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Messages - RN on Board

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This bill needs to have support. I'd like to remind everyone to please write to your Congressional reps about this bill.  Hopefully this will pass.  It's really up to us.

Not a smart move. It's much better to expose what they are doing to children.  More must be done to inform the public of what is going on. Many former students or patients have come forward and made reports of abuse. Also civil lawsuits need to be filed again and again. Also authorities need to be pressured in states where WWASP programs are located. Press for better regulatory measures and more rights for youth in programs - pay phones, uncensored mail, appropriate medical care and intervention.  There are many more constructive things that can be done. Shouting obscenities is not going to make the situation any better for the kids who are now suffering in WWASP programs.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Cross Creek Manor - Report of abuse
« on: May 01, 2005, 06:44:00 PM »
The children should have access to the phone. Even prisoners get to use the phone once in awhile to make collect calls.  These facilities are much worse than prisons.  They are not therapeutic.  They are much to abusive and punitive to be "treating" children with depressioin.

I'd like to add that the child should also have an outside physician who is not associated with the school. They should have a mandatory physical after the first month and every other month thereafter.

The Troubled Teen Industry / What can be done to make programs safer?
« on: April 29, 2005, 12:59:00 PM »
I'd personally like to see most of these programs closed - but this is not going to happen anytime soon.  I believe there are several things that could be done to make life more bearable for children subjected to programs.

Here are a few things that activists should be working for
1) installation of pay phones at every youth facility - any program providing residential care to youth
2) a free hot-line posted to report abusive treatment
3) daily visiting hours - even if it's for one hour during the week and for four hours on week ends.
4) Facilty can not deprive children of food, education, religion or any other basic right as punishment
5) video cameras installed
6) isolation rooms must be humane - have a place to rest - comfortable, water available and a restroom.  
7) isolation only in extreme cases - not as punishment - only for safety of students and staff.  
:cool: Counseling must be provided at least weekly and confidentiality must be maintained. Child's inner-most thoughts must not be shared with staff or parents.
9) Weekly inspections by licensed social workers. The social workers should speak to at least a few random students privately as part of the report.  They should make these visits unannounced.  

I'm sure there are many other things that could be done.  Any thoughts?[ This Message was edited by: RN on Board on 2005-04-29 10:03 ][ This Message was edited by: RN on Board on 2005-04-29 10:05 ]

The Troubled Teen Industry / HELP Doc wants 2 send kid to KHK
« on: April 27, 2005, 06:14:00 PM »
Dear Confused: WAY TO GO!  It's great to see parents ask the pointed questions and then say no to their phases and crap.  If more people did this then things would change.  Remember - the rule of thumb - if they do not allow parent/child contact and freedom of communication by phone and mail -then chances are the program is abusive.  Also - always ask to see the "time out rooms." Is it a humane looking place - for instance it should have a comfortable place to lay down and sit.  It should be close to the staff station. It should have a bathroom nearby.  Ask to see it - walk in it, smell it. If it looks like a "punishment cell" rather than a "time out cell" - it probably is.  Isolation is a form of torture and should only be used in extreme situations and for as short of a time as possible.  Ask them also the longest a child has been left in the "time out" room.  Do not take a vague reply as an answere.

Also -- if you decide to use a facility that you find acceptable to YOUR STANDARDS - remember to cross out anything and everything you do not agree with on the contract.
 For instance if there is a restraint agreement - for physical and chemical restaints - be sure to write the following on this form:   This facility DOES NOT HAVE OUR CONSENT TO USE PHYSICAL or CHEMICAL RESTRAINTS UNDER ANY SITUATION.  IF THIS IS MEDICALLY NECESSARY - PARENTS MUST BE CALLED and MUST AGREE TO any intervention that involves any type of restaint.

Chemical restraints are very dangerous for recovering drug and alcohol abusers - it throws them off the wagon - so to speak.  Do not allow this.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Cross Creek Manor - Report of abuse
« on: April 26, 2005, 05:05:00 PM »
It isn't just those who are "out-of-control" who are subject to take-downs.  One girl was taken down for refusing to allow a staff member to censor her letter. Another time she was taken down for getting out of a chair without permission. Are these good reasons for takedowns? Basically anyone who speaks their mind or say's no to an order or rule is subject to a brutal takedown.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Cross Creek Manor - Report of abuse
« on: April 26, 2005, 05:00:00 PM »
Some people don't look farther than their own nose.  For this girl - she claims the program helped her - OK - that's great.  But one must look beyond their own selfcentered world.  These institutions do not abuse ALL chidren.  They do abuse those who may be "difficult" or those who don't break down as easily as others do.  Some of those who are difficult may have an underlying mental illness. There are laws in place to protect the mentally ill from ABUSE.  Perrigaurd should look up US CODE Title 42 section 112 and 114 - and look at the LAW.  The law is there to protect those who suffer from mental illness.  It is abusive to place a child in a lock down for weeks or months at a time.

Cross Creek is in Utah. Utah does have some rules for all residential programs - They are called CORE RULES.  One of the rules requires a licensed psychiatrist to write an ORDER for isolation that exceeds 4 hours. The isolation must never interfere with sleeping time.  So if a child is in a punishment cell for more than 4 hours - then the law has been broken.  The law is there to prevent ABUSE.  If a child is in the lockdown to sleep - then the law has been broken and again - abuse has occured.  

These facilities do not allow contact with the outside world and most children in them are not aware of the laws that are in place to protect them from abuse.

Cross Creek is an abusive facility because they break Utah law and Federal law everytime they excessively isolate a child.  They break the law when they are cruel to emotionally and mentally ill youth.  This happens all of the time.  

Perri - you need to look beyond your nose and realize that Cross Creek is an abusive facility.  Just because you believe they helped you - does not mean they did not abuse and neglect others. As a result - these people will suffer mental anquish for years to come.

Please don't come here and sing praises to Cross Creek - it's a den of horror and abuse for many.

Hopefully more lawsuits will follow because the authorities in Utah have allowed this abuse to continue for quite some time.  They should also be sued.  This mother should also sue the authorities who did nothing to protect the children.

Boonesville said NO to their Kemper facility and gave back Lichfields' $100,000 check.

A new Federal Bill has been launched to stop the abuse at WWASP facilities.

Randall Hintons past abuse of teens at Tranquility Bay has been exposed.

The people at WWASP need to realize this -

The children they torture become adults who soon realize the unjustice they experienced. There are now hundreds who are willing to testify aganist their so called "programs" of mind control, torture, terror and brainwashing.

The Troubled Teen Industry / WWASP's getting burned
« on: April 22, 2005, 02:02:00 PM »
Boonesville said NO to their Kemper facility and gave back Lichfields' $100,000 check.

A new Federal Bill has been launched to stop the abuse at WWASP facilities.

Randall Hintons past abuse of teens at Tranquility Bay has been exposed.

The people at WWASP need to realize this -

The children they torture become adults who soon realize the unjustice they experienced. There are now hundreds who are willing to testify aganist their so called "programs" of mind control, torture, terror and brainwashing.

« on: March 19, 2005, 02:52:00 PM »
You should look into who Jon Huntsman is - that may give you an idea as to why he doesn't need Lichfield's money..........

More must be done and maybe we can change this one step at a time.  We need to insist that these kids have some contact with the outside world - they need to have pay phones available in all facilities for student use. Toll free numbers to report abusive conditions must be posted near the phone. Another thing that could help is to allow visitation one hour per day.  To keep these programs closed only contributes to the abusive conditions. Immagine having your child or loved one in a hospital and having the staff tell you that you can't visit or call at all.  This is essentially what's happening to these program kids. Research has shown that parental involvement is essential to the emotional well-being of hospitalized children -the same could be said for those in programs.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Courtroom Tragedy in GA.
« on: March 14, 2005, 12:58:00 PM »
School Psychologists can't prescribe or diagnose ANYTHING - they can give test to show types of learning disorders - but that's about it.  Only an M.D. can prescribe medication and diagnose. I wouldn't give much weight to what they have to say. I had one tell me I should use a drug for my son. I spoke to my pediatrician about it and he said that this drug has caused liver failure and death in children and he would never prescribe it.  Be careful who you trust when it comes to medicating your child.  HUGS not the best medicine.

The Troubled Teen Industry / E Mail Governor Huntsman of Utah
« on: March 13, 2005, 10:36:00 PM »
This is a good idea and I hope more people do this.  I know that there are a shit-load of youth programs in Utah....

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