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Messages - dniceo7

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Open Free for All / A tip for all the young people out there
« on: June 19, 2006, 01:52:00 AM »
Yea, great idea, don't try to work things out with them. Go hide out with friends, I'm sure they won't get tired of you crashing on their floor eventually, I mean, I know I don't value my privacy at all either. I'd love to have some homeless kid crashing out at my place, eating all my food, trying to nail my sister every night.  :roll:

But seriously, I think this is a pretty tough topic to tackle, certainly not black and white at all. I mean, if you catch wind that the escorts are coming, or manage to escape, what courses of action do you honestly have at your disposal? I'll support what you say about being lied to. My friend had the escorts come for him, but they made the mistake of letting him change in his bathroom unsupervised...he jumped right out the window and bolted, crashed with a friend for a couple days, "negotiated" over the phone, went home, and ended up right in CEDU's hands.

So I guess you can't negotiate, that apparently never works. But then what do you do? Can't go back to your normal high school, they'll be waiting for you there. Guess you could go get a head start on your life of waiting tables or pumping gas, but of course you'll have to get paid under the table because if you land a real job, they'll find you and send you away. Or you could get busy slanging drugs...oh man, what a glorious life that is. You might actually be successful at that for awhile, until you start thinking a little too big and end up doing a little state time.

Honestly, I'll challenge anyone to give me a good course of action to take if you know the escorts are coming/managed to escape from the escorts. Keeping in mind that we're talking about 14/15 year old kids (and assuming that negotiating with the parents is not an option, hell if you can work it out so you won't get sent away, go for it!!). I hate CEDU and those bullshit programs as much as the next guy, but I also can't imagine a life in this country without a high school diploma if you're a person with ambitions. [ This Message was edited by: dniceo7 on 2006-06-18 23:01 ]

Open Free for All / Men Who Love Burgers and Loathe Sex
« on: June 19, 2006, 01:38:00 AM »
On 2006-06-18 17:29:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Women know within 15 minutes if they want to have sex with a dude. If they don't let us know, it is their fault.

I don't know, when you read a constant torrent of studies like "more than half of women prefer chocolate to sex", and "three quarters of women never achieve orgasm during vaginal intercourse", you don't exactly feel encouraged to jump into bed.

Why bother? Give her a small tub of Haagen Daaz ice cream and she'll likely be happier. Stick with your hand and she won't have to fake it. It's depressing, really."

Speak for yourself man, with an attitude like that, of course your girl is gonna be better off with a tub of ice cream. And who listens to/believes those bullshit studies anyways? You stick with your hand, send your girl over my way, and I'll help her join that happily satisfied "25%".

Open Free for All / Men Who Love Burgers and Loathe Sex
« on: June 18, 2006, 12:47:00 PM »
Pretty fuckin' well said, I'd say.

Open Free for All / Men Who Love Burgers and Loathe Sex
« on: June 17, 2006, 07:37:00 PM »
On 2006-06-17 01:55:00, sorry... try another castle wrote:


On 2006-06-17 01:28:00, Anonymous wrote:


Exactly. Anyone who has decided that hooking up and relationships with women are annoying can only be described by two words. FUCKING HOMOSEXUAL!!

No kidding!

Best to be pussy whipped and straight ..."

Faggots can be just as annoying. Glory holes are built that way for a reason, you know. You get the dick, without having to deal with the rest of the person.

As Margaret Smith says: "People make me pro-nuclear."

...and hey, if you wanna be a spineless pussy whipped doormat milquetoast, go for it. It's amazing what boundaries people are willing to give up for sex. Many hapless dupes refuse to consider the fact that there might be someone else out there who will give them snatch and won't be such a totally nasty controlling cunt about it.

I don't think that's really what Susie is talking about, though. Being sexually avoidant is more involved than simply "being sick of women" or not wanting to get pussy whipped.


"Truth may be stranger than fiction... but it is never as strange as lies."

-John Hodgman
[ This Message was edited by: sorry... try another castle on 2006-06-17 02:45 ]"

Yeah, but you gotta go out there and find them,  and what a pain (and dent to the wallet, like homeboy said...$5.50 for a pint down at the Flaggon) that can be. I can put up with some bullshit for a few months if she's a sexy little dime.

I agree, when I'm playing soccer there's nothing better than puttin' one upper 90 from outside the box, such a satisfying feeling. The US looked damn good today, played real hard up until about the 75th minute when the Italians took over...thank God Keller is a baller in the net. But damn, what the hell is the deal with Beasley? He was the man 4 years ago, this year he plays like shit against the Czech's and then stands there offsides and costs us the win against the Italians. Killin' me! Should be a hell of a match against Ghana, though...shit's getting interesting!!

It was absolutely nuts in the North End, best place I've ever watched a World Cup game. Except in person of course, at the old Foxborough Stadium in '94, Round of 16 Nigeria vs. Italy.

That was back in the day, the US team is respectable now. Can't let a loss to the Czech's get you thinking we don't have gusto, Nedved and those guys are just a bunch of straight up ballers. Personally, the Czech's are my pick to win it all.

Yeah, Saturday I believe is our match with the Italians. We'll be heading down to Boston's North End to watch that one (Boston's Italian hotspot), should be absolutely insane. I'd have to say it's win or be eliminated for us. If we lose to Italy, then it's on Ghana to beat the Czech's, and I don't really see that happening. But I really think we can beat Italy!

Hell yeah I follow the World Cup!! I've been waiting for this tournament since all of us on our soccer team at BCA (an ex-CEDU school) watched the agonizing yet very impressive loss to Germany 4 years ago. Obviously I'm pulling for the States, but I gotta say, I'm all about these African teams like Togo, Ghana, Angola, and the Ivory Coast. Those guys are vicious, they play with so much heart, I love it.

That England vs. Paraguay game was a hell of a game, but damn it's always depressing to watch a team lose on an own goal, especially off of someone's head. Hopefully Paraguay pulls through to the next round so Carlos Gamarra doesn't become the next Escobar when he gets home.

Portugal vs. Angola today, that's gonna be a good one.

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / NEW old BCA Drama
« on: June 11, 2006, 10:19:00 AM »
You guys are dumb, that kid Nick never fucked a pig. He just made that bullshit up to get a little rise because no one really liked him. Guess it worked, something like 7 years later and we're still talking about him. [ This Message was edited by: dniceo7 on 2006-06-11 07:33 ]

[ This Message was edited by: dniceo7 on 2006-05-06 16:41 ]

Open Free for All / DMT and Salvia
« on: April 28, 2006, 02:13:00 AM »
I've read countless guides explaining salvia use, how to prepare your mind for it and such, and still I just can't handle that drug. I too really enjoy psychedelics, haven't tried DMT but would like to, but will never touch salvia again.

Erowid (can't remember the website, just google it) has a very good salvia guide.

The first time I tried it, my friends just put it in a bong and said "just hold it in for a long time, and then go where your mind takes you". It hit me hard...I got taken out of my body and became a grandfather clock and was forced to sit there and watch my body melting into itself before I finally snapped out of it.

I vowed the second time I tried it, I'd be better prepared. I made sure I had a good sitter, set a nice bonfire in our backyard, kicked back, and loaded up the bong. I can't even explain where that one took me, it was all way too much to integrate, I remember flashes of some colorful entity and overwhelming fear, and when I snapped out I was on my knees on the pavement with a massive gash on my forehead.

The third time I decided I would have my sitters talk to me the entire time to keep me in limbo between the two dimensions; reality and the sheperdess' reality. That didn't help either...I managed to start feeling the body effects (my body literally felt like it was a brick wall being pulled apart brick by brick) and a severe alteration in my perception of reality suddenly made my friends disappear as I melted into the carpet.

Never again.

Open Free for All / Bipolar paradox - hot school teacher
« on: March 24, 2006, 01:43:00 AM »
On 2006-03-23 20:47:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Cities and counties pay out lots of money in

lost lawsuits. Courts don't give a shit if

some budget is lean. The larger organization

will pay. "

Regardless, their pockets aren't deep, which I do believe was your original point.

Open Free for All / Bipolar paradox - hot school teacher
« on: March 23, 2006, 11:02:00 PM »
On 2006-03-23 18:08:00, Anonymous wrote:


On 2006-03-23 15:29:00, Anonymous wrote:

"It's not the school district's fault. I know I had to clear comprehensive criminal background checks before I became a teacher...  including DUI. The responsible party is the perp."

That is common sense.

In US law the deep pocket will pay.

The school district will be found negligent

in their supervision of nymphomaniac hot blonde teachers."

Hahaha!! How's the weather under that rock??

I guess all the art and music programs are getting cut from schools nationwide because the school systems have so much surplus money. I guess teachers are having their health benefits slashed because of those deep pockets.

Are you the same person who said they wouldn't mind getting locked in their house for 3 years? I wouldn't be surprised.

On 2006-03-19 21:43:00, sorry... try another castle wrote:

"You know, I would have really loved to apply to CalArts, but it's LA location was the one deciding factor for me not to. (Mainly because I didn't want to move from where I am.)

Of course, there was no guarantee that I would have gotten into that place, anyway. They are pretty choosy about who goes there.

Eh, I've gone to school out here at Pepperdine for 3 years now, and LA's not that bad. Certainly didn't get any 'service jobs'...I wouldn't want to take those away from the 'actors and actresses'. The people aren't so bad, even if they are pitiful drivers. Definitely a lot friendlier on the whole than back home, even if most of them are fake (and I don't mean just physically). I lived out in Woodland Hills for a year and didn't mind it, lived in Santa Monica for a year and loved it. I miss Boston, but living up the coast this year has been a good time for the most part, although it's a little too remote to actually be considered LA.

I've heard good things about CalArts. You would've loved MassArt.

El Coyote is the shit. [ This Message was edited by: dniceo7 on 2006-03-20 12:06 ]

Open Free for All / NO SPEEDO'S
« on: March 16, 2006, 10:42:00 PM »
On 2006-03-16 04:52:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Personally, I prefer Merlot.

And it's probably better to refrain from a large meal anyway as you will be feeling quite stuffed soon enough. "

Merlot will only get you in the front door. If you want to pull a little B&E through the back door, you'll have to break out the cabernet. Or perhaps a little port. Port will get the asshole puckered. [ This Message was edited by: dniceo7 on 2006-03-16 19:42 ]

Open Free for All / Everything you wanted to know about poop.
« on: March 16, 2006, 10:37:00 PM »

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