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Messages - notworking

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You have to EARN the privilege of communicating with your parents?  And this is OK with your friend?  

I'm sorry, but as a parent, this makes me SICK.  Do you think that any of us LIKE to listen to our two year olds throw temper tantrums?  Or our five year olds ask 870,000 questions?  Or our nine year olds giggle incessantly?  Or our twelve year olds insinuate that it is a miracle we got this far in life because we are the stupidest people ever?  OF COURSE NOT.  But it is how human children learn and develop as human beings.  It is what we signed on for when we decided to have babies instead of abortions.  

CHILDREN DO NOT HAVE TO EARN THE PRIVILEGE OF BEING CHILDREN. My suggestion for your friend is that she put the child in state custody and get a pet.  Something like a goldfish that's not too demanding.  She's clearly uninterested in being a parent.

On 2004-04-18 20:15:00, Anonymous wrote:

"The phone calls are normal, though hard to keep to the agreement.  The reason for this is that the kids don't want to be there.  To have phone calls in the beginning normally will be the teen either saying they want to come home, or crying abuse and everything in between.  Once they've taken the opportunity to work on themselves they will have the phone calls, then visits.  I can't speak for this particular school, but my experience knows this works."

Works as what?  Getting the kid to shut up about their issues?  

You need to get a clue.  It is NORMAL for a 11-13 year old to be unhappy about being taken away from her mother.  If a mom doesn't want to hear it, maybe she should make different choices, like taking responsibility for her child.

And how, exactly, do 11-13 year olds "work on themselves?"  They are CHILDREN.  If they actually HAVE their own issues vs. inadequate parents (fairly doubtful at this age, unless there's a medical problem), the parents need to be involved in finding a solution.  It is absoultely unreasonable to expect young adolescents to be emotionally self-sufficient.  I DEFY you to find one actual peer reviewed study (by actual psychologists/psychiatrists, as opposed to your phony behavior modification experts) that says otherwise.  

People like you have pathologized childhood and adolescence.  You expect children to behave better than their parents, to meet their parents' needs instead of vice versa.  What's next?  Telling a parent to keep their infant in a locked, soundproof room because otherwise "all they'll hear is crying?"  After all, parents of newborns have rights, too!

Now, if someone tried to kill me for doing my job, and not having been there, I'm not sure I would have reacted any differently. Being angry and scared at the same time got both of them into a dangerous situation.

One would hope that your job would not be abusing children.  EVEN IF YOU ARE A PARENT, you do not have the legal right to jump into your child's room in the middle of the night, handcuff him, and drag him into the car for a trip to God knows where.  

Frankly, the police were negligent here.  What if these guys only TOLD the police they were authorized to take the kid?  The police should have put them all in custody until they sorted it out, then placed the kid with the local children's services department.  Remember when Jeffrey Dahmer killed that 14 year old boy?  The kid managed to escape, drugged and naked, and the police BROUGHT HIM BACK to be murdered because they believed Dahmer's story that they were lovers.  This could have been exactly the same kind of situation.

And as for the parents in this case, they are no different that anyone else who gives consent for others to abuse their children.  They should be prosecuted, placed on a child abuse registry, and any other kids in the home should be removed.

The Troubled Teen Industry / 18th Birthdays
« on: April 19, 2004, 12:51:00 PM »
On your friend's behalf, you can contact the State Department Overseas Citizens Services office at (202) 647-5225.  They can help you begin to set up things for your friend before her 18th birthday.  If having a passport is an issue, you can arrange for identifying information to be sent to the consulate where she will apply for a replacement passport.  The OCS can also help you set up a trust for your friend where you can deposit money for her to use to buy a plane ticket home.  I think there's a charge for this.  The OCS can advise you of the nearest place you can wire money (like Western Union).  If you can, make sure that your friend has the telephone number of the nearest consulate/embassy so she can call them for help when she is released.

As an aside, US law provides that minors 14 and older have to apply for their own passports in person.  So if a parent is attempting to send a minor overseas to a program and the minor doesn't already have a passport, the minor should refuse to sign the application.  If there is some sort of duress going on, the minor should tell the passport official.  With all the post September 11th protections, the federal government is very interested in children who are pressured into applying for passports, for whatever reason.  Moreover, children 14 and older are entitled to the assistance of the local US Consulate and may, under certain circumstances, be entitled to repatriation, regardless of parental consent.  If the local consulate seems to be "cozy" with the program, it might be helpful to frame the issue as one of child exploitation/human trafficking, since my understanding is that kids in overseas programs are forced to work for free.  Abducting a child -- with or without parental consent -- for forced labor is a violation of US and international law.

***I should be able to take responsibility for my own life.

No matter what help you were given you made a decision to stay miserable.

If bad things are still happening to me at an alarming rate then the repair is quite simple. I quit volunteering to be a victim.

I am in control of my life now, no one else is. What happens is by my choice.

No one at this point is preventing you from having a good life but the man in the mirror.

Whatever you hated, use that by avoid placing yourself in harms way to repeat a need to experience it again.

I have found my world improves by me helping to improve it, not by tearing it down.

Shame on me for not enjoying all of them to my fullest.***

Wow, that is so amazing.  First of all, that you can string THAT many cliches together and still be (internally, at least) coherent.

[SIDE NOTE:  Wouldn't this make a WONDERFUL drinking game?  When it's your turn, you have to come up with a BS recovery cliche AND recite the other participants' cliches.  Miss one, take a drink.  You obviously weren't PAYING ATTENTION!!!  You need to WORK HARDER!!!]

But, more importantly, that you are so frigging clueless about life.  I just hope that you've let go of some of this crap before life REALLY starts buffetting you around.  Losing your children, your siblings, your parents before their times isn't "volunteering to be a victim."  Having a terminal illness isn't "volunteering to be a victim."  Losing your home or your livelihood through an accident isn't "volunteering to be a victim."  It's BAD LUCK, you moron, and the last thing anyone needs when it happens is to feel GUILTY.  I'm sure all the families of people who died in Iraq really need you and your explanations of why they put themselves in harm's way.

I was put into a program because I had committed the cardinal sin of having depression.  No matter how hard anyone tried, they couldn't make me happy.  I was "determined to be miserable."  

[ANOTHER SIDE NOTE:  Who the fuck decides to be miserable?  Are these the same mythical creatures who wake up from their heretofore perfect lives and decide to be manipulative?]

So anyway, back to me and my "no reason to be depressed."  Let me tell you, months of physical and verbal abuse in "treatment" didn't help either.  After treatment, I talked and related and fedback and confessed and cried for 10 years and it didn't do me one single bit of good.

It was never going to do me one bit of good, either.  See, I come from a long line of women with depression.  Both my grandmothers were treated for it, as was my mother.  Before them, there's a whole line of women on both sides who were "nervous" and just went to bed for years on end. Of course no one bothered to mention this when they were telling the "therapists" how "Jenny is just determined to be unhappy."  Once I told an actual doctor about my family history and my symptoms, he finally gave me something that helped.  Medication.  Yep, that little blue and yellow pill -- my DRUG -- made all the difference.  It didn't solve all my problems, it just made my brain work right for the first time since I could remember.  I had no more ability to control my depression by talking or being talked [YELLED] at than a diabetic can control their blood sugar by sitting one of those interminable groups.  

But nobody in treatment could see that.  They knew what was wrong with me -- they know what's wrong with everyone -- before they even knew I existed.  They break you down and give you that social darwinist crap to make up for all the things you need and aren't getting.  An adequately functioning brain, help learning, a stable environment, parents who truly care about you, self-esteem, you're not going to get any of that at PFC.  You may not get some of it at all, but everyone deserves it.

New Info / Gallahue Mental Health Center -- Robert Pearce
« on: April 05, 2004, 02:12:00 PM »
I'm looking for former patients of the adolescent unit of Gallahue Mental Health Center/ Community Hospital in Indianapolis, IN.  Also, former adolescent patients of Robert M. Pearce, M.D., also in Indianapolis.

Specifically, I'm looking for former patients who were subject to confrontation and/or paradoxical therapy directed by Dr. Pearce.  I was a patient at Gallahue from 12/84-3/85.

If you have any information, please contact me at [email protected] .  


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