Author Topic: My friends can't relate, so this forum is cool  (Read 6143 times)

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Offline Anonymous

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My friends can't relate, so this forum is cool
« on: May 11, 2005, 11:30:00 PM »
It used to be cool venting how bad I had it at BCA. But now I don't even want to go into it. No one understands how it was, they just can't relate. The only people who really know how it feels to be escorted in the middle of the night to some bootcamp then put in a prison style boarding school are people who live it. So yah I don't believe anyone should have any opinnion on the schools unless they went to them. Not all BCA was bad, some of the staff was cool. But in the end they were all "prison guards", and I can't blame them. It's a bullshit job where you go and boss around/ play with kids with high pay. If I was in the staffs position I wouldnt risk my job. So you just couldnt have a relationship with them in my mind. Which is why I went my whole stay without ever saying more then 5 words to a handful of staff. Which is a pretty big feat considering I was there a year. This also helped keep me under the radar a lot. I did so much bad stuff, but no one ever suspected me. I not only started the bca gangs, but I could of been screwed so many other times. Tyler Love dipped on my bed, I punched more then a couple kids in the head. I was totally aware of Michas plan, but no one ever suspected anything from me. So I had it pretty easy when I think about it, other then i always had to watch my back. It's funny how staff played favorites so much, sometimes not even being aware of it. In reality they could do whatever they wanted to do to us, and we would just have to take it. I hate it when people say how we "Lived through it", well we either did the work, or we went to hardcore lockdown. And doing the work was pretty basic, here were the 3 steps to being successful.

1. Don't do anything... at all
2. Talk in raps
3. Don't let staff know who your friends were

This 3rd one helped me a lot. All the time my friends would be put on bans from eachother for being negative and as punishments, but I never was, because they simply didn't know I was friends with them. It's kind of like "going out" at BCA. The second you say your going out you will be on bans. Just say your friends and go into vals room, not talk to staff as if they are on the same level as you. Staff was always taking notes on you, and to trust them would be a horrible mistake.

Everyone always said that i never should of been sent away, and looking back I never should have, but I wouldn't take it back. I met some really cool people, who a lot I will never talk to again, but thats cool.

Also people stop whining about how horrible BCA was. I can't speak for people from a long time ago, but I know lately it could have been a lot worse. I know they took away all our freedom, but in the end we just wanted what we couldn't have. I used to see coming home as the solution to everything. But theres more problems here then there was there. Sure, I still have good friends, but like I said earlier, they just don't understand. Plus, I have so many inside jokes that no one understands. I know you guys must relate with this one. Well whatever, I'll post back here some other time.

The Ab3
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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My friends can't relate, so this forum is cool
« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2005, 12:45:00 PM »
BCA GANGS!!! Jesus people!  You guys really tried to get that going over there at good ol' BCA huh?  Hilarious!  How could you guys have it hard?? They completely shortened the program (while people like me were there for 3 years).  I can understand the negativity though.  I saw that coming by my graduation.  By that time, BCA did a GREAT dis-service to all of you that came after 2000 really.  The staff that cared, understood and was there to help, all got fired or left.  But when I read what you guys would do to break the rules, it just makes me laugh.  Have you ever seen the entire school in jumpsuits?!  That was some crazy shit to see that.  Anyway.  I think BCA gave me the best friendships I'll ever have, but also some of the worst heartbreaks.  It hurts to think that you were "best friends" with people while in the school, but as soon as you touch down to real world, you never hear from them again!  :cry:

ABE, I don't know who you are, or even when you got to BCA, but I hope that things are positive for you in this point of time.  God Bless, and Take Care!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Oppositional Defiance

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My friends can't relate, so this forum is cool
« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2005, 11:37:00 PM »
I'm really glad that you were able to make it through the way that you did. You must be like 1 out of 100, though. I wish I could have had that insight while I was there. For you, you have the right to say it wasn't as bad for you as it was for other kids. However, speaking from experience, it was bad for me would be an understatement. They psychologically murdered me when I was 14. I hope you can see and understand.

On 2005-05-11 20:30:00, Anonymous wrote:

"It used to be cool venting how bad I had it at BCA. But now I don't even want to go into it. No one understands how it was, they just can't relate. The only people who really know how it feels to be escorted in the middle of the night to some bootcamp then put in a prison style boarding school are people who live it. So yah I don't believe anyone should have any opinnion on the schools unless they went to them. Not all BCA was bad, some of the staff was cool. But in the end they were all "prison guards", and I can't blame them. It's a bullshit job where you go and boss around/ play with kids with high pay. If I was in the staffs position I wouldnt risk my job. So you just couldnt have a relationship with them in my mind. Which is why I went my whole stay without ever saying more then 5 words to a handful of staff. Which is a pretty big feat considering I was there a year. This also helped keep me under the radar a lot. I did so much bad stuff, but no one ever suspected me. I not only started the bca gangs, but I could of been screwed so many other times. Tyler Love dipped on my bed, I punched more then a couple kids in the head. I was totally aware of Michas plan, but no one ever suspected anything from me. So I had it pretty easy when I think about it, other then i always had to watch my back. It's funny how staff played favorites so much, sometimes not even being aware of it. In reality they could do whatever they wanted to do to us, and we would just have to take it. I hate it when people say how we "Lived through it", well we either did the work, or we went to hardcore lockdown. And doing the work was pretty basic, here were the 3 steps to being successful.

1. Don't do anything... at all

2. Talk in raps

3. Don't let staff know who your friends were

This 3rd one helped me a lot. All the time my friends would be put on bans from eachother for being negative and as punishments, but I never was, because they simply didn't know I was friends with them. It's kind of like "going out" at BCA. The second you say your going out you will be on bans. Just say your friends and go into vals room, not talk to staff as if they are on the same level as you. Staff was always taking notes on you, and to trust them would be a horrible mistake.

Everyone always said that i never should of been sent away, and looking back I never should have, but I wouldn't take it back. I met some really cool people, who a lot I will never talk to again, but thats cool.

Also people stop whining about how horrible BCA was. I can't speak for people from a long time ago, but I know lately it could have been a lot worse. I know they took away all our freedom, but in the end we just wanted what we couldn't have. I used to see coming home as the solution to everything. But theres more problems here then there was there. Sure, I still have good friends, but like I said earlier, they just don't understand. Plus, I have so many inside jokes that no one understands. I know you guys must relate with this one. Well whatever, I'll post back here some other time.

The Ab3"
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
ppositional Defiance,
Black Francis the 2nd
Email- [email protected]
Phone- 727-743-1914

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.
Love is the law, love under will.

Offline Anonymous

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My friends can't relate, so this forum is cool
« Reply #3 on: May 14, 2005, 03:27:00 AM »
Well I was only 14 as well, but regardless it wasn't bad in the way that I never was on a full time or restriction. But the thing is that I worked my ASS off to keep it that way. I had to work every fucking angle I possibly could. I had to fucking manipulate and brainwash the kids who had shit on me. Keeping all my dirt under wraps was extremely difficult, beacuse any given day I could be fucked, and staff wanted so badly to punish me. I had given them no reason to believe I should be there for a whole year. Hell, a good amount of them never carred on a conversation with me. There was only one staff I trusted at BCA. That was Bob Racer, he worked with RMA but came to BCA in May of 2004. He was the greatest, we would be watching south park in the lower aud (risking our asses doing so, it was usually only 1 or 2 trusted people) and Bob would come in and watch it with us. But anyway, staff were looking for anything to pin on me, because they "encourage" full times. So basically it wasn't as easy as you would think it would be. And it ALL BEGINS with a good beginning. I was the perfect new kid.. following these simple rules.

1. When you first arrive you are a GUEST in the dorm. You are entitled to nothing but your bed. If someone who is older then you (a phase up atleast) wants to use the shower your in, you get it. You realize that they have suffered for so much longer then you, and you don't deserve it as much as them.
2.Never expect older students to "hook you up" with food, but be extremely grateful if they do.

3. Never argue, and never give anyone in the dorm attitude. Until you prove yourself just bide your time.

4. The only time it is right for you to speak up is if they are doing something that really goes against your boundarys, in the long run it is better to stand up for yourself then turn into a bitch.

5. NEVER SAY YOU DESERVE SOMETHING. This is the biggest mistake when a new kid wants to have a bottom bunk. It takes a lot of nerve for them to think they have earned it.

6. Never bitch about ANYTHING. Everyone else had to go through it, and you bitching makes them feel like you think you are better then it.

7. Never hog food at the dining hall. Take little amounts, since you do not deserve to have more then one cinnamon roll for example.

8. Don't be a social retard (self-explanatory)

9. Don't get really close to staff, it will make kids not trust you.

10. Do not NARC on any circumstance... ever. It is not your place, doing so will result in permanent damage to your reputation.

11. Do not talk about moving up to quest, and how you deserve it after 2 weeks.

12. Do your dorm job, extremely well! Remember, if you follow all of the rules above, they will cut you some slack here.

13. Never bitch about your dormjob, everyone had to do bathroom floors at one point.

14. DO NOT HAVE YOUR LIGHT ON AFTER LIGHTS OUT. You have not earned the privelege to be able to risk the whole dorm, keeping your light on and refusing to turn it off= entitled.

15. To sum it all up, you are a guest in the dorm, you are not entitled to more then your share of food, and basically yah you are a guest on the campus, you deserve nothing.

Not all these rules are fair, but thats what you HAD to do to be a good new kid. I did all of that, and it sucked for awhile, but then everyone liked me and within a couple of months I begin to gain power.

People will be looking on reasons to not like new kids, because for one they are pissed that they have been there for a long time, and this fuck is coming in spending the last year or whatever at home. So you are already on thin ice. One slip up and you could put yourself in a very bad position. These people normally run to staffs side and become hated even more.

Life at BCA is more then it first appears...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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My friends can't relate, so this forum is cool
« Reply #4 on: May 15, 2005, 12:31:00 AM »
did u say that abe?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #5 on: May 16, 2005, 06:15:00 PM »
LMAO!  You guys need to set rules just to get through that place?!  Jesus! Were you folks THAT spoiled before you went in?!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »