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Messages - dniceo7

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Also, I do agree to some degree with Bryan's idea. I'd rather see these kids get off that mountain safe and sound than be stuck in months like these, lost, in those woods. I just don't think it's our business to get involved.

And perhaps BCA just wasn't as sick as CEDU High. Maybe kids at cedu high are built better than kids that end up at bca. I didn't see much in the way of sickos and perverts at bca...and I'm in no way a person that wouldn't notice something like that. Not saying you're wrong...we just don't see eye to eye on this I suppose.

Let's try not to turn this into a silly little fight...

I'm glad to hear you made it, and that you're doing well. I too have plenty of friends (that didn't go to CEDU) that went a very similar route as you. It worked for them, so I'm not saying it's not possible. But man, be serious, you sound like you've had it together in your head since day one. As shaken as I'm sure you were after splitting from CEDU and realizing you were going it mostly alone from that point on, it's obvious you're a lot like me in that you're extremely resourceful and dedicated and all the other words I could use to describe it.

In my encounters at bca, however, many of the kids, and most of the kids that were attempting runaways just lacked the maturity to be able to make a move like that. Leaving a place like bca and then trying to snag a high school diploma, a college degree, and a serious career is just not easy. I could do it, you obviously did it...but I don't think a lot of kids do. I had a friend who ran away and could've made it...he was gone for 6 months...but in the end he decided that the dreams he had were only possible if he let his parents take the reigns and eventually put him through NYU, where he is now.

All I'm saying is that if a kid wants to run away...let him do it. I just disagree with someone else, post-cedu, who doesn't know the kid, getting involved. I'm 19, a sophomore at Pepperdine i Malibu, doing very well, but I won't lie...if I had split from cedu, I might be making it somehow, but I wouldn't be here.

Be careful...not everyone has the ability to make it alone like you sos.

How do you think it is really going to help this kid if they make a run for it? His parents will send him/her back if he/she returns to them. Living on the street or trying to scrape by without a high school diploma is possible, but man it is going to suck. Kid's are being abused there? I didn't see anyone get hit there. Mental abuse? Just feed them the bullshit they want and then leave if you're not all about "the program". I know 3 kids who ran from BCA and were never brought back.

1. Never talked to his parents again, and is now living in a 2 bedroom house in Chicago with 9 other kids. Only two have real jobs, and the kid never got his diploma.

2. Didn't talk to his parents for 4 years, has no diploma, hasn't held a job for over a month, and lives in a run-down house / in and out of rehab in Houston.

3. Went back to his parents after 16 months and they stuck him right in a cedu-style program for 19+ year olds (see Benchmark, San Bernardino, CA).

Get these stupid ideas out of your head. It's not going to help anyone, especially if this somehow gets traced back to you and the parents decide to press some sort of charges (who knows what kind...but in today's society, you can get charged / sued for anything...and you know this).

Sorry to sound hostile, this whole thread just seems ridiculous to me.

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / BCA peoples
« on: January 07, 2005, 06:21:00 PM »
I don't know who you're referring to, but either way, back off of Rist. Mark was a rare good man in a pool full of pretty ignorant people at BCA. If I had to name one person, other than Val Davis, that really gave what they had there, it's Mark. Not his fault that the "program" didn't agree with his "methods and outlook". Not trying to be hostile at all, but I think a man like Mark Rist deserves every bit of credit he is due.

I wasn't directly emotionally abused, but i feel the manner in which I was treated was demeaning, didn't teach me what I needed to know about life, and i was therefore exposed to a certain degree of 'neglect'.

Every time I was lumped together with other students and "convinced" that I was suffering from something that I was not, every time I was forced to accept something redundant and insignificant when there were true lessons about real life that i was missing out on, every time I was laid into for breaking some pointless bullshit such as "touching bans", or disallowed to communicate with what few peer support I had for 2 years through "bans"...those are the times i feel BCA wronged me. Not traditional abuse, yes, but I definitely saw students 'abused' by being locked away in a behavioral hospital so they could have their minds all just varies.

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / BCA peoples
« on: January 03, 2005, 01:29:00 AM »
That's it right many ways you just nailed exactly what I think a lot of us are feeling...but I can't speak for anyone but myself I guess

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / BCA peoples
« on: January 02, 2005, 11:09:00 AM »
I agree; one of the nastiest things I ever read at BCA was when I finally convinced one of the drivers to let me read that little packet that pretty much sums up your existence as far as staff are concerned.

It included every right my parents had signed over to CEDU, and things such as "holding in a behavioral institution for up to 3 days at administrator's discretion" didn't make me smile much.

Also, there were observations that clinical staff had made about me that were very far from the truth...however, they had been marked as just short of "fact" rather than hypothetical observation. I had myriad staff members referring to me as "severely manic depressive" even though they'd never met me? Don't get me wrong, I get sad from time to time, but I can't think of a single moment in my life that I've been depressed...much less "manic depressive".

That kind of stuff can't be good for a 16 year old's mind...

I'm almost 20 now, in my sophomore year at college, and I've moved on. But never will I deny where I was...or forget.


By the way, I'm agreeing with Felsher and a couple of the anonymous posters on the previous page...not with my previous post  :grin: [ This Message was edited by: dniceo7 on 2005-01-02 08:11 ]

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / BCA peoples
« on: January 02, 2005, 01:56:00 AM »
I promise you that wasn't kriss, aka "china" (she'd laugh to hear that name again)...but kriss is alive and doing very well out here in Boston.

Take whatever you got from BCA...learn the rest from your day to day struggles and mistakes. Life's tough, but in all actuality it's not nearly as hard as many staff members there make it out to be. They just love to tell you that you're gonna fail, especially if you don't do that summit bullshit, which I personally refused to do.

I was a BCA student from 2000-2002, didn't graduate the program (finished the I & Me), and I'm doing pretty fuckin' well. I'd be lying if I said BCA didn't help me a bit, and I'd also be lying if I said it didn't fuck my mind up a little bit at the same time. I guess BCA is just the epitome of gray area.

This is Artie Sullivan, and to any of my old BCA friends, hit me up sometime ([email protected])


People being restrained was hardly an issue at BCA (the only place I can really speak about...)

If a student was ever restrained, which in all actuality was quite rare, it was usually for the direct safety of another student or a staff member (some of the staff I absolutely despise, but I'd still hate to see anyone get hurt).

BCA abuse was on the mental and social side. Not the physical, restraining aspect of the school. Let's face it; staff were getting the boot left and right at BCA for much less than physical abuse, so I can only imagine what would've happened to, say, an Assistant Team Leader if they abused their restraining 'privilege'.

oh come on, lay off chuck selent! chuck is the man! yo chuck, don't listen to this bullshit...we all have mad love for you man! take it easy!

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / mike pindel
« on: December 29, 2004, 12:46:00 AM »
a bond? did you sleep through your 2 years at cedu? most of the kids there were a bunch of whiny little bitches...I can't count how many kids I'd love to get alone in a room one by one and just beat senseless...charlie donna is one of them

haha mason the ragin' cajun is a team leader? that guy was the man...i really hope he didn't get turned..

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / Brat Camp
« on: December 26, 2004, 07:52:00 PM »
Red Cliff Ascent...I'm not really sure if it's part of cedu, but when I was a student at BCA I had a couple of friends who had gone to Red Cliff. They may not be cedu owned, but they sure as hell are referring their kids to cedu schools....

Ben (ex-Ascent staff, soon became BCA staff) is a good guy, although a bit too stuck in the clouds for most people's taste.

Wendy Frank (BCA - left in late 2002) was the Mtn. Lion Team Leader and an absolutely amazing person. She has the kindest heart of almost anyone I have ever met. I lost touch with her when she moved to Oregon with Gregg Andrick, but would love it if someone knows how to get in touch with her.

If anyone else has heard anything about Bridget Lightbody (Ascent course staff), Mason Jones (BCA team staff) or Ariel Gunn, that would be much appreciated.

CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones / Mike Dimico
« on: December 25, 2004, 11:48:00 PM »
mike dimico is a fuck...he layed into me pretty hard, but come on. he's a punk. he came to boulder creek academy (where I was sent after ascent) once to apply for a position there before his transition to milestones. he was met with a wall of students with not particularly nice comments for him.

he slipped into then upper school phase manager sam zug's office for what I would assumed was his interview...what happened outside that full-wall window was the most perfect display of menacing gestures and what not that I saw at BCA...almost a mini-protest. He got up, left, and that was the last of the "mighty dimico".

So for anyone who is still feeling hurt by dimico's senseless words, know that I got the same from him at ascent as you, and so did many others. and know that it was most likely just him talkin' out of his ass, just as he is so accustomed to doing. fuck just to forget his bullshit

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