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Messages - jeffz*cc*l*

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Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / CONGRATS to Christy J!
« on: January 17, 2003, 11:51:00 AM »

 :grin: What a wonderful accomplishment!  Best of luck with everything!  Let me know (via e-mail) your new address.  Although I cannot attend your housewarming, I would like to send something.

Enjoy the American dream!


Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Powerlessness & mind control enviroments
« on: January 17, 2003, 01:23:00 AM »
I got this link from the Canadian sight.  Margaret Singer, PHd. is an extremely well respected, internationally acclaimed expert on mind control, cults and thought reform.

Check it out!


If you insist on RUSH, and you use a quote from Tom Sawyer....I can't help myself. :grin:

No, his mind is not for rent
To any god or government
Always hopeful, yet discontent
He knows changes aren't permanent-
But change is

Ahhhhh..... That felt great!

My position is as follows.  Yes, I beleive that Drew, Jackie and everyone else there were victims of Newton's coercive and destructive mind control tactics.  Yes, on staff I do not doubt one bit that they all were sucked into believing the nonsense and were used as pawns in a game of chess.  HOWEVER:

After staff for many, many years and doing many irrational, destructive and hurtful things, some became Clinicals.  At that point, they have chosen to follow Newton beyond the program and rehab & sobriety and into a position of power over the people who had power over the people.  A very dangerous place to be.  Absolute power and authority can be as intoxicating and addicting as drugs, if not more.

No, I do NOT think Drew, Jackie or any of the rest of them to be "bad people" or "evil to the core."  Somehow, somewhere down deep I truly believe that every one of them is redeemable and they all will someday suffer the regrets, dissappointments, anger, rage & hate that we all have faced.  It is just taking them longer.

While they are actively supporting the doctrine of KIDS, 8 Steps (not 12), restraining fellow graduates on the floor (YES, THIS STILL HAPPENS NOW!), sleeping with the bed in front of the door and allowing Newton to authorize all of the graduates to hit & swat their kids, they appear to be living in a simulated state of unauthentic existence (see RUSH for the past 25+ years).  In this state, they do act irrationally when they feel that there is a clear & present threat to their beleif system.

Naturally so.  They have spent 18+ years subscribing to and defending this "program or belief system" and when someone challenges it, they must defend it at all costs.  Why?

If they don't and there really is something wrong with how they have been living, then they will have no choice but to see clearly the lie that they have been living.  For many that is too painful a task.  If your belief system crumbles before you, then what are you left with?  

If I can stay sober in AA or live a very healthy life, consistently make a strong six figure income and not ever have to worry about being out of control with or picking up drugs & alcohol, then what does that say about their system of beliefs?  Well, they have no choice but to hide in a dillusion that everyone who has left has bad or no sobriety and we are not straight and are a direct threat to their program.

Even though that is far from true, they HAVE to believe it to function in their world.  Until they leave that state of dillusion and venture out into reality I do not and will not feel sorry for them.  Nobody ever felt sorry for me.  Feeling sorry for them might just kill them.  

As said before and it is always said in RUSH's lyrics, the truth will set you free.  It breaks the chains that bind one's mind to its internal, self-created prison.

"The Enemy Within" is about the real jailer who prevents us all from accomplishing our dreams and experiencing to extremes.  It is us and our own self created fear.  Not our fear of what we will encounter or struggle against.  Rather, the fear of failure.  More on that to come...

News Items / Who knows Dean Vause - lets have some facts here too
« on: January 02, 2003, 12:09:00 PM »
Whether it was Brian's, Dean's, or anybody else's fault that Brian is not here, the outcome and result will never be changed.

If we have a courtroom trial and Mr. Neil is found "Guilty of taking his own life," does any judge, jury or anyone have the ability to bring him back?  If so, please let me know, because losing my mother this year has been a real struggle to deal with and man, if I can blame someone and get her back then sign me up!

On the other hand, proving whether Dean did or did not contribute to Brian's tragic suicide will also not bring him back; HOWEVER, proving that the messages given to patients in these types of "treatment centers" can be damaging to on's overall sense of self and his/her relation to world around them is another issue.

I've never been in AARC, so I am not going to allege anything that I do not know as fact and cannot establish to be factual.  Like Dean, Velvet and many other posters on this board, I don't need an International Lawsuit for some nonsensicle crap that he said - she said.

To Everyone here:  Instead of throwing mud at AARC & Dean, wouldn't it be more productive to point out publicly the specific methods of treatment that may be considered questionable, damaging or even counter productive?  Mud throwing has a really simple result!  EVERYONE IS DIRTY WHEN WE ARE DONE PLAYING!

I think it may be unreasonable to actually pin down DEAN to take ultimate responsibility for Brian's death; however, did the Kids message and the years that he was there doing hard time contribute?  You bet your ass!  May it have contributed to about 20+ suicides of my personal friends who were imprisoned there?  You better fucking believe it!  Why?  Let me explain...

When Kids (maybe AARC) did intakes for people to become patients, everything was very black & white fromthat very second.  You ARE druggie (even if you don't admit to using & abusing) from the second that you arrive there.  That label will never leave you whether it is accurate or not.  

In addition, the freedom of self is not only suppressed, but it is constantly shamed, and blamed for not only what has been done in the past, but for the incarceration in treatment.  The message of scaring someone into submission by using tactics such as sensory depravation (i.e. food regulation, sleep, no exposure to anything but a constant message) weakens the person's ability to "think for himself" and a state of hypnosis begins.  The person becomes very open to "suggestions."  Even if someone never had sex with an animal, hearing everyone around them in this controlled enviroment with no ability to try & discern for himself what is real & what is not, it would be, has been and will continue to be the perfect opportunity for that person to either think that maybe he did have sex with an animal or after people hounding him to "get honest" he may even own up to it for the simple rewards that follow.  He gets to earn talk, group accepts him, people are off his back and he may be one step closer to going home.

You CANNOT tell people that life, addiction & alcoholism are BLACK & WHITE!  Why not, Jeff?  Because of this.  The principals of AA are clear that anyone with a DESIRE TO STOP DRINKING can be a member.  If someone decides in time, that they are an alcoholic, it is only then that they will be classified as such and only by themselves.

At the same time, there are people who went into and were held in tratment for almost 5 years, so I have nothing but an 8th grade education in my juvenile years, I missed out on the life experiences that are required by ourminds, bodies and souls to mature.  Speaking about living sober for 5 years is different from being out of treatment for 2 weeks and staying sober (straight if you insist).  We can only grow fromour experiences.  Wisdom is gained through trial & error in life.  It is not acheived by preventing people from making their own errors and mistakes.  Whats worse is to tell someone that if they make a mistake, that without question, they will relapse, be miserable & die.  That begins to set the stage for devastation...

In KIDS the message to me was clearly, if you leave you may do drugs, but you will DEFINATELY kill yourself.  they went as far as to have a psychiatrist (name mentioned upon private request only) diagnose me as absolutely crazy to convince me & my parents to stay when I was signing out.  That doctor has since apologized publicly and privately for that false diagnosis and has assured me that I was okay, just reacting to my incarceration in KIDS like anyone else.

If you tell someone that if they screw up, then they are doomed to use, get high and die and you are their therapist, then you have some fucking balls!  The liability for planting that single seed in someone's head is unlimited and whether they do or do not off themselves, you as a therapist should be castrated for telling a paitient something so outlandish, untrue and damaging.

People are supposed to make mistakes and do the wrong thing.  If theyt didn't would they be human?  When Adam & Eve ate that forbidden fruit was God pissed?  Yeah!  Did he decide to end the human race, hell no!  If we cannot make mistakes then we are subject to try & live perfect.  Being human, we lack the ability to be perfect so we are doomed for failure.  If this failure is automatically given programmed consequences of "copping out, hurting myself, getting high and killing myself" then the person prescribing that thought process should absolutely be brought up on charges, murder if it applies.  The reasoning is simple:

Therapy is supposed to help people and it requires a great deal of trust on the patient's part of the therapist. "HOLD ON!!!!  HOLD THE PRESS!!! Did I say anywhere that if a patient kills themself that its the therapist's fault?  Please don't EVER let me say or insinuate that!

Patient must trust therapist.  Therapist gives patient guidance & suggestions and helps patient take a new look at their life experiences.  If the therapist uses that sacred TRUST and manipulates the patient to believe things that would be considered unreasonable or untrue and it causes the patient to kill themself, then we have another story...  HANG ON, I'm not done yet...

To tell young people that doing drugs is bad, is a good thing.  To tell people that doing drugs MAY cause their life to become unmanageable is very accurate.  To tell people that if they ever leave treatment they will not ever be STRAIGHT to real standards.  To make young people believe that AA doesn't work and that they will be doomed to fail because it is too weak.  To make them internalize the concept that without this magic rehab then I'm doomed to OD on drugs and die or kill myself (see KIDS 1st step- unmanageables...).

This is out - fucking - rageous.  It is totally false and has no basis for being true outside of a controlled enviroment.  To make people believe this false totalitarian message is homocide in my opinion and yes, I have no problem of establishing a case for EVERY single patient that took their own life out of KIDS.   It is the planting of a seed of self destruction that confuses people who leave these programs.  Ultimately they can't be in there forever, so you mean to tell me that they lack the ability to live productive and healthy lives without AARC or KIDS?  

Sorry to disappoint anyone, but that stregnth comes from within, not from outside.  While powerless over drugs, it is insane to insinuate that people are powerless over changing their lives "without the magic of rehab."  If that was so, then why have so many millions before these programs been saved from the insanity of their addictions?  It is because of the pure, untwisted and original message of AA.  Not the NEW steps.  

I think that this is a desecration of sacred AA principles.  Who the FUCK is anyone to rewrite the steps?  Who the fuck is anyone to tell kids where they will end up?  Who the fuck is anyone to say that their way is the only was and without death is near?  These are the questions that are relevant, not who gets blamed for Brian's suicide.


Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / YYZ
« on: January 01, 2003, 01:40:00 AM »
I am all for the RUSH BBS!  Happy to hear that its not useless...  

I am guilty of tapping out that beat; except it was during raps next to rebellious people who also loved RUSH!

What does Red Barchetta have so much to do with our KIDS experience?

ANSWER in next post...


Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / YYZ
« on: December 28, 2002, 12:51:00 PM »
If anyone knows that these three letters are the name of a very famous, instrumental RUSH song, then you may be interested to know:

YYZ is also the call letters of the Toronto airport

The intro of the song with the tapping sounds is morse code for the letters "Y..Y..Z.." and the basis of the song follows that mellodic structure.

Useless RUSH facts....

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / YYZ
« on: December 28, 2002, 12:50:00 PM »
If anyone knows that these three letters are the name of a very famous, instrumental RUSH song, then you may be interested to know:

YYZ is also the call letters of the Toronto airport

The intro of the song with the tapping sounds is morse code for the letters "Y..Y..Z.." and the basis of the song follows that mellodic structure.

Useless RUSH facts....

Yep.  Shopped proposal.  Yep.  Got agent.  Same guy responsible for some of the "For Dummies" books by IDG.  

Now, the bad news...  There are two books that I am writing.  The one that I got the almost, kinda, sorta, hopefully okay on is the one about about conumer credit, mortgages, homebuying, investing, saving and the accumulation of wealth for the average, unknowledgeable person who wants to learn about how to move on to their financial future.  That is almost wrapped up and will be under contract sometime in Q1 of 2003 (if all goes well, which it usually does not...).  Currently in negotiations...  To be continued...

The second book, (the one that I WANT to write) about RUSH lyrics, philospohy, enlightenment & inspiration I have not made that much headway on.  Proposal is under construction and it will be discussed upon my meeting with the same agent.  As much as I want to put this one first, I must put the one that people would actually buy, and possibly even read as priority if I ever  expect to have anyone take me seriously on the second one.

Anyhow, I have a strong outline, breakdown and most of the sample chapter completed.  I will keep you informed...

As far as RUSH & "Losing It," what an awesome song.  The type that just makes me feel alive and grateful for the opportunity to explore my dreams, hopes and ambitions.  It lets me truly try to take advantage of what passions and desires that I have now, knowing that someday too, I may face "Sadder still to watch it die, then never to have known it.  For you -- The blind who once could see...  The bells tolls for thee.."

Option One, I grow old and slowly suffer the gradual loss of a talent.  Option two, I die suddenly and never see that type of pain & suffering in realizing myself pass through the wheels of time.

Rock on!

I am actually doing this as a mirror project to an endeavor that I began surrounding my work.  By trade I am a mortgage & investment banker.  I am a partner in a small firm and for all intents and purposes, run my practice almost completely autonomously from any large "institution."

I have been approached to write a book about Mortgages,Consumer Credit,and Homebuying, etc.  In the process of this, I began to explore the idea of the 501(c)3 to create an institute for people who normally would not qualify for a mortgage or ever think about buying a home.  This would provide FREE education to members of the local community.  My wet dream is to have enough funding in the 501(c)3 to offer downpayments to underprivileged people who could really benefit from it.  (Then I woke up and she wasn't there in the morning.  Oh well...)

The book that I discussed in my post is not the type of book that I think that there is much of a market for and, frankly, I've told my f*ck*ng story too many times to need to "TELL THE WORLD."  On the other hand, I do not think that writing a book based on philosophical interpretations of lyrics will ever be a best seller.

That is my point.  I am not writing this for anyone but me.  I don't care if anyone ever reads it.  I just need to write it.  I get very passionate about very few things, but man, when I focus on those things, I feel that I am in synch. with my purpose.  Without purpose, my experiences become of no value to myself or anyone.  The pain and suffering that I endured has to motivate me towards good, otherwise the resentment, anger and hate will destroy me like it has the best of us.

I don't need to tell anybody about my experiences.  I just need to write to sort out my thoughts and get a better perspective on some of the new insights that I have gained over the years.  

You are probably right.  Until I get an advance check for my PHILOSOPHICAL JOURNEY TO EXPLORE THE QUESTIONS THAT HAVE NO ANSWERS, I best not get my hopes up.  In fact, if I keep them down then I don't need to suffer disappointment upon the realization that most people could care less.  Anyhow, I think that I am realistic in my expectations and I apologize if I gave anyone the wrong idea.

Happy Holidays!

Jeff :silly:

Just to introduce myself, I am a neutral party in the war about AARC.  After spending 4 1/2 years in KIDS on 1st phase (most of it), I am not a neutral party regarding the KIDS programs.

I miss ALL of my Canadian friends and would love to hear from any & all of them.  I have spent over 12 years since signing out (yep, I signed out) of KIDS learning & studying the dynamics and effects of cults & high demand groups.  Moreso, I have done much reflecting on my life & experiences before, during and after KIDS.  


Interestingly enough, a good amount of their lyrics are centered around a Russian author who lived under dictatorship.  Her name was Ayn Rand and her philosophy was & is called Objectivism.  Some of her most influential works like "The Fountainhead" and "Atlas Shrugged" provide the groundwork for many songs that surround the concepts of "Think for yourself" "Freewill" "Selfishness as a virtue" and countless others.

Many people have inquired over the years that their music is great, but, "What are they singing about?"  I want to try to answer that with my opinions and experiences with how I have been constantly inspired by the positive messages in their music. (No, not the one in A Passage to Bangkok) ::rocker:: Nor is this book about endorsing anyone to get high, fighting "A War on Drugs" or a mud throwing contest.  I will relate the facts about my experiences and my feelings & thoughts around them.  If someone is embarrased that they had me restrained for 8 hours or starved or beaten for non-compliance, then they shouldn't have done it.  That is not slanderous.  It is known as the Freedom of Speech.  Without it, all freedom is lost to a totalitarian leader.

If anyone would like to contribute anything, or would like to contact me, please do so on or e-mail me privately at [email protected]

Best of luck to all!

News Items / Who knows Dean Vause - lets have some facts here too
« on: December 23, 2002, 12:21:00 AM »
First of all, I only know Dean Vause (prior to PhD's, AARC,etc.) from his days training in NJ under the roof of KIDS of Bergen County/KIDS of North Jersey.  My recollection of him is vague (13+ years ago).

I knew Brian Neil (he was my newcomer) and someone who I would consider to be a friend.  My reaction to hearing of his tragic death sickened me (as does hearing of anyone from treatment dying a preventable death).  

From reading all of the past 50 or so posts, it is VERY clear that there are two conflicting views & opinions.  Being human requires one to think for themselves.  To receive information, process it, analyze it and form some type of opinion.  Clearly, that opinion will be colored & influenced by one's experiences up to that point, information received and a variety of other factors.  To reiterate, the opinions on this post totally conflict.  The problem that I have is that they are BOTH very extreme and allow very little room for reasoning.

It has been my experience in working with many ex-cult members (no, I am not a professional, I am a mortgage investment banker by trade) that one of the many common threads of cults is the black & white, right & wrong, us versus them, good & bad with nothing but seperation between each extreme.

Many of the great thinkers & philosophers for the past 2500+ years have had great theories that make perfect sense about life, our existence & man's relation to it.  One of the common problems with most of them is that they lose validity, when taken to absolute extremes.

I know that KIDS was a horrific place where I was tortured for most of my 4 1/2 year incarceration there.  All that I think that I know about AARC is that its initial intention was to "take the good from KIDS" and try to replace or to change what was bad.

 :nworthy: Any person who is in a position of "ABSOLUTE AUTHORITY" is vulnerable to the intoxication of power.  Throughout history, people who may have came from different places in life, ultimately ended up in very destructive and dangerous situations, those which threatened the autonomy & wellbeing of those who follow his or her "ABSOLUTE" ways :nworthy: .

Man is imperfect.  If that is slanderous then I just opened myself up to about 2 billion international & global lawsuits. ::deal::

The imperfection of men (& women) simply prevents us from successfully being in a position of unaccountable power.  It has ultimately destroyed good leaders & the people who served them.  I have not once said that Dean Vause is in AN UNACCOUNTABLE, ABSOLUTE STATE OF POWER.

If however, a leader of such a center is not accountable to his patients whom he treats, the breeding ground for trouble is being created.

I don't know enough about the circumstances surrounding the allegations against Mr. or Dr. Vause, nor do I know anything about AARC, except that I miss all of my Canadian friends greatly (1986 - 1990).

I intimately know all of the inner working of KIDS, Newton, his absolute black & white theories and his destructive addiction to control, power & authority.  As I said earlier, it is an intoxicating state to have total power.  No human can have it because we are imperfect and if we try to hide our imperfections, they manifest themselves in other aspects of our being & our relationship with other beings.

I hope you are either very confused or very sleepy after reading my post!

Jeff Z*cc*l*
2/1986 thru 8/1990

I am actually a KIDS survivor who did 4 1/2 years (mainly on 1st phase) of hard time.  A few years ago, I was in contact with this person who was passionately seeking survivors to tell their stories.

If this person is still out there, please find me on the KIDS board (  I am currently writing a book and would like to share some of my info.  

My book, unfortunately will not be primarily targeting the atrocities that have & still are occuring because of this "DRUG WAR" which collectively seems to have created more juvenile casualties than substance abuse...

I am simply using it as a vehicle to express my experiences before KIDS of Bergen County/KIDS of North Jersey(Newton after leaving Straight), during and after.  The book will center around many lyrics from the group RUSH & their inspirational messages that have gotten me this far after almost 5 years of being "Mind F*ck*d"  ::bigsmilebounce::

Anyone interested may want to read my analysis of FEAR by RUSH, especially part III - Witch Hunt.

Ignorance, prejudice & FEAR walk hand in hand!" - RUSH Witch Hunt 1981

As bad as I have ever gotten in the lowest points of depression, desperation & devastation (3D's), I would probably sign myself in for "professional treatment" before becoming a "Milli Vanilli" fan or even go out of my way to listen to their sad & sorry attempt at displaying "creativity" & "music".


Rush, on the other side of the spectrum is a very talented & creative display of talent, music & creative inspiration.  Who else ever wrote a complete album side about the study & follow up to greek mythology (Hemispheres)?  Who else ever a 9+ minute song about the conflict man has created between science & nature (Natural Science).  Who else can ever claim to have written lyrics that were inspired by Ayn Rand's objectivism and her fictional & philospohical stories?  

Well, Milli Vanilli, looks like you've got some work to do.  Until such a time, I am not a fan (nor ever will be).  

Thanks for the good luck!  Its not just a book, its an adventure!


Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / So, this is what its all about.....
« on: December 21, 2002, 12:27:00 AM »
Okay, now on with the show! (actually, the book)

As of this moment (and subject to change), the name of my book will be called:

The RUSH Inspiration: Before, During & After Mind Control and Thought Reform

Right now I plan to write about my interpretations of many Rush songs, but more how they have affected my outlooks on life.  How they influenced me before KIDS, during my 4 1/2 year imprisonment and mostly how they have related to me dealing with the aftermath since I have left.

Also, a major focus will be to concentrate on reflecting back into my KIDS life & experiences and how they actually provide much validity to RUSH's songs.  A major theme throughout their many albums has been to beware of any authority which threatens your ability to think for yourself.  It also warns of people in ower becoming intoxiced by it and oppressing the masses..  The ideas that one may develop might threaten his almighty leader's authoritarian control.  Freewill is a major concept througout their songs.  In 2112, when the realization was made that he would never be free to live for himself & persue his dreams "of a world like I have seen" he decided that death was better than knowing his true dreams & never being able to live them.  "My lifeblood spills over"  

The KIDS experience will be discussed in detail with the cult themes and the extensive brain-washing, thought reform, black & white, good versus evil, right wing drug war, the use & abuse of fear as a weapon to be used against us.  

I want to publicly express & share with those who want to read, what these songs have done to my life in contrast to the negativity that I survived.  It is strictly the love ::drummer::  and the hate ::jawdrop::  ::eek3::


Back to purpose, my mother's tragic death & many other adversities that I have faced have caused me to seek wisdom & insight about the questions that have no real answers:

Why am I here?Why didn't my parents figure it out?
What is my purpose?  Why is life so short?  
Why is it so unfair?  
Why did I out of so many millions of long-haired, rebelious and crazy teens get imprisoned for 4 1/2 years?   Now that I am out, why does everyone who is in think that I am bad?  When do we all awake from this sureal horror?  What is the meaning of this life?

Underneath all of these questions is a burning passion in my soul that feeds my mind & stregnthens my heart.  It burns hotter and stronger than any rage that I have ever felt.  I beleive this to be my spirit which was ignighted by the program and fueled by all the crap afterwards.  It drives me everyday to seek to learn more about my existence.  It helps me to understand that realities that exceed human logic.  This beautiful fire that burns in my heart grows everyday that I try to better my existence & contribute to others.  THIS IS THE ONLY MOTIVATOR THAT I WILL USE TO WRITE MY BOOK!  I know that my literary agent will disagree, but I must be true to myself & my reality, not what people will buy.

 ::soapbox::  is this stupid book going to be about?   :silly:
 Jeff Z*cc*l* :wave:

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