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Messages - EricBeer

Pages: [1]
The Seed Discussion Forum / Yo, Jack, don't forget...
« on: December 29, 2009, 10:57:35 AM » wish big sis Cyndee a happy birthday tomorrow!

« on: November 07, 2009, 01:03:21 PM »
Quote from: "Guest Wrong"
The REAL poop here that needs to be scooped, are people like Eric Beer who was never in The Seed, of even the state of Florida, and has no connection with the board, or anyone or anything posted here, Eric Beer has posted using a thousand different names, some claiming to be Stack Jones, and others claiming to be one of his sisters. He even has the very same typos over and over again.

This mess is an imposter. Eric Beer. He's the only one to use his true identity, and did so by accident. Stack researched him and found out he's a complete loser. He's the dangerous one. Coming here, posting and making a mess and having no connection. Now that is scary!!!

Actually, Cindy, you're wrong about a few things. My name isn't Eric Beer; When I used that name, believe me, it was no accident. I was in the Seed in 1974-75; I grew up in Miami. I've only used two different names, and Stack Jones is not one of them; nor any of his sisters.

Oh, yeah. I'm not even a he.

I'm also not ready to reveal my real name or why I'm here.

Quote from: "stackjones"

you'll be there.

we'll see about that.

fuckkking ckkkunt.

you mean you finally have a social invitation.

dudette - how does it feel to live in LA and be an actor and over 40 and not ever, EVER having a chance to do anything.

geez - if you were japanese you would have committed suicide by now.

over 40, jobless and lackkking talent.

oh, the horror.

dream on!

Still waiting to hear when you'll be performing at The House of Blues. On Sunset. In four weeks.

The Seed Discussion Forum / Re: As long as we're posting PM's
« on: August 31, 2009, 12:36:37 PM »
Quote from: "stack jones"
oh, no dude.

you can't front on that!

i have you on the guest list in four weeks.

let's see if you show.

let's see who is the one with the soft middle, and the one who will be bleeding at the end of the night.

you threaten my sister and her dog.

you will be limping for a long time to come.

hopefully  - permanently.

bring your tandem dick sucking buddy jom with you.

i'll kick you so fucking hard in the back of the head, when you have his dick in your mouth, you will swear you were in china.

fuckkking weasel.

And the date of your performance is...? Four weeks isn't nearly enough information.

The Seed Discussion Forum / As long as we're posting PM's
« on: August 30, 2009, 08:51:38 AM »
Sent: 29 Aug 2009, 10:27
From: stackjones
To: EricBeer

You know I don't have a real problem with you, right? I'm just kidding around with you, man. These foolish people on this board are so infantile.


Just wanted you to know there are no hard feelings. Okay? I do remember you, of course. We did have some good times.


Best wishes,

Quote from: "ERIC BEER"

dude, four weeks i'll be performing at the house of blues on sunset. i'll have your name on the guest list. and i'll make sure the staff points you out to me - if you have to balls to show.  

I'll be there, but I need the actual date of your performance. It'd be great to catch up. Looking forward to it.


The Seed Discussion Forum / Re: Eric THE DOG KILLER
« on: July 30, 2009, 08:34:05 PM »
Quote from: "guest33"
Hey, Eric, I think I may have figured out your connection to Jacko. You and guest20987 are brilliant!  :notworthy:

lol...Thanks, guest33. Since you mentioned guest20987 and me, then you must know or at least have a pretty good idea. It was fun and useful, and now, it's over. She had a lot of fun with Susan, and believe it or not, Susan did seem to learn something. Jack never did catch the connection, but I know he will someday. Keep an eye out, guest33. Take care of yourself. ;)

The Seed Discussion Forum / Re: Eric THE DOG KILLER
« on: July 29, 2009, 03:50:40 PM »
I've never been to Florida in my life, Jack. Surf's much better on this coast.

Isn't it?

The Seed Discussion Forum / Re: Eric THE DOG KILLER
« on: July 29, 2009, 03:29:35 PM »
A couple of clues, Jack:

Where were you living in 1997? What were you doing back in that year?

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