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Messages - tlcrescue

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well that may work for someone who is able to learn easily on their own, but not everyone is like that, some people need extra guidance and instruction.  Not everyone's brain is built the same, nor do they think, speak, act, or LEARN the same.

i seriously doubt anyone would have pics, and honestly, I don't think it would be appropriate to post them.

Thayer Learning Center / what about Thayer?
« on: January 10, 2006, 10:04:00 AM »
this was my son's opinion as well.  He said only the whites were treated fairly, the blacks and hispanics were taken down alot (for no apparent reason), smoked alot, denied privileges, etc.

the people that "teach" there are not licensed teachers, nor do they provide any guide of "classroom instruction".  The teaching that is provided is all homeschool work, and is done individually by the student. There is a person (not a teacher) in the classroom (and I use that term loosely) to answer questions should the student have any, but other than that, you are on your own to learn.

i completely understand how angry people get in the fact that Thayer is not being held accountable (at least criminally) for the death of Roberto Reyes.  I believe there should be some criminal accountability.  But, unfortunately, as I do work in the legal field, there is something you have to understand.  There is a big difference in proving the death due to neglect in a civil court vs. proving neglect in a criminal court.  In a civil case, you only have to prove that the possibility exists that there was neglect at the hands of Thayer.  In a criminal case, you have to prove BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT that there was neglect.  I can assure this is the reason they have decided not to pursue the criminal side of the matter, not because they don't believe there was any wrongdoing on Thayer's part, but because they feel there isn't enough evidence to prove beyond a reasonable doubt.  Unfortunately, the autopsy report (and I have it in my possession) states that it was due to a spider bite (which many of us doubt).  Unfortunately, the best we can hope for is that the Reyes family prevails in the civil case, and that it gets enough media attention to bring it to people's attention.

I am not one here advocating Thayer, merely providing you the legal side to things, and my opinion as to why they chose not to pursue criminal charges.  My son attended Thayer, and I agree that there is abuse and neglect at the hands of its employees.

Thayer Learning Center / I just got out of TLC two months ago.
« on: November 07, 2005, 02:00:00 PM »
I am still waiting for anon to contact me regarding wanting to speak to my son.  So now who is the one who won't talk?

Thayer Learning Center / Protective Order Sought Against the Bundys
« on: October 13, 2005, 01:36:00 PM »
On 2005-10-08 12:55:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Well, tlc rescue, I'M curious how's your child is doing now? And, I know for a fact what you are saying happened to your child is not entirely true.  It's a matter of fact, and I have no affiliation with TLC, but I know. He was a stubborn ass, and got corrected right up front, and not in the matter you said. There was no physical abuse, unless your child wanted it, which would have amounted to, at best,  to being restrained if they threatened the well being of others. Your child would have suceeded, but you performed  the miracle of rescuing. Here lies the whole problem from the start. You are lying. I hate to call anyone a liar, but you are.  Last I heard your child wasn't doing so hot, so you chose to place the blame to others besides yourself.  You placed your child in a place to learn to be accountable, but yet you cannot be accountable for yourself. So you pulled your child out . You spend valuable time on this forum instead of looking for the best interest of your child. The abuse you alledge is false. I was there.  Get your child to come to the forum, and lets see what is what. Your drama, was always understood by your teen, which is why your teen followed drama, which was not to your liking prior to enrolling them into TLC. The learning (which was the intention,was trying to be broken, but it was broken by you, not by your child, or the staff at TLC). You see where the underlying problem is?  You rescue, not help. How's the child doing now again?  I'm just really curious. Weak parents is two types. #1. those that want someone else to fix everything for them, and one that makes the effort to make it better. You are a parasite, blaming others who tried to help. "

TROLL!  If you have no affiliation with TLC, how can you POSSIBLY know what happened to my son?  If you have NO AFFILIATION how did you witness his being there?  If you KNOW for a fact what happened to my son, tell me this, what is his name, what does he look like, give me any personal identifying information that PROVES you know my son!  If you can't then we all know who is the troll here, don't we!

And, son is doing extremely well!  He is making really good grades in school, for the first time in a LONG, LONG TIME!  No thanks to Thayer! He was sent to Thayer for academic help, what a joke!  Turns out he had a learning disability never properly diagnosed.  Once this was done, it was amazing how well he was able to do in school!

Thayer Learning Center / I just got out of TLC two months ago.
« on: October 13, 2005, 01:31:00 PM »
On 2005-10-08 13:35:00, Anonymous wrote:

"I think you are full of it.  Get the kid on here and let's see what he has to say, with your monitor ,of course.  I'd like to talk to him privately, which won't happen, and won't be exposed.  Right? TLCRESCUE?  You started off, making the right decision, expected your son, to uphold, and you couldn't uphold, that's why you spend your time on fornits blaming your shortcomings.  I'd personally give you the candy ass badge!!  Most all you've said is b/s, but it's easy to post it on the web right?  Your pathetic, but I admire your son's potential, and you do not!! And you don't have the ass to do anything about it.  "

you are free to post as you like, but it is exactly because of people like you that I dont allow my child to come onto these boards.  I discovered these boards days before I went and pulled my son out of Thayer.  If you will look over my history of posts, that is obviously clear.  I have NEVER changed my story, it has remained the same from day one.

when the time is right, the public WILL hear from my son. They will hear his personal accounts of the abuse and neglect he suffered at the hands of Thayer.  I don't have to prove myself to an anon on these boards.  My son's experiences will be spoken in the right manner and forum.

Futhermore, why would I put my son in touch with you to have a private conversation when (1) you haven't even stated WHO you are; and (2) you flat out call me a liar without ever having a conversation with me, and you expect me to allow you to have a conversation with my son?

Don't come on here as an anon.  Contact me with your name, etc., have a conversation with me FIRST, and if I deem you intentions for wanting to speak to my son are sincere, then I will consider a "private" conversation.

Thayer Learning Center / Protective Order Sought Against the Bundys
« on: October 07, 2005, 05:17:00 PM »
Parents in Thayer lawsuit seek protective order ;

Credit: The Kansas City Star
By Steve rock
Source: KCS
Friday, October 7, 2005

ST. JOSEPH - The parents of a boy who died at a northwest Missouri military-type home for troubled teens have asked for a protective order
against the home's owners.

Victor and Gracia Reyes alleged in recent court filings that John Bundy, who owns Thayer Learning Center with his wife, Willa Bundy, made an
unannounced visit to the Reyes' home in Santa Rosa, Calif., in July and "threatened and harassed" the Reyeses.

The motion for a protective order, filed last week in Buchanan County Circuit Court, said John Bundy and his son Isaac Bundy encouraged the
Reyeses to settle their wrongful-death lawsuit against Thayer.

Roberto Reyes, 15, died in November 2004 while a resident at Thayer, about 50 miles northeast of Kansas City in Kidder, Mo. He had been there
less than two weeks, and his death has been attributed to a probable spider bite.

Rhonda Smiley, an attorney for Thayer, said Thursday that she would have no comment until attorneys file a formal response with the court next week. John and Willa Bundy have denied in court records any wrongdoing in conjunction with Roberto's death, and Thayer officials previously
said in a written statement to The Kansas City Star that general allegations of abuse at Thayer were "ludicrous and false."

According to the motion, the Bundys indicated they "would be forced to investigate all family members in an attempt to uncover any embarrassing
or personal information which would then be publicized through the litigation" if the lawsuit continued.

The Reyeses alleged in their wrongful-death lawsuit, filed in February, that Roberto was subjected to physical exertion and abuse that caused or contributed to his death. They alleged that Roberto was dragged, hit, "forced to lay in his own excrement for extended periods" and that he would have lived had he received competent medical care in a timely manner.

In court records, Thayer officials deny those and other allegations. According to an affidavit signed by Victor Reyes and entered into the
court file, John and Isaac Bundy told the Reyeses they were in California on business when they showed up at the Reyeses' home about 7 p.m. on July 27. The Bundys said that they were sorry for what happened to Roberto and that they did not wish to see the Reyeses hurt further. They said that if the lawsuit continued, however, they would seek any information that would cause "embarrassment, hurt and anguish" to the
Reyeses, the affidavit said.

The affidavit said the Bundys indicated that the embarrassment could be avoided if the Reyeses reached a settlement "outside our lawyers'
knowledge" and that the Reyeses "would be able to keep all the money and not have to give the lawyers any of it."

No dollar amounts were listed in court records.

"We felt threatened and scared that the Bundys would try to embarrass us and cause our family further hurt," Victor Reyes wrote in the affidavit.

The Reyeses asked that all defendants in the case - including their agents and employees - be required to stay 100 feet from the Reyeses and
be ordered to refrain from contacting them by any means. There are seven defendants in the case: Thayer, two affiliated businesses and four
employees of Thayer at the time of Roberto's death.The case is scheduled to go to trial in June.

To reach Steve Rock, call (816) 234-4338 or send e-mail to [email protected]

Thayer Learning Center / I just got out of TLC two months ago.
« on: October 07, 2005, 05:15:00 PM »
Sin, I am sorry to hear of your experience at Thayer.  I would like to give you a little insight from a mother's perspective.

I sent my son to Thayer in January of this year.  Randy was his family rep.  Even though we are only supposed to call once a week, I was calling every day because things he said just didn't "sound right" or "feel right" to me.  Needless to say, after only 6 days of these phone calls, I decided to go and retrieve my son.  After driving all night, I arrived on his 7th day there to pick him up.

The takedowns  you speak of are out of control.  The day I dropped my son off there, they immediately took him down (in the entryway of the school) for looking the drill seargent in the eye.  He had just arrived, how was he to know?  His ankle was fractured during this take down and he although he tried to tell them something was wrong with his ankle, he was forced to do the regular 18 hour a day physical workout.  And, because he could not keep up with the other students because of his fractured ankle, he was taken down many, many more times through out the week.  He was hog tied to other students and forced to urinate on himself, among many other types of abuses and neglect.

However, I initially sent my son there out of love and it was out of that love that I returned one week later to pick him up because I became very suspicious of the school.

My son's initial reaction was thankfulness that I had come to "rescue him".  What followed thereafter was hatred and anger for sending him there.  It has been almost 7 months since I have picked him up, and he no longer feels that way.  We have an excellent relationship and he feels he can trust me, and vice versa.  He realizes that I sent him there for help, but also recognizes the fact that I returned immediately to pick him up.  He knew in his heart of hearts that once I realized what this place was like, I would return for him, which I did.

Maybe you should take the time to sit down and really talk to your mother.  Maybe she doesn't understand the extent of what you went through.  I feel guilt every time I think of the pain and suffering my son went through (and still does on occasion due to post traumatic stress).  Ever since my son's return from Thayer, we have been able to talk openly about everything and anything, even down to his first sexual encounters, pressures he feels from other students to do things that will help him "fit in", etc.

Thayer Learning Center / My Son At Thayer
« on: September 27, 2005, 01:18:00 PM »
On 2005-09-13 11:20:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Its a horrorable thing that one person has died at this school, but the missing piece is how many have been saved!!!  If the school did not exist how many would be dead -- none?  5 ???  10 ?? Try to determine the cause of that childs death and try to change it.  Education, training, policy change overseeing, staffing, new model etc.  Shutting down the entire Auto industry isnt a solution to saving people from dieing in auto accidents, They make Ambulances too.  "

they key word here being "accident".  You cannot possibly compare an auto accident to abuse.  Besides, if someone drives a car negligently and causes an "accident", why should the auto manufacturer be held liable?

Try another comparative to get your point across, because that one just doesn't fly.

And, to all you anons, why do you not register and provide your contact info?  You praise this place, yet don't say who you are?  Those of us against this type of abuse have no problem providing our information to show we are legit.

when were you there?  my son was there earlier this year.

Thayer Learning Center / i was in TLC
« on: August 16, 2005, 03:49:00 PM »
On 2005-08-03 17:00:00, Anonymous wrote:

"well, I guess that's true, but some people believe most anything too, just as well. And people are people, there's good and bad. If some have had a hard hand dealt to them from some bad, then hosting a site to Judge all that have similar circumstances is bad.  I see you were from Strait, Inc.  I have heard nothing good from there, but I do see that thousands have been through it with only a handful of complaints of abuse.  It just seems to me, the people that criticize strict programs:

#1. Don't really say what the problem is, other than alleged abuse. Which is a broad term. Does that mean looking crosseyed at someone, when they wanted you to look different at them? Or is it when a child just simply doesn't get their way, and realize they are not in charge?  

#2. Might have been in the program, and it just didn't work for them. None claim to work for everyone.  

#3. They don't realize what a parent goes through even researching or entering their child in a program. Now don't get me wrong, some don't seem to be good. But I think most parents investigate extensively, and would give their own life to protect their children, but want them to learn about the real world.  And the expense the parents find a way to pay for, lasting for years, which they had hoped would be college money.

#4.  It just seems to me the ones that have the most grievances, are the ones who were very against any modification of their own behavior from the start, and fought it every step of the way. But they don't mention why their parent had an inkling of why it may be necessary.  They've never had to do anything for anyone. They probably do not now. And never will. And have no real future.

Yeah there are bad parents. Ones that might have failed in some circumstances, and those that hve tried everything. And there are caring parents who have exausted every means to better their child, and this was toward the last resort. In the old days, a parent would lay down the law with the belt, and it worked about every time. It was expected from the child, and they knew the consequences. The parents didn't sweet talk them into good behavior and respect. It has to be earned from the parents.  Those kids weren't on forums then talking about abuse. They understood the law, and obeyed as best they chose, and later respected their parents.  Today, a child can call Child Abuse Hotline and have investigators at home within hours.  The kids all know this, and do this. I know.

And since so called "abuse" is such a hot topic here, I have yet to see someone offer a better way to do things, that has actually worked from their own experience.  They are not on forums, they have better things to do.  The bulk of the people, like me, are on this forum to get legitimate information, which doesn't exist here, and they just find all these negative scare post from strangers.  

So, I have to respond with your statement of some people still think no one has landed on the moon, and think the world is flat, by saying, the people that proved all of that wrong were courageous truth seeking people, who can distinguish between b/s and reality. Life is tough, and I think youths need to be equipped to deal with it. Sometimes it can be hard, but not abusive, but have to be able to handle what life deals out. Not in an abusive way, but in a good way. With honesty, integrity, and in my opinion a holy way.  "

do a search for my posts.  it offers SPECIFICS of what happened to my son.  You can also contact me directly at my email that I have provided on occasion.  No need for me to hide.

Your posts sound very suspicious, you sure you dont work for them?

Thayer Learning Center / Thayer Learning Center in Kidder MO
« on: July 08, 2005, 10:46:00 AM »
On 2005-07-06 10:46:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Ok,  without giving out TMI...

If I have the slightest inkling there is something very wrong going on there..

Can I just go in and retrieve him???


i cant PM you since you aren't registered to talk.  please PM me if interested in talking.  I pulled my son out after only one week because I was not comfortable with certain things.  If you would like more details, I would be happy to discuss in private.  I am just not going to openly disscuss it anymore on these boards because I get tired of people beating up on me and others because THEY think they know what is best for my son (even though they never met him), etc.

Thayer Learning Center / Thayer Learning Center in Kidder MO
« on: July 07, 2005, 11:46:00 AM »
Yes, that is what I did.  But, DONT tell them you are coming to retrieve your child.  They will try to talk you out of it, then there is a possibility they will "temporarily" move him to a new location and "forget" you were coming to pick him up.  

I went and pulled my son out one week after I enrolled him, and I didn't tell them I was coming.  I just showed up there at noon on a Saturday.  Of course, no one was expecting me and the building was locked up.  They only knew I was there because they saw me on the surveillance cameras.  Also, once they discovered I was there, they refused me access to the building and made me wait outside while they gathered my son and his belongings.

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