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Messages - Nonconformistlaw

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Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Over the GW
« on: September 13, 2007, 11:32:18 PM »
Quote from: ""Anne Bonney""
It got here today.  I'm half way through it.  At first, I said I didn't want to watch it alone, but now I feel differently.  I started watching it on the laptop before my daughters got here and I told them that I'll finish it and give it to them to watch.

So far it's great.  Nick has the sense of doom and dread.  If you don't know the story behind it and some of the details about what went on inside, some things may fly right over your head, but the 'gist' is there..  That's about the only complaint I have and its not even that.  Its hard to condense two years into an hour and a half or so.  The shots of the sister, so alone, so confused by her brother, so angry.  You got it.  And I haven't even finished it yet.  I can't.  I have to do it in stages I guess.

Nick, you brought me to tears.  That's expected since I went through it, but its not just me.  My friend that I've spoken about here lately (the one that knew me before Str8) watched it too.  She said about two sentences to me which amounted to, through broken tears, "Oh my god.  I had no idea.  None of us did.  I'm so sorry".  The biggest comfort I have is that none of my friends who are parents will ever, EVER do this to their children.

Nick, you've done an awesome job!

I ended being glad I watched it alone...which surprised me. I dont blame you for watching it in is alot to take in emotionally all at once. There are more things that Nick absolutely nails.....again I wont ruin it for you with details. I will say I appreciated the issue of kids over 18 being introduced. It didnt cover all aspects of the 18 and over kids but it was still powerful what Nick did put in there.

I agree that a longer and more elaborate movie would be necessary to get more in. For what Nick was working with, length and budget, it surprised me what he was able to convey.

I havent shown it to my dad yet....I dont think he'll be able to watch it....he has too much guilt (he's a very remorseful and apologetic parent).

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Over the GW
« on: September 13, 2007, 11:18:43 PM »
Quote from: ""Anne Bonney""
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""Anne Bonney""
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""Froderik""

Meaning possible copyright infringement on nick's part....not on you tube miss Anne Bonney.

Huh?  I didn't post anything on YouTube.  I just got the DVD today.  I ordered it a few days ago.

But infringement how?

infringement meaning a similar script had already been written about this by another screenwriter, that was created before 2004. 2004 was when Nick Gaglia "created" his script. The other screenwriter created theirs way before 2004. This situation creates a copyright infringement situation

I hadn't heard about this but isn't it possible, given the number of people who have been subjected to this, that more than one person came up with a similar script?

Just sayin'.

I seriously doubt there is any copyright infringement just because its similar to another script. I agree with Anne. If Nick's movie is copyright infringement then only one survivor could ever make a movie and no one else. If that is copyright infringement, then only one survivor could ever write a book. If that is copyright infringement then only one Nazi concentration camp survivor could write a book or script...and so on.

I dont think that having a similar idea is copyright infringment nor is a similar experience then writing a script/book based on a very similar experience copyright infringement. The way I understand copyright infringment is more like plagerism....outright stealing someone elses work and passing it off as your own. I could be wrong but that is just my opinion on it.

Quote from: ""str8h8er""
OK. OK. my own words.

Let me see now.....

Imagine having your skin scraped off with rusty razor blades leaving exposed flesh. Then imagine 200 angry teenagers rub salt into the exposed flesh. or maybe rubbing alcohol.

That just describes the outward pain.

OMG....I actually had an extremely graphic nighmare like this about Straight a couple years ago.....lots of kids with the skin scrapped off completely, bleeding, in agony. I am dead was my worst Straight nightmare.

Thought I'd resurrect this thread to see if anyone was still thinking about writing down what happened to them in Straight.

IMO, the more people that write it down the better. Weeding through thousands of posts here can be an overwheming task to those outsiders, reporters etc who do want to inform themselves. My site was to alleviate that problem by having many survivor accounts easly accessible.

I also think the best way to convey what Straight was like is by explaining it from numerous perspectives.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Re: NORTH JERSEY
« on: September 08, 2007, 05:09:32 PM »
Quote from: ""Nikki""

Thanks for the link....I missed this one.

Nick did a great job in this interview. It is not easy to answer reporter questions about our experiences. I wish I could be that clear and concise!


Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Re: Over the GW
« on: September 04, 2007, 09:44:35 AM »
Quote from: ""webdiva""

ill be watching it in a few weeks.  in some ways im really looking forward to it since my experience has always been hearing about what went on or seeing it from the perspective of a "sibling" but to see it on screen i think is gonna have a much larger impact then anything i've read etc.I really don't know what to expect or how I'm going to react.

hang in there. im glad you watched it and hopefully it will bring some healing when all is said and done. *hugs*

Yeah the movie will be very enlightning for you. I dont know how you will react either but I can see this movie being hard to watch for anyone. It seems like exposing those bastards is the only way I ever feel any "healing".....I hope more movies are made!

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Over the GW
« on: September 04, 2007, 09:40:41 AM »
Quote from: ""Anne Bonney""
I think I'll order it tomorrow.  I've been putting it off I guess.  I've watched the trailer and just that put me in an odd mood. Even from the clip I can see the group size.  I don't know how you'd capture the intensity and mob mentality that one that's 250 - 350 strong.  The sounds of those rows and rows of chairs all moving together, people coming up out of their seats, walls sweating and that smell, kids frothing at the mouth to be the first to strike.  How can you convey that?

Nick, please don't take that as I'm slamming your movie in any way.  I'm not, I haven't even seen it yet.  I'm just surprised every time I read about these small groups.  I never experienced anything lower that about 200 I would guess.  That may be conservative.

I don't think we can ever fully get over it, or leave it forever behind but maybe we can come to terms with it by understanding it.  That's what's helped me, at least.  That and being left the fuck alone for a very long time.

Odd mood....yep that is me right now. I feel very strange indeed. Yeah, the group I was in in Cincy was fairly large too....close to 200 most of the time I was there. It didnt really drop off until the Michigan people started to leave right before I 7 stepped and even then it was probably still close to 100. I remember the noise, the sweaty bodies and walls, the screams, etc.

With a small group that aspect was not captured in the movie. But that may very well have been the reality when Nick was in KIDS. However the things Nick did capture were important and to be quite honest, suprised me how well he did it. The intesity was conveyed for other aspects. I wont get specific....dont want to ruin it for anyone. I will say that aside from the small group size, the things portrayed in the film were for the most part just like Straight.

If a movie about Straight is ever made, I think the only way to come close to showing it is film a huge group of people....I am sure a lot of extras and a higher budget would be needed. Wow how to you train 200 people how to motivate, how to verbally abuse each other, etc? That would be one huge task.....but a necessary one to show Straight accurately.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Over the GW
« on: September 03, 2007, 11:49:21 PM »
I just bought it and managed to get the nerve to watch this earlier tonight. If you havent bought it cause you think its a bit is more than worth every penny. I you havent bought it cause your afraid to watch it, well I completely get that.

I couldnt believe how small the group was. I guess KIDS groups were much smaller than Straight? I hope a movie about Straight happens some day.....Over the GW was a damn good start, covered a lot of ground, but there is so much more to the story that must be told. But seriously it really was a damn good start. Thanks Nick....

I am still overwhelmed by emotion... I just woke up from a 3 hour nap I had to take after watching it.

I am still fighting back tears....its so hard to find the words but I can tell you its a combination of numbness, shock, sadness, pain, grief, etc. But no words adequately describe my reaction to this movie.

I just need to be still, be quiet, alone so I can try to figure out what is hitting me....its a lot at once.

It blows my mind that after 20+ years, after finding the forums a couple years ago, going through the PTSD diagnosis and therapy, that I still have bad moments like this, that its still so raw. It never goes away does it?

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Laws Broken
« on: September 03, 2007, 11:32:19 AM »
Quote from: ""str8h8er""
I really dont know if I totally agree here. I understand that each case is individual. I also agree that is one was kept against their will at the age of 18 and over is a crime and considered kidnapping. In my case, my parents had joint custody. JOINT. However my mother signed me into the program behind my fathers back and with out his permission. For 10 months my father and step mother tried contacting everyone they knew, upto and including Nancy Reagan herself. After my step mother wrote her a letter explaining what had happened, I got out a week later. Released to the custody of my father.

With all that is known about Straight and shit holes like it, I can not believe that we, the survivors of said shit holes do not have recourse. I just do not get it. Depriving people of our personal freedoms and worse. Not allowing us to go to school/work and have no contact with the outside world. To me, that is fucking kidnapping.

Your situation is what I was thinking about in regards to the possibility of kidnapping of minors. There are definitely laws pertaining to those specific situations. For example, one parent takes kid for the weekend but refuses to return the kid to the other parent, or one parent just disappears with the kid, etc.

The other situation I had in mind was where Straight used program parents (not the child's parents) or 7 steppers to forcibly return cop outs. I would think that it is at least arguable that this was kidnapping. These individuals did not have legal custody and were not on staff so I cant see how they could hunt down, capture and forcible hold and return a minor child to Straight without it being legally kidnapping.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Laws Broken
« on: September 02, 2007, 02:35:57 PM »
Quote from: ""str8h8er""
To be clear, this would cover the one's that were under 18 years of age as well?

I know that there is a huge difference (legally) between being a minor versus an adult. I know there are kidnapping laws that do protect minors. I think that since parents have the "right to control, rear and educate their children as they see fit" and that kids have less legal rights than adults, it would be harder to qualify as kidnapping. But it can be called kidnapping (I have seen statutes but cant remember the specifics). Remember, Straight used parents in many of the kidnappings so my guess is that the law would be more on the parent's side than the child's.

In my case it was clear cut kidnapping since I reached the age of parents no longer had the law on their side, it was on mine.

So the answer to your question would depend on the law in the state where it occured and when it occurred as applied to the situation involving minors/parents.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Re: Laws Broken
« on: September 02, 2007, 01:29:21 PM »
Quote from: ""AilleCat""
Quote from: ""Guest""
I am doing some research on how Straight and KHK broke the same laws, and I have a pretty good list going, but I am wondering if anyone can brainstorm any more that I am forgetting:
Illegal strip searches
Child abuse
Sexual abuse
False imprisonment
Physical abuse
Mental abuse
Denial of the right of freedom of choice of religion
Hate Crimes
Denial of human rights
Illegal foster homes
Uncertified counselors
Unconfidential client files
Improper diagnosis
Denial of education to minors

Any suggestions on what Straight survivors experienced, I most likely experienced it in KHK, so please, mention anything that comes to mind.  Thanks!

A Forensic Psychologist I've had to see for my child custody evaluation said another one that hit me like a ton of bricks...

this one has no statute of limitations federally... if you werre transported over state borders (and most of KIDS of NJ's people were), then its a federal crime:


Unfortunately I wasnt transported across state lines, hell I was only transported a few miles! (still a felony though). My case, from what I was told by police recently was the highest degree felony (1) but the statute of limitations was 7 years (OHIO). My criminal case lapsed in 1993. But each state has its own laws so the statute of limitations might be different from state to state. My civil action from the same incident probably would have lapsed sooner than 1993. Of course the 2005 PTSD diagnosis probably gave me a who new civil cause of action but I am betting the statute of limitations on that is only 1 or 2 years and has probably lapsed already.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / I need more information
« on: August 27, 2007, 09:00:52 PM »
Quote from: ""str8h8er""
It is so frustrating. It's just more bullshit. It never ends does it?

In my case, I thought that since the funding came from the State of Virginina, then there would be some record of me somewhere.

I was wondering if there was anyone else who received "allocated grants" from the state for their stay at Straight?

I have a hard time believing that records were allowed to be destroyed considering the issues surrounding Straight.

I wonder why all medical records off all "Straightlings" were not examined prior to anything being destroyed.

I'm pissed. Again and again. :flame:

That was probably the point of shredding, so those records could never be examined. Why on eath would Straight want to leave behing a paper trail to document their endless misdeeds, crimes, etc?

Oh but the shit gets deeper. I know for a fact some former staff members took client records with them (also stuff like COC's, letters, etc) when they left staff. I know a person that sifted through a box of these docs but unfortunately it was years ago and access to these docs are impossible now.

Also, you would think the police department (where I was kidnapped by Straight) would have my records since there are public record and I was an adult at the time. But no, I have been given the run around every time I call the police dept, have been sent on a wild goose chase (I suspect deliberately) to the historical society, where I was told the police were "telling me a story", their words not mine.

There is nothing but shadiness surrounding the whereabouts/destruction of our records.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Handle disapointment well?
« on: August 23, 2007, 08:23:29 PM »
Quote from: ""Deprogrammed""
Quote from: ""Nonconformistlaw""
Disappointment? I've been debating posting about this cause disappointment doesnt quite describe how I feel. Pissed off is more like it. You can also add insulted and embarrassed to the list too. And believe me, it is not easy to piss me off cause I am pretty damn easy going.

August 11, 2007 was to be the first Cincinnati/Michigan Reunion. For those of you who were genuninely interested but things came up, or you couldnt make it for whatever reason, I am not mad at any of you. Life happens and I am completely cool with that. Many people backed out and told me about it, and that is cool. But I will NEVER plan one again. Why?

I invested a lot of time and money and NOT ONE PERSON showed up. If everyone would have RSVP'd that they werent coming and I KNEW no one was coming, that would be disappointing, but it would not piss me off.

The problem is that some people RSVP'd that they were DEFINITELY coming and did not show up. In all, I was EXPECTING 6 people (7 including me)....and of course there were some who said "MAYBE." So I planned for 20 just in case (knowing that many "maybes" would not show up, I just wanted to make sure I had plenty in case some "maybes" did come). I am not remotely pissed at anyone who said maybe cause maybe means just that, maybe.  But when people RSVP that they are DEFINITELY coming, then dont bother to let me know that they cant make it, and dont show up, that is RUDE as hell. I spent a shitload of money on food, a xtra cooler, drinks, cornhole, and lighting for the yard for NOTHING.

Naturally I made the most of all the food and fun stuff I had set up. My brother and I played the brand new cornhole game I got just for the reunion. My brother, dad, my godfather and I all grilled out, drank beer out in the yard illuminated by the new bambo oil burning yard lights I got, just for the reunion, etc. I still managed to have fun. But that is not the point.

I cant freakin believe people couldnt send a simple freakin email or make a quick call to tell me they couldnt make it.

I would like to take this opportunity to publicly apologize to you, for saying i was going to be there and then not showing up at all.
I am very very sorry!
It is no excuse that it slipped my mind.
Something bad happened to me on aug. 6th, and b/c of what happened i really haven't talked with anyone at all outside my own camp. I was physically assaulted at my place of employment by my boss, and from there everything for me has been a depressed hell.
I had to do a lot of running around securing witnesses, got to the police station and file charges on her. All the while the employer is also fighting me on unemployment benefits as well, and they still are. Being re-traumatized again did not help out either b/c my panic attacks started coming back b/c of this, and they have not been present for me now for about 2/3 yrs. This is all a shame what happened to me but whatever. I should've called or emailed are right, and I am sooooooooooooo sorry. I really feel worse knowing that I fucked it up with you. I was sooooooo looking forward to hanging out with you too...when I realized I had forgotten to be there it was the next morning, aka; too late. I was pissed off too!
I was angry with myself for forgetting, and for letting you down.
I am soooooooo sorry. I feel like I cannot say it enough to you right now.
I am so sorry NCL! I am so sorry NCL! I am so sorry NCL! I am so sorry NCL! I am so sorry NCL! I am so sorry NCL! I am so sorry NCL! I am so sorry NCL! I am so sorry NCL! I am so sorry NCL!

I hope ye find it in your heart to please forgive me.
warm regards,

Of course I forgive ya! Thanks for filling me in on what happened. Another person also apologized and I am pretty much "over it" now. But damn I am so sorry to hear so much bad stuff is going on... that is horrible! I hope you have, or plan on getting a good lawyer. If you need a name give me a call. But  back to "social stuff", at least we live close enough that we could hang out some time. Let me know if you wanna hang out...I still have cornhole, those outdoor lights and stuff.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Laws Broken
« on: August 22, 2007, 06:41:51 PM »
Kidnapping (those who were 18 and older)

Since it happened to me I am a witness that can document that this happened. Other players could too, the question is willingness to do so. There is one public record to substantiate this as well.

My 2005 PTSD diagnoses is documented in writing and clear states the cause as Straight Inc. That would definitely substantiate many things in the original post relevant to child mental, emotional and psychological abuse, torture etc.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Handle disapointment well?
« on: August 20, 2007, 07:34:11 PM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
damn, hang in there NCL.  ::cheers::  That's really sad to hear.
*sigh* I'll eventually get over it.  :(

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