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Messages - Miss Antsy Pam

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Open Free for All / Re: fornits welcomes you
« on: January 18, 2009, 07:47:49 AM »
Quote from: "Miss Ant C. Spam"
"Brutal"?  ::)

Come on Kev....give it a rest already.  Can't you just go back and die slowly of boredom???


Open Free for All / Re: Introduction
« on: January 18, 2009, 07:39:18 AM »
Quote from: "Antigen"
Mcl, what got your attention?

Pam, me too! It restores my faith in the human race when someone who's ox has not bee gored takes a broad view and sincere interest in this topic. It's really what I initially set out to do.

I feel the same way Antigen - :peace:  you have my eternal thanks and gratitude for setting up these forums and for what you initially set out to do!  I bet it has turned out to be more than you might have expected!

Open Free for All / Re: fornits welcomes you
« on: January 18, 2009, 07:31:56 AM »
Quote from: "Guest"
Quote from: "Miss Ant C. Spam"
"Brutal"?  ::)

Lay off Pam, she's got enough problems.

He said that I am just an addict and a “Xan head”…meaning I am wasted on Xanax all the time. As I told him…am I taking Xanax?…yes! Have my docs been weaning me off…yes! I was very upfront with Stettner and the rest of my doctors about my attempts to self-medicate when my depression is not under control.
Basically...a few phone calls with Dylan being nasty and hanging up on me…then calling me back because he wants something or he forgot some insult he needed to hurl at me. I can’t control Dylan or the hurtful things that get said. He is angry and is just going to need to work things out on his own this time. His mother needs to look out for herself.

I have an appointment with Stettner tomorrow so I will be out most of the day. On a scale of 1-10, I would give myself a 7 for today!

I give myself an 8 for today!

Kev..grow the fuck up already.  FYI..I no longer take Xanax.  Please update your records accordingly. :beat:

Open Free for All / Re: "Sober House" on VH1
« on: January 18, 2009, 07:18:20 AM »
Dr. Drew Pinsky is the owner and operator of Pasadena Recovery Center.  Pasadena of Rose Parade fame! Yes, they follow the AA model of indoctrination at his center.  Yes, there are actively filming with scenes from a Venice "outing" just last week.  He is a proponent of "disease concept" that Psy so detests.  They are pretty mum on the shooting schedule so a protest would be hard to organize for the filming part, but his center in Pasadena is still fair game.  I did hear that security there has been increased 10 fold since the first season of "celebrity rehab"

OMG!!  Nothing would make me happier than to be able to confirm that TB is really closed.  I will keep checking this thread.  The mere fact that this particular school has stayed open with parents still CHOOSING to send their kid to a program rife with negative media attention has been a motivator in keeping myself involved in this cause!

Open Free for All / Re: Introduction
« on: January 12, 2009, 10:21:55 PM »
Hey MCL,

Nice to see you on Fornits.  This is a much different environment than antiwwasp and people here can be brutal.  Kudos for posting in the "free for all" forum; I got slaughtered in the WWASP forum!   I find it interesting to see other people that are not directly tied in some way to these programs post on these boards.  Most are survivors, friends of survivors, former employees, parents (me) and ...pssst...program staff/parents ^^^as seen in post right after your OP.

Of course you should not believe everything  you read on the Internet, no one is saying you do.  However, you cannot dismiss the MASSIVE amount of negative effects these programs has had on families.  If you do your research you might, just might, find 20,000 anti-program posts, or negative report, for every 1 positive post or media report, other than through the program specific sites.  Are ALL these people telling the same tale lying?   Sure, we are...LOL!!

I commend you in your quest to be a part of this community and to feel the outrage and disgust we all feel. I hope I live long enough to see the end to this entire industry!

Welcome to Fornits   :cheers:

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Perception Vs. Reality
« on: January 06, 2009, 10:04:24 PM »
Quote from: "Che Gookin"
Well.. unless you want to ship it to China.... I'm sure it would fit in just fine with the millions of copies of Mao's little red book.

I was waiting for someone to compare it to Mao lil red book....LMAO!!

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Perception Vs. Reality
« on: January 06, 2009, 08:43:49 PM »
Quote from: "Che Gookin"
Is there somewhere we can download this "little red book"? I'm curious now.. and I rarely get to intrigued about AA topics or reading material.

The "little red book" is rarely used anymore, except at Hazelden, since they market the book.  The most common texts are still the Big Book and the 24 hours a day - Daily Meditation book.

It is not worth the trouble reading it.  I have one around here somewhere if you feel an overwhelming need to become informed Che..lmk.

Open Free for All / Re: Boot Camps for parents
« on: January 05, 2009, 06:13:03 AM »
It has been said by many in the mental health field....

"The kids issues are the unresolved issues of the parents"  

Just something to think about...

Psy isn't the devil, but he does play "devil's advocate" - I think that is a good thing and just brings different POV's to any discussion.  I appreciate the fact that HE DOESN'T just agree with people.  Instead, he is extremely well read (IMHO) and we have had many spirited discussions on a variety of topics.

Now...Che on the other hand - I won't go

Open Free for All / Re: ¤± F|®|R|Ñ|Î|T|S~ß|Î|K|Ê|R~ß|Â|R ±¤
« on: January 14, 2011, 05:44:58 AM »
Love the post...great intro to Fornits.  It should be a must read before entering!  Would have saved me a lot of grief in the!

Quote from: "psy"
Quote from: "james fallone"
I think fornits is worse than any program really, having seen both.


Right.... And we lock you up in the Hobbit here?  LOL.  Force you to lay in the ground for hours at a time?  Restrain you?  LOL.  Lie to and brainwash your parents (yes, LGAT seminars are brainwashing)?  Don't take it from me.  Listen to what a few parents have to say:

Hello James,

I have also seen both sides and have to agree with Psy.  Although I have been torn to shred on these forums, you can't compare Fornits to a program.  That statement in itself is ridiculous!  You can always walk away from your computer and internet connection. Fornits is the epitome of FREE SPEECH...if you don't like what you see, why come back?

If you think the program helped you, that is good for you.  Maybe you are one of the people that fall into the 98% success rate most of these programs claim.  I do not think it is a stretch to say that the bulk of survivors would NOT agree with you.  We don't see many of that 98%, but maybe YOU are the exception and fall into that success rate??

As a parent of a former WWASP detainee of 60 days, I DO NOT agree with you, but everyone is entitled to their opinion.  The amount of damage that can be done to an individual psyche in a short time can take YEARS to get over..if you ever DO get over it.  I believe that ANY time spent in these programs can do irreparable damage to one's sense of self.  

Which school were you in anyway and for how long???

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Perception Vs. Reality
« on: January 01, 2009, 11:02:23 PM »
Quote from: "psy"
Quote from: "Miss Antsy Pam"
Most of the people I have meet in AA, IMHO, are all multi-taskers and include addicts, workaholics, sexaholics, shopaholics, etc.  For me, the substance of choice does not remove the "ism" part of the disease.

For me it just makes the disease concept sound all the more absurd.  It sounds like if somebody does anything too much you can add an -aholic suffix and label it a "disease".

I understand that you don't agree Psy, but the DMSIV classifies "alcoholism and addiction" as a disease. Personally,I like to view it from my doc's perspective; he just says that I am not wired the same way as most people. Most drug affect me differently that others, I wake up in the middle of surgery even though they have given me 3 times the amount of anesthesia for someone my chemistry is an anomaly. Maybe it isn't a matter of classification as anyone can get carried away with anything.  The "ism" I speak of is a lack of moderation in most things I do.  I know how to be a "1" or a "10" quest is to find that elusive "5" on a somewhat consistent basis. Not to say that 5 is mediocre.  Maybe I would call it "balance" instead.

I DO think that most of the AA doctrine, as it has evolved over the last 50 years, IS very much like a cult.  Hence, my split from the group a number of years ago.  In my case, I felt that is was an "all or nothing" type of proposition and that the teachings were contradictory and judgmental once I started to stray from the consensus of my "group."  Once I started voicing a differing opinion, cracks became more frequent and the judgments more I left.  End of story.  My relationship with AA ended bitterly with my home group and I moved away.  Did I go and get drunk because I stopped going to meetings 10 years ago....NO.

There is a "however" coming....right now I need to go raise some hell at an AA meeting to prove a point to Psy.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Perception Vs. Reality
« on: January 01, 2009, 10:27:24 PM »
Quote from: "Antigen"
That's pretty much what's going on, Psy. I think they even have meetings for net-aholics. That was the joke behind Anonymity Anonymous and yes I have had a journalist call me up asking for meeting dates and locations. I should have said April 1st and given the address of the local Shriners club right next door to an AA hall (church of the magic 8 ball) but I guess I was out of sorts that day and didn't think of it till later.

That social pressure thing has given me holy hell all of my life. As a young child, I had to go to school and live in what had been my neighborhood totally shunned by and shunning everyone around me and act like I loved it, was superior and wasn't bothered by the teasing, bullying and rejection one itty little bit. Nope, not me! I was a Super Seedling! The littlest 'Chicklet'! I had the keys to the universe!

Then there was the Program proper for a couple of years. I tell ya, I'm so thoroughly horrified by conformity that I can't play the game well enough to fit in anywhere. I honestly loathe damned near everyone around me on some back channel just about all the time because they do conform. It's more than I can do most of the time to hide my contempt. Makes for a very lonely existence.

Yeah...I am pretty sure that have a net-aholic...they also have meetings for too much internet gaming!

I hear ya Antigen on the conformity issue.  One of the main reasons I live in Venice..the antithesis of conformity; suburbia would be like a living hell everyday.  I have a huge family that are all content living in the lovely hamlet of Burbank..ugghh!!  I think I was happiest living on a little island off the Gulf Coast of Florida and raising my son there.  Isolating, yes, but nice nevertheless!

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Perception Vs. Reality
« on: January 01, 2009, 10:16:32 PM »
Quote from: "psy"
Yes, but you would also be considered an apostate by the cult-like organization in question.  They would likely tell newcomers that you are the sort of person that others should not hang around.  Amirite?

But Psy, I AM an apostate!  I AM also the type of person that Big Book Thumpers warn you about - I am a newcomers worst nightmare!      Yes, you are!

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