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Messages - Gonzotherapy

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The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Kids in Program Credible?
« on: December 02, 2010, 05:45:52 PM »
Quote from: "Whooter"

sorry it hurts so much Gonzo.  The book was independent.  (you cant shake that).  The study was independent too (had oversight by a third party).  Cant shake that either.

Do I think for a moment that you will accept this?  Not at all, how could you?  How could anyone here on fornits?  What would happen to this site?

But the studies are out there.  It was also presented to the APA annual meeting.  I have a friend who thinks all the cancer studies are fixed because the researchers are doctors who work for the industry.  He can think what he wants just like you can Gonzo.

You wanted Studies and a book by a Pulitzer prized winning author.. you got it lol and I provided links

If you want to reject them, it is up to you.


Why would a program let a journalist come in and write anything bad about it. I guarantee you that they made him sign a contract that it had to be a pro-program book or they would not let him use the information he found there. They would have sued his ass if he defamed them.

And as far as you "psychologist" link, all she does for a living is help programs. She makes her entire livelihood off of programs. And again, she is from Utah. Red flags left and right, WWASPS birthplace, lack of child safety laws. Not to mention the fact that SEVERAL Aspen programs are clients of hers.

When you provide info, if you want it to be taken seriously, it must be independent information. People who profit from programs are obviously biased, why would they shoot themselves in the foot? That would be like you coming on here and admitting that you profit from programs and you and all your cohorts are lying thieving pieces of shit.

dO yOu seE WHat I MeAN?  :ftard:  :beat:

20/20 did a story on Paradise Cove exposing their abuse, it was shut down not long after, the footage from that show is now banned in the US. Why? Because programs buy their way out of trouble ALL THE TIME!

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Kids in Program Credible?
« on: December 01, 2010, 07:11:51 PM »
Neither of those links prove anything at all. I know this is a pointless game to play because you have no proof to back up anything you say. So somebody wrote a book saying that Swift River helped these kids. Well we could put all of your BS posts together and call it a book too. The other link is to a Psychologist who is paid by Aspen Education.

PROOF Whooter, with facts. Haha, talk about your oxymorons.

Open Free for All / Re: Survey for class
« on: December 01, 2010, 07:01:56 PM »
Guys are sex driven. They are the product of evolution. I have never had a friendship with a girl that did not turn sexual at one time or another. Girls want to bitch about it, but it is what it is. A girl can be friends with a guy without having sexual thoughts, but men are incapable of this. We may have advanced mentally above the rest of the animal kingdom, but we are still animals.

I don't care what any girl says, if she has a friend who's a guy, he has wanted to fuck her. He may not have tried anything, but I guarantee you the thought has crossed his mind. When you get married not having friends of the opposite sex is a matter of respect. Men are whores, blame Darwin.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Kids in Program Credible?
« on: December 01, 2010, 06:37:35 PM »
Quote from: "Whooter"


This is a psychologist that makes her money off of selling programs . I'm sorry Whooter, but anybody who profits from programs has reason to lie and fabricate positive info on programs. You know, like you.
And she is based in Utah, the state of WWASPS. Which is very well known for buying off pro-program legislation and legislators. No chance they would purchase a psychologist to pump their poison as well? HMMMMM.
Well we could just look at the bottom of her page, whats that, Aspen Education is a client of hers? You don't say.

Any links to any info that it not tainted with program money?

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Kids in Program Credible?
« on: November 30, 2010, 05:40:42 PM »
Quote from: "Whooter"
Quote from: "Gonzotherapy"

So enough of the hot air Whooter, show us a fact. Just one.

10 years ago isnt that far off, Gonzo.  I presented a study which was conducted surveying 1,000 graduates and their parents covering various areas of many programs.  The results showed that the programs were up to 85% successful.  

There was a guy who spent 16 months in a program following a peer group, had full access and then wrote a book on it.  His description doesnt even compare to some of the stories were read bout here from 20 30 years ago.

Also if you take a look at the personal accounts of people in programs 20 or 30 years ago they describe the kids being held in these places with no predetermined time when they would get out.  If the kids ran away or broke the rules of the program they were still held there or brought back.  Kids would get almost no education and very few moved onto college.  Its much different today.

I'm sorry, I thought I clearly stated for you to show some PROOF to back up your ridiculous claims. I know it is pointless to ask since you have none, but thanks for playing.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Kids in Program Credible?
« on: November 29, 2010, 05:38:18 PM »
Quote from: "Whooter"
 Speaking about what occurred 3 or 4 decades ago is interesting and all but doesn't do much to help today's kids.
I believe the majority of the programs today are structured to help the kids build up their self esteem, build family bonds and get them set on a healthy track.  As we find programs to be abusive we need to identify them and expose them the best we can.


I have provided numerous links showing that not only are the programs today run nearly identical to programs ten years ago, but that the same sick people are still running them under different names. I have provided enough links to prove my argument, you on the other hand haven't provided a single shred of evidence that proves yours. Advertisements by programs are not any evidence to prove they are not the horrible places they have always been. And the ONLY reports I have seen from independent psychiatrists warn of the dangers of programs.

So enough of the hot air Whooter, show us a fact. Just one.

This is fucking sick. This is almost exactly the same as Paradise Cove. Browning Long Distance Learning Academy, 6 levels, student leadership. Why the FUCK are these same assholes allowed to reopen?

23 ... List2.aspx
I was doing some surfing and I came across this site. I am not sure exactly what it is but the thing that caught my attention is the names Darrin Gilcrease and Paul Lichfield. Looking further into it I noticed that Paul Lichfield is representing Lichfield Properties. I also noticed that it says Lichfield properties is in Ogden California. As I have researched WWASPS I have noticed that one of their tactics is to falsify addresses, if you google Lichfield Properties it says it is in Ogden, UT.

I'm not sure if this is anything, but I have to tell you I am getting more and more frustrated with these assholes. Darrin Gilcrease? Is he any relation to David Gilcrease?

The site looks like a property management seminar, my concern here is that these people have been getting shut down mostly from licensing violations. Are they learning and evolving here?

Sitting around and bitching about all the shit they have gotten away with is great and all, but I would sure like to be able to take a more pro-active stance. They get shut down and open right back up, they have the game down and have gotten away with it for way too long. Any suggestions?

Tacitus' Realm / Re: Do programs lie?
« on: November 12, 2010, 06:58:47 PM »
This is awesome. I just found this old site for parents of kids in Paradise Cove.

This particular part is just classic.
"How many of you have not received what I call those "horrible, terrible, no good, very bad letters?" They talk about malnutrition, thievery, the other boys who are so much worse and who you certainly wouldn't want your son to associate with, surgery without anesthesia (yes, from my son, regarding an incision and drainage of an infection on his foot done the same way in the U.S.), the mean staff, the bugs, etc., etc., etc.? Did you know that your sons trade these stories, and that their purpose is to convince you to bring them home?"

I wonder what the idiot parent thought after Paradise Cove was closed and sister programs of WWASPS in Mexico, Jamaica, and Costa Rica were all closed because of these very problems. We were all cut to hell because we only had cheap foam flip-flops to wear (sometimes) and were forced to run in areas littered with shards of coral and volcanic rock. Infections and boils were rampant, you had flies constantly feasting on open wounds, cockroaches everywhere, you were rarely fed enough (usually hungrier after we ate than before)... I could go on and on and on. I wrote one of those nasty letters to my parents when I got there, and the program convinced them it was all a lie, and I paid the price for that letter.

http://suescheffdefeatswwasps.blogspot. ... -jury.html
"Photos were shown of children who were locked inside The ISO Box (Isolation Box), a wooden structure no larger than a small closet at WWASP's Paradise Cove program in Western Samoa. Children told of their experiences when they were hog-tied, struck by staff members, and duct-taped during their stay. When an investigation into allegations of child abuse and neglect was initiated, WWASP closed this program.

Again at Paradise Cove in Western Samoa, bugs were seen in the children's meager food portions. There were photos of children with skin infections, including scabies.
Former victims demonstrated the abuse and neglect they endured. They also verbalized it on Dateline, Primetime, Inside Edition and 48 Hours."

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Where should I send my troubled teen?
« on: November 12, 2010, 06:24:59 PM »
Here you go Queenmom, this is my #1 recommendation.

If your gonna fuck your kid up at least go balls out with it.

So why not? Israel sounds like the perfect place for a bratty American teenager. I mean any parent who is considering sending their kid to a program is already fringing on complete stupidity. Maybe that's what they are banking on. Do they take any camping trips on the Afghan/Pakistani border? How about RPG training?

I am always one for conspiracy theories, how about this one. They are going to use the tried and true TTI methods of brainwashing to install terrorist sleepers in the United States. And, they are going to have dumbass American yuppies pay for it all. How fantastically ironic would that be?

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Where should I send my troubled teen?
« on: November 12, 2010, 05:35:30 PM »
Quote from: "jaredsmom"

Check with your school board to see if your state offers a Challenge program.  This is a free, voluntary program that lasts five months.  It's basically a military boot camp where kids also get their GED.  They can leave the program if they want, but many stay on once they open up to the training.  They interview the candidates and have them wait a bit to make sure they stay clean in order to prove they really want to be there.
I suggest taking this avenue before sending him to a private program against his will.  Teens like to feel like they are in control if their own life and to restrict that might make him resentful.

I thought Subway changed Jared's life.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Where should I send my troubled teen?
« on: November 12, 2010, 03:49:22 PM »
I had no idea, this is the first time I have heard of ODD and OH MY GOD what a crock of psychobabble BS. Oppositional defiant disorder? Back in my day they called it being a teenager. Seriously, is there a pharmeceutical "cure" for this one too? Like ADD? Let's start feeding 5 year olds ritalin because they won't sit down in front of the TV and shut up all day. Sweet Jesus, the people who come up with this stuff should be the ones sent away to a program.

Kids defy their parents, if a kid did not do this I would think there is something wrong with them. It's called growing up. At some point in your life you have to buck against the system to figure life out for yourself, it's part of being an intelligent person. If you just accept the world and all its rules without ever questioning any of it you are a sheep. Of course this is what the government wants, a bunch of pharmaceutically hazed judgement accepting tax paying sheep. ODD, what a crock. Another scapegoat for shitty parenting if you ask me.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Where should I send my troubled teen?
« on: November 12, 2010, 02:31:20 PM »
Quote from: "queenmom"
Thanks for that site, still going through it.

About my son, he has severe ODD, passive aggressive behaviour, well above average IQ, very low self esteem, anxious, with a need for control, he seems to have shut down his emotions and has a lack of empathy, he is very manipulative, and currently smoking marijuana daily.  He thinks he is the king of the world and only wants to party. I want a place to provide him the therapy that he needs, so I can have my son back.

If you want to damage your son further send him to a program, they do not help. You are going to spend tens of thousands on destroying him. I have done alot of research, and have lived in a program, sending your son to one of these programs will make him much worse. My advice is to spend that money looking for a good therapist and spend time with him. He sounds alot like I was when I went to a program. I spent a year in, the only thing I learned was how to better manipulate the world around me. I "progressed" by program standards and was on my way to graduating when my parents ran out of money. I was much worse off when I came home, this is not the way to get him back, more likely he will never forgive you for it. Kids are going to do what they are going to do. I know that is a hard thing to accept, but smoking pot isn't that big of a deal. Sounds like he is bored, you need to find something that he can do at home that will challenge him. What helped me more than anything was finding an outlet for my anxiety. I started fighting five or six years ago, and it has cured me of many of my problems. You learn discipline, self control, and self confidence. Even if he is not athletic, jujitsu is a good one for kids I think. I do all of it, boxing, wrestling, grappling. Get him involved with a good MMA program, that's my advice.

My experience is that you need to learn how to parent, not teach him to be a kid. I know that is a hard thing to hear but it is what it is. Programs are the easy way out for you, and a lifetime of damage for him. If he's bent on destruction he will go through the program and go right back to what he was doing before, only he will be much more dangerous, and most likely have alot more problems than he does now.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Where should I send my troubled teen?
« on: November 12, 2010, 01:52:12 PM »
Take a good look at this website, tons of excellent info.

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