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Messages - SHH Anon Classics

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Yes windows are locked to prevent runaways and visits by students of the opposite sex. However, every dorm has a night security person and if there were a fire they would open all fire escape exits. There is no safety violation in that regard.

Which drug store Juniper??? There are 4. Eckerds, Walmart, and 2 locally owned ones. You make it sound as if the town is some sort of isolated podunk hole in the wall.

The Troubled Teen Industry / HIDDEN LAKE ACADEMY OPTION
« on: January 13, 2006, 10:33:00 AM »
Please Note: Posts are being deleted. There was one above this one that is gone now

The Troubled Teen Industry / HIDDEN LAKE ACADEMY OPTION
« on: January 13, 2006, 08:45:00 AM »
I think the point was that Dysfunction Junction was misrepresenting himself by saying he was there over a year, when he was not

The Troubled Teen Industry / HIDDEN LAKE ACADEMY OPTION
« on: January 12, 2006, 10:03:00 PM »
It is clear that Mr. Dysfunction Junction did not work at this school for over a year based on the cut and pasted post from earlier

The Troubled Teen Industry / HIDDEN LAKE ACADEMY OPTION
« on: January 12, 2006, 09:47:00 PM »
Dysfunction I just now read this thread....I have been at work and at the hospital after work. I just got home a little bit ago. I posted on your other thread about how sick it is to accuse me of lying about my family's illnesses. Please go harass someone else for a change, I have no patience for people like you right now.

OH and by the way, you want my grandfather's name and what hospital he is at? You want to know who my father's cardiologist is? You want to know my boss's name to call and verify that I was at work for 8.5 hours? To accuse me of lying about a very serious family situation I have is sick as hell and quite frankly I don't give a shit whether you believe me or not. It is the truth and what is actually happening in my life. You and Robert have some serious problems.

This is SHH. I have not been posting all day long. I have been at work and at the hospital. What is yours and Robert's obsession with me anyway? Geez get a life already. I just now got on here to read some during a break.

You are an asshole for posting that to her

The Troubled Teen Industry / HIDDEN LAKE ACADEMY OPTION
« on: January 12, 2006, 07:55:00 PM »
Oh but I do know you and I know you didn't work there as long as you say you did on this board


The Troubled Teen Industry / HIDDEN LAKE ACADEMY OPTION
« on: January 12, 2006, 07:53:00 PM »
The first employee was hired in July, 1994. You were not the first employee. The employees that followed that were hired before doors opened the day after Labor Day 1994 were hired between July 15th, 1994 and August 28, 1994. So, once again, Dysfunction, you are not being totally truthful. If you started at Daytop in May, 1995 you could not have been employed at Hidden Lake Academy more than 9-10 months at the very most.

The Troubled Teen Industry / HIDDEN LAKE ACADEMY OPTION
« on: January 12, 2006, 04:59:00 PM »
Copied and pasted from the Daytop forum:

Dysfunction Junction
Frequent poster

Joined: 2005-03-06
Posts: 729  Abusive Cult?
Posted: 2005-03-19 10:56:00  
 Don't worry. We haven't lost track of the "young lady." If you go back and read this thread you'll see she suffered as a resident of Daytop and subsequently as a caregiver (MSW) in a broken-down system, and is now looking for a new career. Funny how we all arrive at the same point, isn't it?

You left in Feb. '95, huh? I started at the ADU in early '95, so I guess we just missed one another. I worked with Mike Clifford, George Weisenburger and Hendrick Toney (not sure if the last name's right) who were ALL great guys.

Anyway, I hope you are doing well in your current endeavors.

If I am doing the math correctly, July 1994 to Early 1995 would be around 8 or 9 months at Hidden Lake Academy.

The Troubled Teen Industry / HIDDEN LAKE ACADEMY OPTION
« on: January 12, 2006, 04:48:00 PM »
I stand by my original statement. You were there less than 1 year because you started at Hidden Lake in July/Aug 1994 and were already at Daytop in 1995.

The Troubled Teen Industry / HIDDEN LAKE ACADEMY OPTION
« on: January 12, 2006, 03:18:00 PM »
Yes, it is true that Dysfunction used to be an employee of Hidden Lake Academy. However, he was employed less than 1 year, and was there when it first opened, and when he left, the school had less than 30 students. He has no idea first hand what goes on there now. He has never seen any of the new buildings. He doesnt know any of the teachers. He doesnt know any of the counselors. There is some good advice on here. Check out all your options. Go visit the schools. See if some place closer to home is better suited for your child. But do not allow someone on here to make you feel guilty for seeking help for your child by looking at boarding facilities.

The Troubled Teen Industry / HIDDEN LAKE ACADEMY OPTION
« on: January 12, 2006, 12:46:00 PM »
HLA is not required to be licensed by the state based on the state's defination of their program. They are accredited by several agencies, which is something different, but the state does not require the school be "licensed". They are monitored by the Health Dept. for food quality, cleanliness, etc.

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