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Messages - SUCK IT

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The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: .
« on: August 24, 2010, 02:25:19 AM »
Quote from: "Che Gookin"
Rather than speculate about other people's identities and motives perhaps it would be better to open your mind, and realize the possibility that some people have different experiences in programs than others. The world is not black and white, as fornits perceives it to be. Fornits is color blind to this and I use my experiences and honesty to paint a colorful picture that enrages people here for its ability to contradict a favored narrative, but I have a right to my opinions just as anybody else does. I feel sad for the person you describe above as well, lucky for me I'm not them.

No one really cares if you had a good program experience. Some of us do care that your shilling for WWASP in the name of trollin'. You outted yourself there with your post deletions. That was one of your trademarks back in the day. You'd delete every single one of your posts and disappear.

You are constructing a conspiracy theory, just like many people on fornits seem to do. Psy knew who Whooter was, how did that work out? People should keep an open mind on fornits, and not be so quick to adopt assumptions as fact.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: I am a bitch
« on: August 24, 2010, 02:23:38 AM »
Quote from: "Froderik"
Quote from: "SUCK IT"
Yesterday people were sure I was a program parent. Today they were sure I was Whooter.

But these suppositions could be chalked up to your own doing, to a certain extent. And actually, the two suppositions occurred simultaneously; I presumed you were Whooter because you outted yourself as a program parent on that "I am a bitch" thread last night. Even under the assumption that this story about being blackmailed is true, there is a palpable cause for people to think these things about you; I'm just saying.

I really don't care what people think about me. If people want to think I'm Whooter or whatever, it makes no difference to me at all. People are always free to draw their own conclusions, just as I have on my own experiences in treatment.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: I am a bitch
« on: August 24, 2010, 12:42:44 AM »
Quote from: "psy"
One of your friends PM'ed me earlier to let me know I was right about you being PosterX, urging me to move on because you really did feel threatened and were just trying to prove a point.

This is laughably inaccurate. I don't communicate with anybody here via PM or email, I have never talked to anyone other than what is posted on the forum. I have no friends here, and whoever sent you that PM was spinning the usual conspiracy theories that make up the bulk of the fornits mythology. Yesterday people were sure I was a program parent. Today they were sure I was Whooter. Now I am supposedly the very person blackmailing me, it's sad people need to construct outlandish theories rather than accept the truth staring them in the face.

You lied there, SUCK IT.  

No, the person who PMed you lied. I am attacked here for being too honest, and my honesty is now being used against me. I don't need to make anything up or lie, the truth speaks for itself.
How is anybody to know whether you were in a program or not. I mean it wasn't too long ago you were claiming to be richer than any of us, lounging around on the beach.  I have a good guess as to who you might be (same person Che suspects) but even that person wouldn't go to such lengths to support a program that traumatized him to the point where a car approaching from behind could send him into a panic attack -- beating on the hood of the car in front of his girlfriend.  No.  I don't believe he would flip so far over to the other side.  Then again, maybe you are him and you feel better with the illusion that somehow what you went through had some meaning, that somehow they helped you, that somehow you caused it and therefore are in total control of your future.

You are responsible for your actions, but only your actions.  What happened to you, what was done to you, was wrong.  There ARE victims in this life.  You don't choose to be a victim.  Others do that for you, which is exactly what makes it so traumatic.  People who have power over others often do abuse that power and there is no shame at all in being on the receiving end.  Even if in some way you put yourself "on the train tracks" as Erhard would say, it still does not excuse those who were supposed to be taking care of you for their actions.  What went on and what goes on in WWASP programs is by any publicly accepted standard of decency, abuse.  They hurt you.  You were a victim.  It doesn't mean you're powerless but you aren't god either.  It doesn't mean you deserved it or caused it and no matter what the result, it was wrong.  Abuse is not the way to help kids.  The Hobbit, Cat 4s, cat 5s, duct tape, dog cages.  These are serious criminal matters.  Who cares what others such as your parents think.  Empathizing with a point of view and agreeing are two different things, and if you're parents knew and approved of what went on, they're just as guilty as the program.  They might show you compassion as you hit troubled times, they might show you love, but conditional acceptance and support is not love.  It's simply a desire for control, sometimes borne out of love but other times it's just a desire to make you in their image.

I feel sad for you.  I really do.  If you are who I think you are.  You were once so fragile, hurt but full of emotion and compassion.  You were able to sway the views of others.  You were able to convince parents of things even I couldn't dream possible.  You might look back on that and see it as a sign of sickness but I saw a guy with a heart.  Now all i see, all i feel, is hate. Your very name symbolizes what you have become.  You're devoid of compassion, you see victims as having deserved what they god, having put themselves in the situation.  I can't imagine the amount of hate you must feel towards yourself.

Someday, maybe, you'll remember who you were and find the good among the fragile.

Rather than speculate about other people's identities and motives perhaps it would be better to open your mind, and realize the possibility that some people have different experiences in programs than others. The world is not black and white, as fornits perceives it to be. Fornits is color blind to this and I use my experiences and honesty to paint a colorful picture that enrages people here for its ability to contradict a favored narrative, but I have a right to my opinions just as anybody else does. I feel sad for the person you describe above as well, lucky for me I'm not them.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: I am a bitch
« on: August 23, 2010, 11:25:50 PM »
Quote from: "psy"
Quote from: "Anne Bonney"
What's the deal with the SUCK IT v. SUCKed IT?  Or are there two accounts for the same poster?  I have no idea...I'm honestly asking.
PosterX is making it seem like he can't remember SUCK IT's name so he couldn't possibly be SUCK IT.  Same with formatting differences.  You follow?  I asked Poster X to get Suck it to ask me to delete his posts and account or string all his posings together.

If PosterX is not SUCK IT, he or she has no motivation to refrain from doing what I asked.  I would get a request from SUCK IT but would not honor it as it was made under duress.  In such a case I would at least be able to let people know that PosterX was telling the truth (I can let people know if such a request was made).  I would try to persuade PosterX to stop the blackmail and let SUCK IT return.

On the other hand, if PosterX Is SUCK IT he or she only has a few choices:
  • Say nothing and by doing so expose true identity (SUCK IT).  Casts doubt on credibility of SUCK IT as a whole.
  • Make the request to delete and lose all postings (if the posters are the same, the duress does not exist and I will comply).
  • Make the request to string accounts together and be exposed as a liar.  PosterX suddenly becomes identified as "SUCK IT".

So basically if I don't hear from SUCK IT with such a request you will know for sure that SUCK IT made this whole thing up to make the anti-program side look bad by faking being blackmailed/doxed.

I do not want my posts deleted. By the way, I got an email with this lame offer. The previous post is my response, all the haters can SUCK IT.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Post your positive program experiences
« on: August 23, 2010, 11:20:32 PM »
This thread could be deleted with one click of a button by the admins here. But fornits credibility would vanish just as quickly as this thread did, if they choose that route. I don't believe this thread will be deep sixed, because I believe I have a fundamentally better understanding of the intentions of this forum than many of the other users. I have researched it, read through the entire FAQ and terms of service. Guess what? The people who own this site, welcome and entourage all people to post here. There is nothing in there about this being a anti program forum, go look for yourself if you don't believe me.

Everything I've posted in this thread is accurate and true, and yes it really happened. If you can't understand that sometimes little things in life are a big deal, then congratulate yourself on having a relatively easy life. People who have been in stressful situations and scared, and confused know that a simple action can have a tremendously profound impact. If you don't like this thread, go start a thread about negative experiences. I will continue to post my positive experiences in this thread, even if nobody else posts here but me. I really don't care, because I know what I went through and how to interpret my experience in an honest way, and share it with others. Isn't that what this discussion forum is all about? I suppose that depends on your perspective on why this forum exists in the first place.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: I am a bitch
« on: August 23, 2010, 10:52:16 PM »
Let me start off with saying, I am not a bitch. I thought about what I was going to do all day today while at work, and I've come to a conclusion. I am going to put my faith and trust in another human being to do the right thing in this case. That means I am going to continue to take advantage of my free speech rights and this forum that invites all opinions for a free for all discussion, and live with the consequences whatever they may be. At this point I have no control over whether my information is going to be released. It's clear that many people want access to this information for their own purposes. I believe it's only a matter of time until, as a favor, it is sent around to others than the person who has this info right now. I really need my job and the money I make, without it I will probably end up homeless. If somebody can look themselves in the face every morning after having ruined someone's life just for the opinions they hold, then there is something wrong with that person and they should wonder what will their excuse be waiting at the gates of Heaven, being judged by God? This situation has gotten out of hand, and it is out of my control. I can only hope that people can act like adults and accept another opinion rather than destroy a life in order to shut them up.

You've had you're fun. I said what you wanted me to say. But from this point on I will follow nobody else's rules, but my own. I will no longer be threatened into silence, all because some person found a link to my face book account. Let this please be a lesson to those of you who post information about yourself on the internet, some people will attempt to use this information against you. The info that is being threatened to be sent to my boss are posts in which I was overly honest, I was naive to the fact someone might me compiling these confessions to use against me. I was trying to share my own experiences and opinions about treatment and AA related topics and rather than argue with people, reach down deep into myself and pull these old memories out to share with a group of internet strangers. This process is not easy and this blackmailing attempt has not made things any easier. But it did give me a chance to think, and reassess my convictions and morals. I have been tested, and I choose to stand with truth and openness and continue to share my experiences and opinions here.

I'm sure this will result in my "punishment", but I don't care at this point in my life. I earned my right to my opinions with what I went through, and this forum invites all opinions for an "open free for all" discussion. I think it is some of you who need to do a moral inventory of yourselves and begin to question your own convictions and values. I am not a program parent, like I was blackmailed into saying earlier in this thread. I was a troubled teen who was sent to multiple treatment programs, one of which has its own forum on this website, and so I choose to speak about it. I don't lie or make things up, I am open and honest and this bothers some people here, obviously. But I think you should open your mind to allow the possibility that some people might have actually been helped in a program. I can honestly say, and I swear to God this is true, if I wasn't sent to treatment and the program I would have almost certainly died, or ended up in jail. There is no doubt whatsoever of that in my own mind. I wouldn't of admitted that a few years ago, but maturity and finally developing the ability to empathize with other's positions, such as my parents, helped me understand the larger picture. It's easier to think of yourself as a victim, and not take personal accountability for your own decisions and actions. But doing so leaves you on a level of misunderstanding your own motives and never really knowing yourself. I know myself well now, and know what is truth and what is not. I am standing up for freedom of speech and I am proclaiming right now that I refuse to be bullied into silence. Do your worst.

The Troubled Teen Industry / I'm still here
« on: August 23, 2010, 12:07:41 AM »
This thread documents the process of how an admin of fornits breaks their own rules. Your IP information is supposed to be kept secret here. My IP information was released against my wishes, and used against me all because I harbor opinions contrary to the acceptable group think. I hope you read through this thread up until post 200 and see the process of how an admin will compromise their principles in order to win an argument. It's an interesting thread, enjoy.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Post your positive program experiences
« on: August 22, 2010, 05:01:34 PM »
I got in fights at public school, and a kid once got stabbed in a knife fight. There were fights pretty regularly, eventually they put some undercover cops in the school because of the problem. I never had an issues like that in the program, because it was so much more of a controlled environment. A couple people in my high school committed suicide, and nobody blamed it on the schooling. I think the attempt to tie any suicide of a "survivor" to the program stretches reality to its breaking point. As a group troubled teens in programs are going to have more problems than a normal teenage population in school, thats common sense. Kids abuse other kids, in school and in programs sometimes. I think teachers/school officials and program staff all work as hard as they can to keep it to a minimum.

Open Free for All / Re: Affliliations
« on: August 22, 2010, 04:52:48 PM »
Quote from: "DannyB II"

Now Che, if your saying that Whooter and Suck-It are ignoring me because I have views such as these, well OK. I would think that you would be mistaken but who knows here on fornits.

I only ignore people who are aggressive/rude to me. To be honest I don't pay much attention to the elan threads, or the drama associated with all of that, I don't even know what it's about or what people are arguing about it. So as much as that is concerned, I do tend to ignore it because I didn't go to elan and don't know the people involved and so don't pay much attention to it. I appreciate everybody's posts on this forum, some people agree with me sometimes and others don't. I'm here just to share my opinions and people are free to disagree or agree if they want. I tend to pay more attention to posters who are able to acknowledge that this issue is not black or white, and that there is room for different outcomes and experiences from programs. It's hard to have a conversation with an anti treatment extremist because they don't want to hear your side, they just want to preach  about what they view as the one and only truth. I agree with Danny about AA, in that he seems to not think it's evil and I think its actually a great organization that helps millions of people.

As far as people demanding information from me, and questioning my credibility as a result of my lack of answering questions, well tough shit. I will say what I want to say, and if that makes people question whether I am fiction, or lying or whatever that's their right. I am not too concerned with how I am perceived here, I am here to talk about my experiences and opinions and people are free to believe it or disregard it completely. I am not getting involved in the politics and personal battles here because I see it as a waste of time. I am not here trying to sway anybody's opinions or mind, I am just offering my own in the same way I would if I was in a bar having a drink and somebody asked me about being in treatment and what I thought about it. I really could care less what people think of me here, my username should be a hint at that.

As far as affiliations go on fornits, I think right now it's either you are "in" with the group think cult, or you are on the "out". If you are on the "in" you can be quickly shown the door if you say the wrong thing. So to be honest, I am much more comfortable being on the "out" where I can tell my truth as I see it, and not worry what people will think of me for saying it. I think whooter, danny and me are on the "out" because of our opinions and refusal to accept the group think here that people desperate to fit in will spout without giving any real thought to what they are saying. Honesty on fornits means you will not be popular.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Post your positive program experiences
« on: August 20, 2010, 06:08:36 PM »
Quote from: "Whooter"

Suck IT, there have been many before you who decided it just was not worth it to continue posting here because of the way they were treated.

I lived through the exact same circumstances as you did Suck IT.  They threatened to expose my daughter, which they never did.  Then they exposed my name, picture, phone number etc. but they posted the wrong person.  They did this a few times and each time I was given fair warning that it was coming.  But each time the information was wrong, luckily.

There was an admin who managed to get me banned for flooding the forum.  I managed to get another admin to review my posts and it was determined that no flooding occurred.

One of the reasons I stuck around initially was because I was curious as to why a group of people would go to such great lengths to silence another person’s opinion and story.  Why was I such a threat to them?  As I read here and stuck around it became apparent over time there was a need to uphold the philosophy that all programs are abusive and all kids suffered because of them and no-one was help.  If you think about it if they did admit to one child benefitting from their stay inside a program they would have to face the realization that there are more.  If this became a reality to them then they would have to face the hard reality that some programs are beneficial, some staff members are okay and not every program starves the kids or serves rotten food etc.  It is safer for these people to maintain the belief that the entire industry is evil and reject any dialog which threatens that belief system.  This way they don’t have to think at all.

I have had, emails and pms of every variety, threatening me and my family, I have had posters dedicate years of their life to reviewing every post I have written and creating a footer to try to discredit me because they are so insecure (or uncertain) with their own belief that they needed to discredit others to allow themselves be heard or feel important.  They dedicated entire threads to exposing, derailing and trying to bury any opinion I had which went counter to theirs.  Most of them are scared/closed minded or dont communicate well enough to express themselves other than make threats or post shock pictures.

Many would demand to see studies to back up my opinions and when they were presented instead of reading the studies and learning something new they would spend an amazing amount of energy trying to discredit the study so they could pretend it didn’t exist.

I hope that you can stick around.  Fornits needs people from all sides of the issues to help it grow and move forward to become a credible place for people to come and discuss the industry and to allow people to express their opinions without fear of being ostracized for them.  I don’t want to give the impression that all fornits posters are this way,  there are many posters here on fornits who are tolerant of other peoples opinion but it is the intolerant ones which stand out and give fornits this persona of being closed minded and cultish.

I wrote a little bit more than I intended, but good luck with it.  Try to hang in there, its a tough group here.


I saw how you are treated here for your views and opinions, which is the main reason I choose to not make the mistake some people do on this forum by releasing too much personal information, which is later used against them. I'll be sticking around for sure. Thanks for your post

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Post your positive program experiences
« on: August 20, 2010, 09:50:04 AM »
This might be a good time to explain why I turned off my PM function a while ago, since the cat seems to already be out of the bag. when I started posting here I got a PM from a username with zero posts meaning it could be anyone, I still don't know who sent it to me. They told me they had acquired all my personal information, my name, my phone number, where I live, and links to my facebook account and even the website of the company I work for. They told me they knew who my boss was and if I didn't shut up they'd call my boss and tell them that I spend all day on fornits posting, and asked if my boss knew I used to use drugs as a teen, knew I was an addict, etc. After that I decided to turn off my private messaging function. This is why I post threads like Fornits Group Think, because I believe this is the way it's enforced here on fornits, with behind the scenes threats like I received.

I decided to keep posting anyways though, all the while expecting one day to come onto fornits and find a thread that has all my information posted in it. Lucky for me, and more importantly my employment, this information has yet to be posted. But every once in a while there is a post directed my way that seems to hint at reminding me that someone does have this information, and are still willing to release it if I continue to post.

The fact that me being honest bothers people so much that they'd go to such great lengths to find out who I am and threaten me, just for my opinions, is troublesome. It also shows that your argument must be relatively weak if you have to resort to these sort of tactics to enforce the group think ideology and to silence any dissenting voices. It's up to the people who have this information whether they'll post it. I expect they will post it eventually, why wouldn't they? I hope they don't, but it's really up to them and, it's between them and God  how they want to act in this life and treat people.

But let me say this. I will not be silenced of bullied into silence. If people want to use this information to harass my boss and bring up my past, I can't stop them. If it's worth ruining someone financially and getting them fired in this economy, just so they can't share their opinions about being in treatment, I can't do anything about it. I choose to share about my experiences in treatment because I lived through it like everyone else here, and earned my right to comment on it. This forum claims to be an open free for all discussion, and it is on the very surface. But dig a little deeper and you find that things are much more complicated here on fornits than that, it's not as open and free as it claims in practice.

It's up to posters here whether they want to be an angry mob of extremists, or adults that are able and willing to have an adult conversation and welcome opinions that might not be in line with their own. I'm willing to have this open discussion, and hear the opinions of everyone, whether they hated programs or loved them. Isn't that the purpose of this forum? To have an open discussion, hearing from all sides and points of views on this industry? Or should fornits just be a cult, with it's own ideology, and group think enforced by real life consequences and threats? That is up to every user on fornits to decide for themselves, and the people who wish to blackmail me.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Post your positive program experiences
« on: August 19, 2010, 04:46:57 PM »
One of the most profound positive experiences and lessons I learned in a program was the necessity to take personal accountability for your own actions. Without doing that, in an honest way, you will always remain trapped in a cocoon of denial. When I was a troubled teen I felt like I was a victim of everybody else. Why couldn't they just leave me alone? That's what I kept saying to myself. I want to get high, get drunk, commit crimes, disrespect and put my family in danger. Well I grew up poor, my family had troubles, the teachers were unfair, I didn't get this, I didn't get that. To me the world was unfair and against me. I felt justification in doing whatever I pleased, because if they would fight against me then I don't care about anyone else either. So I was very self centered and the outside world lost relevance more and more as time went by.

When I finally ended up in a program I thought it was an injustice of the greatest magnitude! I was furious and thought, do the American people know that citizens are being held against their will like this? I wanted to climb to the tallest rooftop and scream from the top of my lungs, I want my freedom back. But for me, that freedom meant sure death or imprisonment. So there comes the rub, what is more important, someone's life or their freedom? Who gets to make that distinction and decide when it's gone too far? Right now its parents who make that decision. My parents made the right decision. I know for a fact this is true, and to suggest otherwise might make me feel good. I could have continued to look at it as an injustice. What after some time I was able to get honest with myself and realize, that injustice is what actually saved my life.

Back when I was a teen I would have gladly been out of the program, and free to my own devices. The process of being asked to look at myself honestly, and take accountability for what I had done was difficult and stressful at times. But other times there was positive things that happened, it was not the pit of hellfire and despair that it's often described as here on this forum. I don't live in a black and white world, I can look back on my experiences as they actually happened, not through a political or agenda driven lens.I am able to take accountability for my actions that lead to me being placed in a program. Had I not done certain things, I would have never ended up in a program. Everything that happened was a result of my own actions, I know this now and accept it as truth, because it is.

So I choose to be honest when talking about my experiences on this forum. This is met with hatred, conspiracy theories and plenty of people telling me what I should do, what I should believe, what I should be like, what is wrong with me, and all sorts of theories about why I have come to the conclusions I have. That's all a waste of time. If you want to know why I believe what I do, read my posts, because they are the truth. I am trying my best to be respectful and focus on my own experiences here, and that's what I've been doing. If you don't want to post in this thread, then don't. Start your own threads about negative experiences, that would be great. But people pressuring me to change my views, change who I am, or just plain shut up will not persuade me to not share my own experiences and opinions.

The fact is, in my own personal experience, a private program really did save my life. I'm not going to lie and say it didn't, or lie and say I was abused, or stretch the term of abuse to fit in with what actually happened to me. Yes i was held against my will, because my will involved getting high on drugs, harming myself, and causing mayhem and generally being an asshole in every way imaginable. I constantly was putting my life in danger and other people's because me and my friends would drive around while heavily intoxicated. So me being put in a program, not only saved my life, but possibly the lives of people that we might have killed in a DUI. My parents tried all the local options and alternatives offered by posters here and none of it worked. I simply manipulated my way through all of those hurdles, in my quest to ultimately destroy myself through drug use or suicide. The only thing that stopped me, was to put me in a facility against my will, and have people watching me 24 hours a day. I'm not proud of any of this, in fact it's quite shameful. But I am at  a point in my life where I am willing to be honest about who I was, and what really happened.

It would feel great to think I was right, and should have been free to behave that way. To think that the program was in the wrong, and in fact evil. That my parents are ignorant at best, evil at worst. That society was in fact wrong to tell me no, you are not free to destroy yourself, as a minor child. That I was abused and imprisoned against my will and treated like shit. But none of that is true, and as comfortable a place for my ego as it would be to believe this, I know in my heart it's not true. They saved my life, against my will. I wanted to end it through my behaviors, they demanded that I not do so. I can't speak for other people, this is about my own experience. People are also free to share their own experiences on this forum. I follow a self imposed rule that I don't respond to hatred, conspiracy theories and posts like that. If people expect a response from me, they should be respectful and talk as they wish people talked to them. I am also following this rule now, I am not going to waste my time with arguments here. I am here to share my experiences and opinions with those who wish to read it. If you don't, then don't read it, it really doesn't bother me either way. Thanks

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Post your positive program experiences
« on: August 19, 2010, 02:42:07 PM »
OK, this thread is getting way off topic so let's turn this ship back on course, shall we?

Every week we got to have a movie day and watch movies together and relax and play board games and talk, and it was free time to write letters and socialize. I've always liked movies a lot so this was a good way to forget where I was and escape into the movie and it was a nice break from treatment. I learned how to play some board games and talked to a lot of interesting people and made some friends, and learned about people and their lives. When I see the movies I watched while in the program, I remember where I first saw it and it brings back memories.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Post your positive program experiences
« on: August 19, 2010, 02:35:44 PM »
Quote from: "Shadyacres"
People like you are what made my mom think it was ok to lock me up and torture me.  

Yeah, sure... I bet your mom came onto fornits and saw my posts and said to herself "Wow, SUCK IT sure makes some great points about how great programs are. I was undecided before, but now that SUCK IT endorses programs because you get candy bars, I'll go ahead and send my child to a program. Thanks SUCK IT, sincerely ShadyAcres Mom". I must of missed that thank you note from your family, although I do have my pm's turned off, so maybe I missed it? Lets get real here, the reason you were "locked up and tortured" can probably be answered by getting honest with yourself. I thought of myself as a victim of everyone else, just like you do, until I matured and realized that they were only reacting to me and my behaviors. But hey, if blaming me makes you feel better, that's great for you and I'm happy to provide this valuable service to whoever is in need of someone to blame. But maybe instead of arguing with me, you might want to start some of your own threads like "How I was tortured in a program", that might be more effective in convincing future moms like yours who come here for advice why they shouldn't listen to me.

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