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Messages - Shlee

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The Troubled Teen Industry / Any info on Project PATCH or Cove Creek?
« on: September 06, 2006, 06:36:06 PM »
That would probably be the best way...

The Troubled Teen Industry / Any info on Project PATCH or Cove Creek?
« on: September 05, 2006, 12:11:23 PM »
Actually, no.  I'm a volunteer for ISAAC and I'm researching these programs.  I completely understand how hard it is to trust someone after going through something like that.  Even though I didn't, my boyfriend did (WWASPS, topic: Spring Creek Lodge, the one with like 1000 posts.)  I'm very dedicated to stopping these places or atleast educating as many people as I can about the horrors that are experienced at them.  

Alex's first day of his last quarter of night school is tonight.  Only a 1/2 credit to go.  I think I'm more excited than he is...  haha!  He graduates in November.  Yay!

The Troubled Teen Industry / Any info on Project PATCH or Cove Creek?
« on: September 05, 2006, 10:32:19 AM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
My experience with Cove Creek Farm was not positive. It is a nightmare still to this day. First go to and click on Archives. Select news dating 8/21 to 8/25. Schroll down to Sheriff's report dating Aug 16 and read. If that doesn't convince you go to Click on District & Superior court Query. Type in Christenbury for Watauga county. That should convince you. As for everyone that reads this please send out everything you know about this man and his time at Wellsprings. If I knew half of this stuff about him I would have never sent my son there. Help save other kids. Post what you know.

To whoever this was, I would appreciate it if you would PM me so I could hear your story.  Thank you in advance.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Any info on Project PATCH or Cove Creek?
« on: September 05, 2006, 10:03:25 AM »
Thank you so much everyone.  Keep it coming...

Facility Question and Answers / Any info on Project PATCH or Cove Creek?
« on: September 01, 2006, 01:55:45 PM »
I was wondering if anyone here knows anything about either Project PATCH in Idaho, Cove Creek in North Carolina, Allen Christenbury, Jr aka Chris Christenbury ( He runs Cove Creek) or Tom and Bonnie Sanford (they started Project PATCH). Nobody really seems to have anything to say about them and I would like to hear if anybody has some info on them.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Any info on Project PATCH or Cove Creek?
« on: September 01, 2006, 01:53:35 PM »
I was wondering if anyone here knows anything about either Project PATCH in Idaho, Cove Creek in North Carolina, Allen Christenbury, Jr aka Chris Christenbury ( He runs Cove Creek) or Tom and Bonnie Sanford (they started Project PATCH). Nobody really seems to have anything to say about them and I would like to hear if anybody has some info on them.

I was wondering if anyone here know anything about either Project PATCH in Idaho, Cove Creek in North Carolina or Allen Christenbury, Jr aka Chris Christenbury ( He runs Cove Creek) or Tom and Bonnie Sanford (they started Project PATCH).  Nobody really seems to have anything to say about them and I would like to hear if anybody has some info on them.

Here's another petition that's floating around on the web for you all to sign if you haven't...

Quote from: ""Guest""
Wow, did you see how many Lichfield family members are giving money away in their name to support illegal child abuse? It is sickening!

If these people put their name on a child abuse company, its time they receive criticism too. I've seen pictures and articles about Robert Lichfield, but its high-time that someone build a website that shows the entire family web of connection. Lets get EVERYBODYS picture who is involved, and database this shit. Just like the FBI does (in movies at least) with the mob.

That is what we are dealing with, a mob. This mob is no different than any other organized crime unit, they use illegal methods to make lots of money. Abusing kids is illegal, and if these people want to sign their name onto that, they need to learn that there are people out there who care.

Okay... time to google some names and see what I can find out. I wonder how much it is to hire a private investigator somewhere else in the country to drive by residences and take pictures of people and their homes.  :question:

How's the search going?  I'm very curious to see what you've come up with.

I just read about the removal attempt and expansion of SCL.  Do they really think that is going to work?  It's just as ridiculous as a name change...
P.S.  Wow, it's been awhile since I've been on here, things have changed up a bit.

On 2006-05-01 07:23:00, CaughtInTheMiddle wrote:

"It is I the Bad Aunt that posted that. Sorry if you don't like my post. I am very proud of Alex. I also believe he will be successes full in time with some speed bumps in his path. The point of the post was that your mom may not see all the signs if things may start to happen again. Look how long you kept the wool over her eyes it took me telling her. It said NOTHING AGAINST ALEX. Nice how you put a twist on it. He would be successful living at home also. It may even be easier for him. It is not you and your household that is helping or pushing him in that direction.

Alex I know you read this. Call if you would like to talk about this post. I will be talking to you soon. I have my feelings love ya! Fun Cop"

  I'm sorry, I try to steer clear of arguements on this site, and if what I say starts one then, oh well.  I will tell you right now, I had my mother fooled for probably a whole 6 months.  Now, how long did Alex have his parents and family, including you, fooled?  I seem to remember the word YEARS in the time frame somewhere...
  And don't say that I'm bashing Alex or his family, or anyone for that matter.  I just happen to be stating a fact.  I'm quite tired of you trying to make it out like we brainwash Alex into everything he says or does.  Remember, he is almost an ADULT.  Free to make his own choices.  I don't understand how none of you can accept that.

On 2006-04-28 04:44:00, Anonymous wrote:

"If he returned to his old ways she wouldn't know she didn't know about his or her own daughters old ways before like she said she is busy. That is why he is there and not at home. At home he would be watch a lot more then there. That is why he chooses to stay there. "

Wow, I must say, it's been awhile since I've been on here, let alone time to be on the internet in general.  Everything is going exceptionally well.  Work, school, and then the occasional movie/relaxation time.  Alex is doing well, in the hopes of getting a better job than Tim Horton's.  But hey, atleast he's in the working force.
It's comments like those that make me shake my head and laugh.  Keep living in that mentality.  It will get you nowhere, while Alex is getting somewhere.  Keep doubting his capabilities, he'll be something.

Also, yes, he is back here in the state of Michigan, and living with me for the time being.  He is trying to get back into school and is finding a job right now.  He also, may be checking himself into an outpatient program if he feels he needs it.  So, in other words, doing good for himself.

On 2006-03-06 16:53:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Yeah, we won. Alex is home. We really showed his parents. They lose and I win. He's living with me now. ha ha Alex's mom and aunts"

Alright, this is ridiculous.  Whoever wrote this is very immature and I know it wasn't me.  So does everyone else on this damn forum.  Especially Eudora and the ones that can read IP addresses.  And, I would also like to say that, when I write, I sound much more intelligent than  that.  That is an insult.  I'm not that ignorant, and I know how to use proper punctuation and capitalization.  Very childish and I pity you for that.  Maybe, you will grow up someday...

P.S.  I know how to sign in under my screen name and not try to get away with posting anonymously, and blatantly making it sound like myself.  *shakes head* Stupid

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