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Topics - Rusty Goat

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Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Vacancy?
« on: October 27, 2008, 10:14:59 PM »
why were there NO cars going in and out of 6070 BHGP Milford, OH
either last Friday or tonight? Hmm, weird I tell ya, but it could be a
good sign though, since those nights are normally reserved for OPEN
MEETINGS. LOL. I sure hope them meetins got cancelled due to lack of
enrollment. Course, it would be devastating to learn that they were
simply moved elsewhere, it's not out of the question, but either way,
completely cool that there were NO cars at the old straight inc
buildin tonight or last Friday.

The Troubled Teen Industry / fundraise for abuse!
« on: February 29, 2008, 11:03:34 AM »
Pathway Family Center (STRAIGHT, INC. Michigan) holding it's first "annual" fundraiser. can anyone near there hand out some fliers or hold a sign or two?

Saturday, March 1, 2008
4:00 PM - 12:00 AM
9650 North Augusta Drive
Carmel, IN 46032

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / casual observations
« on: February 17, 2008, 11:42:37 AM »
The end times are appearing to draw nigh, yet are ever so evasive. Ask Mel Sembler, his straight inc. shares have dropped a good 60% or so in the last 7 years. lol... Adding insult to his injury, at straight inc's sister program, PFC, CEO Terri Nissley goofed and lied. I talked to her for over an hour recently in an attempt to secure documents and determine the location of their new Northwest Indiana "licensed facility" that had opened and been advertised on their site. Well, come to find out, it does not exist. They are just doing assessments and referrals out of an office in some office park called Duneland Wellness Center. A far cry from the "licensed facility" that they advertise. You see, they acquired over $400,000 from various sources to open a facility LAST summer. Jeez. Now, not only have they received the money, they have not opened a building in NW Indiana. The flood of clients is non-existent and the truth is starting to sink in. People are learning what this treatment modality is all about now. Sure, activism has amplified the voice of the truth and will always be appreciated to one extent or another. Clients that are kept there are the 'willing' ones. Misbehavers are booted, so there's less chance of something terrible happening, like a broken bone or lawsuit or whatever. Only the meek/mild/gullible make the cut these days. That's dangerous as hell though. I tried explaining this to Terri, but to no avail. Even the 'I graduated but woke up later' didn't work on her. She thinks it's a good thing that I lost my album collection as a druggie stash, and the holding my piss for 70 hours or so was all worth the drug freeishness I was programmed to maintain. I figured if she heard some reality based experience dealing with the side effects of straight inc treatment modality, maybe she would begin to see the errors of her ways and maybe, just maybe, they would put down their weapons. OH WELL, she has proven to me that no such arrangement will be made and that eventhough the public is on to them now, they plan to tout their BS until the day the world ends. I believe it is up to us to continue educating the public about straight inc, let the cards fall, the water puddle, the cookie crumble, etc...


Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / more? when will they give up? LOL
« on: February 10, 2008, 01:24:49 PM » ... 0495ba.txt

Hey Bob, how about featuring another survivor story? Or, like a formal investigation type story, like since they claimed the drug scourge was SO BAD there in Porter County that people would be lined up for miles and miles to get help at PFC but in reality people can see what they REALLY are doing... jeezoweezo! Seems like the folks up there are getting wiser and wiser, LOL... I say WISE ON you Indiana public people you!!!!!!! Woohoo!!!


yet another amazing article, no author, contact info, just a bunch of secretive puttin it out there journalism...,pcpathway.article

The Troubled Teen Industry / CNN story
« on: January 17, 2008, 11:39:41 PM »
Sometime in the near future, to be announced when decided, CNN is going to run a story about computer recycling at a place in MD. I have been a long-time customer/helper/vendor for this place (Subtractions) and CNN will be there in the AM tomorrow (Friday 1-18-08) with camera and reporter. I have strategically placed small but BOLD signs with educational about the teen hurt industry websites on them in several areas, in the hopes that the camera will catch at least one or more of them while doing the recycling story. The owner gave permission but said that they would most likely blur them out or edit somehow. As long as they don't interfere with his business, they will be fine. I assume the story would run one day really soon. It's not much of a gettin it out there type of idea, but at least the owner was cool about it and if they do show the sign(s) by chance or whatever, then a couple million people will see it (them)  ;D...
I'll post the time if I find out, otherwise, just please keep your eyes peeled for it.
Thanks, yours truly etc...

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / NWI Times, AT IT AGAIN
« on: January 16, 2008, 12:55:30 AM » ... 832f06.txt

NWI Times and PFC are reporting that PFC has a licensed facility at 425 Sand Creek Chesterton IN. Well well, that is a community type center full of all sorts of medical professionals and restaraunts, etc... The bottom line is that PFC is not running a licensed facility there in NW Indiana. This has been confirmed by the Indiana Dept. of Mental Health which does license their Indianapolis location. Nobody needs a license to assess or refer kids to drug treatment programs in Indiana. I would call that false advertising. To top it off, people cannot comment in the comment section of that article. HMMMM!!!! Why is that Terri? Did you buy a locked article? Wouldn't want parents to do research on your treatment modality?

To me, it looks like a rather desperate attempt by the program to harangue more desperate parents into thinking that this place is the next best thing to sliced bread, all the while knowing full well that even that recent meeting with the President of the USA won't buy this false advertising laden story much credibility...  ;)


Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Bill, is this really you?
« on: November 01, 2007, 10:37:36 PM »

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / pfc supporter theme song
« on: September 14, 2007, 11:15:19 AM »
hey pfc supporters, I heard this on the radio earlier today and thought of you,  :rofl: Can you play it at your next open meeting? :rofl:

Life is so strange when its changin, yes indeed
Well Ive seen the hard times and the pressures been on me
But I keep on workin like the workin man do
And Ive got my act together, gonna walk all over you

Gimme back my bullets
Put em back where they belong
Aint foolin around cause I done had my fun
Aint gonna see no more damage done
Gimme back my bullets

Sweet talkin people done ran me out of town
And I drank enough whiskey to float a battleship around
But Im leavin this game one step ahead of you
And you will not hear me cry cause I do not sing the blues

Gimme back my bullets
Put em back where they belong
Aint foolin around cause I done had my fun
Aint gonna see no more damage done
Gimme back, gimme back my bullets
Oh, put em back... where they belong

Been up and down since I turned seventeen
Well Ive been on top, and then it seems I lost my dream
But I got it back, Im feelin better everyday
Tell all those pencil pushers, better get out of my way

Gimme back my bullets
Put em back where they belong
Aint foolin around, cause I done had my fun
Aint gonna see no more damage done
Gimme back, gimme back my bullets
Oh put em back where they belong
Gimme back my bullets

Lynyrd Skynyrd

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Strip Searching Minors
« on: August 09, 2007, 11:37:18 AM »
Does anyone out there know what the law says about strip searching minors? Or, more specifically, minors strip searching other minors? I found a statute that covers the strip searching of detainees, like in a jail/prison, but nothing about minors in an outpatient drug rehab facility. It appears to be an actual crime to do this outside the law and given the number of clients that KHK/PFC have strip searched, does it seem possible that this may be something that could be reported as a crime on many counts?  :question:


Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / straight staff still at pfc
« on: August 01, 2007, 11:45:08 AM »
:-? Winebarger? mom/daughter tag team? What are they still doing there today?  :-?


:roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:   :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:
from the site:

Just walk away
Monday, May 7, 2007 12:56 AM CDT
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VALPARAISO | The Community Action Drug Coalition (CADC) will host its WALK AWAY FROM DRUGS on May 19 in Downtown Valparaiso at the Courthouse Square.

The walk route, which is 1.7 miles in length, heads north from Courthouse Square to Washington Street onto Harrison then west one block heading south on Lafayette back to Courthouse Square.

Registration for the event will begin at 9 a.m. with an opening ceremony at 10 a.m. Refreshments will be available. Individuals interested in walking or putting teams together are encouraged to collect pledges. Registration information and pledge sheets are available from a CADC board member or at the following locations:

 In Valparaiso:

Harris Bank—750 South Washington Street and 3500 Calumet Avenue

Boys & Girls Clubs of Porter County —354 W. Jefferson Street (see Christine Pouch)

In Portage:

Harris Bank—6015 US Highway 6

Proceeds from this year’s event will support Pathway Family Center, an adolescent treatment program, coming to Northwest Indiana this year. The mission of the CADC is to act as a conduit to reduce/eliminate drug abuse in Porter County by advocating prevention, treatment and education. For more information about the CADC or WALK AWAY FROM DRUGS, contact Dr. Mann Spitler at 464-9588 or Christine Pouch at 464-7282 ext. 226.

Straight, Inc. and Derivatives / Hey druggie, take a walk, LOL!!
« on: April 19, 2007, 11:27:46 AM » ... 5698d2.txt

Join the CADC and Walk Away from Drugs
Friday, April 6, 2007 12:28 AM CDT
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This first step to curbing a drug problem, whether it is heroin, alcohol or tobacco, is to just walk away. That is exactly what organizers of the 4th ANNUAL WALK AWAY FROM DRUGS hope will happen. The Community Action Drug Coalition (CADC) is inviting all businesses and individuals to join them in their mission to find solutions to the drug problem that is plaguing Porter County.

For the fourth year in a row, the CADC will host its WALK AWAY FROM DRUGS May 19 in downtown Valparaiso. Registration for this event will begin at 9 a.m. in front of the Courthouse on Lincolnway. An opening ceremony will kick off the walk at 10 a.m. Funds raised will support establishing a Pathway Family Center, a teen drug treatment facility, in Porter County.

Walkers and sponsors are encouraged to participate in this community event, which is designed to raise awareness, provide education and fight substance abuse.  Corporate sponsorships are available starting at $250.  Corporate sponsors pledging $1,000 or more will have their corporate logo featured on event T-shirts. As an added bonus, donors supporting the event for $1,000 or more will be listed on the Founder’s Wall when the Pathway Family Center opens this fall. Individuals interested in walking or putting together a team of walkers are encouraged to collect pledges and pre-register by April 20. Pre-registration guarantees walkers a free event T-shirt.  Pledge sheets, sponsorship and registration forms are available by contacting a CADC volunteer or at Harris Bank branches in Porter County.

The mission of the CADC is to serve as a conduit to reduce/eliminate drug abuse in Porter County by advocating prevention, treatment and education.

For more information about the CADC, WALK AWAY FROM DRUGS or Pathway Family Center, contact Mann Spitler at (219) 464-9588.

--The Times

Notice how they say "When pfc opens this fall"? Countin chickens 'fore the eggs are they? Yep, well, whatever, they aint got that money yet, but whatever, ya'll have fun now ya hear! Jus remember to line up heel to toe  :rofl:


:flame:  from the March 20 meeting minutes of Porter County Commisioners:

"Com. Harper, “The next thing on the agenda is the approval of the amendment to the CEDIT Plan and a discussion on it. I was hopeful that this plan could get in front of the Council at their meeting this month but it is now my understanding that it’s probably not going to happen because they have to advertise this, is that correct? All right, and the suggested amendments to the CEDIT Plan are as follows: The North County Highway Garage, $1.2 million; the Pathways Drug Treatment Program, $200,000.00; PACT Counseling and housing of drug court defendants, $30,000.00; the drug court defendants, that’s a series of people that are going through drug court, they are required to do certain things, sometimes they are required to do counseling and sometimes they are required to stay in certain housing in Porter County. Sometimes they don’t have the first month’s rent and so forth, they are required to get a job after they’re in drug court for so long and so this is a fund to help the PACT administer and to help pay for those things. We have a GIS ongoing project that I think a good estimate on expenses for software and equipment would be $150,000.00."

Folks, they have to advertise this... like in public. Looks like they tried SNEAKIN it in so that the public couldn't say anything till it was too late.

Well, now's a great time to send in one more round of letters or whatever... These people don't care about kids. How could they have all the information about straight inc and IGNORE the abuse? I mean, why PAY for it? The nightmare continues................



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