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Messages - ClayL

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Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Professional potheads...
« on: November 12, 2002, 11:00:00 AM »
I hate to burst your fuck the rich bubble but most of the patients were thrown out of the mental hospitals because of a suit filed by the ACLU. When you lose your patient load it makes no sense to keep the facilities open. I liked Reagan, He was responsible for ending the Cold War, Freeing Eastern Europe, the greatest boom in the economy the Nation has ever seen (Something George Bush I continued and Clinton lucked into). Reagan's one truly pathetc policy was the Drug War. It takes about two years for changes to show up in the economy. The crash George Bush II had were the direct result of the Bill Clinton, a legacy furthered by Enron and WorldCom. I do not believe in entitlements or redistributing wealth. Just my opinion.


Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / 'ratting' on our siblings
« on: November 11, 2002, 09:45:00 AM »
Remember when, just before open meeting, a staff member, usually a trainee, would come out and ask, "Does anyone know ________?" Some poor schlep would rise there hand and say, "That's my brother/sister." Then there was this list of questions like do you know of them doing any drugs and so forth.

I always felt betrayed by this. Both my brother and sister were doing drugs long before me, I narc'd them out like a good little phaser and neither of them were slapped on front row. I mean my sister was snorting anything that look white and my brothre was trying anything that would melt on your tongue. (Kind of like those listerene breathe thingy's. Wonder what ex-deadhead designed them?) Could be that they were both honor students and never got into any trouble. If they were getting into trouble they'd point out to mom and dad what dastardly thing I was doing and poof! No more trouble for them. Go figure?!


Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Professional potheads...
« on: November 06, 2002, 11:42:00 PM »
There really are some dirt poor regions in this country. Appalatia is one of them. There are people who are so poor there is no TV, phone, indoor plumbing, nothing I require to be comfortable.

I still believe a flat tax would work. Exempt all single incomes under $15K then everyone else pays a reasonable percentage. As it stands currently, the IRS defines the "wealthy" at around $100K. My father pays aound $80K in taxes up until he retired. I have seen him have to take out loans to meet this tax bill. I know he worked hard for that money, or he was fooling around... I never saw him. This is ones of my issues with him.


Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Professional potheads...
« on: November 06, 2002, 11:32:00 AM »
I would think so... 11K is below the minimum level, I think.

I have always loved the phrase "got back" or "refund" This means the IRS over charged you by that much money and thus wrote themselves a short-term NO intrest loans TAKING it from your income even before you see it. I think if we had no "withholding" and had to pay our tax bill when it was due we'd feel the pain of paying the government for the dubious services they provide. We'd then see an outright revolt against the wasterels in Washington.

Try being self-employeed and having to file quarterly estimates and returns. It sucks and I am glad I don't have to do it any more.


Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / HOW WOULD ONE BUY HIS STRAIGHT FILE
« on: November 06, 2002, 11:13:00 AM »
I know for a fact that in ATL the old files were burned in 1986-1987. There were a bunch of them and it took about a week.


Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Professional potheads...
« on: November 05, 2002, 09:38:00 AM »
The so called progressive tax is based on some kind of fallacy. It like there is only one pile of money out there and the rich are rich because they got there first and took more than their fare share. This is not true. Most rich people I know are there because they are quite smart, work very hard and are driven by simple goals. Like stomping their competetion into the ground. My attorney once told my when I was threatened with a lawsuit, "Business is pretty Darwinian isn't it?" In the 10K v. 100K sinereo our current situation is that the 10K person pays no tax while the 100K (which the IRS defines as wealthy) person pay roughly 32% not countong FICA and State taxes. I don't know about you but I don't work my ass off to give it to a bunch of people to give most of it to the worst money managers in the history of man. I truly believe a flat tax would be fair and equitable to all citizens. The Dems. will never go for it as their largest voting block is the poor. Why give them an opportunity to earn more as the wealthy gain greater resources to invest in the industries and businesses that grow our economy. The only way a flat tax makes no sense is if the "wealthy" stuff their money in jars and leave it in the back yard.


Sent the following:

I think the outlook of your organizatoin is outdated and criminal in its purpose. Having experienced first hand the effects of Straight, Inc., I truly believe Straight, and it's child, DFAF have been the cause of much pain and great suffereing. I do not believe your views or policy offer anything of merit to drug policy in the United Stated or United Nations for that matter. Pleae consider me a quite successful human being thanks to much therapy and toughness on my part. I would like to thank DFAF for making this task nearly impossible. To be honest, DFAF contains the greatest unhanged group of criminals in America.


Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / I Emailed DFAF
« on: November 04, 2002, 05:03:00 PM »
That was truly excellent. Understanding your (our) point of view I could almost see the malice dripping from each inocuous word. True diplomacy, telling someone to fuck off and sounding reasonable and actually contrite while doing so. Bravo!


Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / To All Straight Survivors
« on: October 28, 2002, 01:50:00 PM »
It is my opinion that people, in the course of their lives, will disagree with others around them. From time to time. What straight took from me was my ability to form my own opinions and, with normal trail and error, my own moral code. Today, I have my OWN moral code. It was formed through my OWN life experiences. I have my OWN opinions which I feel no need to constrain. That people disagree with me, in my opinion is their problem. They are entitled to their opinions however misguided they may be.

This site has reminded me of many things I had forgotten. It has given me the opportunity to deal with and put these issues away. I don't find everything I read here useful, informative, or something I had to know. Like most everyone else, I like to tell the war stories. I would not call this "living in the past," I call them good stories.

In short, opinions are like asshole, every one has one and most of them stink.


[ This Message was edited by: ClayL on 2002-10-28 13:26 ]

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / another bad thing
« on: October 25, 2002, 01:34:00 PM »
By the time the afternoon rap was over and we got sent back into the main room I could barely stand. I remember getting confronted on time and being made to sit back down and go last for not getting up quickly enough.

Also, I got called on in exec. rap one time and immeadiately told to have a seat for not getting up fast enough. I'll bet, even though I don't remember, I earned nothing that night. Most likely for being disrespectful to the execs. For some reason this makes me terribly angry.


Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / girls' vs. guys' raps
« on: October 24, 2002, 05:11:00 PM »
James is correct. There was this one guy who was confronted mercilessly for claiming to have never jerked off. Then there was this guy who confessed to once, while hunting, to having relations with the doe he just shot. Another, spoke of romances with farm animals. Needless to say I was quite scandalized. Some thing just should have been kept to themselves.

Do y'all remember that 4th phaser that got caught having a wank in the bathroom?


Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / another bad thing
« on: October 23, 2002, 09:51:00 AM »
I also strongly suspect that sitting "Indian Style" is the reason I can barely walk some mornings and why if I am playing ANY sports I have to eat Aleive like candy.


Does anyone remember Kendle Wemberly? If so she and I went to college together and she is doing quite well. She was alright in the program, but when she got out..., Dear God! She is gorgeous! Another one that did that same thing was April Honeycut. She married Mike Williams.


[ This Message was edited by: ClayL on 2002-10-22 06:48 ]


I rememeber him well and he was a good friend. My parents and his parents were buddies in the program. Remember when he's talk, he'd get worked up and then there'd form balls of spit on his tongue. Is he doing well? Or was this an old picture?


James wrote: "Incidentally, Tilly was on as an exec for a while, then left and returned as the director after Dave Buttermur left. It was Tilly who presided over the roughest periods of late 84 and early 85."

This I did not know. I remember Tilly from when I first came in and he left before I got out. Buttermer was the director then. When I came back on the Mini-program, Ben Webb was the Director, but he left shortly after I got there.


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