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Messages - FueLaw

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The Seed Discussion Forum / Art Barker likely never at Synanon
« on: March 09, 2004, 09:41:00 PM »
Sorry Greg I can't answer your question but I have a feeling your hunch is correct. His backround was in AA so it must of been some of his early staff members who taught him certain techniques and gave him ideas on how to conduct effective cult like brainwashing of children.

The early or original seedlings were probably like guinea pigs to him and the staff. If something worked he kept on doing it if not try something different. After a couple of years he got it down to a science.  By 1973, when you and I went in, he had virtually all of his techniques worked out.

The key to the whole thing is when he was able figure out that he needed get kids isolated away from home for extended periods of time in order for his cult like brainwashing to work. Once he was able to keep people for 24 hours a day the genisis of a cult began to evolve.

The stuff he used to spew about having 12-13 years experience or interest in youth drug prevention was probably just bs he would tell people to build up his credibility.

The Seed Discussion Forum / Who remembers ? ....I do
« on: December 12, 2003, 10:55:00 AM »
Seeing people being yelled at for no particular reason ?

Having to ask permission to go to the bathroom, and being denied when you really had to go ?

What a pathetic worthless loser that midget Billy was ?

What an stupid friggin moron Robert Chun really was ?  

Having people that didn't even know your name telling you that they loved you and cared for you which is the reason for coming down on you ?

Being accussed of having a Druggie attitude for no apparent reason ?

People being paranoid all the time because you never knew if some pathetic unqualified staff member was going to call on you and make your day or night miserable ?

Having staff tell you if you ran from the Seed you would end up dead on the street in a matter of months ? (and then realizing that none of your friends had died or gone to prison and that the seed was bull shitting you ? )

Thinking after you graduated or left the program that basically everything ever told to you was a big bunch of shit and none of it was true ?

Being abused for no reason ?

Being feed shitty food that not even a dog would eat ?

Being dehydrated in the summertime and not being able to get a drink of water ?

Raising your hand and acting like you wanted to be called on and not really having shit to say ?

Pretending to actually like the place to so you could make it through another day ?

Sitting in the group with people who were basically good kids and had no real reason to be in the seed being kept there against their will ?

People who really fought back or resisted getting their ass kicked ?

People getting their ass kicked, then being held down and given a haircut because the people in the seed loved you ?

Being treated and diagnosed by a staff who had no qualifications to diagnose anyone ?

Do you remember sitting in the group just praying for 10 o'clock to get there so that days nightmare could end ?  

Do you remeber graduating from that friggin place and saying to yourself that I pray I will never have to go through that again ?

Anything that the low rent piece of trash Art Barker ever said that was worth listening to ?

How Art Barker and the seed was going to save the world ?

How there would be seeds throughout America ?

How the coward Art Barker always left a county as soon as county officials questioned him with respect to anything ?  

Jackie Gleason donating a limo to a-hole Art for the purpose of him selling it to raise money for the seed, and then Art "the ego maniac" keeping and using it for his own use ?

The faces of the poor miserable new kids at 10:00 am as they were about to begin another grueling day of mental torture ?

How you would be friends with people in the program, then they would disappear never to be mentioned again ?

Seeing a-hole hypocritical staff members back on the 1st row after they screwed up ?

How Art used to claim a 90 % success rate, and then finding out he was completely full of shit ?

Making a decision , at some point in the program, to just go with the flow, so you could just get the hell out of there sooner ?

How good it felt to turn 18 and know that no motherfuckers could put you through such torture again ?

Smoking a big fat joint, and just relaxing, after you got out of the program ?

But most off all I remember the needless and endless suffering of teenage kids for no good reason other than to fight this bogus phony war on drugs.

The Seed Discussion Forum / Other quotes from insane times
« on: November 17, 2003, 06:24:00 PM »
Good stuff Greg....keep up the good work !

The Seed Discussion Forum / The humiliating seed!
« on: March 17, 2003, 05:59:00 PM »
Thanks for reposting this thread Greg.

Rest in peace "Big Frank"

The Seed Discussion Forum / A Good Experience
« on: March 17, 2003, 05:55:00 PM »
Whoever started this thread is one of the biggest schmucks to ever trod the face of the earth. It's a great experience to get your head beat in, get brainwashed and otherwised mentally tortured, have your support system torn apart with nothing to replace it, have people pretending to help you and your family who had absolutely no qualifications to administer such help.

Just because things turned out ok for you doesn't mean the Seed was worth a shit. I became a lawyer, so what ! It certainly wasn't because of the seed.

Everytime I hear a story about a life ending early, such as Big Frank, I get pissed and I think back to 30 years ago when I was in the group. I wonder how many other Big Frank's there are out there ?

To Art Barker, Libby, John Underwood, Robert Chun, Suzzy Connors, Scott Baretsky and all you other scumbags that were ever staff members "EAT SHIT & DIE". You scumbags, and the people that think and believe as you do, are lower than the slime at the bottom of a sewer.

The Seed Discussion Forum / Jackie Gleason donated to Seed St Pete
« on: March 17, 2003, 05:40:00 PM »
I was there the night Jackie Gleason donated the limo to the Seed. He used to go to open meetings from time to time.

The Seed Discussion Forum / lost my brother to an overdose...
« on: March 17, 2003, 05:37:00 PM »
Let me add my condolences also Blue Morphine. Based on the previous post I guess I was in there with you and your brother. Hopefully he is finally at peace.

....and ?

Your a pathetic loser !!!!!

Put your money where your mouth or keyboard is. How much you willing to bet on your last post ?

Excellent post Clay. The only thing I am trying to point out is that there is nothing you can legally do to the scum bags from Straight or the Seed due to the time that has elapsed.  I also wanted to point out to those who had questions that any affidavits they signed and submitted were legally worthless and the people could find themselves being involved in a situation that would rather avoid.

I agree with anyone who wants to try to help kids in similar type programs today.  I also believe that is where most of the energy should be directed.

I will have more to say about the United Nations stuff later but for right now lets me just say the complaint filed with the United Nations is legally worthless and bogus.  :wave:

From a legal standpoint what you call a "complaint" is absolutely worthless. Read the requirements or standards for filing a complaint and read the trash you posted and notice the difference.

A Suggestion :  Stick to exposing the programs still in existence and helping kids that need it immediately. All of this complaints, documents ect... is so legally worthless it is a real waste of time.

Just curious, How do you define the word "document" ?

Desperate for what ? I hate people like Art Barker, the Semblers and anybody like them. I wish that they would have been brought to justice years ago. It would have prevented alot of human suffering. The point is that the time to bring these people to justice has come and gone.

This is a free country and you can believe or disbelieve anything you want. If you believe that these people have 15-20 year old corporate tax returns and can somehow prove that they are fraudulent, then go ahead and believe it.

[ This Message was edited by: fuelaw on 2002-12-26 19:20 ]

The reason I don't need to review the so called evidence you purport to have is because even on the off chance it did exist it would be legally irrelevant. Why would I want to review a pile of legal garbage that would never be admissible in court ? Whats the point ?

If your goal is to expose Straight like programs still in existence then that is realistic. The kids in these programs who are still in them or recently graduated or recently left may have a viable lawsuit.  Those of you who were in Straight 10-20 years ago can forget about it.

The stalking stories, ect... posted by the same people who want you to sign the worthless affidavits are rather unbelievable and by the way are completely unsubstantiated.

Furthermore, there are limits , or what you would call Satutes of Limitations, on evidence. You can't use something that occured in Straight 15 years to prove a fact against a program still in existence. It is not legally relevant.
Also there are Statutes of Limitations on things such as tax fraud.

In terms of motives the reason I am posting is because I read the website and everything I read with respect to the affidavits ect... was totally incorrect. I am not soliciting business or anything of that nature. I just did not want to see people who had really been worked over by Straight get worked over by these so called crusaders who are psoting information that is legally an factualy incorrect. Don't get used again.

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