Author Topic: MONTANA ACADEMY, MONTANA  (Read 13732 times)

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Offline Anonymous

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« on: May 17, 2005, 12:18:00 AM »
We just posted about Monarch Academy, another facility we are considering.

We are also looking for anyone who has a story to tell about Montana Academy and their experiences there, good or bad.

We are thinking about possibly sending our child there and want to be sure it's a good place before we do.

So please, be truly honest in your reply because we are so worried after reading what goes on in these places.

Thank you so much, concerned parent.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2005, 03:38:00 AM »
Copied from the HEAL site:

"Montana Academy is suspected of being an abusive behavior modification program.  They have disabled their online application so we can?t see what they require in terms of signing away legal and civil rights for parents and children.  However, based on their description as of 2/16/04 on their program description under ?emotional? they describe a ?phase system? (aka level system) which echoes those used by WWASPS and Provo Canyon School.  They also talk about group sessions in which the goal is ?psychological development? through revelation.  These words are very abstract and ring as echoes of the descriptions and values of the Resource Realizations/WWASPS model of trauma-based behavior modification.  If you have attended Montana Academy and you were abused or had your rights violated by Montana Academy while in their care, please contact us and we will add your online testimonial to this website as a warning to others."

And here's what they have to say about Monarch:

"Monarch School is suspected of being an abusive behavior modification program.  This is based on the language of the parent/school contract which reads: ?AUTHORIZATION FOR RESTRAINT-I/We hereby give consent and authorize the school personnel to utilize reasonable physical force to restrain, control and detain the above named student for and including, but not limited to, the following purposes: to protect the student, protect property, protect Monarch School personnel or others from physical injury or threat of injury from the student. AUTHORIZATION FOR SEARCH I/We hereby give consent and authorize the school to search the student and the student?s personal effects. The school is hereby authorized to confiscate any and all items deemed by the school to be contraband. ?  It is suspect because if a child is not a threat to themselves or others physical restraint, control, or detainment is wholly unwarranted and violates international and federal human rights laws that apply to children as well as adults.  In fact, prolonged and unwarranted physical restraint, control, or detainment is considered torture under the United Nations definition.  Further evidence taken from their contract that we find suspect is the following: ?.  I/We hereby voluntarily release and discharge Monarch School and its officers, directors, shareholders, employees and agents of any and all claims, demands, actions suits or proceedings which the student or any parent, relative, or next of kin of the student may have for any or all injuries, damages and expenses, including but not limited to all personal injuries and illnesses and all damages to personal and real property caused by, arising out of, or otherwise related to the student?s participation in any activity or program conducted by or on behalf of Monarch School.?  They require parents to sign a permission slip that they may physically harm their child and then require that should they find the conduct to be malicious on the part of Monarch Schools that they agree never to sue even if illegal abuse or violations of human rights are evident.  Don?t send your child to this school!  If you have attended Monarch School and you were abused while in their care, contact us and we will add your testimonial to this website to warn others."


Both of these schools are on the watchlist of The 8th Step.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #2 on: May 28, 2005, 10:47:00 PM »
My daughter is graduating from The Monarch School in Heron MT in 2 weeks. She has been there since December 2003. Sending her to this wonderful school has been the best decision I ever made in my life. The staff and program they have there are great. I knew in visiting the school, that my daughter would be well cared for in a nuturing and loving environment. It has exceeded my expectations. My daughter has been home on visits, and has voluntarily gone back to complete the program. To write that this school is suspected of child abuse based on wording of a document is ridiculous. I too was very fearful of putting my confused, unhappy daughter in a school across the country with "strangers". But I did my homework. I hired a educational consultant, visited the school, had extensive conversations with staff members, and other parents whose children attended the school. Communication with the staff was frequent, and campus visits were allowed every 3 months.I'm sure there are abuses in many situations where children are involved, but The Monarch School does not fall in that category. The staff and program at Monarch gave back to my daughter hopes, dreams, and happiness with herself and her life. That's pretty powerful. I see them as angels, because miracles happen there. As with all things, I'm sure Monarch is not a perfect fit for all kids, but it worked for our daughter and our family.
Good Luck
Joyce Kelly
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Antigen

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« Reply #3 on: May 29, 2005, 02:37:00 AM »
On 2005-05-28 19:47:00, Anonymous wrote:

. But I did my homework. I hired a educational consultant,

Joyce, you paid someone to tell you what you wanted to hear. Now, on top of paying them and turning over your progeny, you're giving them free advertising w/o even first taking a critical assesment of the service.

Joyce, you're an idiot.

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--Arthur C. Clarke, author

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #4 on: May 29, 2005, 12:07:00 PM »


Joyce, you're an idiot.

I agree with this assessment 100%!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #5 on: May 29, 2005, 12:46:00 PM »
Okay, the big thing I noticed, and why I agree that Joyce is an idiot, is that her child is *not* back yet and she's talking about how wonderful this place has been for her child?

Fact is, she *doesn't know that yet.*

She has no idea what is going to happen when her child gets home, she has no idea if her child will even be willing to speak to her in five years, she has no idea whether her child, five years down the road will say, "Mom, you lucked out, it was one of the not-so-bad places," or "Mom--Joyce--you're an idiot and I've been traumatized for life."

If your child is still at the facility, you don't know if your decision was a good one or a bad one.  You just know you got your PITA kid out of your house in a way that lets you escape feeling guilty and feel like you're "helping" instead of paying through the nose to incarcerate your child so he'll be somewhere--anywhere--else.  So *you're* happy about it.  But what it has or hasn't done to or for your child?  Until he's been out five years, the jury is still out.

And that's what makes me call Joyce an idiot.  She thinks that because *she* is happy and her kid is telling her what she wants to hear and the facility is telling her what she wants to hear and is displaying her child (who may be okay or may be a puppet on strings) in a way she wants to see, that her kid is doing wonderfully well.

She found a way to get rid a kid that was driving her nuts and feel like a "good mom" about it and not feel guilty.  Of course she's happy.

I don't know if this place is good or terrible.

Some people, even kids, genuinely need residential treatment.  Some people, even kids, genuinely deserve incarceration and the community needs to be protected from them.

But all those things aside, you never can know if your choice of facility---even if your kid *does* need to be there (and too many that are sent *don't*)---until five years after the kid leaves.

Giving this place rave reviews before she can possibly know one way or the other is what displays that Joyce is an idiot.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #6 on: May 29, 2005, 12:47:00 PM »
Oh, sorry---make that, "...can never know if your choice of facility was good or bad..."

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline spots

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« Reply #7 on: May 30, 2005, 02:03:00 AM »
Joyce, you're an idiot...and it make me so sad.

Our grandaughter spent a year or so in a behavior modification facility in 2003, and I can assure you that Montana Academy fits the profile of ANY BM facility or therapeutic school or residential school or....whatever...

When our kid was sent away by her mother (our daughter), we tried everything in our power to convince the mother that this was a Very Bad Thing.  The mother, however, had reasons in her own life that made getting rid of her daughter and letting others "fix" her a relief and a convenience.  We tried explantations (armed with copious survivors' reports), coercion, nagging, alternatives (living with us), but this mother took the easy road and swallowed the cult doctrine.  

What has come to pass is the quintessential life story of behavior modification survivors.  She now lives with us and goes to high school hundreds of miles from her mother.  She calls home rarely, every 2 or 3 weeks, and has nothing in common to talk about, so those conversations are stilted.  She cannot share the small wonders of a boy flirting with her in class, or the thrill of driving alone the 40 miles to the mall, or the pride of an aced test.  

She hates her mother for abandoning her.  She loves her mother for being her mother, but is drifting away, and will never have the parent relationship every child should have.  She also lost her only sister, who has stayed with her mother.  She has us, her cousins, her aunts and uncles, and a huge circle of teen friends.  But she has lost forever the mother who sent her away to hell in order to get some breathing room while the daughter was growing up.

Joyce, you may think that your daughter is a "changed" person, and she is.  I can guarantee, however, that in the coming years, your actions will turn on you and leave you without the precious gift of your child.  You may not see it this month, or even this year, but eventually, you will discover the irrepairable harm you have wrought.  For that, I am sad for you.

This child will be the one to select your nursing home when you are old.  Are you comfortable with the selection you made for her when she was young?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #8 on: May 30, 2005, 03:05:00 AM »
It's surprising to me to read the responses my posting generated. Do I know what my daughter will be like in 5 years? No, and neither do you.
What I do know, is that my daughter is alive right now, and sees a future for herself unlike some of her old "friends".
Making an assumption that I "put" my daughter in this school to make my life easier seems to fit into your stereotype of the "I don't want to deal with it" parent. You don't know me, or my situation. Along with that I am an "idiot", because I don't buy into the theory that all emotional growth boarding schools are brain washing abuse centers. So it seems that my opinion has no merit, because my daughter has not yet "escaped" the clutches of the Monarch School. Give me a break. Who sounds like the "brainwashed" one now?
It seems that because you have had a bad experience, then all emotional growth boarding schools are bad. If you have had first hand knowledge of abuse/ problems with The Monarch School, then speak up. But please don't paint all schools with the same brush.
Time will tell if I made the right decision. But for right now, I'm happy that my daughter is alive and happy to ponder that.

Joyce Kelly
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline granny19

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« Reply #9 on: May 30, 2005, 11:13:00 AM »
Beautifully said, Spots! You are in the same boat as I am, except of course, that your granddaughter is out and my precious one is still incarcerated. Not a moment goes by that I am not worried sick about her. Of course, I am not allowed to communicate with her in any way, nor is her other gramma, her cousins, aunts uncles or friends. Anyway you look at it, this is not therapy, it's punishment administered by strangers for profit. I think everyone should ask these questions; if these programs are so highly principled and dedicated to helping children, how can they justify such obscene profits? Why is it that they spend million of dollars lobbying against governmental regulation and oversight? Why are the overwhelming majority located in remote areas, in states and other countries with with lax or non-existent child protective laws?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline nightcrawler

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« Reply #10 on: May 30, 2005, 12:23:00 PM »
Get a username and private message me.  You want some info on Monarch?  How about the lack of  accreditation?  I know of one child that ran away from Monarch just recently.  The "school" is a CEDU spinoff, with ex-CEDU staff running it.  They are following the destructive BM model.  Do you want a robot for a child?  
Your wasting your money, you can find better.  Edcon(men) recommend the schools their buddies are currently hiding out at.  Stop doing what Monarch tells you to do and say.  Have you stood up to Monarch yet?  Did they threaten you by implying your child will be worse off if you don't comply?  They will.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline spots

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« Reply #11 on: May 30, 2005, 01:04:00 PM »
On 2005-05-30 00:05:00, Anonymous wrote:

"It's surprising to me to read the responses my posting generated. Do I know what my daughter will be like in 5 years? No, and neither do you.

What I do know, is that my daughter is alive right now, and sees a future for herself unlike some of her old "friends".

All parents on this board can identify with your fear of your daughter *not being alive* if she continued whatever behavior got her "put" [what other word would you use?] into the Montana facility.  Teens do weird scary things as they grow up.  However, have you questioned the process that needed 18 MONTHS, out of the most important maturing years of a young person, to effect a change? That's nearly 600 days of constant, way-more-intense-than-normal control of every moment, including personal hygiene time, daily self-critical "therapy" sessions, and the lack of random "daydreaming" that is necessary to develop a healthy mind.  Throw in all the time away from the rest of the world she will eventually have to live with current economics and war she should understand, one with a continual barrage of advertising she should be taught to interpret, one with random and senseless acts of true love and kindness that even stray kittens thrive on...that she is missing. Your daughter has been removed from Life, and her "attitude" (improper in your eyes) has been the single focus of her world.  

Dear Mom, how would you do existing in a workplace where every single second at your desk was being watched for transgressions against the Code of Behavior, often transgressions made up as you go along, and administered by dumb yockels who somehow have been placed above you in the chain of command?  You would probably retreat into the safety of quiet obedience after a year and a half of this anxiety and terror. We're presuming here that you wouldn't have your lunch removed or your bathroom break disallowed if you forgot to respond to your hourly requirement of praising the rightness of your workplace environment. We're also presuming that you get to go home at day's end and vent your frustration on your family or the dog or the weeds in your garden.  There is no such relief for your daughter, who is still held captive and incommunicado.  


Making an assumption that I "put" my daughter in this school to make my life easier seems to fit into your stereotype of the "I don't want to deal with it" parent. You don't know me, or my situation.

Because I personally have dealt with a life twisted by such an institution (and ALL BM facilities are the same, your "Academy" being fairly notorious and blatant enough to make it to the List of Red Flags), I can predict your future with more than an educated guess.  I don't know you, true, but I know literally hundreds of parents and survivors like you, and the results are dismally similar.  

Joyce, this post on Fornits is not for you.  You are a lost cause, smugly confident in the rightness of your born-again-Christian type attitude.  I wonder why you are here, reading all this "negative" blather and fearful of your choice for your daughter being "painted with the same brush" as all the other facilities.  We're not talking about Harry Potter's "school" here.  We're talking about a sinister private prison where one can only hope to work off one's sentence and eventually be released back into The Outside.  That freedom is hard for a teen to deal with, and [from experience] I can say that it will take about half as long for the "conditioning" to wear off as it took for it to be imprinted in the first place.

This post is for the others out there, who think there is an answer for their troubles in hiring an organization of greedy uneducated captors for a whole lot of money.  Like fine wine, if it's very expensive, it must be good...right?  It's not, and my point in participating in this forum 21 months after my child was released is to remove that option from other parents considering incarcerating their children.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #12 on: June 01, 2005, 01:24:00 PM »
Hello Nightcrawler, Im interested in your experience with the Monarch Academy, did you say your child was in the school? I will further research the CEDU, BM model (behavior modification?) and Edcon(men) references but would appreciate ANY information about the previous anacronyms. Furthermore, your own experience would be beyond valuable, and in fact may help others in suffering from compounding trauma upon the traumas of a troubled adolescence. Many thanks in advance.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #13 on: June 01, 2005, 03:34:00 PM »
Hi Joyce,

You are no idiot, these people just don't understand or have never been to any of these facilities.  They think they know but have no idea, so keep thinking and doing what you are doing,  your daughter is graduating let these idiots keep talking!!!!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline spots

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« Reply #14 on: June 01, 2005, 09:30:00 PM »
On 2005-06-01 12:34:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Hi Joyce,

You are no idiot, these people just don't understand or have never been to any of these facilities.  They think they know but have no idea, so keep thinking and doing what you are doing,  your daughter is graduating let these idiots keep talking!!!!"

Uh....WRONG.  Been There, Done That, Understand "These Facilities" very well.  Have a child who was there.  Struggled for a year on bringing sunshine into our child's daily life.  Failed.  Tried everything to get her out.  Failed.  Tried to get the facility shut down.  Succeeded.  

Dare I say, I know more about "these facilites" than you, Dear Anonymous. Could it be that, JUST MAYBE, you also have a child incarcerated, who you are hoping will not hate you in your later life?  

Your advice to Joyce to "keep thinking"?  If only she had thought at the beginning.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »