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Messages - Bandit73

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Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Re: Dumb video on Pathway's website
« on: November 12, 2008, 06:46:24 PM »
Never mind, folks. They've already replaced it with a goofy 4-minute video that makes even less sense.

Incidentally, I sure hope they paid the proper fees to use that copyrighted song.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Dumb video on Pathway's website
« on: November 12, 2008, 02:10:16 PM »
Hahaha, if you go to the Pathway Family Center website, there's this idiotic 30-second ad for their program.

Apparently they just added this. Anyone else seen this yet? It's on the right-hand side, just under that goofy picture they've had up for ages.

Don't the people in that ad look familiar?

Quote from: "psy"
Is there a breach in confidence or trust (i.e. is somebody referring to a program or something like that)?  Otherwise, can we carry on.  If this is just personal differences, what's the point of continuing the argument.  People have character flaws, all of us, but so far as I can tell, we're on the same side here.  Can people just "bite the bullet" here and work with those they might not particularly like that much on a personal level?  Just think of the consequences of inaction, and the strength in numbers.

I would agree. I went to 15 protests, and I found all of the participants to be rather pleasant individuals. It would be a shame if some disagreement holds us back from accomplishing anything else.

For my part, I'm still going to try to keep an eye on stuff and expose the industry.

Quote from: "psy"
I'd tend to lean towards Hurricayne on this.  An eye should definately be kept on the Cincinatti branch to make sure they're not just "playing dead".

I do plan to keep an eye on the Cincinnati branch, except I don't have a car, so I'm gonna have to bike it.

There's been several bad programs around Cincinnati over the years, and as long as I'm still alive, I'm determined to keep an eye on them.

Quote from: "psy"
Stop worrying about who gets the credit for what and just work to make sure it gets done.

I refuse to hog all the credit. I'm proud of what I did, but everyone deserves a little bit of credit.

And I'm going to do my best to keep an eye on the KHK situation.

Quote from: "wdtony"
Yeah, remember the video? the whole band just stood there the whole time. And as the days passed, the video would change a little more. After a month, the video had completely changed. Wow, Mtv was cool in the early 80's.

Yes, and I remember how the band was upside-down!

That song was really popular when I was about 11!

Reminds me of that song by Yes. "One down, 3 to go...Another town and one more show..."

I always look at the message board, but I don't look at the other Fornits stuff that much.

I can't believe I haven't seen more about this here!

I believe it's been confirmed now that Kids Helping Kids (the Pathway Family Center in Cincinnati) has CLOSED!!!!! It went out of business sometime in the past month or so, but we didn't know it until the past few days.

A toast to success...



When was the last time this program wasn't operating in the Cincinnati area? 1983??? Just think, we got the place shut down!!!

The fact that we got KHK closed down is almost too good to be true, so I'm not sure what to say.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Re: Vacancy?
« on: October 31, 2008, 12:56:55 PM »
Also, a person who is 21 is no longer an adolescent.

They expect to lock up 21-year-olds?

Psych Hospitals / Re: Children's Psychiatric Hospital (Covington, KY)
« on: October 29, 2008, 03:22:04 PM »
For the record, I ended up in CPH because I got expelled from a Catholic high school, and the school threatened to file truancy charges if I didn't enter CPH.

How is getting expelled from a private school a symptom of a psychiatric disorder? It isn't. People get expelled all the time who are as sane as can be.

Psych Hospitals / Re: Children's Psychiatric Hospital (Covington, KY)
« on: October 27, 2008, 03:37:47 PM »
The full name of it was Children's Psychiatric Hospital of Northern Kentucky. It was in the city of Covington, near the border with the suburb of Fort Wright, on Farrell Drive.

On the Internet, I read that it was run by a for-profit corporation. I don't know if it's officially for-profit, but they committed insurance fraud to keep me locked up.

I believe I was there from May 8 to September 18 of 1990. I turned 17 while I was there.

If they want to sue me for exposing them, I should be the one suing those liars for false imprisonment and more.

First day I was there, I got pummeled by the guards for not going to bed on time.

Psych Hospitals / Children's Psychiatric Hospital (Covington, KY)
« on: October 27, 2008, 01:00:48 PM »
I just cannot believe I haven't found people raising hell about this place.

I was there in 1990 around the time I turned 17, and almost all the complaints I've seen about "hospitals" in the "New Info" forum also went on at CPH. This place is still around under the name NorthKey.

They did use a 4-point (possibly 5-point) restraint device called a "boat" quite frequently. When a kid got put in the "boat", the staff would show it to us on a monitor screen to make an example out of them and warn us of what was in store for us if we didn't "behave."

We were also deprived of food and sleep.

On about my second day there, they took me into the examining room and placed a needle in my arm, telling me it was for a "test." But after about a minute, I passed out. I woke up with severe diarrhea. Obviously they were drugging me with something and lying about it. Liars they are.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Public apology
« on: September 25, 2008, 09:00:13 PM »
I've been to 12 of the protests in Cincinnati, and it pains me to have to post this message, but here it goes...

It appears as if some of the hacks who represent the teen torture industry have been trying to abuse one of my several websites to gain business. They must think I'm a fool if they think I won't detect it, because I have detected it.

I checked the ads on one of the sites that was linked by one of the stories on my site, and I notice "the industry" has been trying to exploit my causes and distort them for their own greed-driven ends. My policy is, sites that knowingly carry such ads are blackballed on my site - retroactively.

Now I know to be even more wary of these con artists. I'm glad I caught this fraud before probably any damage could be done by it. Forgive me for not detecting it yesterday, and I am truly sorry that I did not. I try to screen links with a fine-toothed comb, but occasionally someone pulls a fast one.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Re: Program taunts/threatens survivors
« on: August 11, 2008, 12:46:08 PM »
So the programmies lied outright.

They claim none of the protesters were graduates or parents of graduates. That is an outright lie. I am a witness to that lie.

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