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Messages - Watchful Yeoman

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The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Why do Survivors need to Lie?
« on: October 15, 2010, 12:16:02 PM »
Quote from: "Whooter"
Quote from: "Shadyacres"

This is not lying.  These people are telling the truth AS THEY SEE IT.  At least one of these posters was a parent with no affiliation with any program.  To that parent, their daughters friend was kidnapped and tortured, period.  This, along with your other three examples lends credence to our argument that "escort" is grossly misleading and what is happening to these kids is much closer to most peoples definition of "kidnapping and torture".

Its not misleading if that is what happened to them.  How can it be?  If you were escorted than that is the fact.  If it felt different then the person can explain that but they shouldnt lie.

What if another survivor says he felt like he was abused in his program.  If after we speak to him he says he was forced to sit in a class room all day which to him "AS HE SEES IT" is abusive.  Would this then also have to be considered abuse?

If a guy says he was shot by a terrorist but it turns out to be a hunting accident.  Can he justify his lie by saying he felt terrorized and thought he was going to die?  The fact is that he was not shot by a terrorist.  The same as these kids, the fact is that they were escorted to their school.

A person cannot change the facts because of how they feel.  They can say they got hit by a bus when in fact they got hit by a bicycle just because it felt like a bus.

Spreading lies that you were kidnapped when in fact you were not is just wrong.  The same as if you were saying you were abused when in fact you were just forced to sit in a class room is lying also.


Same as if you created a fake family in order to advance your agenda.  People, seriously, why do you humor the ultimate liar?

Quote from: "whooter"
I fabricated a son

'Nuff said.  Nobody else here has ever been shown to be liar of this magnitude.  Not even  :shamrock: Li'l sidekick :shamrock: .

Quote from: "Shadyacres"
Imagine how much harder their jobs would be if they were unable to lie.  How do you get people to PAY YOU TO TORTURE THEIR CHILDREN without lying?  It is painfully obvious that lying to and conning parents is the business that they are in.  In fact, I believe that the parent is the main target of their "brainwashing", the kid is just a handle to get ahold of their parents and more importantly, their parents money.

OK.  Correct me if I don't get your sentiment right.

4.  It makes parents easier marks to dupe/control.

3.  When their preferred program caused the death of their own child, they need to "fabricate" new children with better track records to hold out as success stories of the program.

Aspen Education Group / Re: John D. Reuben and
« on: October 14, 2010, 03:36:40 PM »
It takes a heartless and callous profiteer to raise funds off his dead kid while "fabricating" a whole new family to hold out as a "program success story."  It's disgusting.

Quote from: "Anne Bonney"
Quote from: "Watchful Yeoman"
I'm going to have to agree with psy here.  This tactic of fabricating entire families, inventing children, making up success stories is very common in program parents and program pushers.  Whooter is a program pusher that pretends to have a family he does not have, nor has he ever had, in order to frame the debate in a way where he can hold out his fictitious story and nonexistent children as "program success stories."  It's dishonest, but it's how he chose to present himself here.  Unfortunately for Whooter, he got caught lying and was forced to admit it, so there's no going back now.  From here out nobody will believe what he says because of this (and many other) enormous lies in which he has been caught.  Let's be honest, if these programs actually worked or produced results, their proponents wouldn't be reduced to inventing their entire family history and fabricating children in order to show the programs work.  They don't work so these people like Whooter have to lie to promote them and make sales.

Yeah, that really is it.  They know programs can't hold up to the scrutiny, so they send in someone to do damage control on the sites that expose their methods.  Or, the person decided (like Sue Scheff and, I believe, Whooter/Reuben) to make some money off of it so they come here to protect their own monetary interest because they know that Fornits has an impact, no matter how much they put it down.  If Fornits wasn't having an impact, they wouldn't feel the need to be here day after day after day after day, making up pretend families and defending and spinning this bullshit.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Why do Survivors need to Lie?
« on: October 14, 2010, 03:26:32 PM »
Quote from: "Watchful Yeoman"
Quote from: "Whooter"
When faced with an opportunity to be honest and just tell the truth some people will embellish and use words for the purpose of fooling someone into believing something that didnt happen.

Quote from: "Whooter"
I fabricated a son

I only see Whooter doing this.  I have yet to see a single example of a survivor doing this.

Maybe Whooter can explain to the rest of us why he has done this repeatedly since 2005.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Why do Survivors need to Lie?
« on: October 14, 2010, 03:23:18 PM »
Quote from: "Whooter"
When faced with an opportunity to be honest and just tell the truth some people will embellish and use words for the purpose of fooling someone into believing something that didnt happen.

Quote from: "Whooter"
I fabricated a son

I only see Whooter doing this.  I have yet to see a single example of a survivor doing this.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Why do Survivors need to Lie?
« on: October 14, 2010, 03:17:57 PM »
My take on the subject is that nobody should bother answering you, of all people, about lying.  Nobody here should be lectured by a liar such as yourself about lying.

You've never been in a program, we know that.  You never had a son at Second Nature, we know that, too.  But you have lied about both, posing a program kid and "fabricating" a child you never had.  Why the hell should anyone humor you about lying?

The Drama Box / Re: Why do Survivors need to Lie?
« on: October 14, 2010, 03:12:01 PM »
Quote from: "DannyB II"
Quote from: "shaggys"
I use the term brainwashing to describe what happened to me at Straight inc because that is exactly what happened. I was forced to sit in a chair and stare straight ahead for 12 to 18 hours a day. Even moving my eyes away from the wall for a moment would invite harsh confrontation by staff/group. The only movement allowed was to turn your head to face the person speaking. The conversation in group all day long revolved around how awful we were as "druggies" and how only Straight inc could save us from ourselves. I was 15 and had only smoked a little pot and had a few beers in my whole life up to that point. I was taught that i would die, go insane or be locked in jail if I didn't fully commit myself to Straights' dogma. Every aspect of my life was completely controlled - eating, washing, sleeping, speaking, - everything. After month upon month of this I started believing what Straight was telling me. Eventually I believed EVERYTHING they told me.
It is my understanding that many programs today still use Straight-like methods on kids. It is brainwashing and I will continue to use that term to describe it.

This story right here is a embellishment, of course you will move your eyes, every group you were in was not always about you and the focus was not always on drugs.
Listen in case you did not know, it is not Straights fault you only smoked one joint, drank one beer, kissed one girl and stayed out late one night. Some one gave Straight the impression you were a screw-up so you were placed there. Now if you want to blame Straight for the type of treatment you received, fine but take up why you were placed there with the proper folks.
I didn't believe everything Elan told me, I didn't buy into there concepts of treatment and I wasn't brainwashed.

shaggys, DannyB II knows better than you do what happened to you.  Don't blame Straight for abusing you.  It was your fault!

DannyB II, please go back to van-dragging and give us a break.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Why do Survivors need to Lie?
« on: October 14, 2010, 03:05:04 PM »
OK, well we got one example now.  DannyB II is a survivor and a liar.  That's one.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Why do Survivors need to Lie?
« on: October 14, 2010, 02:57:59 PM »
Quote from: "Watchful Yeoman"
Quote from: "Whooter"
But a big step in getting people to listen is to try and make your story as credible as possible.

Quote from: "Whooter"
I fabricated a son


Sorry, folks, but I won't be lectured to about "lying" by this guy.

2.  If they allowed their true thoughts to emerge, business would take a nose dive.

Quote from: "Whooter"
Back in the 1960's the word Gay was a slur. They were not accepted at all and were referred to as fruit cakes or as a birth defect of some type. They would marry woman and have kids because that was what was accepted of men in those days. They started having sex with each other in San Fransisco which caused the Aids Virus which proved that homosexuality was unnatural and needed to be treated like a disease.

It would be tough to push a program based on scientific evidence when the extent of your science "understanding" is that "gay sex in San Francisco caused the AIDS Virus" I think.

Let It Bleed / Re: Stuff you've been listening to
« on: October 14, 2010, 02:25:04 PM »
Merle Motherfucking Haggard.  "Branded Man."  Absolutely great and fitting song for all of us who have been in programs or the joint.

Also Merle Haggard, "Mama Tried."  Very much my personal story.

The Drama Box / Re: Why do Survivors need to Lie?
« on: October 14, 2010, 02:14:13 PM »
Quote from: "Whooter"
But a big step in getting people to listen is to try and make your story as credible as possible.

Quote from: "Whooter"
I fabricated a son


Let's start exploring why program parents and program pushers need to lie and the types of lies they use routinely. We can make a numbered list and see how many we can come up with. I'll start.

1. Many program pushers don't even have kids, but they feel they might get more traction with the general public if others believed them to be actual, real parents.

Quote from: "Whooter"
I fabricated a son

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