Author Topic: Paging Chi3 or anyone w/ infor carolina springs  (Read 10596 times)

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Offline ButterflyEP

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Paging Chi3 or anyone w/ infor carolina springs
« Reply #15 on: June 11, 2005, 02:17:00 PM »
I understand that you have researched many things but during my 15 months i never saw a staff member physically abuse a student in any way... i just get frustrated thinking that if you continue to say all this with out making a suprise visit to this place and then try to understand why the rules that were placed there are there... you could possibly put innocent people... people that love me and i love out of a job and end with a bad reputation... i ask you to realize that a lot of students come out of there bitter because they refused and were not given any special priveledges that were earned with the levels they did not want... i have seen a few students come in and not want to leave because it was like a safe haven to them because their parents were abusive to them... im asking you to go to CSA and when you talk to the female staff you tell them your opinions trust me they will be open to it and they will help you in any way shape or form... most of the students are honest, you will get those few that will either tell you its the best place ever of its the worst place dont just judge by what you hear go see for yourself... (csa taught me to be understanding and to not let other people get under my skin and to not take things personally even if thats how it was meant :smile: so look at that too) thanks for being honest with me... im still open for an email too!!!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
eople who have nothing to hide, hide nothing!!! Shoot for the moon cause if you miss you\'ll land among the stars!!!

Offline Anonymous

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Paging Chi3 or anyone w/ infor carolina springs
« Reply #16 on: June 11, 2005, 02:40:00 PM »
On 2005-06-11 11:17:00, ButterflyEP wrote:

"I understand that you have researched many things but during my 15 months i never saw a staff member physically abuse a student in any way... i just get frustrated thinking that if you continue to say all this with out making a suprise visit to this place and then try to understand why the rules that were placed there are there... you could possibly put innocent people... people that love me and i love out of a job and end with a bad reputation... i ask you to realize that a lot of students come out of there bitter because they refused and were not given any special priveledges that were earned with the levels they did not want... i have seen a few students come in and not want to leave because it was like a safe haven to them because their parents were abusive to them... im asking you to go to CSA and when you talk to the female staff you tell them your opinions trust me they will be open to it and they will help you in any way shape or form... most of the students are honest, you will get those few that will either tell you its the best place ever of its the worst place dont just judge by what you hear go see for yourself... (csa taught me to be understanding and to not let other people get under my skin and to not take things personally even if thats how it was meant :smile: so look at that too) thanks for being honest with me... im still open for an email too!!!"

I would very much like to put the staff of CSA out of work. As well as the staff of TB, SCL, CCM, AIR, and all the other "schools".

I have a copy of the parents' manual, and I have read statesments made by former "students", so I  understand what "privileges" go along with each level. And I understand why the rules are as they are in the program. The rule forbidding lower level students from speaking with any other lower level student, for example, is to prevent the child from creating any kind of support network from themselve,s to prevent them from making friends, to make them feel lonely and isolated. The rule that states that Level 1 students must ask permission to speak, cross a threshold, or stand up, is designed to break the child's spirit and force dependence on the staff and the program.

I won't be making a visit to CSA anytime soon-- first, because I don't live in the US at the moment, and second, because I don't believe the staff will be honest with me. WWASP is *never* honest with anyone from the outside. They put on their best show, choose some upper level students to tell you how wonderful the program is, and hope you'll buy into it.

As for children who consider CSA a safe haven because their families were abusive... God help these children. A family that managed to be more abusive than a WWASP facility must have been hell.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Paging Chi3 or anyone w/ infor carolina springs
« Reply #17 on: June 11, 2005, 04:41:00 PM »
On 2005-06-11 11:40:00, Anonymous wrote:

As for children who consider CSA a safe haven because their families were abusive... God help these children. A family that managed to be more abusive than a WWASP facility must have been hell. "

I would like to be a fly on the wall at the parent/child seminars:

"This is what you have to do if you want to come home."

"Well, actually, I would prefer to stay here."
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline ButterflyEP

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Paging Chi3 or anyone w/ infor carolina springs
« Reply #18 on: June 12, 2005, 09:24:00 PM »
with lower level not being able to talk to each other without and level 3 or up listening is so that those students WILL NOT make plans to run away and i hated it when girls thought that they could get away from there because we went on lock down... which is to prevent other kids from running while we wait for the other ones to get away... asking to sit and stand is due to the fact that we have to realize that things are not got to be just handed to us we actually have to earn it and i did earn it because that rule is only in place for the level ones and two again for the running away... and in my opinion you continue to make assumption and not knowing the truth with out having an openmind about things... i also invited a few friends from CSA to come to this site and chat with you that way you have more then just one opinion .... they are very eager to be apart of our chats because they too do not understand where you have gotten this idea of abuse in the school and most of the time the staff members are very honest if you call ask for mrs. teresa or Mrs. Lynn they are the ones that will be most honest and i dont think its fair for you to put such hatred toward people that you have absolutely no proof to have done anything...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
eople who have nothing to hide, hide nothing!!! Shoot for the moon cause if you miss you\'ll land among the stars!!!

Offline Anonymous

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Paging Chi3 or anyone w/ infor carolina springs
« Reply #19 on: June 13, 2005, 02:14:00 AM »
On 2005-06-12 18:24:00, ButterflyEP wrote:

"with lower level not being able to talk to each other without and level 3 or up listening is so that those students WILL NOT make plans to run away and i hated it when girls thought that they could get away from there because we went on lock down...

Teens socialize. That's normal and healthy. Not allowing them even to have a simple conversation with each other (and we're not talking about a 10-minute restiction-- this is a permanent rule, it's like that all the time) is cruel, and it serves to do nothing but increase the child's feelings of loneliness and prevent them from developing a support network within the facility.

asking to sit and stand is due to the fact that we have to realize that things are not got to be just handed to us we actually have to earn it and i did earn it because that rule is only in place for the level ones and two again for the running away...

Having to ask whether you can sit, stand, or talk, is a permanent rule-- it's not a temporary restriction. "Learn that things were not handed to us"? Do you realize how insane that is? the right of being able to stand up, sit, or speak without asking for permission beforehand has nothing to do with things being "handed to you". Freedom of movement is a RIGHT, not a privilege to be earned. This rule has ZERO therapeutic value, and it serves only to drive home the point that the staff is in control, that you are so powerless and helpless and dependent on them that you will even have to ask them permission for the most basic actions (e.i., sitting, standing, moving).

No child should be subjected to this.

and in my opinion you continue to make assumption and not knowing the truth with out having an openmind about things... i also invited a few friends from CSA to come to this site and chat with you that way you have more then just one opinion ....

Please, don't make assumptions about me. I am very openminded. As I said, during my research of WWASP, I got feedback from both sides of the aisle. The "WWASP is a helpful, life saving program" side seemed to have absolutely nothing to back up their claims. Not only that, but I also found out why they seem to think that their lives were saved. Lifespring seminars, intense psychological pressure, and Synanon-style groups were used in the coercive persuasion process to convince them the program is beneficial.

they are very eager to be apart of our chats because they too do not understand where you have gotten this idea of abuse in the school and most of the time the staff members are very honest if you call ask for mrs. teresa or Mrs. Lynn they are the ones that will be most honest and i dont think its fair for you to put such hatred toward people that you have absolutely no proof to have done anything..."

The program itself is abusive. The physical abuse that's prevalent in WWASP programs is a tool to break the kid down (remember the screams coming from the OP building?), and get them to succumb to the program.

This is what a CSA survivor has to say about his experience (copied from the NYRA forum):

"I ended up spending a total of 20 months in WWASP Programs. 14 months in Carolina Springs Academy, and another 6 months in Dundee Ranch in Costa Rica. During this time, I had the chance to meet teenagers from other programs, and hear accounts from places such as Tranquility Bay, High Impact, and Casa by the Sea. I was 15 when I first woke up in the middle of the night to be escorted to Carolina Springs. It was a retired cop that told me I was going with him whether he like it or not, and I was going to a "boarding school". I remember being thrown on the bed and handcuffed behind my back when I told the man to leave my room. I was put in a van and driven there, handcuffed the entire way. This was not a boarding school. First thing I saw when I got out of the vehicle was a kid named "Sam" who was being carried sideways (like a suitcase) out to "Observational Placement". They took my shoe strings immediately, because I could run, or kill myself, according to them. Soon after, I was issued a standard green uniform, (sweat pants and tshirt). My shoes were taken away completely and I was given sandals because it was harder to run away with them. I can recall so many instances of people trying to kill themselves there that it was unbelievable. We received "corrections" if during our "reading time" we were caught looking away from the page of our book, even for a glance. It was considered "off task". At no point in time during the day were you allowed to speak, unless given permission by a staff, after raising your hand. If you saw something funny, god forbid you laugh. That was considered "breaking silence". You had to watch these corny emotional growth videos that were so corny/boring it was ridiculous, and if you looked away from the screen, you received a correction for being "off task". New rules were made up every day it seemed. You had to line up and march everywhere you went, and if you didn't look directly at the back of the persons head in front of you, you were "off task". If you received a category 2 violation (such as speaking without permission, or laughing out loud, etc....) you went to worksheets, where you had to write a 3,000 word essay in 2 1/2 hours for every category 2 violation and higher. If you didn't finish in 2 1/2 hours, your work ripped up and you started over. Voicing opinions was "highly encouraged" in our once a day group sessions, according to the familiy representatives. Of course, that's only if your opinion was something they liked. If they didn't, you could very easily be sent to observation placement. It was like "Do what we want, when we want, think how we want, and we're not going to take your shit, child". The program also claimed to be non-religious, but that was bullshit. I saw people not make levels for no apparent reason, except the fact that they weren't Christian. So not only do you have to think the way they want socially, but also religiously. Otherwise, they can't do direct harm to you (for not being Christian), but they can make you stay there until they can influence you. Religious fanaticism ran deep in the program, almost every single staff member they hired were religious extremists. I couldn't believe this. When you talked back to a staff member, you were beaten. They called it restraining, but I vividly remember coming out of observational placement after having joints twisted, knees stuck into my back, and rug burns all over my face from them thrusting my face into the carpet. It was supposed to get better after you made a higher level, but that's when it got worse. They use the fact that you want to leave and can't afford not to against you. They make it near impossible for you to accomplish this the higher up you get, and put on so much stress you want to kill yourself more at level 5 than you did at level 1. The program uses a unique scare tactic to force the children into policing each other up. If you see someone doing something, and you don't tell on them immediately, you end up with their same punishment when they are caught. You're taught that since you smoked a cigarette, you were on your way to dying. Also, weird ass rules, like you couldn't get caught looking at a girl, or it was a category two violation. Just weird shit. It was complete brain washing. Then there were seminars. You were treated like dogs. Yelled at if the "facilitator" of the seminar didn't think you were "being real". Carolina Springs was pure hell. I left there at level 5 to transfer to Dundee Ranch. That was one of the best times of my life. Probably because if you were above level four they didn't watch you, and the staff were new, and weren't brainwashed yet. Not to mention I was 17 and having a secret affair with one of the costan rican staff members, that was pretty cool. But most of the staff soon got fired because they voiced their opinions that some of the programs ideologies were bullshit. They fired my girlfriend because she told the girls that she felt there was nothing wrong with having sex as long as it was a monogonous relationship, and it didn't necessarily have to be marriage. I thought the whole ideology of the program was fascist. Anyways, now I'm rambling. I have a lot more horror stories, etc.... but too much to recall at one point without rambling."

The evidence are everywhere. All you have to do is open your eyes, and look.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline leleNtom

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Paging Chi3 or anyone w/ infor carolina springs
« Reply #20 on: June 13, 2005, 12:43:00 PM »
Whoever wrote this is article or whatever... dude you have NOOOOOOOOOOO idea what in the hell your talking about. Spend some time in that school and you'll know why we talk  so highly. of course kids are gonna say they hated it... they didnt get to see their friends or parents. duh!!! but did you ever think that instead of sitting around doing crack and what ever else some of the kids were doing before they entered csa, that these teens actually want to make something of there lives unlike some people who sit around making false accusations about things they dont even know about. I WOULD KNOW since I graduated from there and can tell you first handedly what went on, from a HONEST standpoint.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline leleNtom

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Paging Chi3 or anyone w/ infor carolina springs
« Reply #21 on: June 13, 2005, 12:46:00 PM »
How old are you?? and why do you care so much about placing these things on the internet.... which by the way parents of struggling teens do see these, and that prevents them from trying to assist their kids in finding a suitable school to put them in so they dont do any harm to themselves or other.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline leleNtom

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Paging Chi3 or anyone w/ infor carolina springs
« Reply #22 on: June 13, 2005, 01:04:00 PM »
what a load os crap.... i just graduated and i dont understand why you people make such retarted  false accusations agains a school you have never been to. no one died at my school, was beaten, or threatened. i was there 31 months because of my own choices not the schools and im one of the most honest, realest, not brainwashed kids i know, and i'd be the first to tell you the honest truth about it
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Paging Chi3 or anyone w/ infor carolina springs
« Reply #23 on: June 13, 2005, 01:47:00 PM »
On 2005-06-13 10:04:00, luvlife128 wrote:

"i was there 31 months because of my own choices not the schools and im one of the most honest, realest, not brainwashed kids i know, and i'd be the first to tell you the honest truth about it"

this has to be one of the funniest statements made in a long time. welcome back to reality graduate. take some time to soak it all in, 31 months is a LONG time...  :wstupid:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Paging Chi3 or anyone w/ infor carolina springs
« Reply #25 on: June 13, 2005, 02:46:00 PM »
On 2005-06-13 10:04:00, luvlife128 wrote:

"what a load os crap.... i just graduated and i dont understand why you people make such retarted  false accusations agains a school you have never been to. no one died at my school, was beaten, or threatened. i was there 31 months because of my own choices not the schools and im one of the most honest, realest, not brainwashed kids i know, and i'd be the first to tell you the honest truth about it"

What a load of bullshit. You are totally, completely, brainwashed. You defend the WWASP cult as if it's your family or something.

CSA is just as abusive as all the other gulags. Parents beware.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Paging Chi3 or anyone w/ infor carolina springs
« Reply #26 on: June 13, 2005, 03:02:00 PM »
I do intend to soak up reality... and no im not brainwashed...i never said i enjoyed my stay at csa. i just said it helped my realize what stupid stuff i was doing. if thats brainwashed,,, then i dont know what you would consider todays generation of kids
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Paging Chi3 or anyone w/ infor carolina springs
« Reply #27 on: June 13, 2005, 03:52:00 PM »
this has to be one of the funniest statements made in a long time. welcome back to reality graduate. take some time to soak it all in, 31 months is a LONG time...  :wstupid: "

 hell yeah its along time.... reality is people know the truth of these school if the've been in there. im not fitting to spend good time " soaking in reality" tryin to defend something I know and you all know isnt ever going to be solved.. so you peoples can think what you want... I on the other hand am going to be  out having fun with my life and not reading messages and writing them to try to get people to listen to a topic that aint even worth developing in the start. why i checked this out and posted some. a friend of mine asked me to... so i did, but its waiste of time. dont bother responding back to this i wont be reading it so you;d be writing for nothing. later
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Paging Chi3 or anyone w/ infor carolina springs
« Reply #28 on: June 13, 2005, 04:17:00 PM »
Hey, this is Anon's friend. She emailed me and told me to come here.. . CSA sucks..
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Paging Chi3 or anyone w/ infor carolina springs
« Reply #29 on: June 13, 2005, 04:53:00 PM »
I will totally defend luvlife 128, i was there with her and i graduated in 24 months. No one died, or was abused, or beaten, or brainwashed. I was taught how to live my life without being a retarded and unsuccessful LOSER. Whoever u are you are the one full of bullshit, and luvlife 128 is one of the realest people that i know. You need to grow up and get past ur illusions that people will listen to ur lies. I dont like that place, but I love the people there and it saved my life.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »