, what Hyde is the expert at.

Remember, Joe said "leave the character judgments to us, we are in a better position to judge than parents are" (paraphrase; emphasis added).

The fact that they think there is nothing wrong with these kinds of things reflects a very sick, conservative, and paternalistic outlook.  The bottom of that barrel has yet to be scraped.

"I love kids.  I can't resist little ones.  We often knowingly catch each other's eye, on an airplane or while standing in line."

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