I'd like to add some additional requirements for those "professionals" that do the evaluations. They should not be associated with the industry at all. These Doctors and counselors have the programs best interest in mind, not the childs. They should also spend more than 4 hours doing the evaluation. Getting a second opinion would also be in the best interest of everyone involved. This alone would prevent a number of kids from ever being sent to these places. Once in a school, the original Doctor should be allowed to visit and continue with the evaluation.
My biggest challenge to getting custody of my grandniece was the 4 hour evaluation done by an on staff doctor who came to the conclusion she had RAD. The doctor spent a 1/2 hour talking to a highly intelligent 15 year old, and 3 1/2 hours with placement testing, etc. She doesn't have RAD, but I couldn't convince the court otherwise. This Doctor also slammed me by saying I shouldn't have custody of this child. He never met me, so how could he come to that conclusion without some heavily biased information provided by the parents and school? Professional or a Quack in the schools pocket???
Of course my preference is not sending anyone to these hell holes in the first place.