Author Topic: What about "Carlbrook School"?  (Read 91678 times)

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Offline bryankoz

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Re: What about
« Reply #315 on: April 23, 2012, 11:15:38 PM »
i have no response for horatio, partially because im tired of writing in this post, or you can beleive that i accept your answer as my truth if it makes you feel better.
however, for cooltherapy, in trusting that what you say about your life is true, i have to ask you why you are doing this? i say this respectfully now. i made the mistake of grouping all of you as whining brats. however, if you are truelly self-made as you have explained why would you waste your time pursuing carlbrook in some legal contest? there is so many things more important to do then live in resent of that which is unimportant. i was vile before, now i say with respect, carlbrook had some mistakes, but only threw the actions of individuals. your ultrasound situation could of happened at any school. but it should cost the job of the supervisor, not the entire school. theraputic boarding schools, in my opinion were set-up to babysit because the child could not be controlled by the parent. and they do their job well. if you take out the tbs then there is no median between freedom and prison (in short). now some people in this forum have personally attacked ti
 brace. i would trust him with my life. that is why i know the posts are delusional. so i ask again, if the freedom to talk to your parents was so imperative, why did your parents admit you? everything was cut and dry prior to admission. why would you spend your time and energy to pursue this any further?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline DannyB.II

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Re: What about
« Reply #316 on: April 24, 2012, 12:38:21 AM »
Quote from: "bryankoz"
i have no response for horatio, partially because im tired of writing in this post, or you can beleive that i accept your answer as my truth if it makes you feel better.
however, for cooltherapy, in trusting that what you say about your life is true, i have to ask you why you are doing this? i say this respectfully now. i made the mistake of grouping all of you as whining brats. however, if you are truelly self-made as you have explained why would you waste your time pursuing carlbrook in some legal contest? there is so many things more important to do then live in resent of that which is unimportant. i was vile before, now i say with respect, carlbrook had some mistakes, but only threw the actions of individuals. your ultrasound situation could of happened at any school. but it should cost the job of the supervisor, not the entire school. theraputic boarding schools, in my opinion were set-up to babysit because the child could not be controlled by the parent. and they do their job well. if you take out the tbs then there is no median between freedom and prison (in short). now some people in this forum have personally attacked ti
 brace. i would trust him with my life. that is why i know the posts are delusional. so i ask again, if the freedom to talk to your parents was so imperative, why did your parents admit you? everything was cut and dry prior to admission. why would you spend your time and energy to pursue this any further?
Here's a question: Why is it any of your business?

Come in here with your foul mouth and horseshit accusations. Then, your complain "Oooh, my boss yells at me"

Who cares? You're an idiot

Get a real job. Learn to spell. That might help
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Horatio.

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Re: What about
« Reply #317 on: April 24, 2012, 12:40:35 AM »
Quote from: "bryankoz"
i have no response for horatio, partially because im tired of writing in this post, or you can beleive that i accept your answer as my truth if it makes you feel better.
however, for cooltherapy, in trusting that what you say about your life is true, i have to ask you why you are doing this? i say this respectfully now. i made the mistake of grouping all of you as whining brats. however, if you are truelly self-made as you have explained why would you waste your time pursuing carlbrook in some legal contest? there is so many things more important to do then live in resent of that which is unimportant. i was vile before, now i say with respect, carlbrook had some mistakes, but only threw the actions of individuals. your ultrasound situation could of happened at any school. but it should cost the job of the supervisor, not the entire school. theraputic boarding schools, in my opinion were set-up to babysit because the child could not be controlled by the parent. and they do their job well. if you take out the tbs then there is no median between freedom and prison (in short). now some people in this forum have personally attacked ti
 brace. i would trust him with my life. that is why i know the posts are delusional. so i ask again, if the freedom to talk to your parents was so imperative, why did your parents admit you? everything was cut and dry prior to admission. why would you spend your time and energy to pursue this any further?
There's a simple solution to your problems  :suicide:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline none-ya.

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Re: What about
« Reply #318 on: April 24, 2012, 12:51:57 AM »
Knock it off Danny
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
This username is a para...pare....fake profile created strictly for the purpose of whimsey and yuk yuks

Offline cooltherapy

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Re: What about
« Reply #319 on: April 24, 2012, 04:37:28 AM »
Quote from: "bryankoz"
however, for cooltherapy, in trusting that what you say about your life is true, i have to ask you why you are doing this? i say this respectfully now. i made the mistake of grouping all of you as whining brats. however, if you are truelly self-made as you have explained why would you waste your time pursuing carlbrook in some legal contest? there is so many things more important to do then live in resent of that which is unimportant. i was vile before, now i say with respect, carlbrook had some mistakes, but only threw the actions of individuals. your ultrasound situation could of happened at any school. but it should cost the job of the supervisor, not the entire school. theraputic boarding schools, in my opinion were set-up to babysit because the child could not be controlled by the parent. and they do their job well. if you take out the tbs then there is no median between freedom and prison (in short). now some people in this forum have personally attacked tim brace. i would trust him with my life. that is why i know the posts are delusional. so i ask again, if the freedom to talk to your parents was so imperative, why did your parents admit you? everything was cut and dry prior to admission. why would you spend your time and energy to pursue this any further?


I do this because of the nights I've spent awake worrying about it. Some of my friends think it's a little absurd, others completely behind me. It's irrelevant to me how people feel about it. I had nightmares pretty regularly for 5 years after I graduated. It took 6 different counselors before I found the guy who ultimately saved me from those dreams. I haven't had a nightmare in 6 months (when he said I was ready to move on and didn't need to see him anymore). Why did it take so much effort and so many years to get through that? PTSD.

What really keeps me up at night... and the reason that I put forth the energy now... is the thought of kids who are there right now. No, not everyone will have the same response that I did. Not everyone is quite so sensitive. But for the few who are... (those who feel trapped and spend 16+ months biting their tongue when they felt things were unfair only to leave the school feeling hollow, censored, and weak) ...I'm going to say my piece.

I felt WEAK after I left. I arrived at Carlbrook VERY extroverted, outgoing, wild... I dabbled in drugs, skipped a lot of school, and ignored my parents' requests. I needed to be pushed in an alternate direction - but not at the cost of losing my identity. I started college right after leaving Carlbrook and felt isolated from my peers. I was shy, very quiet, and thus, made no friends. I dated a series of men who took advantage of my weakness. This furthered my negative self-image.

It is taking time but I am finally able to interact with large groups of people. I have a very nice group of friends... many don't know anything about my life before graduate school. It's difficult to talk about... and, frankly, everyone has an opinion and thinks they can fix me. It makes it worse. Not many people go through the bizarre things that we did. And regardless of whether you believe that they were abusive or fair... that shit was fucking strange. Have you watched Jesus Camp? It made me sick.  

So that's why I take time out of my severely busy schedule to make a point to hold this school accountable. Regardless of whether we had close relationships with the staff members, there is so much behind the scenes that, as students, we were unaware of.  

And this is where I hop on my soapbox.. Forgive me if you know this... but I've learned this through years of research and chatting with various CBK teachers, ex-teachers, staff, ex-staff, graduates, graduates of other programs...etc.........

Tim Brace? Yeah... What he doesn't mention to us in Monday Assembly is that he's been involved in AT LEAST 5 schools that have been shut down by various state governments. He is not alone. Many of the board members' names pop up affiliated with schools that have since been deemed abusive. You can say they were different? These staff members changed their practices to better fit into the standards of our modern day society? No. Read the workshop scripts. They. Are. Identical. Speak with the graduates of these other institutions, some of whom are now into their 40s. Same experience. Same staff. Same nightmares. Same fucking situation. Check out the CEDU documentaries on YouTube. You'll hear your beloved Tim Brace's name mentioned a few times in there. More importantly, chat with the people who created those videos... you'll hear even more when they're not on tape.

The school's caring nature? Nah. Call up Hope Bowling, Stephen Davidson, Mama Saunders.... they'll tell you how much the school cares about peoples' livelihoods. Teachers are fired with absolutely NO NOTICE and are often not given an explanation (not required by VA law). New staff members were hired on at 1/2 the pay. But, truth is, many of these (more recent) ex-teachers/ex-advisers won't say anything to you. This is because Carlbrook had them sign a waiver for 6 months severance to never speak about the school again. To receive these moneys (which many of them are desperate for because of the SHITTY economy in South Side Virginia) it is mandated that they do not speak to former students, former staff members, sometimes current staff members, or even ABOUT Carlbrook to unrelated parties.

If that isn't worrisome enough... why don't you give them a call and ask for your records? Not the application forms... the BINDER that they kept in the Carriage House that contained all of your therapeutics, health, etc. If you graduated before 2009, they will not have it for you. 2008 and earlier graduates' information was shredded by the staff when they first started to hear murmuring from former students. I could give you further details of this, but I am not sure if there are current employees who could be damaged by the information.

This isn't even getting into the workshops, groups, negative sculptures, stumps, suspension, etc.... and I won't go there tonight. Mostly because I think that it's a waste of time. Some people liked that stuff, others didn't. But the points mentioned above SHOULD worry you. They should make you think. They should make you question the people who you're holding so close to your heart.

And, as someone mentioned above, you can chose to continue to ignore this. That's fine with me. I'm not looking for allies. I'm not looking for someone to join my "crusade." I'm just looking for Carlbrook to be held accountable for once. It's time for them to write their own honor list. All of the board members and higher-up advising staff should be on permanent stumps. A handful should be in prison for fraud. The rest of them? They're lost in the romance of it all. And it's hard not to be. It's hard to evaluate yourself... hard to admit that you could be causing damage.

Anyway, signing off. Maybe this helps give you a clearer view of why I might feel so passionately about this. I know it certainly helped me to sit and write it.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline DannyB.II

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Re: What about
« Reply #320 on: April 24, 2012, 10:17:02 AM »
It will be nice to have a ton of cash to lick the wounds for you. Never hurts  :roflmao:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline bryankoz

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Re: What about
« Reply #321 on: April 24, 2012, 12:48:17 PM »
ill leave one last post. my stay had a very positive effect on my life. but like you already know, that is irrelevant. what you guys are asking for is orthodox treatment for unorthodox kids. you have all managed to find loopholes in the system, such as a meeting goin 5 hours past ten to become sleep dep. and grant coming in on workshops (as if any joe can't teach the win-win scenario in amacitias). im sure you could find more things to build a case if you looked hard enough. just because something is illegal doesnt make it unmoral. likewise, and more importantly, just because something is uncomfortable doesnt make it harmful. the schools treatment of their staff has nothing to do with the students. that will never change. and their pay rate is even more so irrelevant in court. the idea that a school opened up to make money is no shock. what really bums me is that this country has gotten too soft becauses situations like this. while once there was a belt, now in california you can only use an open palm to spank, without any object at all. teenagers, being old enough to make life changing decisions, and young enough to do it recklessly without thought, are becoming increasingly more difficult to handle with the dwindling treatment options. there was one program in the 60's that allowed the kids to fight it out in a boxing ring instead of with bare fists. now days we shun this outlet so much it becomes repressed into a psycological torment. now carlbrook, without physical harm, found ways to get anger out in those mock-up scream things they did, and they found ways to get teenagers to talk about about their issues by wearing down all their walls in long lasting group therapy. they successfully shook the very foundation of each kid hard enough to open them up. for that i am grateful.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline none-ya.

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Re: What about
« Reply #322 on: April 24, 2012, 07:19:30 PM »
Quote from: "bryankoz"
ill leave one last post. my stay had a very positive effect on my life. but like you already know, that is irrelevant. what you guys are asking for is orthodox treatment for unorthodox kids. you have all managed to find loopholes in the system, such as a meeting goin 5 hours past ten to become sleep dep. and grant coming in on workshops (as if any joe can't teach the win-win scenario in amacitias). im sure you could find more things to build a case if you looked hard enough. just because something is illegal doesnt make it unmoral. likewise, and more importantly, just because something is uncomfortable doesnt make it harmful. the schools treatment of their staff has nothing to do with the students. that will never change. and their pay rate is even more so irrelevant in court. the idea that a school opened up to make money is no shock. what really bums me is that this country has gotten too soft becauses situations like this. while once there was a belt, now in california you can only use an open palm to spank, without any object at all. teenagers, being old enough to make life changing decisions, and young enough to do it recklessly without thought, are becoming increasingly more difficult to handle with the dwindling treatment options. there was one program in the 60's that allowed the kids to fight it out in a boxing ring instead of with bare fists. now days we shun this outlet so much it becomes repressed into a psycological torment. now carlbrook, without physical harm, found ways to get anger out in those mock-up scream things they did, and they found ways to get teenagers to talk about about their issues by wearing down all their walls in long lasting group therapy. they successfully shook the very foundation of each kid hard enough to open them up. for that i am grateful.
You sound like a sexually repressed homosexual. Did your mother molest you? Is your boss banging you on the side to keep your job?

P.S. I second the "learn to spell" What kind of school can't teach you fucking morons the simplest things?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline bryankoz

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Re: What about
« Reply #323 on: April 24, 2012, 11:00:45 PM »
none ya, if you want to second the "learn to spell",  you might also wanna put a period after those parentheses. in the "big boy world" it isn't possible to make a point while contradicting yourself. but im sure you will make a big difference for the world when you show up to court, guns blazing about all the child abuse you have been through, yet having no scars? without any evidence you might actually have to think for yourself in order to build a case.
calling the defense lawyer a homosexual wont work either. good luck to you all. to make a case you have to have some kind of evidence. unfortunatly for you, carlbrook never molested you, beat you, or anything else worthy of a scandal. the only truama you have to stand on is goin to bed at 3 in the morning, not talking to your parents, and sympathy for staff who didnt get paid enough. dude, you guys should make documentary about it! it would be very popular in beverely hills and all of orange county im sure. it might lose interest in the inner city communities though. 14 yo gangbangers shooting the town up takes precedence over a 14 yo who is on "bans" from talking to his friends lol
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Goodlife

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Re: What about
« Reply #324 on: June 05, 2012, 09:43:13 AM »
Carlbrook is founded by graduates of a closed school Cascade because of the way they treated kids. The school operates very much the same as that school did only they make it all look good. To top it off, Grant, one of the founders is drunk all the time. When I left this school I finally got my life back and feel sorry for those who are still there.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Ericac

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Re: What about
« Reply #325 on: August 12, 2012, 10:24:31 PM »
Quote from: "inquirmind"
My son graduated from Carlbrook school after completing their 15 month program.  Skeptical as I am, and frightened as I was to send my child away, I have not a single doubt about the integrity of the school.  It was a hard place to be - no TV, no computer, no drugs, sex, and rock n roll... but the people there were the most compassionate, nurturing people, and the best therapists I've encountered in my career as a parent and as an educator/counselor.  My son maintians close friendships with both students and staff and is now doing very well in college.  

Is there an element of mind contol?  Yeah, I think there is.  The kids are isolated from everything but the school's philosophy.  But the philosophy - having integrity, being a trustworthy friend, working hard, being true to yourself - is worth giving up the freedom to be an alienated teenager who is going down the tubes.  

The answer is, yes there are good schools out there.  But just like I wouldn't send my kids to a preschool I hadn't visited, I went to visit schools in person, talked to staff and kids, and talked to people I trust.

Definitely do not be swayed by slick websites, and my advice is avoid both the big corporate-owned schools and the mom and pop "We'll love him into health with the help of God" groups.  

Like everything else in this world, you have to be savvy and ask the right questions and have a really good idea of what you're looking for.  

Good luck.

Parents don't really know what goes on there.   How is your son today?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline thantastico

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Re: What about
« Reply #326 on: August 13, 2012, 09:46:46 PM »
Here is an interesting project that is shedding light on the issues w/ reformatory schools through film.  Check it out and please pass on the link if it's something that you guys connected with. ... radise-bay

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline breal

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Re: What about
« Reply #327 on: October 15, 2012, 04:22:02 PM »
Report your experience in CAFETY's Survey of Experiences in Residential Treatment:!/CAFET ... 9503932081

POSSIBLE RISKS: For those who have had traumatic experiences while in residential placement, this survey may cause some distress as you recount your experiences. You are not alone. Please contact CAFETY to talk to a peer support volunteer at

Recovery from a Traumatic Event:



The stuff's still going on.  It's got to stop!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Aletta Ocean's Anal

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Re: What about
« Reply #328 on: October 15, 2012, 06:05:54 PM »
« Last Edit: January 10, 2013, 10:03:41 AM by Aletta Ocean's Anal »

Offline Ericac

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Re: What about
« Reply #329 on: October 17, 2012, 10:47:11 AM »
Article 1 of the United Nations Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment defines torture as:
Any act by which severe pain or suffering, whether physical or mental, is intentionally inflicted on a person for such purposes as obtaining from him or a third person, information or a confession, punishing him for an act he or a third person has committed or is suspected of having committed, or intimidating or coercing him or a third person, or for any reason based on discrimination of any kind, when such pain or suffering is inflicted by or at the instigation of or with the consent or acquiescence of a public official or other person acting in an official capacity. It does not include pain or suffering arising only from, inherent in or incidental to lawful sanctions.
Pretty similar..
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »