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Messages - ajax13

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Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Ask Ann McCaig if she knows
« on: April 08, 2007, 12:07:01 PM »
You believe in AARC?  Like a religion?  Or like the tooth fairy?  Or Bigfoot?  I had the understanding that it operated as a treatment center, not a religion.

News Items / Who on this site has been through AARC?
« on: April 08, 2007, 12:04:20 PM »
Thanks for that shill for AARC.  Out of all of the other treatment programs that you have studied in great detail,  which ones would be in that category of "the best"?  Which ones in kind of the middle? How about the bad ones?  We need more experts on  adolescent recovery like you selling AARC in this forum.

News Items / Who on this site has been through AARC?
« on: April 08, 2007, 12:01:39 PM »
I live with an AARC graduate so it does affect me. Once again we have an AARC defender telling lies.  If you didn't have a problem at AARC, why do you look at this forum every few months? Please let us know when you can show me something that is a theory and not a fact.  Fact of the day: kids assaulted in "recovery homes" are put on zero club until they agree to say that the assaults did not occur.

News Items / Where is the money?
« on: April 08, 2007, 11:51:55 AM »
Name that quote from one of the highly skilled AARC peer counsellors brought along after their intensive training in mind-control and humiliation therapy at Kids by Mr. Doctorvause. Hint: the choices are limited, since one is deceased.

News Items / Where is the money?
« on: April 07, 2007, 06:51:27 PM »
Tune in next week kids to see if we can find out how Dr. Ray Baker came to his conclusions about the value of  AARC, what with AARC being new and the treatment model being based on Mister Doctorvause's late stint under Mr. Thereverandddoctorvernonmillernewton at Kids, prior to Mr. Thereveranddoctorvernonmillernewton being run out of town on a rail, so to speak, and the Canadian government cutting off the hundreds of thousand of dollars sent their way.  Again that prescience seen in Mr. Doctorlewisandrews seems to have been bestowed upon the good Dr. Baker, since Dr. Baker made these conclusions some time in the first year AARC opened up.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Ask Ann McCaig if she knows
« on: April 07, 2007, 06:43:26 PM »
Would that be the famous Dr. Patton of the equally famous "Union Institute", passim ad infinitum?   The Union Institute: providing testimonials for AARC since 1993.  On the subject of testimonials, let's have a gander at that independent validation of AARC's outcome.  Now we already know that board member Dr. Goresky,  counsellor Imbach and Mister Doctorvause helped author this study to independantly validate AARC, so now let's look at the figures.  85 grads out of 100 contacted participated.  Also 11 parents of 15 non-participants.  In addition, 30 randomly selected parents.(What dat means?) So 11% of respondents were not graduates, rather their parents. Throws data off by up to 11%.  Additionally, info on 15 to 31% of grads comes from "randomly selected parents".  Now are these the parents of 15,16  or 17-year-olds living at home who are supposed to be sober?  Guess we're looking at maybe being out by up to 30% here, bringing us to a possible grand total of 41% suspect data.  
Kudos to Mr. DoctorPatton, and the whole AARC gang for putting this miasma of numbers together.  
Good to see the honorable member for Calgary-Edgemont carrying on the work of noted specialist in teen drug abuse Mister Lewis DoctorAndrews of the "Yankee Institute", whose adoration for AARC was also expressed in our legislature.  Mister DoctorAndrews saw fit to praise AARC for it's contributions to the field of recovery.  Misterdoctor Andrews was very prescient, what with AARC having just opened and Misterdoctor Andrews being in Redding, Connecticut.   Bravo!  
And Bravo to Mr. Herard for turning 85% who were sober (when Mister Doctorvause and helper Imbach called?) into 85% sober for 5 years.  A miracle!
And speaking of miracles, apparently AARC is able to cure mental illness.  This independent validation of AARC also turned up the little-known fact that AARC has a one hundred percent (reported) success rate for getting kids with diagnosed mental illness off of their meds!  Kudos again to the hard-working psychiatrists of AARC.  Or at least to Dr. Stanhope!

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Ask Ann McCaig if she knows
« on: April 07, 2007, 03:09:39 AM »
I am currently sending out my information on AARC to a couple of media outlets outside of Alberta.  While this approach may come to naught, I figure that if one starts nosing around then it will help to flush V.  I know of another graduate currently doing time in Grande Cache.  My friend was a shining example for AARC in the immediate period after exiting, but has deep resentment of her mistreatment.  There is a Brown on staff whom my friend believes to be a child of Ann, but I think that this is incorrect.  I'm not sure of Brown's connection to Ann McCaig.
Lirenman, one of the most ardent AARCies and currently on "clinical" staff, has a brother who has renounced AARC.    My friend can provide a more comprehensive list of former "clients" who might provide accounts of their abuses, as well as their observations of the evidence of AARC's expenditures.  She has a temporary email address posted in this forum.
One of AARC's newer supporters is Kelly Hrudey of Hockey Night in Canada.  Lirenman is married to another AARCie, Imbach, who does work for the Flames; this beast don't sleep.

News Items / Where is the money?
« on: April 06, 2007, 10:56:58 PM »
For those of you following along at home, for thirty-three thousand a year you can send your child to Shawnigan Lake Preparatory School, including residence (meals, bed, recreation etc.), for twenty-three thou a year you can send your child to Athol Murray (Notre Dame) in Saskatchewan, (residence, etc).   Or you can send your child to AARC, where they can play sockey with rolled up socks and eat macaroni loaf for lunch.   Both Shawnigan Lake and Notre Dame fail to provide the element of peer counselling, but your child can instead make do with teachers.

News Items / Where is the money?
« on: April 06, 2007, 10:56:37 PM »
For those of you following along at home, for thirty-three thousand a year you can send your child to Shawnigan Lake Preparatory School, including residence (meals, bed, recreation etc.), for twenty-three thou a year you can send your child to Athol Murray (Notre Dame) in Saskatchewan, (residence, etc).   Or you can send your child to AARC, where they can play sockey with rolled up socks and eat macaroni loaf for lunch.   Both Shawnigan Lake and Notre Dame fail to provide the element of peer counselling, but your child can instead make do with teachers.

News Items / Where is the money?
« on: April 06, 2007, 10:56:07 PM »
For those of you following along at home, for thirty-three thousand a year you can send your child to Shawnigan Lake Preparatory School, including residence (meals, bed, recreation etc.), for twenty-three thou a year you can send your child to Athol Murray (Notre Dame) in Saskatchewan, (residence, etc).   Or you can send your child to AARC, where they can play sockey with rolled up socks and eat macaroni loaf for lunch.   Both Shawnigan Lake and Notre Dame fail to provide the element of peer counselling, but your child can instead make do with teachers.

News Items / Where is the money?
« on: April 06, 2007, 10:55:49 PM »
For those of you following along at home, for thirty-three thousand a year you can send your child to Shawnigan Lake Preparatory School, including residence (meals, bed, recreation etc.), for twenty-three thou a year you can send your child to Athol Murray (Notre Dame) in Saskatchewan, (residence, etc).   Or you can send your child to AARC, where they can play sockey with rolled up socks and eat macaroni loaf for lunch.   Both Shawnigan Lake and Notre Dame fail to provide the element of peer counselling, but your child can instead make do with teachers.

News Items / Where is the money?
« on: April 06, 2007, 10:55:36 PM »
For those of you following along at home, for thirty-three thousand a year you can send your child to Shawnigan Lake Preparatory School, including residence (meals, bed, recreation etc.), for twenty-three thou a year you can send your child to Athol Murray (Notre Dame) in Saskatchewan, (residence, etc).   Or you can send your child to AARC, where they can play sockey with rolled up socks and eat macaroni loaf for lunch.   Both Shawnigan Lake and Notre Dame fail to provide the element of peer counselling, but your child can instead make do with teachers.

The real issue here is that Mister Doctorvause takes lots of money and does very little with that money as far as providing for the needs of kids left in his care.  Mister Doctorvause is not qualified to provide treatment to adolescents suffering the causes and effects of drugs abuse.  In addition, Mister Doctorvause sends the children left in his care into situations that have caused and will continue to cause the children to be harmed in many ways.  At the centre run by Mister Doctorvause the children are subjected to harmful behaviour from other children who are encouraged in this by Mister Doctorvause and his staff.  In order to keep this little machine running, Mister Doctorvause needs more kids and more money.  It is time now to shut off the money tap and stop the kids from going through the doors.  With operating budgets in the neighborhood of a million and a half, and thirty kids, that's around fifty thousand per kid per year.  To provide what again?  To pay the minions like Lirenman and Campbell who graduated from fodder to drones. To pay what on that old Forge Rd building?  And lunch.  Mister Doctorvause, in addition to the fifty grand per kid per year also needs people to donate undies and sweat pants, because he can't afford to pay that out of the fifty thousand.  That doesn't include the recent nine plus million to expand into the old seismic yard next door.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / My Book the Demon and the Monk
« on: April 06, 2007, 03:48:27 AM »
One also must ask if conflict of interest is part of the curriculum at the "Institute".  Of the endorsements for AARC, two come from Union Institute folks, Faulkner and Kelly.  And as I mentioned on another post, the "evaluator", Patton, is on the faculty of good ol' Union.  Just because AARC is in Calgary, home of the University of Calgary, a couple hours south of the University of Alberta, a couple of hours north of the University of Lethbridge, is no reason I guess not to seek out the opinions of people from the "non-traditional" schools.  Er, sorry, from one non-traditional school.  And as to many agreeing  "the institute" is non-traditional, I can't find anyone who has ever heard of it to have an opinion one way or the other.  But then I'm in Canada.  Where AARC is.  Any reason that you, with your expertise in accreditation, are so familiar with "the institute", or is it just another coincidence like all of the institute connections to AARC.  By the way, if anybody wants a laugh, look up one of the other good "doctors" who provided a rousing endorsement in AARC's nascent period.  Mister DoctorAndrews, expert on free enterprise, which is kind of like treating drug abusing youth,  just gushed about the importance of AARC to Alberta, even though he's in umm, that remote part of Alberta called Connecticut.  It would be laughable if it weren't so harmful.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / My Book the Demon and the Monk
« on: April 05, 2007, 11:00:30 PM »
Terrifying that you hold a degree from anywhere if you qualify anyone's opinions as unfounded.  My opinion is that a Ph.D. acquired without a dissertation but rather with a report on your newly established "treatment business", does not qualify you as a doctor.  As to my argument that it's graduates do not hold real degrees, "The Institute" handed out degrees for two decades before 1985.  I would trust that a reader of this forum would be able to think for themselves and not be confused.  In this country, where AARC operates, one could not get a Ph.D. in the fashion of Mister DoctorVause.  One could only guess as to Mister DoctorVause's motivations for choosing "The Union Institute".  Whether it had anything to do with being able to get the special doctor paper while running a drug-treatment center in another country rather than doing research is beyond my knowledge.

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