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Messages - SurpassingTheFlow

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I never said I was going to anything, only sharing some comical thoughts... they got nothing on me.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / What some of you remind me of
« on: December 29, 2005, 03:20:00 AM »
Suffering will never bring about justice for crimes already committed. Punishments will never bring back the dead or repair damage done. However, punishments may prevent future crimes if they are drastic enough. People who commit murder out of blatant disrespect for life should be put in their place, dead, they don't even belong in prison just as animals don't. Just like they kill violent dogs everyday. If people act like vicious animals, then they probably are. Why waste tax dollars keeping them in a kennel?

Only old ladies say "shame on you," fucking pathetic...

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / MILLER IS MY HERO
« on: December 29, 2005, 02:20:00 AM »

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / What some of you remind me of
« on: December 29, 2005, 02:19:00 AM »
Execute the 1nd and 2nd degree murderers (except crimes of passion or that result in a net good outcome for humanity) to save money on operating prisons, and for people with other long sentences, give them the option of death. Hell, give all prisoners the option of lethal injection.

yeah, i was thinking about joining a radical islamic "program" and ramming a plane into a city or "program" near you.

Where? huh? Where is all the publicity for WWASP programs like Straight inc. gets for their many abuses of their victims. Where are the big investigations and lawsuits for abuse, psychological injury, brainwashing, malpractrice, excessive and forceful restraining, kidnapping, ect.? What the f... Am I am one of the early generation survivors? I was f-ing abused psychologically and physically at SCL, they kidnapped me, held me against my will, degraded me, attempted to brainwash me? What the f... I AM VERY DISSAPPOINTED, VERY, f, F-ING DISSAPOINTED... WHAT CAN I DO, TO HELP OTHER SURVIVORS OF THESE ATROCTIES AGAINST ME AND MY FELLOW VICTIMS? WHAT? HUH? ::noway::

Where? huh? Where is all the publicity for WWASP programs like Straight inc. gets for their many abuses of their victims. Where are the big investigations and lawsuits for abuse, psychological injury, brainwashing, malpractrice, excessive and forceful restraining, kidnapping, ect.? What the f... Am I am one of the early generation survivors? I was f-ing abused psychologically and physically at SCL, they kidnapped me, held me against my will, degraded me, attempted to brainwash me? What the f... I AM VERY DISSAPPOINTED, VERY, f, F-ING DISSAPOINTED... WHAT CAN I DO, TO HELP OTHER SURVIVORS OF THESE ATROCTIES AGAINST ME AND MY FELLOW VICTIMS? WHAT? HUH? A ::noway::

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / hate is the result of tiny ugly minds
« on: December 24, 2005, 05:43:00 AM »
Holy fuck...

I know a fornits forum called "WWASPs" that could really use all of the energy and creativity expressed in this topic...

Keep tokin, keep hating, keep fornicating, it all contributes to change in this world that much needs it...

"the least selfish people are those who allow others to be selfish at their expense" -me

One more thing...

Apparently and according to any kid not living a perfect life and experiences difficulty is "high risk" and should be subjected to a horrible experience in a "program" and even more trauma. I bet these program promoters get off on deception and lies more than they do by looking at Jelena Jensen (who is fing hot). Apparently kids who face normal diffuclties as teens should now be shipped off to a hell-hole and brainwashed instead of receiving proper guidance and counseling. What a disgrace all of these "program" supporters are...


World Wide Association of Specialty Programs and Schools (WWASPS) / cross
« on: December 24, 2005, 05:06:00 AM »
Give more info and maybe others will too...


At, they have a pathetic little questionnaire that indicates a kid's risk or state:

"Your evaluation score is 5 of 35 points.

Your child's risk factor: High Risk

We recommend that you contact us ASAP for help.
1-877-723-3767 or fill out our online form."

the above was for "low self-esteem, poor choice of friends, and "acedemic under-achievement." Just another example of tactics used by "programs" to generate money from parents by using deception and scare tactics. I am very disappointed... as usual.

World Wide Association of Specialty Programs and Schools (WWASPS) / WWASPS
« on: December 22, 2005, 06:03:00 PM »
I forgot to add: the above is a good way to kill trolls and other assortments of demons, liars, and backstabbing program supporters.

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