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Messages - animals all of us

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Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Blog-lodites and Cavemen
« on: November 27, 2004, 09:15:00 PM »

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Poll about Alcoholics Anonymous
« on: November 27, 2004, 01:52:00 PM »
In his earlier quote Artman says:

"Millions of people recovering cant all be wrong."

Now, I don't get along with GregFL, but I think he said it best about religions and group think - concerning what you had posted Artman.  He basically stated, in a different post, that EVERY religion is life changing. Therefore, I agree with you Artman - that millions of people ARE recovering in AA. But likewise, MILLIONS of people ARE also improving and recovering themselves in things like returning to church, or taking up a hobby that relieves stress instead of picking up their habitual bottle, they are maybe seeking counseling, or learning ways to heal the past or warm up and become intimate with an old loved one, or just enjoying a desired book that may change their viewpoints, YOU name it.

I fucking get it, OKAY?!?  I get it.  A.A. works for you, you are with them and they are with you and all that this entails the whole shabang including group speak and cliques.  I get it, and what you are doing is worthwhile.  As you're AA group might coin a phrase - I think its appropriate here - "there are two sides to every story". Generally if you want others to agree with you in a debate the skill to use is not aggression but aquiescence, meaning that you listen and seek to understand first - and only then it is more safe to expect to be listened to.  

I personally don't care for what you have to say about AA and its meetings. And I sure as hell won't listen to you if you can't listen first. Five or more people have told you the same thing and you still don't listen. They are saying that A.A. is good as a means to get you where you need to go, but it is NOT the End All Be All of anything at all.  You are you, you are not AA.  It is your habit and your god, not AA's.  

Also, you keep saying you are entirely done here and you won't come back to this forum but I have a sense you will read this soon and that you will comment.

 Be well.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / National Child Abuse Awareness Day.
« on: November 19, 2004, 03:44:00 PM »
We, the survivors and advocates against child abuse; who are for child rights and laws that are to be upheld all over the world, who are sworn to uphold the rights to children against being molested, coerced, and kept from their inherent right to freedom from all harm and confusion wrought by those who are lawless and tyrannical against the full pursuit of all happiness: we do hereby and solemnly commit and heretofore make the date of August 8th a credo and day for awareness. National Child Abuse Awareness Day is now forever known as a day to remember the children who have exceeded the expectations of abusive parents, priests, absent teachers, and all institution owners.  On National Child Abuse Awareness Day we will remember that children are equal to adults in their rights to freedom and liberty and everything that the constitution implies.

This is in light and in direct correspondence with the unregistered pedophile Betty Sembler and to all of her family who were involved in or near the holocaustic methods of child abusing that were exacted at Straight Incorporated. These include such names that you can think of who have racketeered child abuse and continually boasted about it.  

From yesterday, here today and forever more, National Child Abuse Awareness day shall be on August 8th and never again will the unregisterd pedophile Betty Sembler be allowed to reign over the rights and freedoms and civil liberties of children.

We urge you to spread any news you have and to educate the public on Child Abuse Awareness Day.  The effects of educations and raising awareness about prevention and punishment of child abuse will in turn detract the actions of child abusers and pedophiles like Betty Sembler, and could stop the prevention of the United States President, George W. Bush, from hindering the inevatible child offices of United Nations and UNICEF articles which he refuses to ratify because of the loss he would suffer due to offering children the rights to govern themselves and educate themselves according to the law written before Bush.  George W. Bush, you WILL remove, from your employ, Betty and Melvin Sembler who are unregistered pedophiles and are wanted in questioning for the abuse and molestations of more than 50,000 children nationwide; lest you become labled a pedophile yourself.

When the government ceases to be for the people, the people will rise up and take back what is theirs.  National Child Abuse Awareness Day is in action and will be noticed and duly noted for August 8th from this day forward infinite.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Lawsuits against Websites
« on: October 02, 2004, 12:10:00 AM »

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Penis Pump on EBay.
« on: October 02, 2004, 12:10:00 AM »
caramul, you're a wasted sperm.  crawl back into your father.  I'm not sure if your knew, but those old retro discontinued cent books full of confucious jokes are very rare indeed to find.  Good to see that you're still using them, though.  keep on entertaining yourself.  woo hoo, you must have a million of 'em, eh?  ebay has no interest in any law suit nor would they reap any negative press or punitive damages for maintaining a legitimate item, sources from ebay have already confirmed this.  if you believe otherwise, show the undeniable proof that there are any laws, not on ebay, that would cause harm to them.  the staff at ebay dont seem to think so. In fact, they could only continue to please consumers.  

You are wasting time and as usual you are among these oldcomers who forgot to save the necessary information, or get real that it never existed.  I asked Ray and Wes and Marti for pertinent information and as soon as some of us here got close to those three - the phone numbers changed, the shiftiness began and people forgot how to speak.  You call these your friends, that's your business.  My people don't live in a world of bullshit.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Penis Pump on EBay.
« on: October 01, 2004, 04:02:00 PM »
And only a fool is cheap enough to believe in segregation of women and men.  If a person wants to be a jerk like you Greg, I don't care if you're male or female.  Looks like the south hasn't taught you much. I don't understand how anyone would buy your used garbage.  Its' as helpful as any of the sites for the Straights: nothing gets done.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Penis Pump on EBay.
« on: October 01, 2004, 03:59:00 PM »
Greg, whatever pussy.  You're just a sniping little bitch boy crying out on the internet.  You act as if you know me. You know my address so if you have anything to say to me you know where I am.

Suddenly your are the knowitall about everything just because your pathetic existence has shat out some luck for you to be able to monitor here on a survivor's site where you stupidly attempt to pick people apart and act like you're not a liar.  And then, you act like a guru for LAN and business network offices and who knows everything about ISPS.  You talk to these losers on this forum as if you are great buds when the truth is they don't advocate you because they would just as easily lie to you like you lie like you all lie about statistics and issues at hand.  Then when it doesn't serve your needs you start running abusive fallacies or claim you just don't understand your own jibberish but when someone throws it back to you you get pussy about it.  Well, you know where I am. I have nothing to say to you other than on this forum you are no better than the spindoctor Ray or Ginger, stop by. Otherwise you have as much sense and verbal capacity as a newborn.

New Question:

Were any of you claimed 'Straight Survivors' even intelligent enough to save the website link to the fucking EBay item?

Thought not. What a joke.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Penis Pump on EBay.
« on: October 01, 2004, 03:51:00 PM »
Greg, whatever pussy.  You're just a sniping little bitch boy crying out on the internet.  You act as if you know me. You know my address so if you have anything to say to me you know where I am.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / KERRY KICKED shrub's ASS IN THE DEBATES
« on: October 01, 2004, 03:50:00 PM »

My shit is not for you to understand since you don't understand anything but your own agenda.  What is really confusing is that you can't type or compose worth a rat's screw so you might as well just kill yourself cos you'll never amount to anything.  And yeah, you're right, it must be very frustrating being you and not being able to understand facts or much else. Enjoy it, you have to live with it - not me.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Lawsuits against Websites
« on: September 26, 2004, 03:36:00 AM »
You know who you are, just waiting for that letter you don't have.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Penis Pump on EBay.
« on: September 26, 2004, 03:35:00 AM »
What is the item number on EBay for Melvin Sembler's penis pump???

« on: September 26, 2004, 03:34:00 AM »
Bradbury will string you along, so will Wes....but when you try to get close to information that they know you should rightfully have - such as court documents or attorney information - they can't be contacted or bothered. Ray is purported to have broken into a wharehouse and have stolen information, where is that information now?  I doubt he really closed any Straight.  

For that matter, I closed a Straight Inc.  Write to me and I'll tell you how I did it.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Lawsuits against Websites
« on: September 26, 2004, 03:28:00 AM »
[ This Message was edited by: animals all of us on 2004-09-26 00:30 ]

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / "Bohemian Rhapsody Revisited"
« on: September 26, 2004, 02:49:00 AM »

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / More heinous foolish lies from the oldies
« on: September 22, 2004, 02:43:00 AM »

I agree with you 100% completely and I enjoy reading your projected archetypes of me and your wishful thinking.  If I really believed that you were capable of accurately perceiving me, and if I really knew who you were, or cared for your hot garbage and soggy diaper routines - well I guess I wouldn't need to post about you in the first place then would I.

I must apologize, you see?  Unfortunately, I owe nothing to you, nor do I fear for my safety from you.  In fact, please keep writing ... I find that I am better than you at composition and actual utilization and sense of english vernacular.

Why does your ID name boast the first and most important rule?  What else is it, oh androgynous postor oldcomer, that you are attempting to hide that you fully give away with your mirror imaging, psychoanalytic approach, and cognitive imbalances and biases? Ad laudenum abusive. Why do you team in with the haters and slanderers when you are not winning?  Why can't you answer your own questions that are about you?  Why can't you get the help you need?  Why does noone like you?  How do those worms taste? What are you so afraid of?  Why do you lie in fear of a nonexistent enemy?

Either way we all have our information screens, you said yours are flawed to begin with when you refused to identify your own agenda out loud, but you had just guessed that the original post was all about you.  I noticed I couldn't tell when it was you actually realized I pegged you at the first post.  When did you realize it?

So, please, proceed ...... I need more laughs. I know they told me not to feed the trolls, please accept my ammends, but I couldn't resist this one.   You're that person I'm talking to when I say that you're sitting at home saying things like, "we're tired of you coming here blablablaboringyawmblahblahfartburp" or whatever you were saying I didn't bother reading it. What did you write?

Maybe I didn't catch it, maybe it was something to the tune of "Yes, the attorney sent me a letter, you can have it."  Now, wheres' my letter? Not that I care for any propaganda or that it can be used for anything positive.  What can possible good can come from you actually returning to this forum?  I don't see it.[ This Message was edited by: animals all of us on 2004-09-22 00:16 ]

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