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Messages - ClayL

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Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Atlanta early days
« on: October 21, 2002, 08:54:00 AM »
I remember this kid now! He would never bathe and had BIG flakes of the skin of his scalp coming off. I remember him fighting often. I also remember no one ever showed him any compassion. He wasn't there (ATL) long, was he?


On 2002-10-20 00:44:00, cram737 wrote:
Like I said, I wasn't there when it went down and I'm in no way accusing you of being responsible. We all, I would suppose, did things to other people we are ashamed of and would never do under normal circumstances. Unfortunately, cruelty was just a part of the methodology of the program and it was inevietable if you planned on ever getting out of there not to mention that by the time you reached your higher phases you really believed the things you were doing to people was helping to save their lives, or at least I did. I in no way blame you for the events of that day, if I remember you correctly you were a pretty kind hearted guy and a fairly good trainee in respect to treating people fairly. Unless my memory is totally whacked though, I do remember blood,holesin the walls and torn clothing in the bathroom and I believe Donny K. from Gastonia was messed up pretty bad. Things like that happened. Blaming other victims does no good for anyone. I do hold executive staff responsible though. They were completely aware of what was being done to us and not only did nothing to stop it but profited from it. There were also several girls hurt pretty bad that day, so yes, it did take place on the girls side too. I'm sorry for the pain that time has caused you and I hope that life with freedom  from the effects of it is on the horizon for us both.


Here, HERE!


I ran into Steve in Charleston, SC several years ago. He was the Front Manager for Magnolias, a REALLY nice restraunt there. We talked for a while and he is doing really well. I don not know if he is still there. I would suspect he in still in Charleston though.


Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / atlanta straight
« on: October 20, 2002, 12:42:00 PM »
I used to wear glasses and yes I do have blonde hair, er well sort of. It is much darker now and going gray in some places. Getting older. Had RK surgery done 10 years ago and can still see like a hawk.


[ This Message was edited by: ClayL on 2002-10-20 09:43 ]

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Former staff forgivable??
« on: October 20, 2002, 12:32:00 PM »
There was a distinct separation about the COC's to withdraw. When I first arrived at Straight in '82 the 5th phasers would routinely laugh at people who wanted to withdraw. I saw one guy, Cliff something or another from Willmington, NC, tear up a COC to withdraw in front of the client's face and inform the client that he was NEVER getting out of straight that way. Went back to the side of group and had a good laugh about it. This continued this way for about 6 months to 9 months. Then something happened.

One night an exec. came into group and informed the group that no higher phasers could watch the news on TV or read the newspaper until further notice. A short while later the 5th phasers were chewd put in front of group about COC's to withdraw. They were to be immeadiately processed and given directly to a Jr. or Higher. People started going through the exec. door and not comming back. By then I had bought the whole thing and felt sorry for the poor misguided bastards.

What I believe happened it that some one successfully sued St. Pete or ATL for false imprisionment. This is not to say the leopard changed his spots, Kris can attest to this.

My time on staff came after being out for about a year and a half. I was on staff in 1986 of and on to 1988. I stepped in 1984. While on staff, not much really happened. The misbehavers sucked, all the really bad ones were long gone and no talking behind backs meant no one could pass on their sometimes funny, most often tragic, legacy.

Straight, in my mind, is devided into two separtate places. I am also fairly certain that straight ATL was not nearly as brutal as the other straights. This due in large part to Maria Milnachuk. A definite straight Nazi, but more like Rudolf Hess than Heinrich Himmler.


Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Former staff forgivable??
« on: October 18, 2002, 11:59:00 AM »
Bill wrote: "The rule was recited with giggles and sarcasim as we all KNEW that requests to pull oneself were routinly IGNORED, even if the client was over 18. In the early 80's, I venture to say almost nobody got to pull themselves unless they split or had an outside helper to pressure the program about it."

You got that right. I saw right away that nobody got to withdraw from the program and that putting through to withdraw only got one in serious trouble. This was the only reason I never ask to get out.

Of course I gave people consequences. I never placed anyone in a restraint or gave any of the more grotesquely creative consequences. When I did OMR I had a list of people and what consequence I was to give them. No explanation as to why. I was supposed to confront them, give them an oppotunity to confess and then deliver what ever consequence was on the list. Kind of like justice is in China.


I had forgotten most of these. You have, perhaps, the best memory of any one I have ever met. Do you gamble? You'd be a whiz at counting cards and thrown out of Vegas in no time.

You said, "No phasers in file room, staff office, or the executive area without staff permission- I do not recall any phaser ever entering the staff office. Phasers who self withdraw or were being terminated would get one on one counseling with the clinical staff. No phaser had any reason to enter the file room. "

Dring my time on the phases, Dean Keenan would let me come into the staff office during the early AM when he'd open and I was the only 5th phaser in. It was like being in the inner sanctum.

While on staff, I was on the 3rd and 4th phase team. I decided to see where the 4th phasers were actually sending their time. I had two or three 5th phasers go through the permissions and help me compile a list of 4th phasers and the permissions they went on. Then I crunched the numbers. The results were quite interesting. Almost all of the 4th phasers didn't take their days off. This was especially true for the girls. Some of them had used only one or two days off. Only a few people had used all their days off. I presented this to my exec., a Mr. Mayfield I think, got a lot of atta boys. Can you believe in all the time ATL had been open this had never been done?

I got all the 4th phasers together and gave them my results. I informed them that they had days off for a reason and that I really didn't want to see them in the building on them. Lots of supprised looks to say the least. After this I noticed their stress level went down a great deal.

CL[ This Message was edited by: ClayL on 2005-03-26 13:29 ]

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Former staff forgivable??
« on: October 17, 2002, 04:31:00 PM »
James Wrote: "Fear is a powerful motivator, and if there is one thing that most staffers shared it was fear of the people above us in the COC. "

Now isn't that Gods Own truth. I, to this day find it extremely difficult to express my opinion to people higher in the office food chain than I. This, even though I know they value and actively seek my opinion on things. I was terrified of the Execs. and this was a response they actively cultivated. The one time I actually went to one of them with a problem I got fired. I guess the fact that I called them Neo-Nazi's probably had something to do with it.... Go figure!

To be honest, I am deeply embarrassed about my time on staff. I was under the impression that I was assisting people finding a good direction in life and had bought the whole thing so much that I still believe up until this past year. I am not a monster. I am a compasionate human begin who has a tendancy to be a supreme asshole when my medication is not right. The medication is for ADHD, something else I found out this past year.


PS For those of you who understand the asshole comment, I apologize.

It is the NA convention thrown at Myrtle Beach every fall. A fairly large get together.  CL

Nope, I haven't really tried looking and part of me thinks it isn't right to go looking either. I suspect I'll run in to him someday....


Patti Johnson! Dang I had forgot her. She set me back off of 5th phase. One of those fishing questions, "What kind of shit have you pulled?" No right answer... dead meat. That I had seen one of the people I had grown up with while at home (druggie friend) was just the bonus plan. Got the 4th phase 7-day for that. Then I guess I didn't feel guilty enough for having a healthy conversation, so Rusty put me on a 3rd phase 14-day refresher. I managed to piss out a few tears and Rusty, who I still consider a good friend, let me slide. From my time on staff I really think he had the blessing to start me over, but didn't.

I'm still kind of pissed at Patti.



Was the name Jim Lowlry?


Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / atlanta straight
« on: October 11, 2002, 10:24:00 AM »
She was Christy and the last name begon with a W?

Who was that who picked that vein open that night during open meeting, I think. Blood went everywhere.


[ This Message was edited by: ClayL on 2002-10-11 07:26 ]


Ramona Love is now living in Greenville, SC and is doing quite well from all accounts. She has one child who is 13 and giving her fits, and doing things she'd prefer him not to.

Derrick B. Last I talked to him was about 7 years ago. He married, damn I forgot the name, but had one child at the time. He picked up a degree in phsycology and wark working with inmates in the Georgia Prison system.

People I've been wondering about:

Rusty McDaniels
Dean Keenan
Will Tidd - Was my best friend in the program and really want to get in touch with him. Tried calling his parents the other day, but the number was wrong. I believe he still lives in ATL.

I am
Clay Lovett

Ran into Letha about 6 years ago. It was an NA dance in Doraville, GA. It was a new years eve party. I believe that Chris I. went on a date with Stacey ? while they were 5th phase trainee's. They got narc'd out by one of the other persons on the date and started over. Do not know what happened from there as I had graduated and this was reliable second hand info.


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