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Messages - ramprato

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Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Lulu's Trial
« on: July 10, 2003, 11:18:00 AM »
I just want to say that it did my heart good to see Lulu get justice from that bastard. I agree that there are others that will face their accusers some day too. Newton sure as hell looks weathered, I guess one would who has a lot to answer for.

Ken  :smile:

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Im sorry
« on: April 28, 2003, 11:24:00 PM »
I am also so sorry for your losses Carmel and I will be preying for you......Ken :sad:

From the vantage point that you and I had, it looked like barbed wire, but then again we weren't that close to really tell that day anyway. Too bad you haven't been able to get some good pictures of that fence like we talked about so it would be clearer to a lot of us concerned. At any rate that fence is used to keep the kids in and has the appearance of a 'corrections' type fence. I'm sure that fence has to have some kind of negative psychological impact on those kids under internment there.  :smile:

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Pathway into the light
« on: March 12, 2003, 11:22:00 AM »
:roll: Morli's right. You really do seem like you are seething with rage, with that anger can you please explain to us again how PFC "helped" you? And, while you are at it, can you answer my original question...."Do you still walk your dogs (I mean kids) arm-in-arm????, you know, human beings?? Do you really deny them SHOES?"...Your silly attempt at hurling "insults" at me is intriguing to say the least, save it for group which is where you learned that kind of behavior anyway.......been there....done that.....

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Story
« on: March 02, 2003, 07:59:00 AM »
Thank you for your concern. Regretfully, related places like Pathway and Straight have enticing the parents (and their $$) into their program down to a science. If you happen to work in the front room of one of these places, it is quite easy to grab that dough.

First, you automatically know that the parent has some concerns about their kid as most parents do, or the parent wouldn't be there in the first place, so why not play off of the parent's worst fears? Step one is to make the parent feel at ease. If the parent is partaking in the blame for family troubles, rush to erase that blame, make it the kid's fault and magnify the kids problem. This can be accomplished by using a 'questions' form that these boiler rooms need to bring in the money. Generally, the 'questions' form asks 15 to 20 "does your kid blah blah?" .. and if you answer even ONE question with a yes, that kid needs help.

Here is a questionnaire that Straight Inc. used during it's 17 year operation from 1976 to 1993 before it was shut down due to its mounting child abuse lawsuits, notice how it's always about "behavioral problems" in teens, like there are NO adolescents out there that DON'T act out from time to time:

"The organization Straight, Inc., has produced the following checklist of eighteen warning signs of alcohol or drug abuse:

School tardiness, truancy, declining grades
Less motivation, energy, self-discipline
Loss of interest in activities
Forgetfulness, short- or long-term
Short attention span, trouble concentrating
Aggressive anger, hostility, irritability
Sullen, uncaring attitudes and behavior
Family arguments, strife with family members
Disappearance of money, valuables
Changes in friends, evasiveness about new ones
Unhealthy appearance, bloodshot eyes
Changes in personal dress or grooming
Trouble with the law in or out of school
Unusually large appetite
Use of Visine, room deodorizers, incense
Rock group or drug-related graphics, slogans
Pipes, small boxes or containers, baggies, rolling papers or other unusual items
Peculiar odors or butts, seeds, leaves in ashtrays or clothing pockets. "
Source: ... n&ie=UTF-8

All you have to do is answer just ONE of those questions and YOUR kid is now an automatic lifetime drug addict. They make it a point to blame your kid for everything that was ever 'wrong' in your family. They dismiss any of the parent's guilt or responsibility of their kid's issues whether or not those issues are valid. They are at that point very eager to know what kind of health care coverage that parent has and if they could just run their policy number. while all that is going on, the staff are bringing "happy parents" to talk to that parent still questioning themselves if they are in the right place..These "happy parents" tell of how won-der-ful their lives are since they placed their little Johnny or Suzie in " ** " and that they are no longer dealing with a "rebellious" teenager, and how the parent could have a wonderful kid like THEIRS if they just signed the papers.

Here is the PFC (a Straight Inc. spin-off) questionnaire, do you see any similarities?

Here is the 'Kids Helping Kids' (another Straight Inc. spin-off) questionnaire, how about here? Any similar patterns?

Most people I know have some of these traits once in a while. It doesn't make them users though, it makes them about human. Teenagers Have been "rebelling" since the beginning of time. Expressing independence is a must if the individual ever is going to have any hope into growing into adulthood. If that process is interrupted by using these twisted forms of "behavioral modification" such as PFC and Straight Inc. uses, then you run assured risk of permanently damaging that individual's mind for life. You turn their personality into mush, and if they are lucky, they don't kill themselves, they learn to find their way despite what happened to them in their mind rape mill. Now of days they find support though websites like these.

Thanks for your post.......

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / My Story
« on: February 28, 2003, 10:24:00 PM »
Once again, it sounds like the amateur is trying to hawk his cult-brand "awareness" on us. Naaa, No one who is facing the truth and recovering from brainwashing done by PFC or its predecessors requires your "profound advice"....been there - done that.... Oh hell yeah I have a life, it's damned good therapy exposing mind rape mills like PFC is. It's extremely rewarding getting my life back knowing I am helping in exposing any Straight Inc. spin-off. I am tired of young people having to suffer at the hands of greedy cultists that have only $$$$ at heart.

I just love it when you guys become apologists for abusing kids, trying to sound like PFC is a kinder-gentler Straight Inc. Are you guys still walking your dogs, whoops, I meant human beings 'arm-in-arm' like a dog on a leash? You know that is a really sick thing to do to someone, it leaves permanent scars on their psyches. You guys are obviously worried to death that we are getting hold of your dirty little secrets you don't want the rest of the world knowing. LOL, what are you going to do when runaways and pull-offs from PFC start to get a hold of us and let us know the 411 on PFC?? Better get busy, looks like you have a lot of leaks to plug on that sinking ship of yours called PFC.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / My Story
« on: February 28, 2003, 07:26:00 AM »
On 2003-02-27 16:22:00, Anonymous wrote:
"Wow! Sounds like major druggie denial on your part. Are you threatened by my experience, or that I took the time to post it here?"

Wow!, sounds like we have a brainwashee testing his his wings using the word "druggie", a cult term used 20+ years ago on us, the people this know-nothing is attempting to attack.....fack-ing amatures....  :roll:

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Pathway into the light
« on: February 28, 2003, 04:31:00 AM »
Do you still walk your dogs (I mean kids) arm-in-arm????, you know, human beings?? Do you really deny them SHOES? Man you people are sick...

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Pathway Investigation
« on: February 28, 2003, 04:19:00 AM »
I would just like to commend Metalgod, Alex, and 2dogs for putting mind rapists that would experiment on our young for a profit in their place. Clearly this anonymous poster is way out of their league when it comes to knowing anything about surviving Straight-like programs and the long-term effects to the human psyche.
"He or She who posts anonymously automatically gets less credit in my book."
How true that is, they are probably some kind of 'dedicated' parent too selfishly blind to care by now that decisions made now about their kid are inevitably going to catch up with them some day.
After all, these kids are going to grow up and they will read about how brainwashing works and how places like PFC operate, it's just a matter of time before the truth comes out and how they were manipulated and tricked by the cult.
These cults intentions are to relieve the parent of all guilt and responsibility making their kids the scapegoat for their problems, I guess in their mind it?s the perfect ticket for some, but a super ticket for PFC as it rakes in the $$$$$.
What the heck, it's nothing on us, today's straight spin-off parents (aka PFC parents) will be tomorrow?s ones holding the bag when their own kids won't even talk to them at that time.  :tup:


[ This Message was edited by: ramprato on 2003-02-28 01:21 ]

[ This Message was edited by: ramprato on 2003-02-28 04:54 ]

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / ...
« on: February 21, 2003, 10:52:00 AM »
"I still feel stupid posting this. Because boo fucking hoo, poor me right?"

Lesli, NO you are not stupid or 'feeling sorry for yourself'. You are merely trying to understand what the hell happened to you. That "pity" thing is just ANOTHER Straight-tape rolling in your head that STRAIGHT stuck there. I know I have the same crap like that come up once in a while, I just have to shut it off. You are entitled to whatever you are feeling. People outside of you Lesli NEVER had any business dictating to you how you should feel.

Like all of us, you just had a bunch of nutcakes at one time in your life that messed with it terribly yet never had any business doing so in the first place. I don't like seeing you put yourself down like this.

I don't even know you but you just grabbed at my heart. I know all about those 4 people you described that you split yourself into. I wish I could go back to that young man I was before and get him away from Straight so I wouldn't have to pick up al these pieces they left me in today. But I have made up my mind that when I am done picking up these pieces, I am NOT ever going to clean up after them again, in fact, whenever I can, I will do whatever I can to expose these monsters that founded and operated Straight so that they can't hurt other kids today, it really helps me heal from their shit.

Myself, I took it up another notch and decided after I "graduated" that I was still the 'family fuck-up' and that my parents and those at Straight all walked on water. I love that term 'fear sobriety' that you used as well, that was the case for me for nearly 15 years I carried that around thinking I was some kind of an addict, more like I was lied to in the name of money.

There is help out there, I go to a great therapist here in Michigan who had heard of Straight and the sadistic methods that they used. Once I realized that it was not my fault, and that I was lied to, I was able to quit smoking after a 2 pack a day 15 year habit. I'm sure that there has to be someone in the Dallas area that knows about therapeutic communities like Straight was.

Take care of yourself Lesli and write back soon.....Ken

Sorry to hear about your long term endurance around those places and especially Miller Newton. If you were wondering what was going on with him these days, well he gets occasional visits at his home from people that today like to 'share' their feelings with him (lol) When you click in, you will see a few pre-commercial announcements, it's worth it, they did a great job: ... -1503.html

The building is now a bar? Man how time changes things.....

Take care....Ken

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Mel is still bragging
« on: February 08, 2003, 11:33:00 AM »
To whom it may concern,

The January 15th write-up on Mel Sembler had me concerned on something NOT mentioned. As I am naturally compelled to, I do occasional cyber check-ups on Mel along with my collogues and discovered that he addressed Northwestern on the 15th. I got that information through the U.S. Embassy  web page that displayed the complete write-up of Mel's speech:

In it, my concern is that he to this day still continues to boast about in the following quoted paragraph:

"About twenty-five years ago, I became more active in a political sense. When Betty and I saw what a social and personal scourge illegal drugs was becoming in America, we decided to do something about that. That?s why we founded and directed for many years a treatment program that rehabilitated over 12,000 young drug abusers. Through these activities, Betty and I became friends with the Bush family, going back to 1979 and ?80, when Ambassador George H.W. Bush first ran for President. And so I became more and more active in politics, mostly in fund raising for the Republican Party and its candidates, both in Florida and nationally."......
Number 1, he NEVER named that "treatment program" did he? That's because the name of that "treatment program" was called Straight Inc. and it was closed down due to mounting abuse of young people:

I was one of those 12,000 that he claims was "rehabilitated", and I take great offence to him including me in that number. Perhaps that's why I am so compelled to keep an eye on him to keep people like him from opening places like Straight Inc. was. I am also not the only one who feels this way:

Number 2, he doesn't want you to know that Straight used unproven and experimental forms of mind-control techniques to "rehabilitate" its victims who are NOW survivors stepping up to the plate to expose this garbage that was done to us in order to hopefully stop it from affecting yet another generation of young people. Yes, that's right it's true that Straight did close down, but the cult just reopened under different names and carried on these sick and unorthodox practices under different names: ... hts-fc.htm

I understand that maybe to you guys this 'notch in Mel's belt' maybe wasn't the choicest topic to write about regarding today's current events, it must of been pretty exciting reporting on a United States Ambassador coming to Northwestern. I am guessing (and hoping) That you guys really had no idea about Mel and Betty. I am sure after you read this and the other emails you received though, you have a better idea about him.


Ken *****

[ This Message was edited by: ramprato on 2003-02-08 08:36 ]

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Send the terrorists to Straight!!!!
« on: February 08, 2003, 08:43:00 AM »
Anybody out there surprised that the Al-Quida terrorists in Guantanamo Bay have now attempted 5 suicides? ... pt_m.shtml (read the following article too)

Sometimes I wonder how much information the government has about our treatment in Straight, The Seed, and its spin-offs, and if we were contributors to their interrogation methods used on todays terrorists... Makes me wonder if they using the same kinds of mind-breaking techniques that they once used on all of us. Think about it ~ that kind of torture could easily suck information out of the most 'committed' Al-Quida terrorist's mind like a vacuum sucks up dirt.

Read here about some of the methods our government uses on them and see if it reminds you of anything: ... E_ID=26285  :roll:


[ This Message was edited by: ramprato on 2003-02-08 05:45 ]

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Mel is still bragging
« on: February 07, 2003, 11:19:00 AM »
Clay that was great!!!!

Here is the Northwestern write-up on Mel: ... _archive=1

Gee, this artical shows the reporter's name too, wonder if she would be intersted in hearing the details on Mel's past that he doesn't like to talk about, or - you know, "get honest" about??? Maybe we can help him out ....  :lol:


Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Mel is still bragging
« on: February 07, 2003, 08:09:00 AM »
That son of a bitch is still bragging that he "graduated" 12,000 from an unnamed "drug treatment program". No, I'm not surprised, I just requested to him months back that I didn't want to be on that list he keeps insisting I'm on, I knew I withdrew my name. He's still is blind as a bat.

As recently as January 15th 2003, he is still bragging:

"About twenty-five years ago, I became more active in a political sense. When Betty and I saw what a social and personal scourge illegal drugs was becoming in America, we decided to do something about that. That?s why we founded and directed for many years a treatment program that rehabilitated over 12,000 young drug abusers. Through these activities, Betty and I became friends with the Bush family, going back to 1979 and ?80, when Ambassador George H.W. Bush first ran for President. And so I became more and more active in politics, mostly in fund raising for the Republican Party and its candidates, both in Florida and nationally."

Ken :flame:

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