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Messages - TheWho

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Quote from: "ajax13"
So it was a fact and it was relevant, but the journalist's coverage was not typical. Somebody stepped in to control coverage of this story the day Evans showed up at AARC in 2007 after the killing.

You tip your hand a little each time you attack me for my opinions.  It solidifies your obvious lack of proof.  But I will leave a window open for you to reconcile ...  Let’s see the link to support your belief that someone stepped in to control the coverage.  Was this an epiphany from your god or something tangible that we can all read.  Most of us are open minded so don’t be uncomfortable revealing your source or thinking.

Quote from: "ajax13"
Typically, journalists report facts that are relevant.  Typically, as you have since you started trying to disrupt the discussions about AARC, you made a pointless generalization that was irrelevant to the thread.

So by your own conclusion...... either it wasn’t a fact or it wasn’t relevant to the story!

Okay then, it seems we both agree then that if his employment at AARC was not mentioned then obviously it was not relevant to the story.

Trying to sidestep this fact by running the thread off topic and onto me and this guy JD just further reinforces the fact that AARC was not a relevant fact to be reported.  Since no one but yourself believes this you take it into your own hands to make it a point on fornits.. which is cool.  But the rest of the world doesn’t see it that way.  Sorry.

Quote from: "Oscar"
Young couple killed in Hwy. 97 crash remembered,KTVZ.COM

It is not an entry for the victim list as she wasn't driving. Why the car she was in ran the red light is unknown as the driver died also.

She invented some dog collar thing

Thats interesting, Oscar.  So if she had been driving home that night that would classify her as a victim of a program?

Quote from: "Moonpie"
No mention that Evans is a former unlicensed mental health worker from AARC

Typically the news media do not list all the jobs that a person held when reporting on people unless they are doing a complete profile.  His time at AARC may be miniscule in comparison to his present employment and might have occurred years ago.  I dont see how this would be news worthy to the average reader.

Another thing to think about is that during the early years of a person’s life they hold many jobs.. bartender, bus boy, waiter, asst. Counsellor, counsellor etc...  so they focus on the most recent.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Re: Liars Born or Made?
« on: September 10, 2009, 03:56:55 PM »
AARC is clinically honest and appropriate for the severe illness it is addressing . . . Dr. Vause left that program (Kids Inc.) because the Kids approach was inappropriate and I believe he has been driven by that experience to ensure that the AARC program in no way reflects the negative and dishonest culture that was prevalent with Kids. Kids Inc. was not transparent. We had great difficulty with accessing treatment plans, progress reports . . . AARC has been extremely transparent – very willing to work with community resources and programs. AARC makes a significant effort to be a part of the community and integrates the expertise of other community- based professionals into their team.”

“AARC is a treatment facility and organization which adheres to a governing board of directors and the legal community at large. Kids Inc. was not a treatment centre of any kind as it failed to include the community at large and excluded rather than included its clients into becoming fully responsible healthy youth and adults who could contribute to society at large.”

Aspen Education Group / Re: My son at Aspen Ranch
« on: September 10, 2009, 03:13:15 PM »
^^TheWho^^  Talking to himself again.

Aspen Education Group / Re: My son at Aspen Ranch
« on: September 10, 2009, 02:46:55 PM »
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Guest"

Nigel, I forgot to mention that he was also involved in plotting the 911 attacks.  The guy is whacked.  He is currently posting from Iraq trying to form an Aspen wilderness program to kill off his other kids.

Again, TheWho posting above.  However, you should note that he did not deny any of the facts presented, he only tried to make them look ridiculous by throwing out a red herring, as his 'story' has already been told here so he can't deny previously admitting these things - too late for that.  It tells a lot about a person when they do this.  

Regardless of how he tries to spin, TheWho is a program pimp, Aspen feeder, kickback/referral taker, father to a dead son who wasn't helped by Aspen and overdosed, and head of a broken, dysfunctional household in which his remaining son blames TheWho directly for the death of his wife.  

And the worst part?  He wants to 'help' your family like he did his. :poison:  :suicide:

Again that last post wasnt mine, this is one of his tricks, trying to imitate me and my style of writing (I always use the word irregardless not regardless).  Thewho is trying to make me look bad by posting those suicide smilies, which everyone who reads here often enough knows I dont use.  Notice he didnt try to deny his hand in the 911 attacks and the fact that he is trying to get a program started in Iraq, but instead attacked me.   His sole purpose is to deny his past and try to make me look bad.  Is this the type of guy you want looking after your kid?

Aspen Education Group / Re: My son at Aspen Ranch
« on: September 10, 2009, 10:17:59 AM »
Quote from: "Guest"
That's just TheWho, aka John Reuben of STICC, an Aspen feeder group.  

Anyway, he is a parent and sent both of his kids to highly abusive programs based on CEDU (ASR and HLA).  

His kid that went to ASR shot himself so full of dope that he died.  

His other son suffered through the decline and death of his mother while incarcerated at HLA where he was denied contact with her in her dying days and he has actually said publicly that he believes his dad (John Reuben, TheWho) was complicit in and responsible for his mother's death.

So, to recap:  2 kids, both in abusive programs, one dead from an overdose, the other estranged from his father and believing his father killed his mother.  This is what John, aka TheWho, calls a "success story" and now he markets the program family resposible for destroying his children for cash kickbacks.[/u]

Nigel, I forgot to mention that he was also involved in plotting the 911 attacks.  The guy is whacked.  He is currently posting from Iraq trying to form an Aspen wilderness program to kill off his other kids.

Aspen Education Group / Re: My son at Aspen Ranch
« on: September 10, 2009, 10:10:29 AM »
Quote from: "psy"
Let me ask you this: does the program encourage you to tell your son that he is not coming home until he learns to "follow the program"? Is it possible that coaching is just as much as getting you to commit to the program as it is about removing any hope from your son?

WOW, Thats a loaded question.  Of course the program is going to encourage the parent to keep the kid focused on the program.  How effective would it be if the parent said “Aw, just hang in there, dont follow the rules if you dont want to, they sound stupid”.... any therapist would encourage the parent to keep the child focused whether it be school work, or a job.  They would never encourage a parent or child to undermine the school system.

Either way you look at it. If he's not making progress in the program what's the point of keeping him there? I guarantee he'll be grateful at the very least if you take him out.

This I agree with.  He will be very grateful if you take him out.  But what has changed that will prevent him from going right back to his old ways?  How will this help him?  How do you determine this?  Whats the next step if he becomes a danger to himself again?  The program will not take him back knowing that the parent may pull him again at any time.  No schools would do this except public schools and that is because they have to.

Aspen Education Group / Re: My son at Aspen Ranch
« on: September 10, 2009, 09:52:18 AM »
Quote from: "try another castle"

Dude, are you serious or just fucking with us for your jollies? Public school???? seriously???? You're comparing public school to a program???

Unless there is an emergency a person cannot just walk into any school situation and dictate the times they want to visit with another person (family or no family).  Whether it be public school, private school, boarding school or program.  This applies across the board.  This also applies to corporations.  Not sure what you are use to but having people just come and go as they pleased is just not manageable in any situation.

Aspen Education Group / Re: My son at Aspen Ranch
« on: September 10, 2009, 08:56:50 AM »
guess it just would be nice if you bothered to visit him on your own terms instead of aspens. This means, when you wanted to.

Very few places want parents to just show up.  Have you ever just dropped in on your kid in public school?  Said “hey he forgot his lunch money just wanted to say hey and chat awhile”.  What you would get is “thank you mister Jones we will see to it that he gets his lunch money”... you wouldn’t get past the lobby without a cory report being filled out on you and you would be denied and sent on your way.  You couldnt just wander around the school alone.

If you flew out to Aspen Ranch and walked in and said you wanted to speak with your son they would allow that.  They would not be happy because they have a strict schedule and if parents were showing up noon and night to visit nothing would get done.  Corporations dont allow this either.  You schedule meetings ahead of time so that everyone can prepare.

Aspen Education Group / Re: My son at Aspen Ranch
« on: September 10, 2009, 08:37:24 AM »
Throughout his life will he be caged without due process because he has an ingrate relative? While imprisoned, will he be tortured and be presented with the stipulation that the torture will be ameliorated, and his release be possible, only if he "rises in levels"?

If this will not be his adulthood, then, no, you are not preparing him for adulthood.

A child is kept in a crib... a play pen.....back yard.... and their home (caged as you call it) until the child matures to the next level.

Our whole life is level systems!  You progress through constant level systems as the child proves themselves.  When you learn to not get food all over your shirt you move up a level and your parents remove your bib and if you start getting food all over you again then the bib is put back on until you get better at feeding.  It isn’t designed as a punishment…

The same with driving.  When you get a permit you drive with an adult then you move up a level to drive on your own with no other teens in the car and then finally if you don’t get any violations you are allowed to move up to the final level of driving on your own.  There are consequences attached to breaking the rules.

Aspen Education Group / Re: My son at Aspen Ranch
« on: September 09, 2009, 10:27:45 PM »
Quote from: "blombrowski"
I don't think I could have said it any more eloquently than TAC.

Communication with parents should never be used as a punishment, period.  That's not to say that it isn't a common practice in programs of all kinds, but it is to say that if it's not the #1 red flag of a problem program, then it's pretty high up there.  And it's less a matter of what your son is going to say when he's on the phone, it's about your role as a parent.  It shouldn't be up to the program to punish your son, that's your job as his parent.  And if the program were doing their job, they would be preparing both you and him for the inevitability of how you plan on disciplining him when he does come home.  

Again, ditto TAC.

It sounds like many here are just trying to turn Nigel against Aspen Ranch.  Its really not that big a deal...

Aspen Education Group / Re: My son at Aspen Ranch
« on: September 09, 2009, 10:15:41 PM »
None of us were on the phone call with the therapist.  Only Nigel was.  If he felt he needed to speak to his son on the issue he could have pushed for it.  But he may have received the info he needed from the childs therapist.  He has the option to speak to him on Monday and get his side of the dispute then.

Lets not judge his decision.  He knows his son best, if something smelled fishy he would know.

Hitting another person is a very big deal.  I have seen people get very upset on this site for just restraining or holding a kid with no hitting involved at all.

Lets wait and see what the facts are.

Aspen Education Group / Re: My son at Aspen Ranch
« on: September 09, 2009, 09:36:18 PM »
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "NIGEL"
My son, along with a group of other boys on his team were not behaving as expected.  Their team was put into a "lockdown" where they have to stay in their dorm and talk through the problems.  

Forcing group punishment on minors is illegal, whether forced by "school" or "residential treatment center"--whichever Aspen Ranch is pretending to be. Real or not, NIGEL is creating a trail for prosecution for any willing party.

No its not.  Everyone is throwing up smoke screens here.  There are groups of kids who are singled out for detention and punished in local schools every day.  Why is it that you post here and continuously state that things are illegal but not one reference is ever given?

Can you supply a link to the law that supports your argument?

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