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Messages - bryankoz

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The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: What about
« on: April 24, 2012, 11:00:45 PM »
none ya, if you want to second the "learn to spell",  you might also wanna put a period after those parentheses. in the "big boy world" it isn't possible to make a point while contradicting yourself. but im sure you will make a big difference for the world when you show up to court, guns blazing about all the child abuse you have been through, yet having no scars? without any evidence you might actually have to think for yourself in order to build a case.
calling the defense lawyer a homosexual wont work either. good luck to you all. to make a case you have to have some kind of evidence. unfortunatly for you, carlbrook never molested you, beat you, or anything else worthy of a scandal. the only truama you have to stand on is goin to bed at 3 in the morning, not talking to your parents, and sympathy for staff who didnt get paid enough. dude, you guys should make documentary about it! it would be very popular in beverely hills and all of orange county im sure. it might lose interest in the inner city communities though. 14 yo gangbangers shooting the town up takes precedence over a 14 yo who is on "bans" from talking to his friends lol

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: What about
« on: April 24, 2012, 12:48:17 PM »
ill leave one last post. my stay had a very positive effect on my life. but like you already know, that is irrelevant. what you guys are asking for is orthodox treatment for unorthodox kids. you have all managed to find loopholes in the system, such as a meeting goin 5 hours past ten to become sleep dep. and grant coming in on workshops (as if any joe can't teach the win-win scenario in amacitias). im sure you could find more things to build a case if you looked hard enough. just because something is illegal doesnt make it unmoral. likewise, and more importantly, just because something is uncomfortable doesnt make it harmful. the schools treatment of their staff has nothing to do with the students. that will never change. and their pay rate is even more so irrelevant in court. the idea that a school opened up to make money is no shock. what really bums me is that this country has gotten too soft becauses situations like this. while once there was a belt, now in california you can only use an open palm to spank, without any object at all. teenagers, being old enough to make life changing decisions, and young enough to do it recklessly without thought, are becoming increasingly more difficult to handle with the dwindling treatment options. there was one program in the 60's that allowed the kids to fight it out in a boxing ring instead of with bare fists. now days we shun this outlet so much it becomes repressed into a psycological torment. now carlbrook, without physical harm, found ways to get anger out in those mock-up scream things they did, and they found ways to get teenagers to talk about about their issues by wearing down all their walls in long lasting group therapy. they successfully shook the very foundation of each kid hard enough to open them up. for that i am grateful.

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: What about
« on: April 23, 2012, 11:15:38 PM »
i have no response for horatio, partially because im tired of writing in this post, or you can beleive that i accept your answer as my truth if it makes you feel better.
however, for cooltherapy, in trusting that what you say about your life is true, i have to ask you why you are doing this? i say this respectfully now. i made the mistake of grouping all of you as whining brats. however, if you are truelly self-made as you have explained why would you waste your time pursuing carlbrook in some legal contest? there is so many things more important to do then live in resent of that which is unimportant. i was vile before, now i say with respect, carlbrook had some mistakes, but only threw the actions of individuals. your ultrasound situation could of happened at any school. but it should cost the job of the supervisor, not the entire school. theraputic boarding schools, in my opinion were set-up to babysit because the child could not be controlled by the parent. and they do their job well. if you take out the tbs then there is no median between freedom and prison (in short). now some people in this forum have personally attacked ti
 brace. i would trust him with my life. that is why i know the posts are delusional. so i ask again, if the freedom to talk to your parents was so imperative, why did your parents admit you? everything was cut and dry prior to admission. why would you spend your time and energy to pursue this any further?

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: What about
« on: April 23, 2012, 09:09:04 PM »
i bet you do have nightmares about carlbrook. welcome to the world. i have nightmares about everything from public highschool to my current boss screaming at me. i have had so many friends that have died but i don't blame it on the highschool they went to. just like you guys said grant price sold carlbrook like a care salesman, so did your lawyer that you have a case, and your doctor that you have trauma from carlbrook( let me guess, you managed to squeeze some pills out of him to treat your ailment? i guess some things never change, once a con-artist, always a con-artist).  one of the reasons i think you guys are spoiled isnt because you got everything you needed, but because you truelly beleive the world owes you its love and compassion. sooner or later you will all have to get a job to support yourself. when you do, you will be blessed with a boss who doesnt give a fuck about how you feel. and despite the fact that he treats you inhumanely,  perhaps lawsuit worthy, you will still have to kiss his ass to keep your job. what startles me is that i felt so much love fro
 the staff at carlbrook, and it was quite an adjustment when i came out to a world of survival of the fittest. which leads me to beleive that if you guys couldn't see how much the staff wanted to help you, you have a big surprise coming your way in the real world.
        so go on, what are the other greivances. the phone call was only 10 minutes long which gave you home sickness disorder. the dorm windows had alarms which caused paranoid schizophrenia of being locked up. enlighten me

The Troubled Teen Industry / Re: What about
« on: April 23, 2012, 11:45:02 AM »
dude, i was laughin too hard last night to reply to this post. this so called trauma you kids went through is poetically hilarious. i was the first student to step through the door of that school, and noone there was there for forgetting to tie their shoe laces. only in the united states would a teenager break the law, defy their parents, treat their school administrator like shit, and expect to be served dinner on a silver platter. the traumatizing sleep deprivation was maybe a 12 hour group therapy, i guess that is way worse than a hard cock in your ass at prison. you guys are so spoiled. i guess your parents should of got on their knees when they begged you not to ditch school, then you would of listened. please reply to this post because i would love to hear all your stories about how you were scarred for life. its no mystery to who i am. so if your plees are so legitamite why dont you grow some balls and tell the police instead of hiding in an internet post. first caller i will pay 50 bucks if they let me tag along to listen to the report. i live in LA so let me know if your local and ready to do this.

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