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Messages - Shadyacres

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Tacitus' Realm / Re: Why is the GOP so scared of gay people?
« on: December 06, 2010, 07:31:54 PM »
Quote from: "Whooter"
I don't know why the Republican party is so terrified of homosexuals, but my guess is they think that queers are somehow costing them money.

They do cost more money.


Really?  How?

Tacitus' Realm / Re: Why is the GOP so scared of gay people?
« on: December 06, 2010, 07:28:18 PM »
Quote from: "Whooter"
 We need to get this economy going again. Forcing companies to move overseas to avoid the tax increases isnt the right answer....

I agree completely, I think we should impose penalties that would make it financially prohibitive to move an american corporation to another country.  Why are our biggest companies so horribly unpatriotic?

Tacitus' Realm / Re: Why is the GOP so scared of gay people?
« on: December 06, 2010, 06:26:21 PM »
Quote from: "Whooter"
I find the chart interesting, but not too sure how to read it.

Many of the red states are where our military bases are.  They would tilt the scales as far as costs go and the state is not expected to shoulder the financial burden.  So these states would take more than they receive.
The Democratic states are driving out businesses because they feel "Profit" is a dirty word so our businesses are going overseas where they are appreciated.  Businesses are leaving the urban areas because who wants to run a business in a high crime area where people dont want to work.  So the money has to go to support bad decisions by local democratic leaders to try to sure up the infrastructure which use to be supported by local small businesses which fled.


Driving out businesses?  Are you high?  You mean the businesses that pay virtually NO taxes, but still somehow get refunds?  The infrastructure used to be supported by the tax base, the corporate part of which has gradually disappeared since the Reagan administration.  The bad decisions were the ones that allowed corporations to weasel out of their obligations to their country.  What was the corporate tax rate under Eisenhower? Or Nixon?  Highly paid lawyers and accountants have been chipping away at those tax codes, finding ever more creative loopholes and shelters, for DECADES.  An acceleration occurs whenever someone named Bush is anywhere near the White House; ... lummet.php

I don't know why the Republican party is so terrified of homosexuals, but my guess is they think that queers are somehow costing them money.

Quote from: "Whooter"
Quote from: "Dysfunction Junction"
The salient point here is very simple.  These facilities market themselves a "schools" that provide "therapy," but in reality, they are dangerous private jails for criminal and mentally disturbed kids.  They are run by unqualified people, lack supervision, don't help any kids and put residents and staff at extreme risk to their health and well being.

Nobody is "getting back on track" at TBSs.  They are getting psychologically and physically assaulted by the staff members and are at extreme risk from other residents who often rape, beat, batter and assault one another due to almost a complete lack of supervision or treatment of any kind.

It totally debunks the argument that these kids have no problems.


I don't think anyone believes that these kids have no problems, I believe that the "treatment" they receive in therapeutic boarding schools will make these problems worse, every time.  Did these two girls have violent criminal records?  They do now.  Why do adults expect teens to conform to an environment that they themselves would NEVER tolerate?

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Kids in Program Credible?
« on: November 30, 2010, 12:50:47 PM »
Quote from: "Anne Bonney"
Quote from: "Whooter"
Shady, I dont think anyone is going to buy into the (fast food/ drive through) 30 day brainwashing theory.

You really should do some research on brainwashing.  It doesn't take long at all.  Especially is such an isolated environment.

 Your experience is limited to one program and there are hundreds of different models and programs out there.

You keep saying that, but most of the use the same "treatment" models.

If you look into what is required to brainwash someone and the definition of a cult you will quickly realize that if a child is competing in sports with local highschools, going to school all day, preparing for their SAT's, visiting colleges, writing to friends and family, going into town on weekends etc. that this environment cannot support brainwashing or fit the definition of a cult.  The conditions dont exist for these theories to take hold, Shady.

And you don't get to do any of those things in programs.

It appears that you are trying to compare your experience to programs today and various other models.  Not all programs are the same.

Not exactly the same, but most use the same techniques.  I didn't think anything could be worse than Straight then I started reading about Tranquility Bay, WWASPS etc.

You come across as uniformed.

 :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:

Yeah, it's HER that's uninformed.  The one who has been on the inside.  You, who've never been exposed to this kind of "treatment" are the expert.   :twofinger:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:  :roflmao:

Hey, I'm not a her.  And chicks dig a man in a uniform.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Kids in Program Credible?
« on: November 30, 2010, 10:35:21 AM »
Quote from: "Whooter"
Quote from: "Shadyacres"
Quote from: "Whooter"
I believe the majority of the programs today are structured to help the kids build up their self esteem, build family bonds and get them set on a healthy track.


Funny, that is EXACTLY what my mom believed 25 years ago, along with all the idiots who counseled her to put me in one of them.  The reason she believed this is simple, the program told her so.  Just like the ones that exist today will tell you this.  How many children will have to have their minds irreparably damaged before parents stop being so naive and gullible?  ANYONE WHO WANTS TO TAKE YOUR KID AWAY AND NOT LET YOU SEE THEM CANNOT BE TRUSTED!!!  Complete cult indoctrination can be accomplished in a reasonably short time, do not let anyone sequester your child, for any length of time.  Especially people who have a long history of cult behavior, or who work in an industry with a long history of cult behavior.

Geesh, Shady, you come across as very paranoid.  You cannot very easily be brainwashed or indoctrinated into a cult if you are busy preparing for your SATs, competing with other schools in sports, going on trips and talking to your family.  If you read up on brainwashing/cults you will see that the person needs to be totally isolated and dependent on another person or group of people.  You blow this stuff way out of proportion.


Only in the beginning, the 'indoctrination phase'.  That is why that first month is always restricted, no contact with anyone.  They have had 30 years to fine tune their indoctrination and I imagine they are pretty good at it by now.  I think this is a perfect example of the old adage;  Parents should not wonder if they are being paranoid, they should wonder if they are being paranoid ENOUGH.  If you force your child into a "school" that turns out to be an abusive cult, it will have a negative effect on the rest of his/her life, and yours.  And I don't think you are qualified to say whether or not I am blowing "this stuff" out of proportion, since you have never been enrolled in one of these places.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Kids in Program Credible?
« on: November 29, 2010, 10:02:30 PM »
Quote from: "Whooter"
Quote from: "Awake"
Whooter, I have seen you making insinuations about others that they are narrow minded. And you’d be right in thinking that it’s not quite the case when you’re willing put yourself in the shoes of a troubled teen.  Do you think you yourself could open up a bit more to that? I had been asking you a question awhile ago,  maybe you are willing to answer it now.

I was wondering, why did you need to run from your therapy and not decide to stick with your program? Couldn’t opening up to it have helped you attain a bit of perspective?



Granted, Initially the kids are forced into the therapeutic process but most of them eventually embrace it if they connect and get along with their therapist.  So it is consensual and the child benefits from it the same way an adult would.  The only difference is that the child doesn't consent at the onset.


They embrace it if they want to ever get out of there, it is called COERCION.  So it is NOT CONSENSUAL, do you see what I mean?

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Kids in Program Credible?
« on: November 29, 2010, 09:54:16 PM »
Quote from: "Whooter"
I believe the majority of the programs today are structured to help the kids build up their self esteem, build family bonds and get them set on a healthy track.


Funny, that is EXACTLY what my mom believed 25 years ago, along with all the idiots who counseled her to put me in one of them.  The reason she believed this is simple, the program told her so.  Just like the ones that exist today will tell you this.  How many children will have to have their minds irreparably damaged before parents stop being so naive and gullible?  ANYONE WHO WANTS TO TAKE YOUR KID AWAY AND NOT LET YOU SEE THEM CANNOT BE TRUSTED!!!  Complete cult indoctrination can be accomplished in a reasonably short time, do not let anyone sequester your child, for any length of time.  Especially people who have a long history of cult behavior, or who work in an industry with a long history of cult behavior.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Christmas in the program
« on: November 29, 2010, 05:44:21 PM »
Nothing drives home the fact that your parents do not want you better than the knowledge that they are going ahead with the family Christmas while keeping you locked in an illegal gulag.  The program I was in took full advantage of this, encouraging us to “work the program” so that, maybe, we could “earn” our way back into our family by next year.  But that is not the way I saw it.  I was more inclined to view parents who would do that to their own child as parents who are not worth having.  Aside from the actual act of lying to me to get me there, then leaving me there imprisoned, Christmas at the program probably did more to damage my relationship with my mother than anything else.  I still had all my memories of Christmas’ past, and had a good idea what my family was doing while I was going through a hell that they will never even know about.  Just the thought of all that fake ‘love’ in the program makes me want to vomit, even today.  Oh, and the idea behind Christmas presents is to get something you think will make them HAPPY.  Buying your son, who you’ve wrongfully imprisoned over the holiday season, a couple of  shirts that you KNOW he will HATE is just a cruel joke, played on someone who is already almost suicidally depressed.  Oh, how I hate those people.

After doing some reading, this place looks to have no connection at all to "The Seed" ( except the logo ).  Seems to be about empowering minorities and other "underserved" citizens.  This mayor, and his work with this "Seed Foundation" might be getting under the skin of the very clan-like Prince Georges County Government.  The whole story reeks of entrapment and abuse of power.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Kids in Program Credible?
« on: November 28, 2010, 12:58:30 PM »
Quote from: "RobertBruce"
The best salesman in the world isn't going to have the ability to deny his potential customers food, sleep, or shelter. If he tries screaming at the customer telling them unless they buy his refridgerator they're going to end up "deadorinjail" he's going to be fired. If he tackles the customer and attempts to "restrain" him until he agrees to purchase said fridge not only will he be fired, but he'll go to jail as well.

You keep somehow missing these facts with your bad analogies.

As far as you not believing kids should have choices, can you show us anything suggesting coercion therapy works? When you take the kids choice away you've already failed. That's supposed to be the difference between prison and rehab. One has people there by choice, one does not.


Quote from: "3xsaSeedling"
Quote from: "DFS"
Quote from: "3xsaSeedling"
What drug war?
You mean the commercial support of
'anti-' America by every 'industry' in the country?


Sorry:  I meant for that to come out differently.
What I meant was: The 'anti-drug America' campaign,
that is supported by every corporation, political policy, tobacco company
and any other institution of the like you can think of?
The 'drug war' is an excuse to get more money. 
And a useless 'war'.  And 'war' is the wrong word;  I don't care whatTHEY say.

The ONLY way to know if it's linked to theSeed would be to go look, I would think

A war waged exclusively by the powerful against the powerless is not war at all, it is TYRANNY.  Beautifully exemplified by those pigs shooting those two innocent dogs, one of them in the back as he was running away.  I have no idea if it is the same "Seed", but Barker, the cult leader, is dead. If it is the same organization, hopefully he took his madness with him, I know that area of DC needs all the help it can get

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Kids in Program Credible?
« on: November 26, 2010, 10:31:09 PM »
Quote from: "Whooter"
Quote from: "maruska"

You are wrong, terribly wrong...You  have no idea how offending and cruel your words are.  

I dont think my words are offending or cruel.  Calling someone a liar, an industry shill, program parent who doesnt care about kids, child rapist etc.  those words may be considered cruel.  I am pointing out some inconsistencies in stories here that may be of interest to people.


No, you're not.  You are CLAIMING to point out "inconsistencies" in the stories of people who have been abused as children.  Because you just made up some garbage about "stories have to be balanced or else they aren't believable".  You have been told repeatedly how cruel and hurtful your opinions are here.  It is frighteningly obvious what manner of person you must be and what line of work you are most likely in.  The program I was in didn't consider itself "offending or cruel" either.  It was.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Kids in Program Credible?
« on: November 26, 2010, 05:36:58 PM »
Quote from: "Whooter"
Quote from: "Shadyacres"

Really?  I think it can be safely assumed that the kids who say "This program saved my life!" are certainly NOT credible.  How could they know this?  Did the program catch them after they jumped off a bridge?  Snatch them from the path of a speeding truck?  No.  They have OBVIOUSLY been coached to say this as part of the brainwashing that they and their parents have received.  According to most of these places, any kid who has smoked pot will die now without their help.

Mostly hindsight, looking back on their life and seeing where they were heading prior to being placed.  Meeting up with old friends and seeing their friends have not matured at the same pace and are in a bad space etc.  Maybe you dont see it because things have never turned around for you in a dramatic way or maybe not at all.

On the contrary, many of us feel that our lives were going along fine ( if not perfectly ) until being forced into a mind control cult, which DEFINITELY turned things around, for the worse.  And most of my old friends did far BETTER than me, despite being more "rebellious" and "less disciplined" than me, because they did not have to get over the horrible trauma of living through one of these places.

I think what you are trying to say is if someone has only good things to say about programs and seems over the top, never saying anything negative about thier stay there.  Similar to people who have only negative things to say about programs, believe that "All" programs are evil and abusive.  When you listen to people who are extreme on either end then their story comes across as fabricated or not credible.


You think wrong.  The goal of these places is to make the child HATE his former self and all aspects of his former life.  Any glowing review from a former resident is just proof that those brainwashing tactics work, at least temporarily.  I do not think it is "over the top", which implies dishonesty.  I think it is Stockholm Syndrome.  They are afraid to challenge what they have been told so forcefully and repeatedly by people who had COMPLETE control over them.  It is obviously wishful thinking on your part that our "stories come across as fabricated or not credible." because YOU think they are extreme.  Your opinion means nothing here, you are literally the only person here who has (a) never been in one of these places, (b) admitted to having a "fiduciary interest" in Aspen, and (c) spent years here trying to discredit survivors.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: Kids in Program Credible?
« on: November 26, 2010, 04:31:52 PM »

Quote from: "Whooter"
Getting back on topic again I don’t think being in a program makes the child’s voice any less credible.  If the child had been manipulative and not very truthful prior to going into a program than they will not be any less so after they initially arrive there.  Even a child who rarely lied may be motivated to do so once they are exposed to the hard work of waking up every day early, making their beds, doing chores going to school, clearing the table after meals, studying,starving, being beaten or "restrained", being bullied by "more responsible" oldcomers, being denied sleep, being told you are a worthless and ungrateful liar, being told that you are an incurable addict and you will be struggling with it your WHOLE LIFE, being forced to lie because the program WILL NOT ACCEPT THE TRUTH etc.  I could see a few phones calls going out to mom and dad saying they were being tortured and wanting to come home.

But I don’t think we can just brand all kids in programs as not being credible.  Each child should be treated as an individual.   I think over time the trust comes, the manipulations wane and the family works on their issues more as a unit.


Really?  I think it can be safely assumed that the kids who say "This program saved my life!" are certainly NOT credible.  How could they know this?  Did the program catch them after they jumped off a bridge?  Snatch them from the path of a speeding truck?  No.  They have OBVIOUSLY been coached to say this as part of the brainwashing that they and their parents have received.  According to most of these places, any kid who has smoked pot will die now without their help.

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